Role of Regional Trade Agreements with Specific Focus on the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Role of Regional Trade Agreements with Specific Focus on the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement


Role of Regional Trade Agreements with Specific Focus on the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement International Workshop on Central Asia and China: Economic Relations ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Role of Regional Trade Agreements with Specific Focus on the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement

Role of Regional Trade Agreements with Specific
Focus on the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement
International Workshop on Central Asia and
China Economic Relations, Current Situation and
Prospects 11-12 July 2006, Siam City Hotel,
Tiziana Bonapace Chief, Trade Policy
Section Trade and Investment Division, UNESCAP
RTAs in Asia and the Pacific
Evolution of Asia-Pacific Regionalism
  • Broadly 3 waves
  • First wave (50s/60s/70s)
  • 1950 Conference on Asian/African cooperation in
    Bandung, Indonesia, the precursor of the
    non-aligned movement.
  • Import-substitution industrialization strategy
    becomes development model. South-South
    cooperation based on strategic selection of
    tariff liberalization among members to promote
    industrialization. Inward looking with high
    tariff walls to keep out imports competing with
    infant industries.
  • First RTA signed in 1975 Bangkok Agreement
  • Second wave (80s/90s)
  • unsustainability of import-substitution model,
    globalization accelerates and results in
    north/south interdependence. Outward-oriented,
    open regionalism i.e. faster liberalization
    among RTA friends while at the same time
    lowering barriers to third parties

Evolution of Asia-Pacific Regionalism
  • Second wave
  • Establishment of APEC based on non-discriminatory
    principles in its strictest interpretation,
    conclusion of UR
  • Rapid increase in membership to GATT/WTO.
  • Regionalism and multilateralism enter golden age
    of mutually supportive liberalization
  • Third wave (Late 1990s-present)
  • financial crisis
  • stalling of APEC process of liberalization
  • stalwarts of MFN (Japan and Rok) turn regional,
    as well as China who completes most difficult
    part of internal transformation.
  • New era of deep and wide economic partnership
    agreements, with FTA as core, but much wider
    economic cooperation as well
  • Bilateralism is key feature

(No Transcript)
Where Does Asia-Pacific Stand? New Age
  • Despite density of agreements, concluded
    agreements are generally lite, particularly
    those among developing countries
  • liberalization shifted to future (10 years or
  • significant exceptions in goods
  • rules of origin restrictive
  • services not covered
  • investments covered, but focus more on investor
    protection than locking in investment
  • dispute resolution mechanisms not well defined
  • However, agreements involving developing and
    developed countries much more comprehensive.
  • services, TRIPs, investments and other WTO
    features are prominent
  • increasing public concern regarding asymmetric
    negotiating powers
  • calls for greater democratization of trade policy
    formulation strengthened consultative mechanisms
    (bottom-up), increased role for parliamentarians
    as interface between societies and policy making
    executive branch

Where Does Asia-Pacific Stand? New Age
  • Other forms of regional economic cooperation also
  • Growth triangles/quadrangles, EPZs, SEZs
  • Many forms intergovernmental/private sector
  • Common themes riparian cooperation, transport
    corridors, energy selfsufficiency.

Where Does Central Asian Regionalism Stand?
  • Numerous economic cooperation schemes and
  • Renewal of economic cooperation after collapse of
  • WTO membership a priority for most. Also allows
    regional integration to proceed more effectively
    Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan
  • SPECA Economic Cooperation Programme by 2 UN
    regional Commissions ESCAP ECE

Where Does Asia-Pacific Stand? New Age
Regionalism and the Contagion Effect
  • Domino effect
  • Fear of marginalization (not being able to share
    benefits of membership) as more and more
    countries become members of FTA
  • Originally used to explain successive waves of EU
  • Fatigue with multilateralism
  • Disenchantment with APEC as a driver of
  • Aftermath of 1997 financial crisis and
    disappointment with global response and policy
    prescriptions few countries untouched, rekindled
    common destiny bonds and regional identity
  • Turning point ASEANChinaJapanRoK, Singapore
    took lead in BTAs
  • Competitive regionalism
  • Secure trade interests and establish sphere of
    influence that goes beyond trade
  • United States now trend setter, also Japan.
  • Used as strategy to pressure non-members to join
    or enter into broader trade agreements
  • Defensive and offensive mutually reinforcing
    strategies at play

New Age Regionalism Where is Asia-Pacific Going?
  • At what configuration will this process come to
  • Emergence of natural hubs large trading country
    establishing trade hegemony, linked to a series
    of spokes (developing countries)
  • A developing country hub may also emerge a
    defensive hub seeking to avoid spoke position
    with trade hegemon
  • Mulilayered strata of hubs and spokes emerging
  • Through time, gravitational force of one hub
    linked to rest of region through spokes may be
    final resting point

