Title: LET
- Celebrating Young Peoples Achievements
- Winter 2010
2Guidance Notes
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contact - SUZANNAH YOUDE suze.youde_at_kent.gov.uk or tel
01622 221678 - All information in this pack was correct and all
links active at time of upload but may be subject
to change
- INTRODUCTION What the packs all about
and get on the listening train - CELEBRATE BREAKING THE ICE 2 Get in the colour
Jacuzzi and then try some squiggle art - WHATS IN A DOODLE Well, what do you make of
it? - CELEBRATE MUSIC Ideas to celebrate music in all
its forms - CELEBRATE MUSIC QUIZ Top Ten quiz how many do
you know? - CELEBRATE ARTS Celebrate with Mehdi
- MY HENNA TATTOO Design your own henna tattoo
- CELEBRATE SPORTS Celebrate by designing
something new! - CELEBRATE SPORTS PICTURE QUIZ Do you know our
great British Olympians? - CELEBRATE HEROES Thinking about people that
inspire us - MY PERSONAL HEROES Describing your personal
heroes - CELEBRATE HEROES GAMES Some fun celebrity
games - CELEBRATE DIVERSITY Were all different and all
equal - CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAYS Why not create a whole
new one? - THINKING ABOUT GIFTS What to give and how to
give it - CELEBRATE PARTICIPATION Thinking about all the
fun stuff we do - THE TREE Draw on the leaves and celebrate!
- CELEBRATE FUN Ideas, resources and links to
let the fun continue!
- Nigel Mansell, President of UK Youth recently
stated if we celebrate youth, their achievements
and their contribution to our communities we will
all be the richer. Initiatives like Aiming High
for Young People a ten year strategy for
positive activities (2007) acknowledge that
today's young people are faced with the challenge
of growing up in a culture that has widespread
negative perceptions about them and are committed
to do more to rebalance the public narrative by
celebrating young people's achievements. - In Kent, the Try Angle Awards were established to
recognise the efforts and achievements of young
people and has been successfully recognising and
celebrating the achievements of young people
across Kent since 2001. Young people can also
gain recognition and accreditation through the
Duke of Edinburghs Award and the Youth
Achievement Award both of which lead to
accredited outcomes. - The purpose of this pack is to provide some fun
activities to celebrate young peoples
achievements in a range of activities and to
signpost towards nationally recognised awards
that provide certification for those
achievements. Focusing on areas like music, art
sport, the pack can also be used towards
delivering a 15 hour Youth Achievement Award
Challenge. - You may also like to look at past curriculum
packs for ideas these can now be found at
www.kent.gov.uk/curriculumpacks - Each chapter in the curriculum document also has
case studies, links and resources that can be
adapted to delivering youth work that celebrates
the achievements of the young people you are
working with.
5Celebrate Breaking the Ice
- Rain is a game that originated in the American
Northwest amongst the Native Americans - Ask the group to think about a storm whats the
first noise you hear? Elicit the answer the
wind and ask young people how theyll make the
wind sound they could use voices, rubbing hands
together or making circles with their hands on a
floor or table top - Next comes gentle rain demonstrate how to make
the noise by gently drumming with your
fingertips, then build up the sound until you are
drumming on the floor/table with the palms of
your hands. - Then make the sounds of the rainstorm passing
over by reversing the sounds. - You can mix things up by adding showers, stronger
gusts of wind between bursts of rain simply
call out instructions for the group to follow.
