Chapter 9 - Muscles and Muscle Tissue - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 9 - Muscles and Muscle Tissue


Chapter 9 - Muscles and Muscle Tissue I. Overview of Muscle Tissue A. Muscle Types - depending on structure and function 3 types: 1. Similarities – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 9 - Muscles and Muscle Tissue

Chapter 9 - Muscles and Muscle Tissue
  • I. Overview of Muscle Tissue
  • A. Muscle Types - depending on structure and
  • 3 types
  • 1. Similarities
  • a. Muscle fibers skeletal and smooth muscle
    are elongated
  • b. Contraction depends on myofilaments actin
    and myosin
  • c. Myo- or mys- muscle and sarco flesh
  • d. Sarcolemma membrane of muscle
  • e. Muscle fiber cytoplasm sarcoplasm

Types and Functions of Muscles
  • Smooth muscle is located in the walls of hollow
    internal organs and contracts involuntarily.
    (non-striated / involuntary, visceral muscle)
  • Cardiac muscle forms the heart wall and contracts
    involuntarily. (striated, involuntary)
  • Skeletal muscle runs the entire length of the
    muscle and contracts voluntarily. (striated,

  • I. Skeletal muscle
  • a. Striated
  • b. Controlled voluntary - subject to conscious
  • c. Contracts in response to a signal from a
    motor neuron, they cannot initiate their own

  • 2. Cardiac
  • a. Striated
  • b. Involuntary - no conscious control
  • c. Both cardiac and smooth have multiple levels
    of control through the autonomic nervous system,
    endocrine system and sometimes spontaneous
  • 3. Smooth Muscle
  • a. Nonstriated (homogeneous appearance w/o bands
    because of less organized arrangement of
    contractile fibers)
  • b. Visceral organs
  • c. Involuntary
  • d. Slow and sustained contractions

  • Muscle Functions
  • 1. Motion and force skeletal muscles, voice,
    vessels, heart, digestion, urinary, reproductive
  • 2. Posture
  • 3. Stabilize joints
  • 4. Heat production and homeostasis of body
    temperature muscles generate heat as they

  • C. Functional Characteristics
  • 1. Excitability or irritability ability to
    respond to a stimulus ACh, hormone, local change
    in pH
  • 2. Contractility ability to shorten when
  • 3. Extensibility ability to be stretched or
  • 4. Elasticity resume resting length after

Skeletal Muscle
  • A. Anatomy _______________________
  • 1. Connective tissue coverings from external to
  • a. Epimysium surrounds entire muscle fibrous
  • b. Perimysium bundle of muscle fibers grouped
    into fascicles covered by a perimysium (around
    the muscle).
  • c. Endomysium within a fascicle, each muscle
    fiber is surrounded by a sheath of reticular

  • 2. Nerves Blood
  • a. Every fiber must be attached to a nerve
    ending that controls its activity
  • b. Continuous blood flow brings oxygen and
    removes wastes because contracting muscle fibers
    use huge amounts of energy
  • c. Each muscle served by an artery and one or
    more veins

  • 3. Attachments
  • a. Origin more stationary end attached closest
    to the trunk
  • b. Insertion more distal or mobile attachment
    moves toward origin when muscle contracts
  • c. Attachments
  • Direct fleshy attachments epimysium fused to
    periosteum of bone or perichondrium of cartilage
  • d. Indirect attachments connective tissue
    wrappings extend as a tendon or a sheetlike
    aponeurosis to attach muscle to connective tissue
    covering of bone or cartilage or to fascia of
    other muscles.

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  • B. Microscopic anatomy of a skeletal muscle
  • 1. Long cylindrical cell that is multinucleate
    beneath its outer membrane
  • 2. Sarcoplasm in muscles (cytoplasm) more
    stored glycogen and contains myoglobin, a red
    pigment that binds O2
  • Myofibrils - when viewed at high magnification
  • a.. The contractile elements of skeletal muscle
  • b. 80 of cell volume - thousands of myofibrils
    in each muscle
  • c. Run parallel entire length of cell
  • d. Tightly packed with other organelles squeezed
  • e. Sarcomere repeating series of dark and
    light bands along the length of the myofibril

