Title: Color Psychology
1Color Psychology
- meaningful constant for sighted people
- powerful psychological tool
- Positive or negative effect
- Applications
- Logo design
- Web site design
- Book cover
- Package of a product
- And more
3Psychology of Color
- Based on Western Hemisphere
- Black
- White
- Gray
- Red
- Blue
- Green
- Yellow
- Orange
- Purple
- Brown
4Psychology of Color - Black
- Color of Authority and Power,
- Stability and Strength
- Intelligence
- Thinner appearance
- Evil
- Grief
- A serious color that evokes strong emotions
- Easy to overwhelm people with too much black
5Psychology of Color - White
- Color of Purity,
- Cleanliness
- Safety of Bright light
- Absence of color (Neutrality)
- Creativity
- Compression of all colors in the color spectrum
6Psychology of Color - Gray
- Practical
- Timeless
- Middle-of-the-road
- Solid
- Too much nothingness
- Shade of gray old age, death, taxes, depression
- Silver giving a help hand
7Psychology of Color - Red
- Good for drawing attention
- Attracts eyes
- Color of energy, movement, and excitement
- Not a good color to over-use
- Symbol of life
- Pink love, giving, romance, soothing
8Psychology of Color - Blue
- Calming Skies and Seas
- Too much cold, uncaring
- Steadfastness
- Dependability
- Wisdom and loyalty (uniforms)
- Becomes more productive
9Psychology of Color - Green
- Color of growth, nature, and money.
- Another calming, soothing color
- Dark forest green is associated with
conservative, masculine, and wealth - Envy, good luck, generosity, and fertility
- Peace, harmony, comfortable nurturing, support,
and energy
10Psychology of Color - Yellow
- Laughter, happiness, good times
- Brain releases seratonin which makes people more
optimistic - Too much temper flare, dominant color
- Speeds up metabolism
- Creativity
11Psychology of Color - Orange
- Happy, energetic, warmth
- Ambition
- New dawn in attitude
12Psychology of Color - Purple
- Wealth, prosperity, rich sophistication
- Simulates brain activity in problem solving
- Mystery, wisdom, respect
13Psychology of Color - Brown
- Reliability, stability, and friendship
- Natural, organic
14Basics on How to use colors together
- Color Schemes
- Monochromatic
- Complimentary
- Triple
15Monochromatic Color Scheme
- Use of single color in varying shades
16Complimentary Color Scheme
- Colors that are directly opposite in the color
wheel - Warm color to Cool color
- Yellow Purple
- Orange Blue
- Red Green
17Triple Color Scheme
- Three colors side by side make harmonious
combinations - Examples
- Yellow, Orange, Red
- Yellow, Green, Blue
18Color Psychology
- It is very important to use this in web designing
- Good harmony of colors attract users
- Bad mix of colors are displeasing to users