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For example: My two year old daughter is on Seretide 125 and was previously on Flixotide and Serevent. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Identifying the treatment uncertainties for
people living with asthma
  • Dr Samantha Walker, Research Liaison Officer
  • 17 September 2007

  • Involving people living with asthma in research
  • Our commitment to involvement
  • JLA Asthma Working Partnership
  • Asthma Patient Working group
  • Key areas of involvement
  • Surveying people living with asthma about their
    concerns about asthma treatment
  • Categorising responses forming indicative
  • The shared prioritised asthma treatment
  • Evaluation of our experiences

  • Should we involve
  • people with asthma in research?

Our commitment to involvement
Asthma UK is the charity dedicated to improving
the health and well-being of the 5.2 million
people in the UK who have asthma.
  • We work with people with asthma, healthcare
    professionals and
  • researchers to develop, share and bring together
    expertise to
  • help people increase their understanding and
    reduce the effect of asthma on their lives
  • highlight best practice to improve the lives of
    people with asthma
  • provide a vital link between research and people
    who are affected by asthma
  • highlight the key issues, help identify
    priorities for asthma research
  • provide support to make research more effective.

Research, Policy Services objectives
  • Funding research that is relevant to needs and
    aspirations of people with asthma.
  • We encourage and influence others to invest in
  • Moving asthma up the political agenda.
  • Advances in knowledge are communicated to a wide
  • Helps to develop quality resources and best
    practice guidelines.
  • This work can only be achieved though greater
  • and understanding between clinicians, researchers
  • people with asthma.

Involving people living with asthma in research
How is Asthma UKs work informed by the opinions
of people with asthma?
  • Basic Clinical Research Strategy consultations
  • Research Policy Volunteers
  • Postal surveys ? Website polls
  • Focus groups ? Project working groups
  • E-campaigners
  • Representation on committees
  • Speak Up for Asthma Volunteers
  • Users Carers Forum and Youth Forum
  • National Asthma Panel (Annual opinion poll, Ipsos
  • Adviceline feedback questionnaires
  • Fundraising and events
  • eg Medicine Me Asthma (2004), Medicine Me
    Asthma Research (2007)

JLA Asthma Working Partnership (1)
  • Medicine Me Asthma (2004) meeting
  • Partnership facilitators James Lind Alliance
  • Clinician representatives British Thoracic
  • Patient representatives Asthma UK
  • Aim
  • Identify the asthma research priorities shared by
    patients and clinicians.
  • Definition of Treatment Uncertainty
  • A main concern about the effects of asthma
    treatments that cannot be answered by referring
    to up-to-date systematic reviews of existing
    research evidence

JLA Asthma Working Partnership (2)
  • Asthma UKs objectives
  • To consult with people with asthma and identify
    their treatment uncertainties.
  • How to engage and collect views?
  • Form a working group of people with different
    relationships to asthma and experiences to
    provide representation.
  • Identify the most appropriate way to consult with
    people with asthma across the UK.
  • Working group decision
  • Develop a survey
  • Target as wide an audience as possible

Asthma UK working group profile
  • Staff (5) and Asthma representatives (7)
  • Mix of relationships to asthma
  • People with asthma
  • Parents and carers of people with asthma
  • Asthma management expertise
  • Scientific and policy research expertise
  • Mix of ages, backgrounds, severity of asthma
    other conditions
  • Some volunteers are actively involved in Asthma
    UKs work
  • Speak Up for Asthma ? Case studies
  • Volunteers ? News stories
  • Users Carers Forum ? Asthma UK reports and
  • Some volunteers were newly recruited

Key stages asthma representatives were involved
in the partnership
  • Ideation - Scoping and objective setting
  • Consultation - Survey design
  • Data analysis - Developing a taxonomy
  • - Categorising responses
  • Application - Prioritising concerns about asthma
  • treatments identified in survey
  • Evaluation - Dissemination of results
  • Reporting

Surveying people living with asthma about their
treatment uncertainties
Survey development (1)
  • Asthma UK to survey a representative sample of
    people with asthma
  • Challenges and Solutions
  • Quantity
  • 5.2 million people with asthma in the UK
  • Postal questionnaire and web survey
  • Location
  • Reaching people living with asthma across the UK
  • Good geographical spread of members received the
  • Diversity
  • Asthma affects all ages, genders, ethnic groups
    social backgrounds
  • Tailored web survey to increase reach to diverse
  • Surveys also sent to targeted groups
  • Parents, Youth Forum, Speak Up for Asthma

Survey development (2)
  • Format
  • What is the most appropriate survey format?
  • Responses given in free text box
  • Project explained in accompanying covering letter
  • Clearly outlined the variety of asthma treatment
  • Considered bias in providing example questions
  • Questionnaire refined by asthma working group and
  • Language
  • Choice of language?
  • Explaining treatment uncertainty in a survey?
  • People talk about collective experiences not
    research questions
  • Concise, easy-to-read and jargon-free explanation
  • Checked readability with asthma representatives
    Youth Forum
  • In English, due to complexity of question,
    limited time/resources