Once everyone knows what theyre doing, encourage
members of the group to call out instructions
(try and keep them logical!) - LISTENING TRAIN
- Divide the group into 2 teams and ask them to sit
in 2 lines the last person in line should be
good at drawing! - Now show the first person in each line a fairly
simple picture. The first person must then
whisper a description to the next person and so
on down the line to the last person in line - The last person in line now has to draw what has
been described to them whoever is closest to
the actual picture wins the point
6Celebrate Breaking the Ice
- Get 4 different coloured sheets of paper, or use
4 pens in the relevant colours. - Present the 4 colours thus blue royal colour
what would you do to improve your
community/centre if you were ruler for the day?,
green money what would you do for money?,
colour, red turn off colour what is the
biggest turn off in your area/centre?, orange
motivation colour what motivates you and helps
you to be creative? - Now either brainstorm each different colour with
the group or ask young people to move from sheet
to sheet and write down one thing to answer the
colour questions - Colour Jacuzzi is adaptable to any issue you may
be discussing with young people - FLEXIBLE THINKING SQUIGGLE ART
- Draw a squiggle on a piece of flip chart paper
and ask the group what they can see in it
encourage young people to look at it from
different perspectives. Then ask for a volunteer
to come up and draw their ideas directly onto the
paper (they must incorporate all the squiggle).
Repeat the process a couple of times. - Hand out the doodle sheets and encourage everyone
to find a picture in the shape they must use
all of the shape but they can turn the sheet
whichever way they like in order to create their
picture. - When everyone is finished compare and discuss
your art! To see what other people came up with,
visit http//www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/galle
ry/2010/sep/19/quentin-blake for the results of a
competition based on the shape
7Whats in a Doodle?
8Celebrate Music
- You may already have bands that practice at your
centre or who use your project. You may have
regular band nights. Why not go one step further
and organise a music festival? You can celebrate
the talent of young people and raise money (for a
charity or your project) at the same time you
could run a battle of the bands or a Britains
Got Talent contest. If you dont have enough
bands, then encourage individual talents to
compete in an X Factor style contest using
Sing Star or similar karaoke software. - You could also choose to celebrate diversity and
music by exploring young peoples heritage
through music - Discuss young peoples cultural heritage
what music did they grow up listening to? Have
their parents musical tastes influenced them?
Make a note of musical tastes/artists on flip
chart paper - Search for relevant videos on YouTube and ask
young people to share the music they have on MP3
players/phones ask individual young
people/small groups to put together a short
playlist (max 3 songs) that reflects their
musical tastes and heritage. Then ask each young
person/group to present their playlist with a bit
of background information on why they chose their
songs and what they represent. - You could ask young people to construct a
playlist that includes the song that represents
me, the song that represents my hopes and
dreams and the song that represents where I
come from (or design your own categories with
young people!) - If you want to encourage young people to
publicise their event, take a look at the classic
music posters on http//www.musiceducationworld.co
m/?qmusicposters for inspiration. - Theres also a Fantasy Music Festival activity
in the Summer Programme Resources Starter Pack - www.kent.gov.uk/curriculumpacks then click on the
link to 2010 Curriculum Packs
9Celebrate Music Quiz
- To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the UK
singles chart, in 2002 people were asked to vote
for their favourite UK No 1 of all time this
quiz is based on the top 10, and counts down
chart positions from No. 10 to No. 1
No. 10 What was the name of the 1981 hit single for Queen David Bowie?
No. 9 Which Beach Boys single starts with the lyrics "I, I love the colourful clothes she wears. And the way the sunlight plays upon her hair
No. 8 This Abba song spent 6 weeks at number one in 1976 and is guaranteed to fill the dance floor!
No. 7 Which British band had a hit in the UK and the USA in 1964 with House of the Rising Sun?
No. 6 Procul Harum had a huge hit in 1967 with this song the initials are W.S.O.P
No. 5 George Harrisons first solo single went straight to number one what was it called?
No. 4 Who were the American singing duo whose biggest hit was Bridge Over Troubled Waters?
No. 3 This Beatles single was the first to be released on their own Apple label and is one of the longest number 1s ever
No. 2 Imagine was written by which ex-Beatle?
No. 1 Is this the real life is this just fantasy is the first line of which song?
10Celebrate Arts
- Celebrate with Henna Hands!
