Weather Radar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Weather Radar


Klystrons provide a coherent transmitted signal appropriate for Doppler radar and pulse-compression applications. They are used in many operational radars, for ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: doppler | radar | weather


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Weather Radar

Weather Radar
  • Radar - acronym for RADio Detection and Ranging
  • PS Radar and lidar major active remote sensing
  • Passive R.S. does not have ranging capability
  • Main components of a radar/lidar are
  • Transmitter magnetron which generates short
    pulses of electromagnetic energy (microwave)
  • Note lidar uses shorter wavelength (UV, vis,
  • Antenna which emits and receives focused the
    energy into a narrow beam
  • Receiver which detects that portion of the
    transmitted energy that has been reflected
    (scattered) by objects with refractive
    characteristics different from air

Diagram of Radar Transmission and Reception (Fig.
1.1 from Batan and Fig. 8.1 from Stephens)
Basic Operation Principles
  • Electromagnetic energy is transmitted into the
    atmosphere. Once reaching a target (cloud
    droplets, ice crystals, rain drops, snowflakes,
    aerosol particles, insects, birds, airplane,
    etc.), the energy is absorbed and scattered. A
    portion of backscattered energy is received and
    processed by a radar to display as an echo.
  • Two types of radar
  • Conventional radar incoherent radar (1-2o beam
  • Detect only the intensity or the amplitude of
  • the electromagnetic energy an incoherent sys
  • Doppler radar coherent (phase) radar
  • Detect both the amplitude and phase of the
  • electromagnetic energy.

Weather RadarImportant Relationships
pulse of energy
time for light to reach target r/c time for
light to reach receiver r/c total time 2r/c
r ct/2 where c is the speed of light C3x108
m/sec 3x105 km/sec
Received Power
r ct/2
Important Radar Parameters
  • Peak Power - Pt - (instantaneous power emitted in
    a pulse)
  • 10 lt Pt lt 5000 kW, 5x106 W
  • Minimum detectable signal
  • Much smaller than emitted energy 10-13 W
  • Because of the large range of the energy dealt
    with in a radar system (10-13 106), the power is
    often expressed in decibels (dB). Difference
    between two power level p1 and p0 is given by
  • p(dB) 10 log10(p1/p0)
  • So, the dynamic range of a radar 190 dB
  • in electronic term, po 1 mW (10-3 W), unit dBm
  • Minimum detectable -100 dBm
  • Peak power 90 dBm

Important Radar Parameters (Cont.)
  • Radio frequency - ?Radio wavelength - ? -
  • 3 lt ???????GHz (1 GHz 109 sec-1)
  • (wavelengths from 1 to 30 cm)
  • Detection capability of hydrometeor depends
    critically on radio frequency/wavelength.
  • In general, the smaller the size of the
    particles, the shorter the wavelength required to
    detect. e.g. the popular 10 cm (3 GHz or S-band)
    radar can detect rain drops but not cloud
    droplets which may be detected by 95 or 35 GHz

Radar Important Parameters (Cont.)
  • Pulse repetition frequency (fr) (PRF)
  • Typical PRF for weather radar fr 1000 s-1
  • but may range between 200 2000 s-1
  • Maximum range of detection for a radar set
  • half the interval between pulses times the speed
    of light
  • c/2fr 150 km for fr 1000 s-1
  • range 750km lt c/2fr lt 75 km
  • Pulse duration 0.1 lt ? lt 5 µs
  • vs. pulse interval 500 lt t lt 5000 µsec

Important Radar Parameters - cont.
  • Beam width - angular separation between points
    where the transmitted intensity has fallen to 1/2
    its maximum value (i.e., 3 dB below the maximum)
  • The smaller the beam width, the better the
    resolution. Typical width for weather radar 1o-3o

Beam Width
.5 Imax
Angular Separation
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Summary of Important Radar Parameters and
Typical Values(c.f. The appendix of Battan)
  • Peak Power
  • 100-1000kW or 8090 dBm
  • Minimum Detectable Signal
  • 10-13 W or 100 dBm
  • Radio Frequency
  • The popular weather radar 510 cm
  • Pulse Repetition Frequency
  • PRF 1000 sec-1
  • Pulse duration 0.1 lt ? lt 5 µsec
  • Beam width 1o-3o