Survey responses
  • Postal surveys (February to April 2006)
  • Mailed out 1,146
  • Responses 159
  • (14 response rate, expected 10)
  • Relevant treatment uncertainty responses 113
  • Web surveys (March to April 2006)
  • Responses 211
  • Relevant treatment uncertainty responses 154
  • Total responses 370
  • Total treatment uncertainty responses 267
  • 72 of surveys were usable

However, as each response had up to six
questions, in real terms this amounted to
assigning over 850 individual treatment
uncertainty categories.
Categorisation of responses and forming
indicative questions
Categorisation working group
  • JLA representatives
  • Mark Fenton, DUETs Editor
  • Sally Crowe, Consultation observation role
  • Asthma UK representatives
  • Jenny Versnel
  • Samantha Walker
  • Ivor Cook
  • Clinical representative
  • Colin Gelder, Asthma DUETs Editor

How to categorise
  • So are you
  • a Lumper
  • or a Splitter?

How to categorise
  • Lumpers
  • reject differences and choose to emphasise
    similarities to create
  • simple patterns. Any evidence
  • that does not fit their
  • arguments is ignored
  • as aberrant.

How to categorise
  • in contrast Splitters
  • embrace and emphasise
  • differences, and resist simple
  • schemes and prefer
  • more complex patterns.

Categorising the responses
  • Lumping phases
  • Reviewed responses individually then collectively
    to capture key themes
  • Identified key words and agreed common terms
  • Key words were grouped under broad overarching
  • Splitting phases
  • Reviewed individual responses
  • Teased out treatment uncertainty from dialogues
  • Developed taxonomy based on Cochrane Airways
    terms common terms
  • Revised/adapted format similar to structure used
    in the UKCRCs recent UK Health Research Analysis
  • Coding phase

Coding the responses (1)
What is a taxonomy? List of categories and the
rules used to assign categories to each response
  • Asthma taxonomy system had 12 overarching
    categories to reflect the broad treatment
    uncertainty areas.

12 overarching categories
  • Categories that relate to
  • the individual
  • Stage of life
  • Severity of illness
  • Stage of illness
  • General categories
  • Adverse effects
  • Allergy
  • Complementary therapies
  • Co-morbidity
  • Drug therapies
  • Drug delivery
  • Management
  • New therapies
  • Triggers

Coding the responses (2)
What is a Taxonomy? List of categories and the
rules used to assign categories to each response
  • Asthma taxonomy system had 12 overarching
    categories to reflect the broad treatment
  • Each overarching category had up to 2 further
    sub-categories to give more specific information
    about the uncertainty.
  • For example
  • Uncertainty about the adverse effects of drug
  • Adverse effects Drugs
  • Uncertainty about the effects of breathing
    exercises such as Buteyko
  • Complementary therapies Physical therapy
    Breathing exercises
  • Uncertainty about the effects of complementary
  • Complementary therapies General

Coding the responses (3)
  • All responses were coded using any combination of
    categories that were relevant.
  • For example
  • My two year old daughter is on Seretide 125 and
    was previously on
  • Flixotide and Serevent. I am aware that this is
    not normally
  • prescribed to children so young.
  • Stage of life - Childhood (0-2)
  • Adverse effects - Out of licence use
  • Drug delivery - Inhaled
  • Drug therapies - Combination and additive
  • .
  • Could it be possibly that my daughter hasn't got
    asthma anymore?
  • Management Diagnosis
  • Diagnosis and prognosis questions are not
    Treatment uncertainties
  • Taxonomy development and categorisation took
    several months!

Forming Indicative Questions (1)
  • Calculated the number of times each category was
  • Category frequencies reported as a of all
    treatment uncertainties.
  • Also looked at category combinations across the
  • Rank categories and category combinations by
  • Highest ranked categories combinations reformed
    into more
  • user friendly questions.
  • Indicative question were cross-checked back to
    original underlying responses to ensure
    appropriateness and emphasis was not lost.
  • Asthma UKs top 15 uncertainties were presented
    as indicative question
  • at prioritisation meeting of patient and
    clinician representatives.
  • Discussed, re-ranked and top 10 shared treatment
    uncertainties selected.

Forming Indicative Questions (2)
  • For example
  • Original response
  • I do worry if the steroid inhaler could have
    any other damaging effects in the future
  • Categories were assigned, then combinations were
  • How many times was Adverse effects - Drugs
    associated with Drug therapies - Steroids?
  • Say this 30 and was selected as a top ranking
  • Indicative question
  • What are the adverse effects associated with
    long-term use of inhaled steroids?

