2Panel DiscussionAutistic Advocates Out of the
- Valerie Paradiz, PhD
- NASDDDS Mid-Year Meeting
- Nashville, TN May 8, 2008
- www.ValerieParadiz.com
3Personal Background
- Grassroots Advocacy
- Mousey Professor
- Writing as Social Scripting
- Elijahs Cup
- The ASPIE School
- Consulting Infrastructure
4Employment Disclosure
5(No Transcript)
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8At almost 40 years old, I am just now developing
sustainable employment options that truly utilize
my strengths and talents. It didnt have to take
so long! I went to dozens of VR agencies state
and private and was turned away because how on
earth could I need a job coach if I have a
masters degree? Zosia Zaks
9One of the things for my own being is that the
MRDD where I to live shares because was not
properly dx before age of 22 they cannot serve me
and so for me would like AGE as a factor for
qualifying for services removed but the NEED
should promote the services of what is needed for
that individual regardless of the age.
Sondra Williams
10It feels raw to acknowledge that which we work so
hard to hide, but only by turning ourselves
inside out will they start to understand. We are
damned if we do and damned if we don't. The more
'successful' we appear, the less support we can
obtain even if we are desperate for it. Someday
people will learn to value our strengths over
what we hide (or cannot). And when that day
comes, and we don't have to hide anymore, we can
spend that energy achieving. Dena
11Integrated Self Advocacy (ISA)
- Informs Individuals with ASDs
- Values the Autistic Perspective
- Teaches Us How to Support the Emerging Advocate
- Sensory Social Awareness
- Navigating Disclosure Employment
- Developing Deep and Focused Interests
12The Future is Outside the Box
13Long Term Plans for People on the Autism
Spectrum Challenges, Opportunities, and Cost
- Lars Perner, Ph.D.Assistant Professor of
Clinical MarketingDepartment of Marketing,
Marshall School of BusinessUniversity of
Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA
90089-0443Phone (213) 740-7127 Cell (760)
412-0154perner_at_marshall.usc.edu /
14Personal Background
- The opportunities I have had have helped me
land in a profession that matches my interests
and abilities - Privileged background
- Strong family support
- Support programs can help others who have not had
the same opportunities
15Opportunities for People on the Autism Spectrum
- Filling unique niches
- The world only needs a few people who _____.
- The supply of people with these skills may,
however, also be limited - Taking advantage of
- Special interests
- Motivation
- Skills
- Knowledge
- Special talents and abilities
16Cost Considerations
- Not providing needed support and services may
have much higher long term costs than providing
these up front - Harvard School of Public Health (May 2006) study
Life span costs of treating a person with autism
spectrum conditions (ASC) run as much as 3.5
million (and the size of this population may be
increasing) - Some possible costs
- Social services
- Medical/hospitalization
- Criminal justice
- Early intervention and treatment may reduce costs
by 2/3 - Unique contributions of individuals on the autism
spectrum may be missed
- Recognizing each individual as unique
- Cookie cutter solutions will not work for
everyone - Matching individual interests and talents with
opportunities - Development of methods to identify individual
potential - E.g., vocational aptitude tests adapted for
people on the autism spectrum - Vicariously learning of what has taken others a
long time of trial and error to
learnidentification of suitable models - Transition planninginitiated early on
- Developing unique compensating skills to mitigate
18For More Info
- http//www.LarsPerner.com (Personal Site)
- http//www.AspergersSyndrome.org (Autism and
Aspergers Syndrome Information) - http//www.ConsumerPsychologist.com (Marketing
and Consumer Psychology) - http//www.ProfessorsAdvice.com (College
Preparation and Survival for People on the Autism
19Dena Gassner, MSW
20 Shame Train
- When does shaming begin?
- Where is it reinforced?
- How does it escalate?
- What are the consequences?
21Invisibility Model Seeking Normal
- Normal is an unachievable goaL
- This thinking is creating broken people
- Under employment, remediation without new
strategies is totally ineffective and cannot lead
to success
22 Haunted by Bias
- Grant me the serenity to accept the things I
cannot change, the courage to change the things I
can and the wisdom to know where to hide the
bodies of anyone who ever said, Youre perfectly
healthy its all in your head.
23Misdiagnosed with WHAT?
- Externalized
- Expressions
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder/Conduct Disorder
- Bi-polar Disorder
- Personality Disorder
- OCD/Eating Disorders
- Social Anxiety Disorder
24Misdiagnosed with WHAT?
