Title: Solar Cell Chapter 6: Design of Silicon Solar Cells
1Solar CellChapter 6 Design of Silicon Solar
- Nji Raden Poespawati
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Faculty of Engineering
- University of Indonesia
- 6.1. Optical Properties
- 6.2. Reducing Recombination
- 6.3. Top Contact Design
- 6.4. Solar Cell Structure
3Optical Properties
Basic Solar Cell Design Solar cell design
involves specifying the parameters of a solar
cell structure in order to maximize efficiency,
given a certain set of constraints. Fig. 1
shows Evolution of silicon solar cell efficiency.
4Optical Properties(continued)
- In designing such single junction solar cells,
the principles for maximizing cell efficiency
are - increasing the amount of light collected by the
cell that is turned into carriers - increasing the collection of light-generated
carriers by the p-n junction - minimizing the forward bias dark current
- extracting the current from the cell without
resistive losses.
5Optical Properties(continued)
- Optical Losses
- Optical losses chiefly effect the power from a
solar cell by lowering the short-circuit current.
- Sources of optical loss in a solar cell is
illustrated in Figure 2. - There are a number of ways to reduce the optical
losses - Top contact coverage of the cell surface can be
minimized (although this may result in increased
series resistance) - Anti-reflection coatings can be used on the top
surface of the cell. - Reflection can be reduced by surface texturing.
- The solar cell can be made thicker to increase
absorption - The optical path length in the solar cell may be
increased by a combination of surface texturing
and light trapping.
6Optical Properties(continued)
- Anti-Reflection Coatings
- Anti-reflection coatings on solar cells are
similar to those used on other optical equipment
such as camera lenses. - The minimum reflection is calculated by
Where n1 a refractive index of transparent
material (ARC) l0 a free-space wavelength and
d1 the thickness n0 a refractive index of
glass or air n2 a refractive index of
7Optical Properties(continued)
- Figure 3 illustrates use of a quarter wavelength
anti-reflection coating to counter surface
reflection. -
- For photovoltaic applications, the refractive
index, and thickness are chosen in order to
minimize reflection for a wavelength of 0.6mm. - Comparison of surface reflection from a silicon
solar cell, with and without a typical
anti-reflection coating is depicted in Figure 4
8Optical Properties(continued)
- Surface Texturing
- Surface texturing, either in combination with an
anti-reflection coating or by itself, can also be
used to minimize reflection. - Surface texturing can be accomplished in a number
of ways - A single crystalline substrate can be textured
by etching along the faces of the crystal planes.
(random pyramid) - the pyramids are etched down into the silicon
surface rather than etched pointing upwards from
the surface (inverted pyramid) - using a photolithographic technique as well as
mechanically sculpting the front surface using
dicing saws or lasers to cut the surface into an
appropriate shape (multicrystalline wafers). - Figure 5 is shown the surface texturing which are
used those methods
9Optical Properties(continued)
- Material Thickness
- The amount of light absorbed depends on the
optical path length and the absorption
coefficient. - For silicon material in excess of 10 mm thick,
essentially all the light with energy above the
band gap is absorbed. The 100 of the total
current refers to the fact that at 10 mm, all the
light which can be absorbed in silicon, is
absorbed. - In material of 10 microns thick, only 30 of the
total available current is absorbed. The photons
which are lost are the orange and red photons.
10Optical Properties(continued)
- Light Trapping
- a solar cell with no light trapping features may
have an optical path length of one device
thickness, while a solar cell with good light
trapping may have an optical path length of 50,
indicating that light bounces back and forth
within the cell many times. - Light trapping is usually achieved by changing
the angle at which light travels in the solar
cell by having it be incident on an angled
surface. - the angle at which light enters the solar cell
(the angle of refracted light) can be calculated
11Optical Properties(continued)
- In a textured single crystalline solar cell, the
presence of crystallographic planes make the
angle q1 equal to 36 as shown in Figure 6. - Lambertian Rear Reflectors
- A Lambertian back reflector is a special type of
rear reflector which randomizes the direction of
the reflected light. - A Lambertian rear surface is illustrated in the
figure 7.
12Reducing Recombination
- Recombination Losses
- Recombination losses effect
- the current collection (the short-circuit
current) - the forward bias injection current (open-circuit
voltage). - The main areas of recombination are
- at the surface (surface recombination)
- the bulk of the solar cell (bulk recombination)
- The depletion region is another area in which
recombination can occur (depletion region
13Reducing Recombination (continued)
- Current Losses Due to Recombination
- In order for the p-n junction to be able to
collect all of the light-generated carriers, both
surface and bulk recombination must be minimized.
