Corporate Accounting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Corporate Accounting


Corporate Accounting A.K.Sharma, DGM(F&A) Advanced Level Telecom Training Centre Ghaziabad BSNL AS A CORPORATION Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) as a Govt. of India ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Corporate Accounting

Corporate Accounting
  • A.K.Sharma, DGM(FA)
  • Advanced Level Telecom Training Centre
  • Ghaziabad

  • Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) as a Govt. of
    India Enterprise had started its Commercial
    Operations from 1st Oct.2000.
  • Under Companies Act, BSNL switched over
    completely to the commercial practices and
    accounting as enjoined in Sections 209 to 223 of
    Companies Act 1956

Accounting procedure in BSNL
  • BSNL had disclosed its accounting procedures for
    adoption wherever the existing system of
    Accounting of DOT requires a change. In other
    cases, the Procedures, Rules and maintenance of
    other records as was being followed in erstwhile
    DOT would continue until otherwise prescribed by
    BSNL Head quarters.

Annual Financial Statements - Responsibilities
  • In accordance with section 210 of Companies Act
    1956, BSNL as a Company has to lay before the
    Government , a Balance Sheet as at the end of the
    period as specified in subsection (3) ibid along
    with Profit Loss Account for that period.
  • Circles are required to prepare its own PL
    Account and Balance Sheet.

Mandatory Accounting Standards
  • Primarily every Profit loss Account and
    Balance Sheet of the Company has to Comply with
    the Accounting Standards as recommended by ICAI

Mandatory Accounting Standards (Contd.)
  • Out of 29 Accounting Standards as at present,
    the standards mostly relevant to BSNL unit
    offices(Circles) would be
  • Disclosure of Accounting Policies AS 1
  • Valuation of Inventories -- AS2
  • Cash flow Statements -- AS3
  • Contingencies Events occurringAfter the
    balance sheet date --AS4

Mandatory Accounting Standards (Contd.)
  • Net Profit or Loss Prior period items change
    in the Accounting policies -- AS5
  • Depreciation Accounting -- AS6
  • Revenue Recognition -- AS9
  • Accounting of Assets -- AS10
  • Accounting for Retirement Benefitsin financial
    statements -- AS15
  • Segment Reporting -- AS17
  • Accounting of leases -- AS19
  • Impairment of Asset -- AS28

Fundamental Accounting Assumption
  • The financial statements of Bharat Sanchar
    Nigam Limited are prepared under the historical
    cost convention adopting the accrual method of
    accounting in accordance with Indian Generally
    Accepted Accounting Principles and in accordance
    with the provisions of the Companies Act 1956.

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
  • Accounting Principles
  • Business Entity Concept
  • Money Measurement Concept
  • Cost Concept
  • Going Concern Concept
  • Dual Aspect Concept.
  • Realization Concept
  • Accrual Concept
  • Concept of conservatism
  • Consistency Concept
  • Materiality Concept

Significant Accounting Policies
  • Accounting Policies stated as significant
    accounting policies contains information about
    methods that are being adopted for preparation of
    financial statements.
  • These significant Accounting Policies becomes
    part of financial statements.
  • Disclosure of significant Accounting Policies
    that are being followed by Co. during the
    Accounting period is pre-requisite in preparation
    of financial statements as required by AS-l.

Significant Accounting Policies
  • Accounting Policies broadly cover items such as
  • Basis of accounting its conventions.
  • Treatment of Fixed Assets Current Assets
  • Depreciation
  • Treatment of Inventories, verification
  • Treatment of Dividends Reserves
  • Revenue/Income Recognition, Deferred Revenue
    Expenditure cases.
  • Retirement benefits
  • Treatment of contingent liabilities

Changes in Accounting Policies
  • Changes in Accounting policies generally arise
    in cases as follows
  • Methods of depreciation
  • Treatment of Expenditure during construction
  • Conversion or translation of foreign currency
  • Valuation of inventories
  • Valuation of Fixed Asset
  • Treatment of retirement benefits
  • Treatment of contingent liability.

Changes in Accounting Policies
  • Changes in Accounting Policies will be made in
    the following conditions-
  • Where adoption of different accounting policies
    is required by statute or for compliance with
    certain Accounting Standard.
  • Where it is considered that change would result
    in more appropriate presentation of financial
    statement of the company.

