Title: The bone of lower limb
1The bone of lower limb
2The bone of lower limb
ilium pubis ischium
The pelvic girdle hip bone The bone of free
lower limb
femur patella tibia fibula foot
tarsal bones metatarsal bones phalanges of foot
3hip bone
body and ala iliac crest iliac tubercle anterior
superior iliac spine posterior superior iliac
spine anterior inferior iliac spine posterior
inferior iliac spine acetabulum iliac fossa
auricular surface arcuate line
one body and two ramus pecten pubis pubic
tubercle pubic crest pubic symphysis
body and ramus ischial tubercle
obturator ischial spine great sciatic notch
lesser sciatic notch
upper end femoral head fovea of femoral head
neck of femur greater
trochanter and lesser trochanter
intertrochanteric line and intertrochanteric
shaft gluteal tuberosity linea aspera
lower end lateral condyle and medial condyle
lateral epicondyle and medial
epicondyle patellar surface and
popliteal surface adductor
tubercle intercondylar fossa
tibia intercondylar eminence tibial tuberosity
5The important and useful term
iliac crest iliac tubercle anterior superior
iliac spine acetabulum arcuate line pecten
pubis pubic tubercle pubic crest pubic
symphysis ischial tubercle ischial spine great
sciatic notch lesser sciatic notch femoral head
fovea of femoral head neck of femur intertrochante
ric line and intertrochanteric crest intercondylar
eminence tibial tuberosity