Supplemental Information - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Supplemental Information


Supplemental Information Cable Ferry Route 21. Topics Approval Process & Timelines Engineering Parameters Cable Design Criteria Vessel Design Crew Size ~ Minimum ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Supplemental Information

Supplemental Information
  • Cable Ferry Route 21.

  • Approval Process Timelines
  • Engineering Parameters
  • Cable Design Criteria
  • Vessel Design
  • Crew Size Minimum Safe Manning
  • Marine Traffic (Baynes Sound)
  • Cable Ferry Statistics
  • Examples of Large Cable Ferries
  • Home Porting Emergency Support
  • Business Case Financials
  • Independent Review

Approval Process Timelines
Key Events
CEAA/NWPA/ILMB Approvals Aug Nov 2011
Employee/Public Information Sessions Sept Dec 2011
ASP Process Nov 2011 May 2012
Design Tendering Dec 2011 Nov 2012
Project Review/Approval (SEMC/Board) June Sept 2012
Section 55 Application July - Aug 2012
Decision to Proceed Sept 2012
Construction (Vessel Berths) Dec 2012 Dec 2013
Set-to-Work, Test/Trials Training Jan 2014 Mar 2014
Cable Ferry In-Service Apr 2014

Engineering Parameters
  • Wind Data
  • Based on 2008 data from Chrome Island
    correlated with Historical Data from Ballenas
    (1994-2008), wind speed/direction/duration
  • Use of Chrome Island site will be conservative
    for Baynes Sound based on observed 2008/09 data
  • From Report BCF-012 (Oceanic Consulting/Triton
    Consulting Ltd.)

Chrome Island Wind Data
Where Annual value seen once per year 50
Year 50 Year Return, value seen once every 50
Engineering Parameters
  • Wave Data
  • Based on data collected in Baynes Sound by Wave
  • Data on Wave Height, Period (frequency), and
    direction collected from 18 November 2008 to 12
    March 2009 see time data plots from Report
  • Extrapolated to Extreme Values, correlated with
    measured data due to long measurement period (4
  • Wave heights limited to short fetch in channel,
    no significant swell, wave periods short (lt 6
  • Also current due to tide noted as 1 knot

Engineering Parameters
  • Environmental Design Criteria
  • Based on the data collected in 2008-2009
    extrapolated to extreme values

Parameter Notes
Avg. Sig. Wave Height 0.1m - 0.6 m Moderate wave climate
Avg. Sig. Wave Period 2.0-3.0 s Short waves, no fetch, important for roll response
Max. Wave Height 1.24 m Acceptable for cable ferry service, use to define freeboard requirements
Operating Wind Speed 42.0 knots (sustained) 55.0 knots (30s Gust) Use for standard operating performance with substantial safety margins
Design Extreme Wind Speed 50.0 knots (sustained) 65.0 knots (30s Gust) Extreme design conditions get home
Environmental Conditions Protected waters with wind and cross currents Protected waters with wind and cross currents
  • Cable Design Drive and Guide Cables to be
    identical, designed to
  • Operating Wind Speed for standard operations
    sized with appropriate safety margins for
    fatigue and maintenance procedures
  • Design Extreme Wind Speed ensure that strength
    is not exceed with reduced safety margins also
    design of the cable braking system.
  • Engine Specification One (1) primary and one
    (1) stand-by prime mover driving the cable
  • The transit speed in Operating (normal)
    conditions can be achieved with one prime mover.
  • For extreme conditions, two engine operations are
    permitted and expected.