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  • 6. Sarcomere
  • a. Striations caused by A bands
  • Overlap of actin myosin
  • b. H Zone
  • Myosin only
  • c. M Line
  • Dark line bisects H
  • d. Z line midline of I bands boundary of a
    single sarcomere
  • e. Thick filaments myosin
  • f. Thin filaments
  • actin

  • 7. Myofilaments - actin and myosin
  • a. Thick filaments - Myosin has tail and a
    globular head
  • b. Cross bridges combination of arms and heads
  • c. Each thick filament of myosin has 200gt myosin
  • and
  • d. Thin filament of actin bears the active site
  • e. Actin has tropomyosin molecules that lie on
    top of the active binding sites

  • Skeletal muscle fibers contain
  • sarcoplasmic reticulum and
  • T tubules
  • that help regulate muscle contraction
  • Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
  • a. Is like the smooth ER of a cell. It wraps
    around each myofibril like lace
  • b. Surrounds myofibril with terminal cisternae
    (end sacs)
  • c. Role is to concentrate and sequester calcium

  • 9. T - Tubules
  • a. T tubules are continuations of the surface
    membrane of the muscle fiber
  • b. Where the sarcolemma of muscle cell
    penetrates into the cell interior to form a
    hollow tubule (T tubule)
  • c. That allow action potentials that originate
    on the cell surface to move into the interior the
    the cell.

  • C. Muscle Fiber Contraction
  • 1. Sliding Filament Theory - 1954 by Sir Huxley
  • a Thin filaments slide past thick filaments so
    actin and myosin overlap during contraction of
  • b. Definition Overlapping fibers of fixed
    length slide past each other in an
    energy-requiring process, resulting in muscle
  • c. A muscle can contract without shortening.
  • d. Tension generated in a muscle fiber is
    directly proportional to the interaction between
    thick and thin filaments

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  • Molecular events
  • 1) Cross bridge attachment myosin cross bridge
    attaches to actin
  • 2) Working stroke as myosin head binds, it
    pivots, pulling on the actin ( high energy config
    70 degrees, low energy bent)
  • 3) Cross bridge detachment new ATP attaches to
    the myosin head, the cross bridge attachment
  • 4) Cocking of myosin head hydrolysis of ATP
    provides energy to return myosin to high-energy
    position repeated over and over as sarcomere
  • 5) Each myosin cross bridge attaches and
    detaches many times during a single contraction.
  • 6) Sliding continues as long as the calcium
    signal and ATP are present
  • 2. Regulation of Contraction
  • Must be stimulated by
  • a nerve ending and
  • must propagate an electrical current
  • or
  • Action potential on sarcolemma (membrane).
  • Excitation-contraction coupling are the events
    linking electrical signal to contraction

  • 3. Stimulus
  • a. Neuromuscular junctionmotor neuron axonal
    endings on muscle fiber usually one per fiber.
    Each muscle fiber has 1 neuromuscular junction so
    each skeletal muscle fiber has a nerve ending

  • 3. Stimulus
  • b. Synaptic cleft space between axon terminal
    of neuron and the muscle fiber
  • c. Synaptic vesicles vesicles that contain
  • d. Motor end plate branching nerve terminal
    invaginates into the muscle fiber

  • e. Calcium release causes vesicles filled with
    ACh to fuse with membrane and release ACh into
    the synaptic cleft
  • f. ACh binds to receptors on motor end plate of
    muscle fiber
  • g. which opens the sodium channel - which
    initiates an AP along the muscle gt

  • 4. Generation of Action Potentials across the
  • a. Inside is negative
  • b. Binding of ACh opens chemically regulated ion
  • c. Depolarization is a result of ions (sodium)
    entering to make inside less negative so the
    difference between inside and outside the cell
  • d. Action potential formation
  • 1) Na gates open
  • 2) Depolarization wave spreads to adjacent
    sarcolemma to open Na gates
  • 3) Repolarization Na gates close and K
    gates open and K diffuses out

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  • e. Refractory period cannot be stimulated to
    produce another AP
  • f. All-or-none responseonce initiated, AP
  • cannot be stopped and causes full contraction of
    the fiber muscles contract completely or not at

