Title: Welcome to YouTonics Collagen Renewal
1Welcome to YouTonics Collagen Renewal
www.youtonics.com From Omada Nutrition, Inc.
2The Liquid That Literally Refreshes The Body
- Collagen brings to mind
- Dermatology / Injections
- Anti Aging Wrinkle Creams
- Collagen Masks
- Collagen is much more
- The largest, most abundant protein in the body,
second only to water in terms of volume - A provider of structural material for skin,
bones, joints, hair, nails and all internal
organs and tissues - The bodys production of collagen begins to slow
in our mid-20s
3The Rest of the Story
Effects of Collagen Loss
Thin, weak hair
Lack of flexibility
Decreased bone density
Loss of energy
Dry, wrinkled skin
Loss of muscle tone
Weakened arteries
Organ prolapse
Aching joints
Weight gain
Collagen is a building block of connective
tissuethe cellular glue that delivers
nutrition and supports all types of body function.
4What If Someone Captured Youthfulness and Bottled
- Collagen protein is a product of nature
- Hydrolyzed collagen protein
- More bioavailability than other proteins
- Complete protein source
- 16 grams of protein per serving
- Contains all essential and non-essential amino
Process in which Collagen source is broken down
with enzymes and then dried. This process makes
YouTonics Collagen highly digestible.
5Melon burst with B-complex Concentrate
Fortified with B-complex vitamins Contains
all essential Amino Acids Promotes lean muscle
growth Aids joint health Helps drive
metabolism Increases energy
16 oz. 15.00 Cost 29.99 SRP
6Orange twist with Vitamins A E Concentrate
Fortified with Vitamins AE Powerful
Antioxidant Promotes natural energy Supports
nervous system health Boosts immune system
Aids joint health
16 oz. 15.00 Cost 29.99 SRP
7- Currently there is no ingestible collagen
supplement comparable to YouTonics - Other collagen supplements produce limited
benefits due to - Bio-availability
- Low-protein content
- Low-collagen content
8Collagen Supplements Comparison
9 Item Size List
Price S.R.P. GM GM___ orange
twist 16oz 15.00 29.99 14.99
50 melon burst 16oz 15.00 29.99
14.99 50
Category Dollar Chg vs YAG Dieting
Aids-Complete Nutritional 3 Vitamins-Complet
e Nutritional 11 Protein Supplements 20
Vitamins/Tonics-Liquid Powders 10
Source IRI FDMx 52we 5/14/11