- Trace around your hands on flip chart/wallpaper
lining paper (great for one big display) or use
the template below - Trace your own henna tattoo design onto the
outline make it as elaborate or simple, as
personal or as abstract as you like. You could
copy a design youve seen or create something
unique! If youve been thinking about getting a
real tattoo why not see what the design would
look like in henna first? For more ideas for
henna tattoos visit http//www.mehndistyles.com/
or you could watch a video of a henna tattoo
being created here www.youtube.com/watch?vTH5v5L1
G9p4 - If you want to take this one stage further and
create your designs as real henna tattoos, you
can find full instructions here
care/a3084-how-to-make-henna-tattoos.html - DID YOU KNOW?
- The Ancient Egyptians decorated mummies with
henna and the custom soon spread through Africa,
India and the Arab world - Henna is known as Mendhi in India and is used for
Hindu weddings and during the festivals of
Diwali, Bhaidooj, Teej and Eid - Henna tattoos are common around the world when
people celebrate events such as Eid al-Fitr,
which marks the end of Ramadan.
11My Henna Tattoo
12Celebrate Sports
- Start a group discussion about favourite sports.
Use the following chart to start looking at the
elements of each one (one example has been
completed for you) - Aim for 10 different examples of each element
- Now divide the group into pairs/smaller groups
depending on numbers and give each pair/group a
pair of dice - Ask pairs/groups to roll the dice 3 times and to
circle the corresponding element in each column
(if they roll 11 or 12 then they need to roll
again) - When each pair/group has chosen 3 elements, ask
them to use those elements to create a totally
new game theyll need to think about rules and
regulations, equipment, playing surface. Then ask
each pair/group to present their new sport to the
group - EXTENSION ACTIVITY Try to repurpose the sport by
making it non competitive, individual instead of
a team sport - EXTENSION ACTIVITY You could use the same system
to create a new board game -
13Celebrate Sports Picture Quiz
In 2012, the worlds greatest celebration of
sport will take place in London. Who are these
Great British Olympians, and what sport are they
famous for?
14Celebrate Heroes
- Ask everyone in the group to brainstorm a list of
well known heroes celebrities, sportsmen etc. - Now make another list of heroes that are personal
to the young people e.g. my brother, my old
teacher - Now brainstorm a list of things we admire about
the celebrities and things we admire about our
personal heroes are there any differences
between the two lists? And what qualities are the
same? - Ask each young person to think of the people who
have most influenced them in their lives, then
ask them to pick their top 3 heroes and complete
the activity sheet - Now ask young people who would like to share to
talk about their heroes to the rest of the group,
then use this as a basis for discussing what
makes a hero and a role model and is there a
difference between the two e.g. are heroes more
likely to be people we dont know, do we treat
heroes and role models in the same way? - SUPER HEROES
- You could also draw a super hero cape on flip
chart paper and ask young people to complete the
cape with all the qualities their super hero
needs try and use graphics and imagery from
super hero comics or hand out the activity
sheet below
15My Personal Heroes
What do they look like? How do you know
them? Whats your best memory of this person?
What do they look like? How do you know
them? Whats your best memory of this person
What do they look like? How do you know
them? Whats your best memory of this person?
16My Superhero
Complete the superhero by drawing in his cape and
costume and adding the qualities he needs
17Celebrate Heroes - Games
- The aim of the game is to identify what celebrity
you are by asking questions that can be answered
yes or no e.g. Am I male? Did I write books? Am I
a sportsperson? - Take strips of card and write the names of
celebrities on them, then staple/tape the ends
together into a band and place one on each young
persons head. You can either play the game with
one person at a time asking questions or give
everyone in the group a headband and ask them to
move around the room asking each other questions
for a pre-defined amount of time then try and
guess their identity at the end of it. - No looking in mirrors!
- Give each young person the name of a celebrity
written on a piece of paper then give the whole
group 5 minutes to think of 3 clues to that
persons identity that get progressively easier
e.g. David Beckham 1. Made his first team debut
aged 17 2. He has 3 sons 3. He plays in America - Now ask each young person to present their clues
to the rest of the group after each clue pause
to allow time for guesses. If anyone guesses
after the first clue they score 3 points, after
the second 2 points and after the third 1 point - When everyone has had a turn, add up the scores
and give a small prize to the winner!