Depolarized - difference inside and outside the
cell decreases Repolarized - return to the
resting potential of electrical
disequilibrium from uneven distribution of ions
across the cell membrane. Hyperpolarized -
membrane is more negative and the difference
increased and the cell has hyperpolarized
  • ControlAfter release of ACh, it is destroyed by
    acetylcholinesterase (AChE)
  • This prevents continuous muscle fiber contraction
    in the absence of additional nervous stimulation
  • Nicotine mimics ACh but nicotinic ACh not
    destroyed by AChE
  • Nerve gas prevents AChE from inactivating ACh

Excitation-Contraction Coupling
  • What is it?
  • Name the steps?

  • Excitation-Contraction Coupling
  • a. Latent period time from stimulus until
    muscle contracts
  • b. Action potential starts along sarcolemma and
    down T tubules
  • c. SR releases calcium ions into the sarcoplasm
    of muscle cell
  • d. Calcium binds troponin and removes blocking
    action of tropomyosin, freeing the actin active
    site to bind with myosin cross bridges
  • e. Myosin cross bridges attach and shorten
  • f. Calcium pump takes calcium back to SR for
  • g. Tropomyosin again blocks actin active sites
    and muscle fiber relaxes so the calcium signal
    ends here -the end of contraction

  • D. Skeletal Muscle Contraction
  • 1. Motor unit
  • a. Contains a motor neuron and all muscle fibers
    it innervates
  • b. Average is 150, with a range of four to
    -several hundred muscle fibers
  • c. Smaller motor units in areas of precise
    control (eye)
  • d. Large, weight bearing muscles of less
    precision have larger units
  • e. Muscle fibers in a single unit are spread out
    so stimulation causes contraction of the entire

  • 2. Twitch and Tension Development
  • a. Myogram graphic recording of contraction
  • b. Muscle twitch response of muscle to single
    brief threshold stimulus
  • c. Latent period first few milliseconds
    following stimulation when muscle tension is
    beginning but no response on the myogram
  • d. Contraction period 10-100 ms onset of
    contraction to peak tension development enough to
    overcome resistance of the load to contract
  • e. Period of Relaxation 10-100 ms Ca2 back
    into SR

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  • 3. Graded Responses - variations in the degree
    of contraction
  • a. Produced by changing speed of stimulation or
    number of motor units activated
  • b. Wave Summation Tetanus
  • 1) Wave summation two identical stimuli in
    rapid succession, the second twitch will be
    stronger than the first because a 2nd contraction
    occurs before the muscle has relaxed.
    Contractions are summed but still have a
    refractory period. Second stimulus before
    complete repolarization
  • 2) Tetanus increase rate of stimulus until
    relaxation phase disappears sustained
  • 3) Muscle fatigue prolonged tetanus leads to
    fatigue or the muscle loses ability to contract
    due to lack of ATP.

  • 4. Treppe
  • a. Staircase effect reflecting increasing Ca2
  • b. Contractions increase in strength with each
  • c Basis for warming up for athletic events
  • 5. Muscle tone relaxed muscles are always in a
    slightly contracted state - keeps muscles firm
    and ready to respond

  • 6. Isotonic Isometric Contractions
  • a. General
  • 1) Muscle tension force exerted by a
    contracting muscle on an object
  • 2) Load resistance to movement exerted by
  • b. Isotonic Contractions -
  • 1) Creates force and moves a load
  • 2) Concentric muscle shortens
  • 3) Eccentric muscle contracts as it lengthens
  • Calf muscle as you walk up a hill

Concentric Contraction
  • c. Isometric Contractions
  • 1) Tension develops, but muscle does not
    shorten. Tension develops because of the elastic
    elements of the muscle
  • 2) Maintenance of posture, stability of joints
    while other joints move, tucking in your stomach.
    Accomplish no work
  • 3) Example If you pick up weights and hold them
    in front of you, there is tension to overcome the
    load of the weight. The muscle is not
    shortening it is isometric. If you bend your
    arms and bring the weight to you shoulder,
    muscle shortens, isotonic contraction. If you
    slowly extend the arms, resisting the weight to
    pull down, it is eccentric or lengthening.
    Eccentric may cause cellular damage and lead to