What are the top 10 shared priority asthma
treatment uncertainties?
Top 10 asthma treatment uncertainties to be
answered with future research
  1. Long-term adverse effects associated with
    mainstay asthma drug therapies in adults and
  2. Managing asthma with other health problems?
  3. Successful Self-management?
  4. Education about managing adverse effects of
  5. Managing asthma triggers?
  6. Complementary therapies?
  7. Benefits of breathing exercises?
  8. Education about asthma control?
  9. Manage consultations and asthma control in
  10. Psychological interventions?

Top 10 asthma treatment uncertainties to be
unanswered with future research
  • Full report on prioritisation exercise
  • priorities in

Evaluation of our experiences of the working
My experience as an Asthma representative (1)
  • My background
  • Ongoing involvement in Asthma UKs work
  • Speak up for Asthma volunteer
  • Involvement in projects such as Medicine and Me
    Asthma research
  • Developed greater understanding of variety of
    uncertainties about asthma and asthma treatments
  • Highlights and challenges
  • Methodical approach
  • Lifting out the actual treatment concerns
    questions from the responses
  • Categorising responses and developing the
  • Reaching a shared understanding

My experience as an Asthma representative (2)
  • Importance of providing support
  • Communications
  • Email
  • Meetings
  • Teleconference
  • Face to Face (eg formal meetings)
  • Progress updates
  • Planned well in advance (preparation and
  • Use clear and jargon-free language
  • Staff contact for queries and informal chats
  • Materials
  • Briefing documents
  • Glossary of clinical technical terms
  • Medicines and treatments guide

My experience as an Asthma representative (3)
  • Achievements
  • Taxonomy development was an important factor that
    enabled the project to become such a success and
    this took a great deal of time and hard work.
  • With the advantage of a well-designed taxonomy,
    slotting in the treatment uncertainties against
    the responses became much easier.
  • All the hard work paid off at the final
    prioritisation meeting.
  • While this was a challenging project, it was a
    great success not only for the JLA Asthma Working
    Partners and most importantly should how people
    with asthma really can make an impact.

General feedback comments
  • Very well organised and facilitated by the JLA
  • Good mixture of views and all were able to
  • interesting to see how group dynamics changed
    the priorities, and were influenced by open
    discussion with lay and professionals.
  • a worthwhile experience
  • Successful outcome.

Asthma UKs overall findings
  • 1) Prepare for many head-scratching moments
  • Difficult to grasp the concept of a treatment
  • Responses were often not questions
  • Difficult to code without bias
  • Ignore dialogue and focus on research question
  • Key words and terms
  • Careful objective consideration
  • Interpretation by patients vs clinicians
  • Give explanations, limitations and assumptions
    for consistent coding
  • Broad categories to assign themes
  • Narrow down using sub-categories to inform the
    type of research

Asthma UKs overall findings (2)
  • 2) Be realistic about the resources required
  • Human resources, research, preparation, meetings,
    mailings, analysis, skills training,
    communication, IT support
  • 3) Flexibility always leave room for the
  • We identified a need to respond to people who
    requested feedback on urgent clinical questions
    about their asthma management given in their
    responses. Our asthma nurse specialists answered
    around 40 requests for feedback (1 in 10 of
    responses received).
  • 4) Three-way commitment and input from all
    partners is key
  • 5) Finally

doing it properly takes months if not years!!!
Where next?
  • Post-prioritisation work
  • Formulate vignettes for priority questions to
    present to research funding bodies.
  • News article
  • Society Guardian Turning the tables, May 2007
  • Sophie Petit-Zeman, AMRC
  • Journal publication (in progress)
  • Findings will inform future JLA Partnerships and
    Asthma UKs own work
  • Inform upcoming revision to Asthma UKs Clinical
    Asthma Research Strategy in conjunction with
    BTS-SIGN guideline review.
  • unlimited potential!

Our thanks to
Asthma UK Working Group (1)
  • Asthma UK Staff
  • Project lead
  • Jenny Versnel, Executive Director of Research
  • Data management Working group co-ordinator
  • Samantha Walker, Research Liaison Officer
  • Clinical advisor
  • Dot Russell, Asthma Nurse Specialist (Asthma UK
  • Support role
  • Leanne Male, Assistant Director, Research
  • Josianne Roma-Reardon, former Policy
    Information Manager
  • Patrick Ladbury, former Children Young
    Peoples Development Manager

Asthma UK Working Group (2)
  • Asthma Representatives
  • (7 Asthma UK volunteers)
  • Ivor Cook
  • Karen Bowler
  • Jackie Fielding
  • Liz Johnson
  • Daksha Kamdar
  • Amanda Cook
  • Loraine Hili
  • Additional Support
  • Asthma UK Youth Forum (12-17 years old)

Asthma Working Partners
  • James Lind Alliance Secretariat
  • Ian Chalmers
  • Lester Firkins
  • Sally Crowe
  • Mark Fenton, DUETS
  • Patricia Atkinson
  • British Thoracic Society
  • Bernard Higgins
  • Sheila Edwards
  • Stephen Holgate
  • Colin Gelder
  • Aziz Sheikh

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