Developing the Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA): The Philippine Experience - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Developing the Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA): The Philippine Experience


PTSA Present Status On-going stage of implementation Indicators Source Table ? Share of TDGVA to total GDP (current prices) Table 6 ? Share of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Developing the Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA): The Philippine Experience

Developing the Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA)
The Philippine Experience by Romulo A. Virola,
Regina S. Reyes, Florande S. Polistico, Rolando
Cañizal Milagros Y. Say Presented by Romulo A.
Virola Secretary General National Statistical
Coordination Board Technical Workshop on Tourism
Statistics and Tourism Satellite Accounts 21-22
October 2008, Cebu, Philippines
Outline of Presentation
  1. Introduction
  2. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
  3. Present Status of the Philippine TSA
  4. Some Recent Results
  5. Challenges and Future Direction

I. Introduction
Importance Trends of Tourism Globally
Economic contribution of Tourism can help in
  • Achieving the Millennium Development Goals
  • Specifically, in poverty reduction

Tourism can contribute towards a better
understanding and appreciation of the
differences and similarities of our various
cultures towards world peace
I. Introduction
Importance Trends of Tourism Globally
Tourism has benefited from the fast paced
globalization. UNWTO says
  • International travelers have been growing for the
    past four years at an average of more than 5
  • In a decade, it grew by 292 million, reaching 903
    million travelers by the end of 2007

I. Introduction
Importance Trends of Tourism Globally
Tourism has benefited from the fast paced
globalization. UNWTO says
  • For the 4-year period from 2003-2007, tourist
    receipts grew at an average of more than 6
  • UNWTO's Tourism 2020 Vision forecasts that
    international arrivals will reach nearly 1.6
    billion by the year 2020

I. Introduction
Importance Trends of Tourism Locally
Philippine tourism beyond the usual
  • The Medium Term Philippine Development Plan
    considers tourism as a key sector for development
    in 2004-2010
  • Tourism receipts to GDP ratio grew from 1.9 in
    2003 to 3.4 in 2007
  • Tourism receipts to Total Exports ratio more than
    doubled from 3.9 in 2003 to 7.9 in 2007

I. Introduction
Importance Trends of Tourism Locally
Philippine tourism beyond the usual
  • Tourist arrivals - annual growth of 13 during
    the last 4 years, 10 during the last 5 and 3
    during the last 10, reaching 3.09 million
    tourists by the end of 2007
  • Tourists expenditure in US - grew by 41 in
    2006-2007, reaching US4.9 billion in 2007,
    annually by 34 during the last 4 years, by 23
    during the last 5 and by 6 during the last 10

Source DOT
I. Introduction
Importance Trends of Tourism Locally
Philippine tourism beyond the usual
  • Domestic visitors counted by the DOT from
    accommodation establishments - annual growth of
    14.7 during the last 4 years, 13.5 during the
    last 5 and 10.8 during the last 7, reaching 16.8
    million domestic visitors by the end of 2007

Source DOT
I. Introduction
Importance Trends of Tourism Locally
Philippine tourism beyond the usual
  • Partly because of investments in tourism
    destinations, construction sector grew by
  • 23.1 making it a big factor in the record
    economic growth in 2007

I. Introduction
Importance of TSA
  • Statistics are needed to
  • inform program policy decisions
  • monitor our progress
  • account for the importance of the various sectors
    to society
  • Tourism statistics and tourism accounts are
    necessary to measure the size and contribution of

I. Introduction
Importance of TSA
  • The TSA as a framework for tourism has been
    developed by international experts and allows
    comparability across countries
  • The TSA is aligned with international
    macroeconomic frameworks such as the System of
    National Accounts (SNA) and the Balance of
    Payments (BOP)

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
  • Philippine Statistical System (PSS)
  • decentralized system composed of
  • policy-making and coordinating body
  • general purpose data generating agency
  • training and research institution
  • other data producers and users
  • academe
  • statistical organizations at all administrative
    levels, the personnel therein and the national
    statistical program

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
  • Philippine Statistical System (PSS)

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
  • National Statistical Coordination Board
  • The highest policy-making and coordinating body
    on statistical matters in the country
  • Formulates policies all matters relating to
    government statistical operations
  • Promotes and maintains an efficient statistical
    system in the government
  • Etc.

