- If its wet and its not yours, dont touch it!
- South Burlington School
2Bloodborne Pathogens Training Introduction
- Welcome to the South Burlington School Districts
- bloodborne pathogen training module.
- The Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- (OSHA) requires that all employees who are at
risk - for exposure to blood or body fluids receive
annual - training which will give specific information to
help - protect against bloodborne disease. This module
is - intended to provide this important information.
All - employees are expected to review this information
- each year.
3 But it is just as important
- to also prevent the spread of bloodborne disease
and - to model to students the appropriate way to
handle blood and body fluids.
4Topics of Discussion
- What is a Bloodborne Pathogen?
- Transmission of Disease in the School
Environment. - The Districts Exposure Control Plan.
- How to Reduce your Risk of Exposure.
- Actions to Take After an Exposure Incident.
5What is a Bloodborne Pathogen??
Bloodborne transmitted by blood (or other body
fluids) Pathogen microorganism capable of
causing disease Bloodborne Pathogens are
present in --Blood --Semen --Vaginal
Secretions --Torn or Loose Skin --Other Body
Fluids, particularly if tainted with blood
6HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C viruses are
examples of bloodborne pathogens. These
areserious diseases.
What are some Examples of Bloodborne Pathogens??
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
7HIV Information
- HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the
virus which causes AIDS. This virus attacks the
bodys immune system and interferes with the
ability to fight infection. -
- HIV is spread mainly through sexual contact, but
may also be - spread by contact with blood and body fluids.
There is no vaccine to prevent AIDS. If you
contract HIV, you may - --suffer flu-like illness (fever, fatigue,
diarrhea) - --carry the virus and show NO symptoms for years
- --eventually develop AIDS
- --develop AIDS-related illness (cancer,
neurological - problems and other opportunistic infections)
8Hepatitis Information
- Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver.
Most people who contract hepatitis will heal in
about six months. In others, the virus can cause
liver damage and be life threatening. - There is a vaccination for Hepatitis B.
9Hepatitis Information
- If you become infected with Hepatitis B virus,
you may - --suffer flu-like illness (fatigue, weight
loss, fever, - diarrhea)
- --require hospitalization
- --not show any signs / symptoms
- --be unaware that you are a carrier
- --have infected blood and body fluids
- --pass the virus on to sexual partners, family
members, or newborns from infected mother
10Hepatitis C Information
- If you become infected with Hepatitis C, you may
- --Look and feel ill (jaundice, dark urine,
nausea, - abdominal pain, no appetite).
- --Pass the virus on to others by sharing
needles, - through contact with infected blood/body
fluids, and - to newborns from an infected mother.
- Between 55-85 of infected people will have a
chronic - infection. Between 1-5 will die.
- Many contagious people show no signs or symptoms
of infection. Only blood tests can positively
identify these diseases.
12Transmission of Disease in the School Environment
- Cuts, scratches
- Skin abrasions
- Dermatitis, eczema
- Acne areas
- Mucus membranes
- eyes, nose, mouth
- Any sort of damaged or broken skin such as
sunburn or blisters
- Pathogens can enter
- your body through
- various avenues
Staff working with severely disabled children
should take extra caution, as some disabled
children may be more vulnerable to injury, likely
to have special medical needs, dependent upon
adults for personal care and need more assistance
or care when injured.
13You can also become infected with
- Broken glass (science labs, cooking class)
- Sharp metal / scissors
- Needles (consumer science classes)
- Exacto Knives (art classes)
- Exposed ends of orthodontic wires (braces)
14 Risks in the School Setting
Custodial duties
Administering First Aid
Working with a student with a disability
Intervening in fights
Assisting students with checking their blood
Working w/ students using heat sources,
sharp instruments, power tools
15You can become infected INDIRECTLY
- The Hepatitis B virus is very durable studies
show that HBV can survive on surfaces dried and
at room temperature for a week.
- When you touch a surface that has been
contaminated with infected blood -
- and then, transfer the germs to your eyes, nose,
mouth or open skin.
- HIV, on the other hand, is very fragile and will
not survive very long outside of the human body.
However, because HIV is such a devastating
disease, all precautions must be taken to avoid
16BBP Exposure Control Plan
- OSHA requires that our District have a written
Exposure Control Plan. - What is the Purpose?
- When an exposure incident occurs, we will know
how to respond quickly and appropriately,
ensuring a positive outcome. - What is Included?
- --Identification of personnel covered by the
- OSHA standard.