Income Expenditure
  • The accounts are prepared under the historical
    cost convention adopting the accrual method of
    accounting except for the following
  • Annual recurring charges for overlapping
    financial years.
  • Interest on loans and advances to employees .
  • Interest Income
  • Income from prepaid calling cards and internet
  • Claims from/on local authorities and other bodies
    on account of Civil and Electrical works.
  • Medical reimbursements to employees.

Revenue Recognition
  • Revenue for all services is recognized when
    earned. Unbilled revenues from the billing date
    to the end of the year is recorded as accrued
  • Provision is made against the amount of disputed
    billings to the extent considered necessary by
    the management.
  • Provision is made for bad and doubtful debts in
    regard to debts outstanding for more than two

Revenue Recognition(Contd.)
  • Installation Charges recovered from subscribers
    at the time of new telephone connections are
    recognized as income in the first year of the
  • Sale process of scrap arising from maintenance
    and project work are taken into miscellaneous
    income in the year of sale.

Revenue Recognition(Contd.)
  • Income from SIMs, recharge coupons of Mobile,
    Prepaid Calling Cards, and Prepaid internet
    connection cards are treated as income of the
    year in which the payment is received since the
    extent of use of these cards within the financial
    year could not be ascertained.

Revenue Recognition(Contd.)
  • Where ever there is uncertainty in realization
    of income, such as liquidated damages, claims on
    Government Departments local authorities etc.,
    these are recognized on collection basis.

Revenue Recognition(Contd.)
  • Other income by way of interest on loans to
    employees, security deposit with Government
    Departments and local authorities, being not
    material, are accounted for on collection.

Employees Benefits
  • In respect of employees of DoT who have opted for
    absorption in the Company and employees on deemed
    deputation from Government, pension contribution
    is provided at the applicable rates as per
    Government Pension Rules, 1972.
  • Companys contributions towards Provident Fund
    are accounted for an accrual basis.
  • For employees on deemed deputation from
    Government, leave salary contribution is provided
    _at_ 11 of the basic pay to DoT.
  • Leave encashment for other employees is provided
    on accrual basis.

License Fees
  • The one time license fee paid by the company for
    acquiring new licenses has been capitalized and
    is being amortized over the license period.
  • The variable license fees computed at prescribed
    rates of revenues is being charged to profit and
    loss in the year in which revenue arises.

Fixed Assets
  • Fixed assets are carried at cost less
    depreciation. Cost includes directly related
    establishment and other expenses including
    employee remuneration and benefits on actual
    basis directly identifiable to the construction
    of the asset.
  • Assets are capitalized to the extent management
    certificates have been issued, wherever
  • Land is capitalized when possession of the land
    is taken.
  • Building is capitalized to the extent is is ready
    for use based on completion certificate. In case
    of building purchased capitalization is done
    after possession is taken over.

Fixed Assets (Contd.)
  • Apparatus and Plants principally consisting of
    Telephone Exchanges, Transmission Equipments and
    air-conditioning Plant are capitalized as and
    when an Exchange is commissioned and put to use
    either in full or in part.
  • Lines and Wires are capitalized as and when
    erected or laid to the extent completion
    certificates have been issued thereof.
  • Cables are capitalized as and when ready for
    connection to the main system.
  • Vehicles and other assets are capitalized as and
    when possessed.

Fixed Assets (Contd.)
  • Expenditure on replacement of assets, equipment,
    instruments and rehabilitation work is
    capitalized, if , in the opinion of the
    management, it results in enhancement of revenue
    generating capacity.
  • The cost of stores and materials is charged to
    project at the time of issue.

Fixed Assets (Contd.)
  • Assets, which are impaired by disuse or
    obsolescence, are segregated from the concerned
    assets category and shown as Decommissioned
    Assets and provision made for the difference
    between their net carrying cost and the net
    realizable value.

  • Inventories other than Exchange Equipment are
    valued at cost generally on weighted average
  • Exchange equipment is valued at acquisition cost.
  • Obsolete/non moving inventories are valued at net
    realizable value.

Foreign Currency Transaction
  • Transaction in foreign currency are recorded at
    the exchange rate prevailing on the date of the
  • Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in
    foreign currencies at the year-end are translated
    into rupees at the rates of exchange prevailing
    at the year end. All non-monetary assets and
    liabilities are stated at the rates prevailing on
    the date of the transaction.
  • Gains / (losses) arising out of fluctuations in
    the exchange rates are recognized in income in
    the year in which they arise.