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
NSCB Statistical Coordination Mechanisms
  • The Philippine Statistical Development Program
    (NSDS) 7th version is for 2005-2010
  • System of Designated Statistics
  • Inter-agency Committees ( 11 IACs, 6 Technical
    Committees, 2 Task Forces 26 Technical Working
    Groups as of Oct. 21, 2008)
  • Statistical Budget Review Process

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
NSCB Statistical Coordination Mechanisms
  • Statistical Survey Review Clearance System
    (includes administrative records systems)
  • Statistical Standards Classification Systems
  • System of National Accounts
  • Statistical Advocacy Mechanisms ( National
    Statistics Month, National Convention on
    Statistics, Hosting of International Conferences,

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
NSCB Statistical Coordination Mechanisms
  • 1. Philippine Statistical Development Program
  • prepared every six years and the current PSDP
    covers the period 2005-2010
  • serves as a blueprint of priority programs and
    activities to be undertaken during the program
    period to improve the generation of sectoral
  • translates and addresses the data requirements of
    the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan
  • Tourism is the 15th Chapter of the PSDP composed
    of 25 chapters

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
NSCB Statistical Coordination Mechanisms
  • 1. Philippine Statistical Development Program
  • In the previous PSDP (1999-2004), Tourism was
    included in the chapter on Trade and Services
  • Through the PSDP, activities relevant to the
    compilation of Philippine TSA were pursued which
  • formulation of standard concepts and definitions
    on tourism that are consistent with IRTS and TSA
  • development of Philippine Tourism Statistical
    Classification System NSCB Resolution No. 4
    Series of 2005

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
NSCB Statistical Coordination Mechanisms
  • 1. Philippine Statistical Development Program
  • Conduct of activities for wider dissemination of
    tourism statistics
  • Development of Philippine Tourism Statistics
    website, DOT NSCB 2007
  • Annual publication of Compendium of Philippine
    Tourism Statistics by the DOT
  • Generation/compilation of new/emerging statistics
    and indicators
  • Conduct of Household Survey of Domestic
    Visitors, DOT NSO 2005-2006

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
NSCB Statistical Coordination Mechanisms
  • 1. Philippine Statistical Development Program
  • Statistical development programs on the tourism
    industry that will be pursued under PSDP
    2005-2010 include
  • Enhancement of current methodologies and
    collection/processing systems, such as
  • Enhancement of PTSA estimates by NSCB, 2005-2010
  • Improvement of Arrival/Departure Card by Bureau
    of Immigration, 2005-2010

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
NSCB Statistical Coordination Mechanisms
  • 1. Philippine Statistical Development Program
  • Coordination/advocacy activities on tourism
  • Strengthen the IACTS, 2005-2010
  • Development of GIS-based information materials
    on tourism statistics, DOT, 2005-2010
  • Statistical capacity building program
  • Training of personnel of DOT regional offices
    and LGUs - DOT, SRTC, LGUs and academe, 2005-2010

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
NSCB Statistical Coordination Mechanisms
  • 2. Inter-agency Committee on Tourism Statistics
  • originally created as Inter-Agency Committee on
    the Development of a Satellite Account on Tourism
    (IAC-DSAT) on February 7, 1997 by the NSCB
    Executive Board
  • provides direction and addresses concerns on the
    improvement of tourism statistics and tourism
    satellite accounts through a well established
    tourism statistical system

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
NSCB Statistical Coordination Mechanisms
  • 2. Inter-agency Committee on Tourism Statistics
  • serves as venue for discussions on statistical
    issues related to tourism statistics tourism
  • composed of representatives from government and
    non-government organizations involved in
    production and use of tourism statistics
  • NSCB and DOT technical staff serve as the
    Committee Secretariat

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
NSCB Statistical Coordination Mechanisms
  • 2. Inter-agency Committee on Tourism Statistics

Chair National Statistical Coordination
Board Co-Chair Department of Tourism Members Asi
an Institute of Tourism Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas Bureau of Immigration Civil
Aeronautics Board Department of Interior and
Local Govt. National Economic Devt. Authority
National Statistics Office Private
  • Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Phil.
  • Board of Airline Representatives
  • Philippine Tour Operators Association
  • Philippine Travel Agencies Association