18Celebrate Diversity
- Start this session by establishing some ground
rules around respect try adapting these - http//www.barking-dagenham.gov.uk/9-democracy/for
ums/youth/yforum-terms-ref.html - Have a group discussion about young peoples
heritage do they have relatives in different
countries? Do they have family members from
different cultures? Reinforce the idea that we
are all different and all equal - Start brainstorming how the group can celebrate
diversity by uniting to celebrate different
cultures. Some ideas might be using video to
record young people talking about their
backgrounds, performing music or dance cooking
recipes from different cultures and having an
international food night playing games from
different cultures create an art display around
the celebrities of different cultures map
different countries and find out about different
time zones etc. Make sure that everyone will be
included in some way either performing,
directing or researching - Work together to find out how to say Celebrate
Unite and Welcome in different languages
Google Translate is a good starting point
http//translate.google.com/ then either write
large signs or print out (try and use some
interesting fonts). You could also use this as
the basis for a welcome video as part of a larger
celebration event. - AIMS to encourage young people to respect each
other, to respect and celebrate diversity and to
work together to research, explore and celebrate
that diversity - OUTCOMES young people will learn something about
each others backgrounds and different cultures,
young people will work together to celebrate
diversity, young people will research and explore
as individuals and work together as teams
19Celebrate the Holidays
- Start a group discussion about winter holidays
most people celebrate Christmas but what other
holidays happen at about this time? What are the
customs and celebrations? Now imagine that you
could bring everyone together to celebrate one
holiday what would your new holiday be like?
What would you celebrate gender? Culture? Age? - Brainstorm ideas on flip chart paper thinking
about - Name
- Purpose of the holiday
- Background
- Dates
- Decorations colours
- Symbols
- Food
- Ask everyone to design a greetings card for the
holiday based on information youve just
brainstormed - As an extension activity, put young people into
pairs and ask them to design a brochure
describing the new holiday
20Thinking About Gifts
- Ask the group to think about the following
questions - Who do you want to give a gift to?
- What hobbies interests do they have?
- What do they do in their free time?
- Do they work?
- Whats their favourite subject at school?
- What do their friends enjoy?
- What do they talk about?
- What places do they like to visit?
- What do you talk about with them?
- Now brainstorm a gift list for the following
parents, brothers/sisters, friends,
teachers/youth workers, aunts/uncles,
grandparents, cousins, work colleagues - How many of those gifts could you make yourself?
- Is it ok to give someone a gift that was given to
you but you didnt like? Is that simply
recycling? - Is it better to buy locally or from a big chain
shop? - Is it better to buy from a shop or online?
- EXTENSION ACTIVITY organise a gift making
workshop and/or an unwanted gift exchange
21Celebrate Participation
- Each leaf celebrates a participation opportunity
the tree represents what helped young people
get involved - You can choose to deliver this activity as an
individual one, using the sheet below or as a
group activity - Begin with a group discussion what activities
do young people participate in? Are they members
of a senior members group or a body like KYCC?
How did they get the opportunity to participate
in those activities? - If youre doing the activity as individuals then
hand round the sheets and ask young people to
draw leaves on the branches and then write the
activities they participate in on each leaf, and
the person/centre/school etc that helped them to
get involved on the branches. - If this is a group activity, you could build the
trunk and branches of the tree out of the
cardboard tubes from toilet/kitchen rolls covered
in papier mache and then attach leaves cut out of
paper. Write the same information on the trunk
and branches and on the leaves - The tree can be used for a variety of uses
- As a planning tool each leaf represents an idea
that young people would like to do - As an evaluation tool each leaf contains a
thought about the activity - As a celebration tool each leaf contains a
message of congratulations on the successful
completion of a project
22(No Transcript)
23Celebrate Fun!