- In silicon solar cells, the two conditions
commonly required for such current collection
are - the carrier must be generated within a diffusion
length of the junction, so that it will be able
to diffuse to the junction before recombining
and - in the case of a localized high recombination
site, the carrier must be generated closer to the
junction than to the recombination site. For less
severe localized recombination sites, carriers
can be generated closer to the recombination site
while still being able to diffuse to the junction
and be collected without recombining.
14Reducing Recombination (continued)
- The quantum efficiency of a solar cell quantifies
the effect of recombination on the light
generation current. The quantum efficiency of a
silicon solar cell is shown in Figure 8. - Figure 9 is illustrated Quantum efficiency curves
for three different types of crystalline silicon
solar cells. - Voltage Losses Due to Recombination
- The open-circuit voltage is the voltage at which
the forward bias diffusion current is exactly
equal to the short circuit current. - The forward bias diffusion current is dependent
on the amount recombination in a p-n junction and
increasing the recombination increases the
forward bias current.
15Reducing Recombination (continued)
- high recombination ? ? the forward bias diffusion
current ?, which in turn reduces the open-circuit
voltage. - The recombination is controlled by the number of
minority carriers at the junction edge, how fast
they move away from the junction and how quickly
they recombine. - Consequently, the dark forward bias current, an
hence the open-circuit voltage is affected by the
following parameters - the number of minority carriers at the junction
edge. Minimizing the equilibrium minority carrier
concentration reduces recombination. Minimizing
the equilibrium carrier concentration is achieved
by increasing the doping - the diffusion length in the material. The
diffusion length depends on the types of
material. High doping reduces the diffusion
length - the presence of localized recombination sources
within a diffusion length of the junction. A high
recombination source close the the junction will
allow carriers to move to this recombination
source very quickly and recombine, thus
dramatically increasing the recombination
current. The impact of surface recombination is
reduced by passivating the surfaces.
16Reducing Recombination (continued)
- Effect of doping (ND) on diffusion length and
open-circuit voltage assuming well passivated
surfaces is shown in Figure 10. - Surface Recombination
- Surface recombination can have a major impact
both on the short-circuit current and on the
open-circuit voltage. - Lowering the high top surface recombination is
typically accomplished by reducing the number of
dangling silicon bonds at the top surface by
growing a "passivating" layer (usually silicon
dioxide) on the top surface. - Techniques for reducing the impact of surface
recombination is depicted in Figure 11
17Top Contact Design
- Series Resistance
- In addition to maximizing absorption and
minimizing recombination, is to minimize
parasitic resistive losses. - Both shunt and series resistance losses decrease
the fill factor and efficiency of a solar cell. - A detrimentally low shunt resistance is a
processing defect rather than a design parameter.
However, the series resistance, controlled by the
top contact design and emitter resistance, needs
to be carefully designed for each type and size
of solar cell structure in order to optimize
solar cell efficiency. - The series resistance of a solar cell consists of
several components as shown in Figure 12
18Top Contact Design (continued)
- Base Resistance
- The resistance and current of the base is assumed
to be constant. - The resistance to the current of the bulk
component of the cell, or the "bulk resistance",
Rb, is defined as
taking into account the thickness of the
material. Where L length of conducting
(resistive) path rb "bulk resistivity" (inverse
of conductivity) of the bulk cell material
(0.5 - 5.0 W cm for a typical silicon solar
cell) A cell area,and w width of bulk region
of cell.
19Top Contact Design (continued)
- Sheet Resistivity
- The "sheet resistivity", which depends on both
the resistivity and the thickness. - For a uniformly doped layer, the sheet resistance
is defined as
where r is the resistivity of the layer and t
is the thickness of the layer. The sheet
resistivity is normally expressed as ohms/square
or W/
For non-uniformly doped n-type layers, ie., if r
is non-uniform
20Top Contact Design(continued)
- Emitter Resistance
- Based on the sheet resistivity, the power loss
due to the emitter resistance can be calculated
as a function of finger spacing in the top
contact. - Idealized current flow from point of generation
to external contact in a solar cell is shown in
Figure 13.
21Top Contact Design (continued)
- Contact Resistance
- Contact resistance losses occur at the interface
between the silicon solar cell and the metal
contact. - To keep top contact losses low, the top N-layer
must be as heavily doped as possible. - Figure 14 shows points of contact resistance
losses at interface between grid lines and
22Top Contact Design (continued)
- Metal Grid Pattern
- The design of the top contact involves not only
the minimization of the finger and busbar
resistance, but the overall reduction of losses
associated with the top contact. - These include resistive losses in the emitter,
resistive losses in the metal top contact and
shading losses. - The critical features of the top contact design
which determine how the magnitude of these losses
are - the finger and busbar spacing,
- the metal height-to-width aspect ratio,
- the minimum metal line width and
- the resistivity of the metal.
- These are shown in the figure 15.
