Cold Agglutinin Disease - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cold Agglutinin Disease


Cold Agglutinin Disease Daniel K. Noland MD January 28, 2005 Case History 64 year old biology professor who sought medical attention because of feeling weak and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cold Agglutinin Disease

Cold Agglutinin Disease
  • Daniel K. Noland MD
  • January 28, 2005

Case History
  • 64 year old biology professor who sought medical
    attention because of feeling weak and having
    dark colored urine and stool
  • Past Medical History Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic
    Purpura 15 years ago, Hypercholesterolemia
  • Past Surgical History hernia repair, vasectomy,
    and appendectomy

Physical Exam
  • General Lethargic and confused
  • Vitals Pulse-100, respirations-25-30, Temp 37 C,
    BP 124/67
  • Abdomen soft, n-t, no organomegaly
  • Skin reticular mottling of legs and hands,
    acrocyanosis resolving in warmer temperatures

Hospital Course
  • Transferred to MCG ICU with a Hemoglobin around
  • Transfused multiple units of O negative blood and
    plasmapheresis begun HD 1
  • Mental status improved, skin discoloration
    resolved, and Hemoglobin reached 7 HD 2
  • Attempted to continue plasmapheresis, but machine
    kept clotting off

Hospital Course continued
  • Mental status began declining again
  • Transfused multiple units of Packed Red Blood
    Cells, this time A because he had been
    successfully typed
  • HD 3 the patient started having kidney failure
    (creatinine went from normal to 2 to 4 and urine
    output greatly decreased)

Hospital Course continued
  • Fluid then began to back up into his lungs
  • When resp reach 40/min he was intubated
  • Plasmapheresis was attempted on HD 3 with
    continued clotting off of machine
  • HD 4 oxygen requirement increased, Levophed
    needed to maintain BP
  • Patient went into Disseminated Intravascular

Final Hospital Course
  • INR reached 4 despite FFP transfusion
  • Dialysis attempted, but cathedor became blocked
    after only 2 hours
  • Despite addition of Vasopressin BP decreased and
    patient went into Pulseless Electrical Activity
  • Multiple medications were given via ACLS protocol
    before the code was called HD 4

Cold Agglutinin Disease
  • 16-22 of immune hemolysis
  • incidence of 1/80k to 1/30k
  • can be primary(idiopathic) or secondary
  • can be acute(which usually means self-limited) or
  • Primary is usually chronic and secondary is
    usually transient and caused by infection

  • Primary cold agglutinin disease usually occurs
    after the fifth decade of life
  • There is no race or sex predisposition
  • In 78 people with persistent disease
  • 31 had lymphoma
  • 13 had Waldenstrom Syndrome
  • 6 had CLL
  • 24 had chronic idiopathic CAD

Secondary, Acute CAD
  • Usually acute, transient and infectious occurring
    in children and young adults
  • Can be more severe in newborns (lt2 years old)
  • Commonly associated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae,
    mononucleosis(EBV or CMV), other viruses and
  • Usually polyclonal(vs mono in primary or
    secondary to neoplasm)

  • Usually IgM(sometimes IgG, rarely IgA) with
    specificity for the I (or rarely neonatal i)
    precursor of the ABH and Lewis blood groups
  • Binds to RBCs in colder areas of the body
    (extremities, ears, etc.)and fixes compliment
  • If sufficient compliment to for MAC activation
    get intravascular hemolysis

Pathophysiology 2
  • Otherwise C3b and C4b cause RBCs to be
    phagocytosed in the lungs, spleen and especially
  • Many unaffected people are walking with titers of
    164 at 4 C, and none at inc temp
  • CAD occurs with titers over 11000 and the
    antibodies may react at 28-31 or even 37 C

Clinical Presentation
  • Acrocyanosis(purplish discoloration of digits,
    ears, nose) as well as pain can occur due to
    intra-arteriolar agglutination
  • Anemia- the associated anemia is usually mild but
    may result in pallor, fatigue, dyspnea, etc.
  • Anemia/pain worse with exposure to cold
  • Hemolysis can result in jaundice, splenomegaly,
    and sometimes fever

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Clinical Presentation 2
  • MCV increased due to agglutination and
  • Smear shows spherocytosis, polychromatophilia,
    and RBC agglutination
  • DAT usually for anti-C3 but IgG neg
  • Eluate testing is negative
  • Urinalysis shows hemoglobinuria, hemosiderinuria
    and elevated urobilinogen
  • indirect bili, plasma Hgb, and LDH are inc.

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Prognosis and Treatment
  • Most cases are mild and self-limited
  • For secondary chronic, treat underlying disease
  • For idiopathic, chronic avoid cold (sufficient
    clothing/move to warmer climate) and strenuous
  • For severe cases hospitalize in high ambient
    temperature room/- heating blanket

Prognosis and Treatment
  • RBC transfusion is indicated in acute, severe
    disease but crossmatching is difficult even if
    reactions are done at 37 C
  • Prednisone appears only to be effective in a
    subset with more severe disease, low cold
    agglutinin titer, and high thermal amplitude
  • Plasmapheresis may cause temporary dec in titers
    , but antibody production continues...

Prognosis and Treatment 3
  • Chlorambucil has been used successfully in CAD as
    have cyclophosphamide, vincristine and
  • There are no randomized controlled trials and the
    latter three were all used as part of a treatment
    regimen for underlying cancers

Reasons to Suspect Cold Agglutinins in the Lab
  • Listed on requisition
  • Hgb and Hct do not match/-3
  • MCHC gt37
  • Will also cause Decreased RBC, Increased MCV and
  • Can affect WBC and Hgb to a lesser extent

Solutions for CAD specimens in the Hematology Lab
  • When it first doesnt pass Coulter-heated water
    bath then immediately run in secondary mode
  • Consider manual hematocrit if above fails
  • Severe cases may require washing prior to red
    cell lysis

Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria
  • Rarest form of DAT positive AutoImmune Hemolytic
  • Historically associated with syphilis
  • Currently usually acute transient condition
    secondary to viral infections especially in
  • Also, idiopathic chronic disorder in older

  • In one study, 0/531 adults with well defined
    hemolytic disease had PCH, compared with 22/68
  • Antibody is IgG which usually binds in colder
    areas of body and then lyze when returned to 37
    C(Donath-Landsteiner test)
  • Antibody is polyspecific, reacts with most red
  • transfusion is more often needed in kids

  • Cryoglobulins are antibodies that undergo
    reversible precipitation at low temperatures
  • Type I(mult. myeloma and Waldenstrom), Type
    II/III(CLL, liver dz, infxns, autoimmune dz) and
    essential (idiopathic)
  • Can cause end organ damage(esp renal),
    vasculitis, hyperviscosity, and gangrene
  • Morbidity mortality related to underlying dz, but
    always worse w/ renal involvement

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Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
  • Inability to synthesize GPI (protein anchor)
    leads to hemolysis
  • Dark color in am due to urine concentration o/n,
    really breakdown occurs 24 hrs/day
  • presents as 1)hemolytic anemia due to compliment
    2) Large vessel thrombosis or 3) dec
    hematopoiesis (mild to aplastic)
  • Rare, X(but not linked), insidious and chronic
    (median survival 10.3 years)
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