- For plenty of ideas for ice breakers, team
building activities and other fun stuff try the
following links - CURRICULUM PACKS
- Full of ice breakers, session plans, activities,
quizzes, resources links plus much more! All
the curriculum packs are available from
www.kent.gov.uk/curriculumpacks - Enjoy Achieve
- Summer Pack 1
- Summer Pack 2
- If youd like a copy of the following packs in
pdf format please email suze.youde_at_kent.gov.uk
(the packs are also available as Word documents
that you can edit) - ACTIVITY SHEETS
- Youth Work Resources http//www.youthworker.org.uk
/ games, group ideas, discussion starters and
more - CPYN http//www.cypnow.co.uk/BigIssues/Details/679
77/youth-work-resources/ Excellent CPYN resource
packs - TES (free registration required)
Calendar linked resources for teachers which are
easily adaptable to youth work
24Celebrate Achievements
- The following are some suggestions for ways to
accredit young peoples achievements - Youth Achievement Awards http//www.ukyouth.org/On
NTNoModifyGuest you can download information
packs for the Award and the Challenge from the
website. One YAA challenge (15 hours) counts as
an accredited outcome for a young person and just
about any skill or activity can be accredited.
For more information please contact Liz Heaney
liz.heaney_at_kent.gov.uk - The Duke of Edinburghs Award http//www.dofe.org/
visit the website for more details on taking the
Bronze, Silver or Gold Award or contact Norry
Barber norry.barber_at_kent.gov.uk for more
information. The Award is made up of 4 sections
volunteering, physical, skills, expedition so
there is scope to accredit all of a young
persons informal learning - G-Nation Awards http//www.g-nation.co.uk/
G-Nation Awards support and recognise UK
teenagers who get involved in charity, community,
social enterprise and campaigning action! The
Award is looking for funding for 2011-12 so visit
the website for more news - Diana Awards http//diana-award.org.uk/nominate/in
dex.aspx the 3 awards on offer celebrate and
reward young people 12-18 for making a difference
to their community and tackling bullying - The Epic Awards http//epicawards.co.uk/
celebrating achievement in the voluntary and
amateur arts and crafts. The 4 categories are
Engagement, Partnerships, Innovation and
25Celebrate Achievements
- The Arts Award http//www.artsaward.org.uk/site/?i
d64 Arts Award aspires to support any young
person to enjoy the arts and develop creative
leadership skills. Offered at levels 1, 2 and 3
on the Qualifications and Credit Framework, Arts
Award can be achieved at bronze, silver or gold - Young Achievers Awards http//youngachieversawards
.org/ celebrating inspirational young achievers
and volunteers in Arts, Community, Environment
Sport - Sport Leaders uk http//www.sportsleaders.org/
Sports Leaders UK provides nationally recognised
leadership awards and qualifications that help
people develop essential life skills such as
organisation, motivation, communication and
working with others - Level 1 Award in Dance Leadership
ership.aspx The Level 1 Award in Dance Leadership
is a nationally recognised qualification that
enables successful candidates to lead small
groups in simple dance activities, whilst under
the direct supervision of their tutor. - Try Angle Awards http//www.tryangleawards.co.uk/
The Try Angle Awards were established in 1995 in
the Thanet Area of Kent to raise the profile of
and recognise the efforts and achievements of
young people in the area". The Award has extended
county and country wide since 2002
26Quiz Answers
- 10. Under Pressure Top row (left to right)
Jonathan Edwards (triple jump), - 9. Good Vibrations Dame Tanni Grey Thompson
(wheelchair racer), Sally - 8. Dancing Queen Gunnell (400 metre hurdles),
Seb Coe (800 1500 - 7. The Animals metres)
- 6. Whiter Shade of Pale Middle row (left to
right) Dame Kelly Holmes (800 - 5. My Sweet Lord 1500 metre), Sir Chris Hoy
(track cyclist), Daley - 4. Simon Garfunkel Thompson (Decathlon),
Linford Christie (100 metres), - 3. Hey Jude Fatima Whitbread (Javelin)
- 2. John Lennon Bottom row (left to right)
Victoria Pendleton (track - 1. Bohemian Rhapsody cyclist), Sir Steve
Redgrave (rower), Rebecca - Adlington (swimmer)