Engineering Parameters
Description/Factors Mitigation/Mitigating Factors
Operating Conditions Dominated by broadside winds sea conditions comprise short high frequency waves, no significant swell Typical of cable ferry operations
Ferry Response The key motion parameters are roll, pitch, and heave. Other motions are constrained by the cable system. Ferry Response The key motion parameters are roll, pitch, and heave. Other motions are constrained by the cable system.
Roll Response can cause slips or falls and can contribute to sea sickness. (a) Ferry parameters and/or stability characteristics can ensure the natural roll period of the vessel is away from the most probable wave periods (in this case 2-3 seconds). (b) Foils or skegs may mitigate roll.
Pitching Response ferry could scoop a large wave onto the deck. can cause slips or falls and can contribute to sea sickness. (a) Waves generally on the beam, pitching unlikely. (b) Ferry hull much longer than prevailing wave lengths. (c) 3 cable system provides pitch restraint at both ends.
(3) Heave Response impact passenger comfort and may limit the capability of the ferry to dock. (a) Higher displacement vessels require more energy to generate a heave response (b) 3 cable system provides physical contact to the dock and constraint at both ends of the ferry
Spray Exposure Waves striking the ferry may generate spray that could carry up in the wind on to the car deck. Cable Ferries do not generally have a rub strake that can act as a spray interceptor. The bulwarks on the ferry can be raised to ensure spray is kept clear of the decks, but there is a trade-off with windage.
Cable Design Criteria
CABLE LENGTH ISSUES Note Actual Length 1900m
(pier to pier)
Description/Factors Mitigation/Mitigating Factors
Normal Operation Cable - 1900m from dock to dock water depths vary from 20-60m generally sandy bottom cable pretensioned. Length has no effect cable is lifted and dropped by segment as a function of water depth (No different than any other cable ferry operation).
High Winds If wind load on ferry exceeds the pretension force weight of cable, the ferry will move off centre, leading to the following risks High Winds If wind load on ferry exceeds the pretension force weight of cable, the ferry will move off centre, leading to the following risks
(1) Cable scour on bottom, wear on cable where cable contacts with bottom Channel bottom sandy, with negligible sea life (CEAA) Design margins on cable, material selection to account for wear 3 cable system provides redundancy
(2) Higher loading on cable Design margins on cable, material selection to account for wind loads, 1 in 50 year event 3 cable system provides redundancy Ferry to be designed to manage cable from oblique angles with sufficient power margins
Cable Length
Vessel Design
Description/Factors Mitigation/Mitigating Factors
Larger size/increased displacement relative to comparable Cable Ferry designs (e.g. Needles Ferry) leading to Larger size/increased displacement relative to comparable Cable Ferry designs (e.g. Needles Ferry) leading to
(1) Increased mass (displacement) entrained water to accelerate and decelerate increased load on cable system and machinery (Note that increased mass reduces heave response) (a) Avoid exceeding current design practice by any significant margin (b) Optimize hull/structure to minimize weight, reduce drag (location of machinery) (c) Invest in design process (model tests, computer simulations)
(2) Increased windage, resulting in more lateral load on the cable system increased load on cable system and machinery (a) Avoid exceeding current design practice by any significant margin (b) Invest in design process (wind tunnel tests, computer simulations)
(3) Increased fuel consumption resulting from factors (1) and (2), leading to higher emissions (a) Avoid exceeding current design practice by any significant margin (b) Evaluate power transmission systems for maximum efficiency (c) Use of LNG
(4) Increased size increases demand on crew during loading and emergency duties (a) Conduct risk assessments to define critical duties and resultant crew profile (b) Develop/modify vessel arrangement to accommodate crew profile (c) Implement/Innovate with communication technologies emergency equipment (d) Develop comprehensive training program
Minimum Safe Manning Estimating Accuracy
Results 35 / 37 Submissions correct.
Predicted Crew Complement
Activity of Crew Remarks
Normal Operation 2 Operator Patrol Individual
Restricted Visibility 3 Operator Lookout Patrol Individual
Ambulance Run (transit) 2 Operator Patrol Individual
Normal Operation (loading/unloading) 3 Operator Car deck Inshore Loader Car deck Offshore Loader
Normal Operating Procedures
Activity of Crew Remarks
MOB 3 Operator Rescue boat Rescue Boat
Fire 3 Operator Passenger Control Passenger ControlLSA Prep
Abandonment 3 Operator Passenger Control ESS Operator

Emergency Operations
Marine Traffic (Baynes Sound)
  • Transport Canada Marine Communications Traffic
    Services (MCTS) reports the following
  • Baynes Sound (Sector 4 traffic management area)
    is not a primary passage majority of marine
    traffic takes place between Hornby and Texada
  • Most of the vessels calling in for the Baynes
    Sound area are military training vessels, CCG
    vessels, tugs and barges, with few fishing and
    pleasure vessels
  • Peak season traffic
  • 2009 June 9 calls, July 16 calls, August
    23 calls
  • 2010 June 8 calls, July - 24 calls, August 8
  • commercial vessels, fishing vessels over 20m and
    pleasure vessels over 30m

Cable Ferry Comparison
Route Crossing Length (m) Vsl Length (m) Car Capacity Marine X-Traffic
Denman Island Rte 21 1900 75 50 Low
River Hurst Ferry, Lk. Diefenbaker SK. 1500 36 18 Low
Bergo, Finland 1116 37 21 Low
Keistio, Finland 1600 27 10 Low
Vartsala, Finland 950 49 36 Low
Poole Hbr, Dorsey, UK 1000 74 48 High
River Tamar, Devon 1000 85 73 High
Westerhusen, Elbe River, Germany 100 27 4 Very High
Caputh Ferry, Havel River, Germany 100 22 8 Very High
Examples of Large Cable Ferries
  • Connects Devon and Cornwall, UK
  • 73 cars
  • 85 meters long
  • 1000 meter route
  • High marine traffic zone

Torpoint Ferry
  • Poole Harbour, Dorset, UK
  • 48 cars
  • 74 meters long
  • 1000 meter route
  • High marine traffic area

Bramble Bush Bay Ferry
Home Porting Emergency Support
Stage Quinitsa _at_ Denman West (min). 6 Crew Cable Ferry _at_ Buckley Bay (min) 3 Crew Variance
First Alert - -  
Notify verify available crew 4 2 -2
Crew prep travel to ship 15 30 15
Start up vessel 20 5 -15
CF prep for depart Buckley, depart 0 1 1
CF transit to pick up berth and secure 0 8 8
Ramp down, ready to load 1 1 0
Load, secure, depart berth 1 1 0
Transit to Buckley Bay 10 8 -2
Secure and discharge 2 1 -1
Total time 53 57 4
"-" means CF takes less time
Impact of Number of Crew on Feasibility of Cable
Business Case Financials
  • Even when crew savings are excluded, Cable Ferry
    is more cost effective than conventional service

Independent Expert Review
  • We have heard the communitys concerns regarding
    BC Ferries current conclusions.
  • BC Ferries has retained an independent expert to
    review all aspects of the feasibility study.
  • Mandate
  • Review all data and information generated in the
    feasibility process.
  • Evaluate BCFs conclusions report any gaps in
    the information.
  • The report is due in December.
  • The report will be made public.
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