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
NSCB Statistical Coordination Mechanisms
  • 3. Statistical Advocacy Mechanisms
  • The 14th National Statistics Month celebration in
    2003 focused on the theme Sustaining Tourisms
    Competitive Edge Through Statistics was hosted
    by the DOT
  • Conduct of Tourism Sessions in the National
    Convention on Statistics (NCS)
  • DOT has sponsored tourism sessions for the past
    three NCS conducted on 2001, 2004 2007. In
    2007, 3 papers were presented, namely
  • Developing the Survey instruments for the HSDV
  • Understanding the Visiting Friends/Relatives
    Travel Market
  • Sustainability of Tourism Statistics Issues in

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
NSCB Statistical Coordination Mechanisms
  • Examples of Institutional linkages/collaborative
  • Collaboration between DOT and NSCB on the
    development of the Compendium of Philippine
    Tourism Statistics and the Philippine TSA
  • Review of design and instruments of tourism
    surveys through the Statistical Survey Review and
    Clearance System (SSRCS)

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
NSCB Statistical Coordination Mechanisms
  • Examples of Institutional linkages/agency
    collaborative efforts
  • Collaboration between DOT and NSO on the conduct
    of the Household Survey of Domestic Visitors
  • Team up between DOT the Bureau of Immigration
    (BI) in the processing of Arrival/Departure (A/D)

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
NSCB Statistical Coordination Mechanisms
  • Institutional linkages/agency collaborative
  • Sharing of statistical information
  • Regular release of DOT publications
  • Monthly web release of arrivals and hotel
    occupancy data
  • Quarterly release of Tourism Report
  • Annual release of Compendium of Philippine
    Tourism Statistics starting 2004
  • Provision of data to NSCB for the compilation of
    the National Accounts (Exports of services)
  • Inclusion of tourism indicators in the NSCB
  • Monthly Economic Indicators (EI), Philippine
    Statistical Yearbook (PSY)

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
Other Institutional Mechanisms
  • Capacity Building
  • basic training on collection, generation,
    compilation and analysis of tourism statistics
    for national and field personnel of DOT as well
    as staff of local government units (LGUs)
    conducted by Statistical Research and Training
    Center (SRTC)
  • Training on Basic Tourism Data Gathering and
    Reporting System in the provinces of Bohol and
  • Developed and published the TOURISM STATISTICS
    MANUAL for LGUs

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
Other Institutional Mechanisms
  • Capacity Building
  • technical assistance from different international
    organizations, such as
  • UNWTO-sponsored Workshop on Indicators of
    Sustainable Development for Tourism Destinations,
    Bohol, Philippines
  • Development of Tourism Statistics System for LGUs
    sponsored by the Japan International Cooperation
    Agency (JICA)

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
Other Institutional Mechanisms
  • Involvement in International efforts
  • Actively participated in the workshops and
    forums for the improvement of tourism statistics
    and development of TSA
  • Latest participations include
  • Expert Group meeting on Tourism Statistics and
    provided comments on the IRTS and TSA RMF
  • 39th Session of the UN Statistical Commission
  • NSCB and DOT are currently preparing the
    countrys response to the questionnaire sent by
    UNWTO for the publication TSA Data Around the
    World 2009 for submission before the end of
    October 2008

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
Data Support for PTSA Compilation
  • Visitor Sample Survey (VSS) monthly by DOT
  • Arrival/Departure Cards processed monthly by
    DOT BI
  • Regional Travelers Report annual data on
    internal tourism from DOT
  • Establishment Surveys such as Census of
    Philippine Business and Industry (CPBI) and
    Quarterly Survey of Philippine Business and
    Industry (QSPBI) by NSO

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
Data Support for PTSA Compilation
  • Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and
    Exhibitions (MICE) Study annually by DOT
  • Input-Output Table periodically by NSCB,
    latest are for 1994 2000
  • National Accounts of the Philippines quarterly
    by NSCB
  • Labor Force Survey quarterly by NSO
  • Household Survey of Domestic Visitors (HSDV)-
    jointly byDOT NSO, 2005

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
Initiatives towards PTSA developments
  • PTSA Milestones




The NSCB, thru its Grants
Aid statistical development program,
provided funds and technical assistance to DOT in
the conduct of
research study, which aimed to explore
contribution of tourism to the
economy using the input
output analysi
s approach.


NSCB, DOT and WTTC collaborated to come up with a
simulated satellite
account on tourism for the Philippines, which
showed that travel and
tourism accounted for 8.7 percent of the GDP in
1997. The estimation
procedure was developed by the
Wharton Econometric Forecasting
Association (WEFA) under the direction of the

NSCB and DOT signed a MOA to support the
development of the PTSA.