- Internalized
- Expressions
- Mental Retardation
- Clinical Depression
- Eating Disorders
- Cutting
- Anxiety or Panic Disorder
- Phobias
- Perfectionism
- Separation Anxiety
- PTSD/suicidal issues
25Co-existing issues
- 32 of all children with severe autism use
prescription psychotropic medications as compared
to 87 of those who are high functioning.
(Myles/Andreon) - Most adults with HFA are often not identified
at all, or are not considered disabled until
they develop mental illness.
26PTSD Schraldi
- Abuse of a sexual nature... physical abuse
(beating... battering, choking, ...forcing to
eat/drink, threatening with weapon) emotional
isolation, threats to leave, intimidation,
degrading names, minimizing or denying abuse,
taking away power/control, neglect, assault,
battery, witnessing abuse, witnessing parents
fear reactions -
27Gender Bias
- Anecdotally, 4-1 is inaccurate 2-1 is more
likely - Women present differently
- Historical connection to medical failures with
women - Prominence of abuse and naiveté
28Why am I here?
- 8000 Hate Crimes occur in the United States each
year - 5 million crimes occur each year toward persons
with physical or cognitive challenges
29Why am I here?
- 80 of all women with cognitive challenges
experience at least one sexual assault in their
lifetime - 49 experience 10 or more incidents of sexual
abuse in their lifetime
30- 2/3ds of the 41 school shooters involved in
attacks since 1974 felt bullied and persecuted. - attackers described being bullied in terms that
suggest that these experiences approached
torment - Heinrich 2003
31(No Transcript)
32One possible outcome of isolation
- By now, its over. If you are reading this, my
mission is complete You who have ridiculed me,
who have chosen not to accept me, who have
treated me like I am not worth their time are
dead. They are F..ING DEAD - Surely you will try to blame it on the clothes I
wear, the music I listen to, or the way I choose
to present myself, but no. Do not hide behind my
choices. You need to face the fact that this
comes as a result of YOUR CHOICES. Parents and
teachers, you f..ed up. You have taught these
kids not to accept what is different. YOU ARE IN
THE WRONG. I have taken their lives and my own-
but it was your doing. Teachers, parents - LET THIS MASSACRE BE ON YOUR SHOULDERS UNTIL THE
DAY YOU DIE. - Eric Harris reprinted in
- School Violence compiled by Bryan Grapes
- Look to outcomes to ascertain the level of need.
- Dont look inside yourself since pity or the
lack thereof is a reflection of you, not us. - Be patient with people who communicate with
clarity, honesty and rawness that may disgust,
offend or create disease in you. Look to the
truth beneath. - Know that no one standing here would be perceived
as successful under neurotypical standards. We
dont have it all - No that there is no such thing as high
functioning only less pitiable.
34The Truths
- Failure to invest a small amount into this
population is absurd. - In home support for personal organization and
childcare - Supported employment w/ self-employment models
- Streamlined and specially designed accommodation
are needed just to access services
- Adequate but specialized supports for academics
and life skills are critical for post-secondary
options - Wrap around support like above, financial aid,
lighter schedules will increase employment
outcomes - Workplace and school coaching to support
disclosure and tolerance - Meaningful access to the community for social and
recreational inclusion
35Heres how its NOT working for us
- Limited validation
- No adaptations
- Autism as something separate from self
- Unable to name it
- Unable to own it
- Unable to integrate Unable to ask for support in
a meaningful way - Unable to create appropriate boundaries
36Hows That Working for Ya?
- Underemployment
- Insufficient supports for community living
- Poverty level existences
- Missing intelligence in the workforce
- Pulling from Peter to pay Paul
37Resource Shifting
- Rehab Homeless Domestic Abuse
- Work-place Abuse Social Security
- Community Mental Health Prison
- State Medicaid Medicare
38We are worthy
- Basic Human Rights
- We dont want pity, we want action
- Without stigma and ensuing societal shaming
through deficit rather than strength based
models, we can and do achieve - We are dedicated and consistent employees when
appropriately supported - We can and are tax paying citizens
- We are disabled and cannot do this alone
- High functioning is an illusion
- It is not a mystery for us, or adequately trained
- http//www.ValerieParadiz.com
- perner_at_marshall.usc.edu http//www.LarsPerner.co
m http//www.AspergersSyndrome.org
http//www.ProfessorsAdvice.com - dgassner_at_fuse.net