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Radar Range EquationDerivation
  • The Radar Range Equation relates received power
    to the backscatter cross section of the target.
  • Note the radar equations given here invoke some
    assumptions and thus differ from the more precise
    eqs. used in operation. More exact ones found in
  • Radar Observation of the Atmosphere by Battan.
  • Assume the radar transmits peak power Pt
    isotropically without attenuation. Using the
    inverse-square law, the power intercepted P? by a
    target of area At at a distance r from the
    transmitter is

Radar Range EquationDerivation - cont.
  • But, the antenna focuses the energy into a narrow
    beam, thereby increasing the power relative to an
    isotropic source. Thus the power intercepted is

where G is a dimensionless number (ratio of peak
intensity to uniform) called the antenna axial
Radar Range EquationDerivation - cont.
  • Assume the target scatters the power intercepted
    isotropically, then the power returned Pr to the
    antenna with aperture area Ae is given as

Radar Range EquationDerivation - cont.
  • But, most targets do not scatter isotropically,
    and as a convenient artifice the back scatter
    cross-section ? is introduced such that

and ? ? At.
The ratio ?/At vary with target property and size
and the frequency of a radar. For small target
(w.r.t. radar wavelength), the ratio increases
exponentially with particle size (Rayleigh
Hail with a water coating scatters more radiation
Weather Radar Equation
  • Rain, snow and cloud particles are examples of
    distributed targets - many scattering elements
    that are simultaneously illuminated by the
    transmitted pulse.
  • The volume containing those particles that are
    simultaneously illuminated is called the
    resolution volume given by the beam width and
    pulse length.
  • Power returned from a given range fluctuates
    because precipitation particles move.
  • Instead of using the instantaneous power
    received, the radar range equation is formulated
    in terms of the average signal received from a
    given volume.

Weather Radar Equation - cont.
  • For averages over about 10-2 s, the average
    received power may be written as

where the summation is over the backscatter
cross-sections within the resolution volume. In
order to relate the received power to
propertiesof the precipitation, we must now find
an expressionfor ?.
Rayleigh Scattering
  • Define the scattering size parameter ? for a
    sphere as

the ratio of the circumference of the sphere to
the wavelength. Also called electrical size.
For ? ltlt 1, e.g. for r01mm and 10cm radar,
?0.06 scattering is in the Rayleigh region, and
? for a sphere or radius ro is given as
m is the complex index of refraction and n is the
ordinary refractive index and k the absorption
Weather Radar and Rayleigh Scattering
  • the refractive terms ? depends upon ?, T and
    composition of the scatterer. For the
    meteorological range of temperatures and for
    common wavelengths
  • liquid water - ?2 0.93
  • ice ?2 0.21
  • Thus, an ice sphere has a radar cross-section
    only about 2/9 that of a water sphere of the same
  • For water-coated hailstone, k and ? varies
    strongly with water content, ranging from well
    below the values for ice to significantly higher
    than those for pure water. The later often
    displayed as a bright band in the radar screen,
    often associated with light precipitation in
    mix-phase clouds.

Weather Radar Equation - cont.
  • Assuming Rayleigh scattering spheres of diameter D

Introduce the radar reflectivity factor Z, where
where the summation extends over a unit
volume, and N(D)dD is the number of drops per
unit volume of a given diameter.
Weather Radar Equation - cont.
  • After accounting for the scattering volume and
    the beam pattern, the most useful weather radar
    range equation is

where ? is the pulse duration and ? is the beam
width in radians. Note that in some instances,
Rayleigh scattering may not be fulfilled. In such
instances, Z should be replaced by Ze, the
effective radar reflectivity factor.
Weather Radar Equation - cont.
where C is a constant determined by radar
parameters and dielectric characteristics of the
  • Power in decibels is related to the reflectivity
    factor as measured on the decibel scale.
  • Pr - measured in milliwatts, 10 log Pr is the
    power in dBm (decibels relative to a milliwatt).
  • Z is measured in mm6/m3 and 10 log Z is the
    reflectivity factor in dBz.