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
Initiatives towards PTSA developments
  • PTSA Milestones




NSCB created an Inter
Agency Committee on the Development of a
Satellite Account
on Tourism (IAC
DSAT) that shall oversee the
development of a TSA for the country.

DSAT conceptualized the framework for the PTSA


Participated in the Seventh Meeting of the
Steering Committee, World
Conference on the Measurement of the Economic
Impact of Tourism,
WTO Headquarters, Madrid, Spain

The NSCB created its Development of the Satellite
Account on Tourism

(DSAT) Team
II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
Initiatives towards PTSA developments
  • PTSA Milestones

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
Initiatives towards PTSA developments
  • PTSA Milestones

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
Initiatives towards PTSA developments
  • PTSA Milestones




The Philippines hosted the Second Sub
Regional Workshop on Tourism
Statistics and the Elaboration of a Tourism
Satellite Account held in
Manila. The country paper Status of the
Development of the Philippine
Tourism Satellite Account (PTSA) was presented
in that workshop.

The IACDSAT was reconstituted and renamed to
agency Committee
on Tourism Statistics (IAC
TS) per NSCB Memorandum Order No. 04
Series of 2003 to expand the functions of the IAC
from Tourism Accounts to .

Tourism Statistics.

II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
Initiatives towards PTSA developments
  • PTSA Milestones




The NSCB Executive Board approved the NSCB
Resolution No. 4 Series
of 2005 Approving and Adopting the Philippine
Tourism Statist
Classification System (PTSCS). The PTSCS was
based on the following

recommended list

1994 Philippine Standard Industrial
Classification (PSIC)

2002 Philippine Central Product Classification

International Standard Industrial Classifica
tion (ISIC) Rev. 2


The NSCB DSAT Team was reconstituted and renamed
as the Philippine
Tourism Satellite Accounts (PTSA) Team


II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
Initiatives towards PTSA developments
  • PTSA Milestones




Presented the country paper The 1993
Recommendations on Tourism

Statistics and the Philippine Tourism

Satellite Accounts during the
International Workshop on Tourism Statistics,
UNWTO Headquarters,

Madrid, Spain, 17
20 July 2006.


The Philippines participated in the worldwide
consultation for the revision

of the IRTS and the TSA RMF by providing
series of responses to the

questionnaires sent by the UNWTO

Participated in the Expert Group Meeting in
Tourism Statistics,

UN Headquarters, New York, USA


II. The Philippine TSA Significant Developmental
Initiatives towards PTSA developments
  • PTSA Milestones




Updating and refining the PTSA estimation using
the IRTS 2008 and TSA

RMF 2008. Improvements from the previous
estimates include

Establishment of the link of internal tourism
consumption with the


supply of goods and services

Improvement of the coverage of domestic tourism
using the results


of the Household Survey
on Domestic Visitors (HSDV)


Compiling the outbound tourism expenditure (Table
3) previously

not compiled


Availability of estimates for GVATI, TDGVA and


Covered data series 2000 to 2007

III. Present Status of the PTSA
On-going stage of implementation
  • Institution in charge of the compilation
  • National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)
  • Institutions that provide data
  • Department of Tourism (DOT)
  • National Statistics Office (NSO)
  • National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

III. Present Status of the PTSA
On-going stage of implementation
  • Guidelines Standards followed
  • International Recommendations on Tourism
    Statistics (IRTS) 2008
  • provides the basic concepts and definitions of
    the different aspects of tourism such as
  • travelers that qualify as visitor either tourist
    or overnight visitor, as same day visitor or
    excursionist forms of tourism concept of
    tourism expenditure different classifications
    that can be used in the analysis of tourism

III. Present Status of the PTSA
On-going stage of implementation
  • Guidelines Standards followed
  • International Recommendations on Tourism
    Statistics (IRTS) 2008
  • used as guiding principles in the collection of
  • serves as basis for the revision of existing
    data mechanisms to include necessary indicators
    on specific areas such as accommodation on second
    homes and same-day visits.