New Age Regionalism Where is Asia-Pacific Going?
  • Role of ASEAN option of developing countries
    collectively establishing themselves as
    alternative hub? Has ASEAN managed to overcome
    internal differences associated with its diverse
    membership? Can ASEAN move from shallow to deep
  • Spinning top - centrifugal force driven by an
    inertia at the center- that acts outwards and
    draws energy from a body moving about the center.
    How can the force be directed towards the center?
    Can the ASEAN Charter, or the dynamism of 111
    countries, or a conclusion of the Doha Round
    impart the energy needed for ASEAN to harmonize
    policies and achieve deep integration?

Policy Implications and Negotiating Strategies
  • To promote trade for development, there is a need
    for geographical and functional harmonization and
    consolidation of the many RTAs through.
  • the establishment of common principles,
    practices, and operational procedures for
    liberalization initiatives, in both trade and
  • As a first step, start with a comprehensive
    framework on RoO

New Age Regionalism Where is Asia-Pacific Going?
  • Geographical Consolidation
  • Historical conflicts, wide variations in
    political, legal systems, cultural values. Fear
    that integration will become dysfunctional.
  • Expansion of EU membership a positive example of
    geographical consolidation. More than 65
    bilateral trade agreements notified to WTO
    abrogated when EU expanded
  • Crucial differences between EU and Asia
  • Customs Union vs FTAs. Geographical proximity
    much more relevant for CU than FTAs. No example
    of CU among geographically dispersed countries
    such as in cross continental BTAs of Asia
  • Is Customs Union with common external trade
    policy and deep integration sine qua non for
    geographical consolidation?

Integrating East, South-east and Central Asia


Rep. of Iran

ECOTA Afghanistan Islamic Rep. of
Iran Turkmenistan
ECOTA Afghanistan Islamic Rep. of Iran

BSEC Georgia (Albania, Bulgaria, Greece,
Moldova Ukraine
Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Uzbekistan

Russian Federation

China Republic of Korea Lao PDR
Indonesia Malaysia
Philippines Brunei Darussalam
Singapore Viet Nam Cambodia

India Bangladesh Sri Lanka
Note WTO members are in italics. Armenia,
Moldova, Ukraine Observer Status of EurAsEC
New Age Regionalism Where is Asia-Pacific Going?
B. Functional cooperation and consolidation Asia-P
acific could also evolve its own form of
consolidation, based on pragmatism, flexibility
and outward orientation which have served the
region well up to now Adoption of common
framework of principles, practices and procedures
that puts regionalism as a building block of
multilateralism on a more solid and commonly
shared foundation Rules of origin one key
area. APTA representing a wide spectrum of
industrial development across the region has
evolved a set of common rules of origin, based on
flat percentage rate 45 per cent (35 per cent for
LDCs) local content that may imply an acceptable
commonality Investment (proliferation of BITs)
and coherence with investment provisions in
New Age Regionalism Where is Asia-Pacific Going?
  • C. Integration through enhanced institutions
  • Numerous regional organizations such as UNESCAP,
    ADB, ASEAN, SAARC APEC, Pacific Forum Secretariat
    are in good position to draw out commonalities
    and work on common principles, best practices,
    modal agreements.
  • Bold mandates and resources lacking, and more
    importantly, these institutions are
    intergovernmental, member driven
  • Is there a need for a more formal supranational
    system of regional governance or are current
    intergovernmental institutions sufficient?
  • Can institution driven integration of EU offer
    useful example?
  • Need for balancing vision with realism more
    effective use of existing institutions. Cost
    effectiveness of creating new institutions?
  • Deep policy, political and historical differences
    among countries of the region might prevent
    supranational governance?

APTA A Bridge across Asia
  • Signed in 1975 as an initiative of UNESCAP, the
    Bangkok Agreement, now APTA, is Asias oldest
    preferential trade agreement between developing
  • It aims to promote regional trade through an
    exchange of mutually-agreed concessions.
  • Bangladesh, China, India, Republic of Korea, Lao
    PDR and Sri Lanka are member countries.

  • Region-wide membership potential
  • Only RTA in which two most populous and fastest
    growing economies are members (i.e. China and
  • Through China and India linkages with other RTAs
    in the region can be established (e.g. AFTA,

Expanding Membership
Status Chinas accession in particular makes
membership more attractive to countries in the
region Efforts are being taken to expand
membership. Mongolia and Pakistan have indicated
intention to join, others have expressed
interest Next target Central Asia
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