Title: Big Business
1Big Business Labor
How do the Robber Barons make their fortunes?
2Andrew Carnegie
- Immigrates from Scotland in 1848 at age 12
- Clerk for the Superintendent the Pennsylvania
Railroad by age 18.
- Does great job, boss offers him stock in company
- Carnegie starts investing, makes it to
Superintendent by age 24
- Forms a steel company in 1870s, most successful
co. in US
- Sells steel company to US Steel in 1901 for a
HUGE profit
3Carnegies Business Strategy
- Vertical Integration Buy out suppliers of needed
products and services so you control production
top to bottom
- Horizontal Integration buy out competing
producers so you are only co that offers that
4John Rockefeller Standard Oil Trust
- Rockefeller makes Standard Oil one of the biggest
and most profitable American cos
- Paid very low wages, lowered prices to force
competition to sell
- Formed trusts with the bought out companies
5The Robber Barons
- Businessmen and bankers who amassed huge personal
fortunes, by using unfair business practices
2) Morgan
1) Carnegie
3) Rockefeller
4) Stanford
6) Gould
5) Vanderbilt
6Government Reaction to robber barons
-Wanted to protect free market, feared big
business stifling competition -Passed Sherman
Anti-trust Act, 1890 tried to stop monopolies
by making it illegal to form a trust that
interfered with free trade - difficult to enforce
7Problems in the workplace
1) Terms of employment 6-7 day weeks, 12 hour
days, no vacation, no sick leave
2) Poor physical conditions polluted and often
3) Low Wages so bad that millions of
women/children forced to work
-Labor unions form to improve conditions
- Skilled workers form AFL under Samuel Gompers
-1905 radical unionists and socialists formed
the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
- Goal organize unskilled labor and semi-skilled
8Great Strike of 1877
-80,000 railroad workers strike
-Shut down most railroad traffic for week
-Joined by many other workers
-President Hayes authorizes use of federal troops
to stop the violence
9Haymarket Riot, 1886
- 3,000 gather to protest police killing of
striker, police sent in to disperse crowd
-someone throws bomb into police line - 7 police
-Public opinion begins to turn against unions and
strikes, connecting them to violence
10Homestead Strike, 1892
-President of Carnegie Steel announces wage cut,
workers strike
- Supervisors call in Pinkerton detectives
protect strike breakers(scabs)
-Pinkerton detectives battle strikers and
townspeople- 12 die in violence, strike is
broken, Carnegie Steel lowers wages
Homestead Video Questions
- What happened to leaders who led the strike
against Carnegie steel? - What happened to the town of Homestead?
- What happens to Carnegies company?
- What does Carnegie say about the strike?
- How does he try to makeup for what happened at