- --Analysis of potential hazards of each job
- description.
- --Determination of measures to be taken to
- reduce the risk of exposure to bloodborne
- pathogens on the job.
- --Written procedures related to exposure risks.
- Where is it located?
- Business Office and School Health Offices.
17Reducing Your Risk of Exposure
- It is impossible to tell who is infected with a
disease simply by - appearances many people who are infected show no
visible signs or symptoms and may not even know
their infectious state. Therefore, using
universal precautions is essential. - Â
- UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS is a prevention concept in
which all - blood and body fluids are treated as if they are
- In other words, whether or not you think the
blood/body fluid is - infected with bloodborne pathogens, you treat
it as if it is. Using - this, along with other protective practices
can greatly reduce your - risk.
18Work Practice Controls
- Work Practice Controls refers to specific
procedures one must follow on the job to reduce
exposure to blood or other potentially infectious
materials. For example, our custodial staff has
special training in proper procedures for
cleaning up blood and body fluid spills.
19Reducing your RiskHandwashing
This is your most important work practice
control! You should wash your hands with soap and
- Every time you remove gloves or other personal
protective equipment. - ASAP if your skin / mucous membrane has come in
direct contact with blood or other body fluid. - Regularly throughout the day... before eating,
after using bathroom, after handling animals,
etc. - ? If handwashing facilities are not available,
use an antiseptic gel or towelette until you can
get to sink with soap and running water.
20Reducing your RiskGloves
Gloves must be worn if you anticipate exposure to
another persons blood, potentially infectious
materials, mucous membranes or non-intact skin.
- Keep gloves within easy reach at all times all
staff should have access. Your building nurse
will supply you with gloves as needed. - If you assist with first aid where blood or body
fluids are involved, you must wear gloves. - ? Replace gloves as soon as you can if they are
torn, punctured, contaminated or defective in any
way (sometimes they wear out).
- Do NOT reuse disposable
- gloves.
- Always wash your hands
- after taking your gloves off.
21Reducing your RiskRemoving Gloves
- Unsure of the proper way to remove gloves?
- Follow these steps listed below. If you have any
questions, - consult with your building nurse for a
demonstration. - With both hands gloved, peel one glove off by
grabbing it in the middle of your palm and
pulling it off your fingers last (the glove
should come off your hand inside out). Hold it
in the gloved hand. - 2. With the exposed hand, peel the second glove
FROM THE INSIDE, tucking the first glove inside
the second. - 3. Dispose of the gloves properly.
- 4. Never touch the outside of the gloves with
your bare skin. - 5. Wash your hands as soon as possible.
22Reducing your riskHousekeeping Reminders
Minimize blood spatter when helping an injured
and bleeding person.
Handle contaminated laundry / clothing as little
as possible.
Dispose sharps (needles, broken glass, bloody
metal) and infectious wastes in designated
Call a custodian for clean-up of blood or body
- Encourage students to self-
- administer first aid if
- possible.
Inspect and clean wastepaper baskets and other
receptacles that are reused (and have a
likelihood of becoming contaminated with blood or
other infectious materials) on a regular basis.
Avoid picking-up broken glass with your bare
hands. Use a broom and dustpan, tongs or some
other device.
23Reducing your RiskPersonal Hygiene Reminders
Avoid eating, drinking, applying makeup or lip
balm where there is a possibility of exposure.
Cover cuts, scratches, rashes or other open
sores on exposed skin.
Avoid handling contact lenses where there is a
possibility of exposure.
Avoid sharing razors, toothbrushes or other
personal items.
24Reducing Your RiskHepatitis B Vaccination
Part of the Districts Control Plan includes
offering the Hepatitis B vaccination.
- Studies show it is around 85 effective at
protecting you from Hep B. - Yeast-based (not derived from human plasma).
- 3 shots given over 6 months.
- Safe.
- Good for at least 10 years.
- Booster doses may be needed later.
- Side effects may include soreness at injection
site, fever, malaise, fatigue. - You may discuss the pros and cons of this
vaccination with your health care provider. - If you decide to receive the Hep B series,
contact the business office directly.
25More Hepatitis B Information
- All employees are required to have a copy of
the SBSD Hepatitis B Vaccination
Consent-Declination Form on file with the
district. This is done at the time of initial
hire with the district. -
- If you decide not to get this vaccination at
this time, you may change your mind at any time
in the future. -
- You may review the SBSD Hepatitis B Vaccination
Consent Declination Form in the Appendix at the
end of this training module.
