A View of Mountains - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A View of Mountains


A View of Mountains Jonathan Schell Arrangement(1) Warm-up questions and exercises 1. In the world, what s the most horrible thing to you? -----translation p55 2. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A View of Mountains

A View of Mountains
  • Jonathan Schell

  • Warm-up questions and exercises
  • 1. In the world, whats the most horrible thing
    to you? -----translation p55
  • 2. When it comes to WWII, what will occur to you?
  • Listening exercises p57
  • Background introduction to the author and the two

E---C translation
  • ???????102?????????????????????????,??????????????
  • ???????????????????????????????????????????19??

The most horrible thing in the world
  • ?????????????????????????,????????????????????????

The two A-bomb cities
  • The Nagasaki is a city which is the seaport in
    southwest Japan(??) and is one of the two cities
    that got nuclear bombing in the War II.
  • The Hiroshima is a city which is the seaport in
    southwest Japan(??) and is the first city that
    got nuclear bombing in the War II.

Hiroshima bombing
Nagasaki bombing
Yosuke Yamahata
Special Mission
  • In 1945, Yosuke Yamahata was a 28-year-old-photogr
    apher on assignment with the Western Army Corps
    near Nagasaki. On August 9, three days after the
    bombing of Hiroshima, news of a second "New-Style
    Bombing" was received by the Corps and Yamahata
    was sent immediately to photograph its

..\Remembering Nagasaki Background.htm
  • He arrived before dawn on August 10, 1945. As the
    sun rose he began to photograph the city, in
    which nearly half the population had been killed
    or injured by the single, plutonium triggered
    bomb. By nightfall he had completed the most
    extensive photographic record of the immediate
    aftermath of the bombings of either Hiroshima or
    Nagasaki, taking approximately 119 images during
    that single day.
  • He died of cancer in 1966. He was 48 years old.

His photos
His photos
His photos
His photos
His photos
The mushroom cloud seen from an American
Nagasaki two days before the atomic bombing
Nagasaki three days after the atomic bombing
The atomic bomb mushroom cloud over Nagasaki on
August 9, 1945Photograph by Hiromichi Matsuda
Q1 Human injuries caused by the atomic bomb
  • Deaths about 74000 Injuries about
    75000(estimates up to the end of December
    1945)Heat rays, blast and radiation of the
    atomic bomb caused damage to the human body.
    Heat rays was tremendous and caused severe burns
    which couldnt be imagined by the ordinary burn.
    When the symptom became serious, the patients
    skin turned into a running sore and subcutaneous
    (???)tissues and bones were exposed.

Q2 The shape of the atomic bomb
  • Plutonium 239 was used in the Nagasaki atomic
    bomb. It was 3.2m in length and 1.5m in diameter
    and 4.5ton in weight. It was nicknamed
    "Fatman"because of its shape, which is more
    roundish than the Hiroshima-type bomb( a little
    boy). (a full-size model of the bomb is displayed
    at Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum).

Q3 The development expense of the atomic bomb
  • The development of the atomic bomb was called
    "Manhattan Project" and then value of two billion
    dollars were put in to the project. It was
    delivered by then president Roosevelt before the
    attack of pearl harbor.

Q4 The B-29 bomber that carried the atomic bomb
  • The B-29 bomber that carried the atomic bomb was
    called "Bockscar". It left a base on Tinian
    Island, which is one of the Mariana Islands near
    Guam. The B-29 that released the bomb over
    Hiroshima City was called Enola Gay. It also
    started from Tinian Island.

Q5 Statue of Peace
Statue of Peace
  • The statue is a work by Nagasaki born sculptor
    Seibo Kitamura. It was completed in 1955. It is a
    bronze statue of approximately 9.7 meters in
    height and 30 ton in weight. The sculptor's words
    that goes "The right hand implies the atomic
    bombing, the left hand suggests desire for the
    world peace and the face prays the bombing
    victims? soul may rest in peace. is engraved on
    the back of the pedestal.

Q6 Nagasaki before the bombing and now
  • Nagasaki thrived as the port for European trade
    and cultural exchange during the period of
    national isolation of Japan. Shipbuilding
    industry prospered in Nagasaki as the marine
    transportation business developed. During a war
    there were major shipyard and armament factories.
    After the atomic bombing inhabitants in Nagasaki
    City devoted their effort to give aid to the
    survivors and to reconstruct the city. Now,
    Nagasaki City is known as a city of marine
    products industry and tourism as well as

Present Nagasaki
The night view of Nagasaki City
About atom bomb
  • "A single nuclear weapon contains almost ten
    times the explosive force delivered by all of the
    allied air forces in the Second World War".
    President John F. Kennedy
  • "A bomb can now be manufactured which will be
    25.000 times as powerful as that which destroyed
    Hiroshima." - Betrand Russell

A view of mountains
A view of mountains
A view of mountains
Jonathan Schell
  • This text is the epilogue( last part) from his
    book The Gift of Time The Case for Abolishing
    Nuclear Weapons Now?????????? in 1998.
  • He was a writer for the New Yorker from 1967 to
    1987 and a columnist for Newsday from 1900 to
    1996. He teaches at Wesleyan University and the
    New school. His works involves The Village of Ben
    Sue and The Fate of the Earth?????. His latest
    book The unconquerable world power, nonviolence,
    and The will of The people ?????????,?????????

