Title: Introducing WPF
1Introducing WPFs controls
Highlight on some of the major built in
controls. Content Controls Items Controls
Range Controls Text and Ink Controls Standard
themes Aero (the default Windows Vista theme)
Luna (the default Windows XP theme) Royale (the
theme from Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
and Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005) Classic
(the theme available in Windows 2000 and later)
3Content Controls
- Content controls are simply controls that are
constrained to contain a single item. - Content controls all derive from
System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl - The built-in content controls come in three major
varieties - Buttons
- Simple containers
- Containers with a header
- Buttons are probably the most familiar and
essential user interface element - This behavior is actually captured by an abstract
class called ButtonBase - The most interesting feature of ButtonBase,
however, is its ClickMode property - This can be set to a value of a ClickMode
enumeration to control exactly when the Click
event gets raised. - Its values are Release (the default), Press, and
5Button Types
- Button - Cancel button or a default button
- RepeatButton - RepeatButton acts just like Button
except that it continually raises the Click event
as long as the button is being pressed. The
frequency of the raised Click events depends on
the values of RepeatButton's Delay and Interval
properties. - ToggleButton - ToggleButton is a "sticky" button
that holds its state when it is clicked.
6Button Types
- CheckBox
- It has a single piece of externally supplied
content (so this doesn't count the standard
check box). - It has a notion of being clicked by mouse or
keyboard. - It retains a state of being checked or
unchecked when clicked.
7Button Types
- RadioButton
- RadioButton is another control that derives from
ToggleButton, but is unique because it has
built-in support for mutual exclusion. - Checking one RadioButton automatically unchecks
all others in the same group.
8Simple Containers
- Label
- Label is a classic control used to hold text.
- It can hold arbitrary content in its Content
propertya Button, a Menu, and so on. - ToolTip
- The ToolTip control holds its content in a
floating box that appears when you hover over an
associated control and disappears when you move
the mouse away
9Simple Containers
- WPF ToolTip can hold anything you want!
10Simple Containers
ToolTip defines Open and Closed events in case
you want to act upon its appearance and
ltCheckBoxgt CheckBox ltCheckBox.ToolTipgt ltStackPanel
gt ltLabel FontWeight"Bold" Background"Blue"
Foreground"White"gt The CheckBox lt/Labelgt ltTextBlo
ck Padding"10" TextWrapping"WrapWithOverflow"
Width"200"gt CheckBox is a familiar control. But
in WPF, it's not much more than a ToggleButton
styled differently! lt/TextBlockgt ltLine
Stroke"Black" StrokeThickness"1"
X2"200"/gt ltStackPanel Orientation"Horizontal"gt lt
Image Margin"2" Source"help.gif"/gt ltLabel
FontWeight"Bold"gtPress F1 for more
help.lt/Labelgt lt/StackPanelgt lt/StackPanelgt lt/CheckB
ox.ToolTipgt lt/CheckBoxgt
11Simple Containers
- The Frame control holds arbitrary content, just
like all other content controls, but it isolates
the content from the rest of the UI. - You can think of the Frame control as a more
powerful version of the "Microsoft Web Browser
ActiveX control or the Windows Forms WebBrowser
12Containers with a Header
- GroupBox
- GroupBox is a familiar control for organizing
chunks of controls. The Header property can be
set to an arbitrary object. - Expander - Expander is very much like GroupBox,
but contains a button that enables you to expand
and collapse the inner content.
- Selectors are items controls whose items can be
indexed and selected. - Selector also supports two attached properties
that can be applied to individual items - IsSelected A Boolean that can be used to
select or unselect an item (or to retrieve its
current selection state) - IsSelectionActive A read-only Boolean that
tells you if the selection has focus
- There are four selector driven controls
- ComboBox
ltComboBoxgt ltStackPanel Orientation"Horizontal"
Margin"5"gt ltImage Source"CurtainCall.bmp"/gt ltSta
ckPanel Width"200"gt ltTextBlock Margin"5,0"
FontSize"14" FontWeight"Bold" VerticalAlignment
"center"gtCurtain Calllt/TextBlockgt ltTextBlock
Margin"5" VerticalAlignment"center"
TextWrapping"Wrap"gt Whimsical, with a red
curtain background that represents a
stage. lt/TextBlockgtlt/StackPanelgtlt/StackPanelgt ltSta
ckPanel Orientation"Horizontal"
Margin"5"gt ltImage Source"Fireworks.bmp"/gt ltStack
Panel Width"200"gt ltTextBlock Margin"5,0"
FontSize"14" FontWeight"Bold" VerticalAlignment
"center"gtFireworkslt/TextBlockgt ltTextBlock
Margin"5" VerticalAlignment"center"
TextWrapping"Wrap"gtSleek, with a black sky
containing fireworks. When you need tocelebrate
PowerPoint-style, this design is for
you! lt/TextBlockgtlt/StackPanelgtlt/StackPanelgtlt/Combo
- ListView
- The ListView control, which derives from
ListBox, looks and acts just like a ListBox,
except that it uses the Extended SelectionMode by
default. But ListView also adds a property called
View that enables you to customize the view in a
richer way than choosing a custom ItemsPanel
- ltListViewgt
- ltListView.Viewgt
- ltGridViewgt
- ltGridViewColumn Header"Date"/gt
- ltGridViewColumn Header"Day of Week"
- DisplayMemberBinding"Binding DayOfWeek"/gt
- ltGridViewColumn Header"Year" DisplayMemberBinding
"Binding Year"/gt - lt/GridViewgt
- lt/ListView.Viewgt
- ltsysDateTimegt1/1/2007lt/sysDateTimegt
- ltsysDateTimegt1/2/2007lt/sysDateTimegt
- ltsysDateTimegt1/3/2007lt/sysDateTimegt
- lt/ListViewgt
The final selectorTabControlis useful for
switching between multiple pages of content.
ltTabControlgt ltTextBlockgtContent for Tab
1.lt/TextBlockgt ltTextBlockgtContent for Tab
2.lt/TextBlockgt ltTextBlockgtContent for Tab
3.lt/TextBlockgt lt/TabControlgt
- Menu simply stacks its items horizontally with
the characteristic gray bar (by default) as its
ltMenugt ltMenuItem Header"_File"gt ltMenuItem
Header"_New..."/gt ltMenuItem Header"_Open..."/gt lt
Separator/gt ltMenuItem Header"Sen_d
To"gt ltMenuItem Header"Mail Recipient"/gt ltMenuItem
Header"My Documents"/gt lt/MenuItemgt lt/MenuItemgt lt
MenuItem Header"_Edit"gt lt/MenuItemgt ltMenuItem
Header"_View"gt lt/MenuItemgtlt/Menugt
21Other Controls
22Other Controls
- Status Bar
- Progress Bar
- Slider
23Text and Ink Controls
- WPF contains a handful of controls for displaying
and editing text, whether typed with a keyboard
or hand-written with a stylus. - TextBox
- RichTextBox
- PasswordBox
- InkCanvas
- The amazing InkCanvas is a
- versatile element whose primary purpose is to
capture handwriting
- Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed
- Author Adam Nathan
- Publication - SAMS