  • E. Where does the energy come from?
  • 1. Energy for Contraction is ATP
  • a. Little stored ATP

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  • e. Athletics
  • 1) Sprints, weight lifting, diving, etc. rely on
    ATP and CP stores
  • 2) Tennis, soccer surges or activity fueled
    almost completely by anaerobic respiration
  • 3) Marathon running, prolonged activities depend
    on aerobic
  • 4) Aerobic endurance time muscle can continue
    to contract using aerobic pathways
  • Anaerobic threshold muscle activity can be
    continued for a long time when ATP demands are
    maintained below the anaerobic threshold
  • (ATP 1-2 seconds CP 5-8 seconds, glycogen 60
    seconds aerobic metabolism 2-4 hours)

  • 2. Muscle fatigue
  • a. Physiological inability of muscle to contract
  • b. Glycogen glucose exhausted
  • c. Results from a relative deficit of ATP,
  • d. Lactic acid buildup with resultant
    inhibition of key muscle enzymes

  • 3. Oxygen Debt
  • a. To sustain contractions during exercise, an
    oxygen debt is incurred that must be repaid after
    exercise is over.
  • b. Increased breathing provides the oxygen
    required in the biochemical reactions that
  • 1. restore creatine phosphate reserves
  • 2. remove lactic acid
  • 3. replenish depleted glycogen
  • c. Increased oxygen uptake is often due to
    elevated muscle temperature and increased levels
    of epinephrine
  • 4. Heat production 40 of energy released
    during muscle contraction is converted to useful
    work remainder given off as heat which has to be
    dealt with to maintain homeostasis
  • surface heat radiation
  • sweat

Athletics and Muscle Contraction
  • Although all muscle fibers metabolize both
    aerobically and anaerobically, some muscle fibers
    utilize one method more than the other.
  • Slow-twitch fibers produce most of their energy
    aerobically and tire only when their fuel supply
    is gone.
  • Fast-twitch fibers tend to be anaerobic and seem
    to be designed for strength as their motor units
    contain many fibers.
  • Can develop greater, and more rapid, maximum
    tension than slow-twitch fibers.

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brief and intense
longer duration
Ben Johnson, 1988, Olympic gold medal 100-m
Athletics and Muscle Contraction
  • Muscles that are not used, or are used in only
    weak contractions can atrophy.
  • Can cause muscle fibers to progressively shorten,
    leaving body parts contracted in contorted
  • Hypertrophy occurs if the muscle contracts to at
    least 75 of its maximum tension.

  • Exercise
  • Aerobic exercise increases capillaries,
  • mitochondria,
  • myoglobin, especially in red slow-twitch fibers,
  • hypertrophy of heart,
  • better metabolism,
  • neuromuscular coordination,
  • increases GI movement,
  • better gas exchange in lungs.
  • 2. Resistance exercise usually anaerobic,
    isometric with high resistance (weights)
  • 3. Cross-training is best for overall fitness

III. Smooth Muscle
  • A. Microscopic Structure
  • 1. Spindle-shaped, small cells with central
  • Not arranged orderly so no striations
  • 2. Arranged in sheets or layers in vessels,
    hollow organs
  • 3. Longitudinal and circular layers present in
    most of above

  • 1. Smooth muscles lack highly structured
    neuromuscular junctions of skeletal muscle.
  • Less developed SR, no T tubules
  • 3. No striations no sarcomeres but thick and
    thin filaments present in a spiral arrangement

  • B. Contraction
  • 1. Smooth muscles have slow, synchronized
  • 2. Mechanism of Contraction - similar to
  • a. Actin and myosin interact by sliding filament
  • b. Calcium triggers contraction
  • c. ATP provides energy for sliding process
  • 3. Contraction is slow, sustained, and resistant
    to fatigue.

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  • 7. Neural Regulation
  • a. Similar to skeletal Action potential, Ca
    channels open
  • b. Unlike skeletal, different neurotransmitters
    have different effects (bronchioles, vessels,
    digestive, etc.)
  • Chemical factors cause smooth muscle contraction
  • hormones,
  • lack of oxygen,
  • excess CO2
  • low pH
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