Text structure
  • This argumentative essay compromises three parts.
  • 1st part( para 1) the writer put forward his
    thesis a view of mountains in the background
    suggests the real extent to which the city was
    destroyed by the atomic bombing.

Text structure
  • 2nd part (para2-3) the author argues that the
    bombing of Nagasaki is more representative of
    nuclear peril threatening the world than that of
    Hiroshima and that we need to take actions to
    dispel nuclear threat from the Earth.

Text structure
  • 3rd part (para 4) he restates his main idea, i.e.
    we should not just worry about the nuclear peril
    but take actions to eliminate it to create a
    safer world.

Paragraph one
  • It describes what Yamahatas pictures display
    the effects of a nuclear weapon on human being.
  • Key sentence
  • Why does the author thinks that Ys pictures
    composes the fullest record of nuclear
    destruction in existence?

  • Because there are few pictures of the destructive
    consequences of the first atomic bomb. In
    contrast, Ys photo systematically and timely
    record the effects of the second bomb on
  • Why were the bodies often branded with the
    patterns of their clothes?

  • Because the different colors of the patterns
    absorb light in different degrees. That is, they
    permitted the body to be heated by the thermal
    pulse in different degrees in accordance with the
    colors of the patterns. The lighter the color,
    the less burned the part of the body.
  • Why does he mention a view of mountains?

  • Because the view of mountains reminds the viewers
    of the city that had been erased from earth. It
    is in the vanished city rather than in the
    wreckage that the significance of the event lies.

  • to send someone or something somewhere for a
    particular purpose to deal with sb. or to finish
    a job quickly and effectively
  • She dispatched (beat) her opponent 6-2, 6-2.
  • dispatch a messenger????/a telegram ???
  • dispatch a business ????/ a criminal ????
  • He dispatched his breakfast and left.

Dispatch n.
  • countable a message sent between military or
    government officials
  • a dispatch from headquarters
  • with dispatch
  • formal if you do something with dispatch, you do
    it well and quickly

  • linking verb, not in progressive to be
    considered to be something
  • Failing to complete the work constitutes a breach
    of the employment contract. /The rise in crime
    constitutes a threat to society.
  • if several people or things constitute something,
    they are the parts that form it
  • We must redefine what constitutes a family.

Char (charred, charring)
  • to burn something so that its outside becomes
  • Roast the peppers until the skin begins to char
    and blister.
  • something that is charred has been burned until
    it is black
  • the charred remains of a body
  • to work as a cleaner in a house, office, public
    building etc ???

Wounded horse and a queer girl
their bodies are often branded with the patterns
of their clothes
  • their bodies are often marked with the patterns
    of their clothes
  • Brand label or mark with or as if with a brand,
    to describe someone or something as a very bad
    type of person or thing, often unfairly
  • brand somebody (as) something
  • They branded the cattle one by one.
  • The US administration recently branded him as
    a war criminal.
  • You can't brand all football supporters as

Dot cover or sprinkle with or as if with dots
  • if an area is dotted with things, there are a lot
    of them there but they are spread far apart
  • be dotted with something
  • The lake was dotted with sailboats.
  • be dotted about/around etc something
  • The company has over 20 stores dotted around the
  • The countryside is dotted with beautiful ancient
  • We have offices dotted all over the region.

Part 2
  • In this part, the writer first claims that the
    bombing of Nagasaki is the fitter symbol of the
    nuclear danger menacing the world then he argues
    that we should not just apprehend the nuclear
    peril but try to dispel it from the earth. For
    this purpose, he maintains that picture taking is
    not enough and action is called for.

Para 2-3
  • The following questions can be considered
  • 1. Why is the meaning of Yamahatas picture
  • Because they express an apprehension of the
    nuclear peril that hangs over us. What happened
    to Nagasaki could happen to any other city in the
  • In a flash quick as a flash (light), instantly
  • Just wait here. I'll be back in a flash.
  • a flash in the pan

Nagasaki comes into its own.
  • In this photographs, Nagasaki regain its own
  • Come into ones own acquire, enter into
    possession of ??,??
  • to become very good, useful, or important in a
    particular situation
  • On icy roads, a four-wheel drive vehicle really
    comes into its own.

  • 2. Why has Nagasaki always been in the shadow of
  • Because Hiroshima was the city on which the
    first atomic bomb was dropped and it has drawn
    almost all the attention of the world. By
    contrast, Nagasaki has nearly been forgotten as
    an atomically devastated city.