III. Present Status of the PTSA
On-going stage of implementation
  • Guidelines Standards followed
  • Tourism Satellite Account Recommended
    Methodological Framework (TSA RMF) 2008
  • aims to integrate the measurement of tourism as
    an economic phenomenon within the mainstream of
    macroeconomic statistics
  • serves to complement the concepts, definitions,
    aggregates, classifications already presented in
    the IRTS 2008
  • the framework to guide countries in the further
    development of the system of tourism statistics,
    the main objective being the completion of the TSA

III. Present Status of the PTSA
On-going stage of implementation
  • Guidelines Standards followed
  • Tourism Satellite Account Recommended
    Methodological Framework (TSA RMF) 2008
  • generally serves as guide in the compilation of
    the PTSA tables
  • the sequence and title of the 10 tables were
    also followed

III. PTSA Present Status
On-going stage of implementation
  • Basic Aggregates currently prepared (for release
    January 2009)

Tourism consumption expenditure/consumption
  • Inbound tourism expenditure
  • - Foreign visitors expenditure
  • - Overseas Filipinos expenditure
    (permanently residing abroad)
  • Domestic tourism expenditure
  • Outbound tourism expenditure

III. PTSA Present Status
On-going stage of implementation
  • Basic Aggregates currently prepared (for release
    January 2009)

Tourism consumption expenditure/consumption
  • Internal tourism consumption
  • - Internal tourism expenditure
  • - expenditures on products such as
    accommodation, food and beverage, transportation
    and other products paid by the organizers on
    behalf of visitors
  • - IRTS 2008 recommendations concerning
    imputed consumption on vacation homes are not yet
    covered in the Philippine TSA updates

III. PTSA Present Status
On-going stage of implementation
  • Basic Aggregates currently prepared (for release
    January 2009)

Supply/production of tourism goods and services
  • gross value added of tourism industries (GVATI)
  • tourism direct gross value added (TDGVA)
  • tourism direct gross domestic product (TDGDP)

III. PTSA Present Status
On-going stage of implementation
  • Basic Aggregates currently prepared (for release
    January 2009)

Employment of tourism industries
  • estimates include number of persons employed in
    each of the identified tourism-characteristic
  • Limitations in the data did not allow for the
    generation of employment by sex and hours worked
    as recommended by the UNWTO

III. Present Status of the PTSA
On-going stage of implementation
  • Consumption products categories
  • The categories used by the PTSA generally
    followed the recommendations from the TSA RMF
  • However, due to data limitations, only the major
    categories were presented. PTSA categories do not
    show the following details
  • Accommodation from vacation homes
  • No breakdown on Transportation (railways, road,
    water, air, transport rentals)
  • No breakdown on Entertainment and Recreation into
    cultural services and sports and recreational
  • Miscellaneous Category was added to catch all
    other consumptions not captured in any of the
    specific categories

III. Present Status of the PTSA
On-going stage of implementation
  • Consumption products categories
  • PTSA consumption products include
  • accommodation services for visitors
  • food and beverage serving services
  • transport services
  • travel agencies and other reservation services
  • entertainment and recreation
  • shopping of country-specific tourism
    characteristic goods
  • miscellaneous

III. Present Status of the PTSA
On-going stage of implementation
  • Historical series currently prepared
  • The latest Philippine TSA presents annual
    estimates for the period 2000 to 2007
  • The 2000-2007 estimates are however, not linked
    to the 1994 1998 estimates previously compiled

III. PTSA Present Status
On-going stage of implementation
  • TSA related indicators that can be derived


Source Table

Share of TDGVA to total GDP (current
Table 6


Share of Domestic tourism to PCE (current
Table 2


Share of Inbound tourism to Total exports
Table 1


(current prices)

Share of
bound tourism to Total Imports
Table 3


(current prices)

Share of Tourism industry employment to

total employment

III. Present Status of the PTSA
Short-term Implementation plans
  • Activities to be undertaken in the short run
  • Review consistency of estimates
  • Further review by the IAC on Tourism Statistics
  • Presentation to the NSCB Executive Board for
    policy decision
  • - next meeting of the Board is
    scheduled on December 3, 2008

III. Present Status of the PTSA
Short-term Implementation plans
  • Activities to be undertaken in the short run
  • Preparation for the PTSA publication
  • Target date of release January 2009
  • Basic documentation
  • Printed PTSA publication by NSCB
  • Inclusion of PTSA in the Compendium of
    Philippine Tourism Statistics of DOT
  • Press release/website release
  • Updating the PTSA page on the NSCB website
  • Uploading of pertinent information including
    PTSA Technical Notes

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • What do we have?