26What is an Exposure Incident?
- To reiterate
- When your non-intact skin or mucus membranes
come in contact with another persons blood or
body fluid. -
- Examples of non-intact skin
- Cuts, scrapes, burns, dermatitis, or any other
skin - lesions
- Examples of mucus membranes
- Lips, nostrils, mouth, eyes, vagina, rectum
27Emergency Action Steps after an Exposure Incident
- Immediately wash hands or the exposed area with
soap and water flush with copious amounts of
water. - Apply an antiseptic or band aid as needed.
- Report the incident to supervisor / building
nurse / principal as appropriate.
- Employee will then be referred for consultation
for medical evaluation and follow up. - Records will be kept confidential by the health
care provider. - There may be other paperwork required by SBSD
depending upon the situation (i.e. accident
report, workmans compensation, etc).
- If you have any questions now or throughout the
year, or if you would like to - review this information with a video, booklet or
similar article, please contact - your building nurse. Each nurse has access to
materials for you to read at your - convenience.
- More information is available at the following
web sites - OSHA www.osha.org
- VT Dept of Health www.healthvermont.gov
- Center for Disease Control www.cdc.gov
29Appendix A Hepatitis B Vaccination
Consent-Declination Form
- I understand the benefits and risks of the
Hepatitis B vaccination. I understand that I must
receive at least 3 intramuscular doses of vaccine
in the arm over a 6-month period to confer
immunity. However, as with all medical treatment,
there is no guarantee that I will become immune
or that I will not experience an adverse side
effect from the vaccine. - I have had an opportunity to ask questions and
all my questions have been answered to my
satisfaction. I am aware that the SBSD assumes no
responsibility for advice or counsel regarding
this inoculation and I have been advised to
consult with my personal physician regarding the
possible impact of this vaccine upon my health
and well being. I hold the South Burlington
School District harmless for any consequences of
this vaccination. - The cost of the Hepatitis B vaccine series of the
inoculations will be at no charge to the
employees who have occupational blood exposure. I
understand that participation is voluntary and my
consent or refusal of the vaccination does not
have any impact upon the conditions of my
employment. I understand hat I may withdraw from
the vaccination regimen at any time. - I voluntarily and of free choice, indicate that I
have adequate knowledge upon which to base my
informed consent or declination of the vaccine as
indicated above. - (Please check one)
- __________I wish to receive the Hepatitis B
vaccination series. - __________I decline the Hepatitis B vaccination
series. I understand that by declining this
vaccination, I continue to be at risk of
contracting Hepatitis B, a serious disease. If,
in the future, I continue to have exposure to
potentially infectious materials and want to be
vaccinated with the Hepatitis B vaccine, I can
receive the vaccination series at no charge to
me. - Name (print) _____________________________________
____________________________________________ - Signature ________________________________________
__________________________ Date_____________
30Appendix BMRSAMethicillin-Resistant
Staphylococcus Aureus
- Staph (staphylococcus aureus) is a very common
bacterium that can live on the skin or in the
noses of healthy people. It is a common cause of
skin lesions, such as pimples and boils. Staph
can sometimes lead to more serious infections on
the skin and other sites on the body. Some staph
infections are harder to treat because the
bacteria have become resistant over time to the
antibiotics usually used to treat these
infections. - MRSA is spread through breaks in the skin, by
skin to skin contact, or less often, by touching
surfaces that have MRSA on them. - MRSA is a type of staph infection that has become
resistant to some anti-biotics. These infections
can be mild or very serious. MRSA infection is
preventable and treatable. - MRSA is rarely serious when contracted in the
community setting, where it typically appears as
an easily treatable skin infection. MRSA acquired
in the hospital or health care setting is a
different strain and more serious that MRSA
acquired in the community. MRSA can be
life-threatening to older people and those with a
weakened immune system.
31Appendix BMeasures to Prevent MRSA
- Simple measures can be taken to prevent MRSA
infections - --Wash hands often and well.
- --Shower after exercise.
- --Cover cuts, scrapes and wounds with bandages
until healed. - --Dont share personal items such as used
razors, towels or other - objects that could pass bacteria from one
persons skin to another. - --Place barriers between skin and shared
equipment like weight lifting - benches and sanitize frequently-touched
surfaces. - If you think you have an infected wound, see your
medical health care provider. - Any student with an open wound, or wound draining
pus should be referred to the school nurse for
further evaluation. - The Vermont Department of Health has more
information on their web site - www.healthvermont.gov