In the shadow of
  • the bad effect or influence that something has,
    which makes other things seem less enjoyable,
    attractive, or impressive
  • cast a shadow over/on something (make something
    seem less enjoyable, attractive, or impressive)
    The events of September 11th cast a shadow over
    the celebrations.

  • Stumble to hit your foot against something or
    put your foot down awkwardly while you are
    walking or running, so that you almost fall
  • In her hurry she stumbled and spilled the milk
    all over the floor.
  • to walk in an unsteady way and often almost fall/
  • He stumbled upstairs and into bed.

  • to spoil or destroy something completely
  • This illness has ruined my life. His career would
    be ruined. All this muds going to ruin my shoes.
  • a ruined building has been almost completely
  • a ruined castle

  • Do you agree with the author when he says the
    bombing of Nagasaki is the fitter symbol of the
    nuclear peril? Why or why not?
  • If yes, first it is the evidence of the danger
    that nuclear weapons can be used again second it
    shows the unpredictability of nuclear attacks.
  • If no, whats your reason?

Hang over/overshadow
  • if something bad is hanging over you, you are
    worried or anxious about it
  • The threat of redundancy was still hanging over
    us./ It's not very nice to have huge debts
    hanging over your head .
  • hang out /hang out with
  • I don't really know who she hangs out with.
  • Where do the youngsters hang out?

  • The second bomb was originally planned to be
    dropped on Kokura instead of Nagasaki. But
    because of its bad weather which made the city
    out of sight from the sky, American authority
    changed their plan to drop the bomb on Nagasaki,
    which indicated the unpredictability and
    open-ended character of the nuclear

  • spare somebody the trouble/difficulty/pain etc
    (of doing something)
  • to prevent someone from having to experience
    something difficult or unpleasant
  • I wanted to spare them the trouble of buying me a
    present. Thankfully she had been spared the
    ordeal(?????) of surgery.
  • spare no expense/effort to do something
  • No expense was spared in developing the necessary

Not so much A as B
  • used to say that one description of someone or
    something is less suitable or correct than
  • The details are not so much wrong as they are
  • He is not so much a film star as an artist.

  • not broken, damaged, or spoiled
  • Only the medieval tower had remained intact . His
    reputation survived intact .
  • Entire, unimpaired ????,???????
  • He lived on the interest and kept his capital
  • Despite his misfortune, his faith and optimism
    remained intact???????????.

A glimpse of
  • a quick look at someone or something that does
    not allow you to see them clearly
  • They caught a glimpse of a dark green car.
  • brief/fleeting/quick glimpse (a very short look)
    We only had a fleeting (quick) glimpse of the
  • a short experience of something that helps you
    begin to understand it
  • glimpse of/into/at a glimpse of his life
  • a glimpse of what life might be like in the future

Para 3
  • What should we do in addition to apprehending the
    nuclear peril?
  • We should try to dispel it completely from the
  • Dispel to make something go away, especially a
    belief, idea, or feeling
  • We want to dispel the myth that you cannot eat
    well in Britain. / Light poured into the hall,
    dispelling the shadows.

  • Expect with fear, anxiety, suspicion danger in
    every sound ????,????
  • if the police apprehend a criminal, they catch
    him or her arrest
  • to understand something
  • They were slow to apprehend the danger.
  • apprehension/apprehensive

  • great danger, especially of being harmed or
    killed in peril
  • They put their own lives in peril to rescue their
  • The economy is now in grave peril.
  • All is not lost that's in peril.????????
  • peril one's life ??????

Counter poise
  • to put or hold something in a carefully balanced
    position, especially above something else
  • poise something over/above something
  • He poised the bottle over her glass. 'More wine?
  • Counterbalance, keep queal

  • ????,?????????????,??????????????????????.??,?
    ??????????????????, ???????????????????.??????????

Part 3 (para 4)
  • The writer calls on us to take the responsibility
    of creating a safer world for new generations.
  • 1.What should we do to ensure a safer world for
    the future generations?
  • According to the text, one of the things we
    should do is to make efforts to banish nuclear
    peril from the Earth forever. However there are
    other things to be considered.

The last paragraph can be put into
  • Once, people were brought to this world which
    was safe to live in, but now they (or every
    member of human race) can live only if, out of
    our faith and will, we make them.  This is the
    greatest responsibility of us who are alive
    now.  The biggest gift of time is life if we know
    how to receive it -- i.e., whether to cherish it
    or ruin it.

  • we ensure their right to exist
  • we guarantee a safe living environment for them.
  • Ensure make (something) certain to happen
  • Eg Following the plane crash, the airline is
    taking further steps to ensure public safety on
    its aircraft.

  • ???,????????. ??,????????????????????????,???????.
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