Major Assumptions behind the Radar Equation
  • The targets are spheroid
  • For non-spherical targets, polarization needs to
    be taken into account. The effect is measured by
    depolarization ratio of the cross-polarized
    component (Pc) over parallel-polarized component

No attenuation between the target and
radar Pending the wavelength of radar beam,
attenuation may be caused by radome, atmospheric
gases, clouds, and precipitation due to both
absorption and scattering. For radar of 10 cm or
longer wavelength, all attenuations are
insignificant. For radar of a few cm, gas
attenuation is negligible, but cloud and rain
attenuations need to be considered. For radar of
less than 3 cm, all attenuations needs to be
considered. Ice cloud attenuation is less than
water clouds by two orders of magnitude and is
thus often neglected. Because of attenuation,
the shorter the wavelength, the shorter the
detection range.
Relationship Between Z and Rainfall Rate
  • For a Marshall-Palmer distribution function

for R in mm/hr and Z in mm6/m3.
For snow, Z 2000 R2
The minimum detectable rainfall rate 0.1 mm/hr.
Relationship of dBz to rain rates.
Rain (mm/hr) 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0
Z (mm6/m3) 5 200 7950 316,000
dBz 7 23 29 55
Radar Scan Modes
Radar Displays
  • PPI - Plan position Indicator (rotating scan)
  • Maps the received signals on polar coordinates in
    the plan view. The antenna scans 360 at fixed
    elevation angle. At every azimuth the voltage
    output of the receiver as a function of range is
    used to intensity-modulate a tube with polar
    coordinates (Rogers and Yau, 1989). This produces
    a plane view of the distribution of
  • Without careful calibration, PPI records are
    only useful to show the location and time of
    occurrence of precipitation.

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Radar Displays - cont.
  • RHI - Range Height Indicator
  • This display is generated when the antenna scans
    in elevation with fixed azimuth, thereby showing
    the details of the vertical structure of
  • CAPPI - Constant Altitude PPI
  • Azimuth and altitude are varied systematically to
    survey region surrounding the radar site.

Radar Displays - cont.
  • Doppler Radar
  • The frequency of the transmitted signal for
    certain radars is constant. The frequency of the
    returned signal is compared with the transmitted
    signal, and the frequency (Doppler) shift is
    interpreted as the radial velocity of the
    precipitation r(hat) unit vector in radar
    pointing direction.

Nomenclature from the Glossary of Meteorology http// ground clutterRadar echoes from trees, buildings, or other objects on the ground. Such echoes may be caused by the reflection of energy back to the radar in the main lobe or sidelobes of the antenna pattern and, in weather radar applications, interfere with the meteorological echoes at the same range. anomalous propagation(Sometimes abbreviated AP or anaprop.) A propagation path of electromagnetic radiation that deviates from the path expected from refractive conditions in a standard atmosphere. In standard propagation conditions, radiation transmitted horizontally at the earth's surface is bent downward along a path with a radius of curvature equal to 4/3 times the radius of the earth. Subrefractive propagation causes less bending of the ray and superrefractive propagation causes greater downward bending than in the standard conditions. AP clutter is an extended region of ground echoes caused by superrefraction. See effective earth radius.
The combination of a low tilt angle and an
inversion at and near the Earth's surface
promotes an abundance of ground clutter. Below
left is an example radar images using the lowest
tilt angle (0.5 degrees) taken in the morning
when a radiation inversion was in place. Right
more typical NEXRAD ground clutter.
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230 km range PPI
  • PPI velocities

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RADAR Take Home Messages1. P(dB) 10 log
(P/Po)2. c 300 m/ms Pulse Rep. Freq 1000
Hz Distance between pulses ½ 300 x 103 ms
150 km. This is the range limit without
overlap.3. Doppler (phase coherent) provides
radial velocity.4. Atmospheric window 1.0 to 30
cm. Longer wavelengths cannot see cloud
droplets.5. Ice scatters only about 2/9 of
liquid water. 6. Bright band at freeing
level.7. Attenuation 1/l implies 10 cm radar
sees farther, but needs a bigger dish.
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