23Top Contact Design (continued)
- Design Rules
- for practical reasons most top surface
metalization patterns are relatively simple and
highly symmetrical. - A symmetrical contacting scheme can be broken
down into unit cells and several broad design
rules can be determined. It can be shown
(Serreze, 1978) that - the optimum width of the busbar, WB, occurs when
the resistive loss in the busbar equals its
shadowing loss - a tapered busbar has lower losses than a busbar
of constant width and - the smaller the unit cell, the smaller finger
width, WF , and the smaller the finger spacings,
S, the lower the losses.
24Solar Cell Structure
- Silicon Solar Cell Parameters
- For silicon solar cells, the basic design
constraints on - surface reflection,
- carrier collection,
- recombination and
- parasitic resistances
- The result in an optimum device of about 25
theoretical efficiency. A schematic of such an
optimum device is shown in Figure 16.
25Solar Cell Structure(continued)
- Basic Cell Design Compromises
- Substrate Material (usually silicon)
- Bulk crystalline silicon dominates the current
photovoltaic market, in part due to the
prominence of silicon in the integrated circuit
market. - Cell Thickness (100-500 µm)
- An optimum silicon solar cell with light
trapping and very good surface passivation is
about 100 µm thick. - Doping of Base (1 Wcm)
- A higher base doping leads to a higher Voc and
lower resistance, but higher levels of doping
result in damage to the crystal.
26Solar Cell Structure(continued)
- Reflection Control (front surface typically
textured) - The front surface is textured to increase the
amount of light coupled into the cell. - Emitter Dopant (n-type)
- N-type silicon has a higher surface quality than
p-type silicon so it is placed at the front of
the cell where most of the light is absorbed.
Thus the top of the cell is the negative terminal
and the rear of the cell is the positive
terminal. - Emitter Thickness (lt1mm)
- A large fraction of light is absorbed close to
the front surface. By making the front layer very
thin, a large fraction of the carriers generated
by the incoming light are created within a
diffusion length of the p-n junction.
27Solar Cell Structure(continued)
- Doping Level of Emitter (100 W/ )
- The front junction is doped to a level
sufficient to conduct away the generated
electricity without resistive looses. However,
excessive levels of doping reduces the material's
quality to the extent that carriers recombine
before reaching the junction. - Grid Pattern (fingers 20 to 200mm width, placed
1 5 mm apart) - The resistivity of silicon is too low to conduct
away all the current generated, so a lower
resistivity metal grid is placed on the surface
to conduct away the current. The metal grid
shades the cell from the incoming light so there
is a compromise between light collection and
resistance of the metal grid. - Rear Contact.
- The rear contact is much less important than the
front contact since it is much further away from
the junction and does not need to be transparent.
The design of the rear contact is becoming
increasingly important as overall efficiency
increases and the cells become thinner.
28Thank You
29Figure 1. Evolution of silicon solar cell
30Figure 2. Sources of optical loss in a solar
31Figure 3. Use of a quarter wavelength
anti-reflection coating to counter surface
32Figure 4. Comparison of surface reflection from a
silicon solar cell, with and without a typical
anti-reflection coating.
33Figure 5. (a) A square based pyramid which forms
the surface of an appropriately textured
crystalline silicon solar cell.(b)Scanning
electron microscope photograph of a textured
silicon surface.(c) Scanning electron microscope
photograph of a textured silicon surface. (d)
Scanning electron microscope photograph of a
textured multicrystalline silicon surface.
34Figure 6. Reflection and transmission of light
for a textured silicon solar cell.
35Figure 7. Light trapping using a randomized
reflector on the rear of the cell. Light less
than the critical angle escapes the cell but
light greater than the critical angle is totally
internally reflected inside the cell. In actual
devices, the front surface is also textured using
schemes such as the random pyramids mentioned
36Figure 8. Typical quantum efficiency in an ideal
and actual solar cell, illustrating the impact of
optical and recombination losses.
37Figure 9. Quantum efficiency curves for three
different types of crystalline silicon solar
cells. The buried contact and screen printed
curves are internal quantum efficiencies, while
the PERL is an external quantum efficiency. The
PERL cell has the best response to infrared light
since it has a well passivated, highly reflective
rear incorporating light trapping.
38Figure 10. Effect of doping (ND) on diffusion
length and open-circuit voltage assuming well
passivated surfaces.
39Figure 11. Techniques for reducing the impact of
surface recombination.
40Figure 12. Resistive components and current flows
in a solar cell.
41Figure 13. Idealised current flow from point of
generation to external contact in a solar cell.
The emitter is typically much thinner than shown
in the diagram.
42Figure 14. Points of contact resistance losses at
interface between grid lines and semiconductor.
43Figure 15. Key features of a top surface
contacting scheme.
44Figure 16. Basic schematic of a silicon solar
cell. The top layer is referred to as the emitter
and the bulk material is referred to as the base.