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • What do we have?

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • What do we have?

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • What do we have?

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • What do we have?

IV. Some Recent Results
  • Comparison of the Recent PTSA with the previous
    study covering 1994 1998

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • Inbound tourism expenditure on the rise!

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • Share of inbound tourism expenditure to Exports
    rose by more than 7 in 2007! Growth in
    inbound tourism coupled with decline in exports

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • Domestic tourism expenditure posts double digit
    growths !

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse to PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • Share of Domestic tourism expenditure to PCE

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • Domestic tourism expenditure dominated Internal
    tourism expenditure!

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • Internal tourism consumption on double digit
    growth from 2004 to 2007

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • Miscellaneous, shopping and accommodation are
    the biggest components of Internal tourism

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • Significant drop in outbound tourism expenditure
    in 2007! impact of Philippine currency

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • On the average, outbound tourism expenditure
    accounted for about 3 of total Imports of the

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • Derived ratios by consumption products

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • TDGVA grew steadily during the period 2000 to

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • For the years 2000 to 2007, the average share of
    TDGVA to GDP is about 6.2 percent!

IV. Some Recent Results
Other macroeconomic(nonmonetary) indicators
  • Employment in tourism industries growing slowly!

IV. Some Recent Results
A glimpse of PTSA results, 2000 to 2007
  • On the average, employment in tourism industries
    was 9.5 of the total employment in the

V. Challenges and Future Directions
Data and Data Sources
  • Improvements in the Visitor Sample Survey
  • continue improving its processing to ensure more
    timely release of data
  • expanding its coverage to other Philippine
    international airports newly opened
  • to cover arrivals through seaports when volume
    becomes significant
  • improvement in sampling methodology to represent
    more diverse respondents in order to represent
    different niche markets

V. Challenges and Future Directions
Data and Data Sources
  • Revision of the Arrival/Departure (A/D) card
  • Incorporated in the revised A/D cards are new
    technological methodologies to improve response
    rate and processing
  • proposed new A/D cards incorporate matching of
    arrival and departure, which could provide
    reliable estimates on the length of stay of
  • implement the A/D cards in international sea

V. Challenges and Future Directions
Data and Data Sources
  • Enhancement of Regional Travelers Report
  • Capturing the data from non-DOT-accredited
  • segregation of same-day visitors from the
  • Sustain the conduct of the Household Survey on
    Domestic Visitors (HSDV)
  • Provision of more disaggregated data in
    establishment surveys

V. Challenges and Future Directions
Estimation Methodology
  • Explicit characterization of expenditures by
    each class of visitor
  • separate estimates for same-day visitors and
  • Expansion of the scope of expenditure data used
    in outbound tourism
  • At present, only used the average expenditure
    data of Filipinos in four major country
    destinations, namely USA, Hongkong, Thailand and

V. Challenges and Future Directions
Estimation Methodology
  • Refinements in output indicators for tourism
  • provision of additional samples for
    tourism-characteristic industries
  • Improvement in employment data
  • to complement Labor Force Survey data by the
    Census of Population

V. Challenges and Future Directions
  • Towards Measurement of Tourism at the
    Sub-National Level
  • Local Government Units must step up their own
    collection of tourism statistics for local
  • Support needed for the DOTs program on capacity
    building of local government units
  • Monitoring Progress
  • Tourism Statistics must be analysed to quantify
    the contribution of tourism to national as well
    as LGU progress
  • Actual Policy Uses of Tourism Statistics/Tourism
    Accounts must be demonstrated

V. Challenges and Future Directions
  • Tourism and Sustainability
  • The PTSA must be useful as a tool to demonstrate
    the sustainability of tourism as a key
    contributor to development
  • Capacity Building
  • there is a need to enhance the technical
    capability of the compilers of the PTSA in order
    to ensure the accuracy and sustainability of
  • Capacity building is also necessary for the users
    of the TSA to improve appreciation and meaningful
    utilization of information

V. Challenges and Future Directions
  • Resources constraints (manpower and financial)
  • Advocate for better appreciation by government on
    the need to provide budget for statistical
  • Allow statistical offices to hire and increase
    number of statistical positions in government
    (including those in line ministries like the DOT)
  • Invest in statistics, invest in statistical
    offices, invest in statisticians!

Maraming Salamat po! URL http//
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