Contingent Liabilities
  • Contingent Liabilities, barring frivolous
    claims, are disclosed and those liabilities,
    which are possible of maturing are provided for .

Segment Reporting
  • Information about multiple products/services and
    its operation in different geographical areas is
    called Segment Information.
  • The disclosure of above informations is termed
    as Segment Reporting, covered by Accounting
    Standard 17.

Objective of Segment Reporting
  • For better understanding the performance of
  • For better assessment of risks and returns of
  • For establishing the system for cost based
  • For assessment of risks and returns of Multiple
    products/services and its operation in different
    geographical areas.

Segment Information of BSNL
  • For the time being, Basic and Cellular
    services have been considered as primary Business
    segments for reporting under AS-17 Segment
    Reporting issued by ICAI. The manufacturing
    activities have not been treated as a separate
    segment since such activities are essentially
    carried on as support service to other segments.

Significant Accounting Policy of BSNL Relating to
Segment Reporting
  • Segment Revenue includes service income and other
    income directly identifiable with/allocable to
    the segment.
  • Income which relates to the Company as a whole
    and not allocable to individual business segment
    is included in Unallocable Corporate Income.
  • Expenses that are directly Identifiable with/
    allocable to segments are considered for
    determining segment Results. The expenses, which
    relates to the Company as a whole and not
    allocable to individual business segment is
    included under Other Unallocable Expenditure
  • Segment Assets and Liabilities include those
    directly identifiable with the respective

Accounting of some other Items
  • Small Tools - These are to be charge to PL
    Account. The Expenditure involved may be for the
    activities of Installation, maintenance or for
    operation. The expenditure may be changed
    according to its nature.
  • Depreciation is provided based on the WDV method
    at the rates prescribed in Schedule XIV to the
    Companies Act. 1956. Full depreciation is charged
    on capital expenditure up to Rs. 5000/- in the
    year of purchase.

Accounting of some other Items(Contd.)
  • Partitions Partitions are a common expenditure
    which either occur due to new construction or
    replacement or repair. All expenditure which is
    in the nature of replacement or repair is to be
    charged to PL A/C. New construction of
    partitions should be debited to Furniture and
    Fixture. However, partitions valued up to Rs. 2
    lakhs should be charged to the PL Account and a
    separate register for such assets it to be

Accounting of some other Items(Contd.)
  • Temporary Sheds Expenditure incurred for the
    construction of Ty. Sheds is purely wasteful
    asset. Therefore such assets may be depreciated

Prior Period Items
  • Prior Period items are income or expenses which
    arise in current period as a result of error or
    omission in the preparation of financial
    statement of one or more prior periods.
  • Any adjustment on account of settlement of
    disputes regarding wrong billing is not treated
    as prior period item.
  • Items of income/expenditure exceeding Rs.5,00,000
    only are considered for disclosure as prior
    period items.
  • Prior Period Items are dealt in Accounting
    Standard 5.

Books of Accounts Companies Act
  • Every Company is required to keep proper books
    of accounts in respect of
  • a) all sums of money received and expended by
    the Company and matters in respect of which the
    receipt and expenditure has taken place.
  • b) all sale and purchase of goods by the
  • c) all the Assets and liabilities of the

Books of Accounts of BSNL
  • Cash Books (for cash transactions)
  • Bank Books (for Operational for Collection
  • Journals (for recording non cash adjustment
    items) and
  • General Ledger

Subsidiary Records
  • Purchase Register
  • Salary payable Register
  • Wages payable Register
  • Bills payable Register
  • Liability Register
  • Imprest/Advance Register
  • Register of Bills issued (TRA other Bills)
  • Contractors Ledger.

Subsidiary Records(Contd.)
  • Registers of Fixed Assets related schedules.
  • Registers of Works-in-Progress
  • Price Stores ledgers etc.
  • Inventory Records.

Perseverance of Books of Accounts
  • Section 209(4A) provides that the books of
    account of every company relating to period of
    not less than eight years shall be preserved in
    good order.

Bank Reconciliation
  • At the end of each month the balances in each
    Bank book will be reconciled with the balances in
    the Bank.
  • Bank reconciliation statement should be
    submitted by each SSA every month to Corporate
    Accounts Section of the Circle.

Bank Reconciliation(Year end Actions)
  • Bank reconciliation up to 31.03.20xx should be
    completed invariably. Any cheque(s) remaining
    un-cleared but which have become time-barred on
    due date will be written back in the bank book.
    This will apply both to cheques received and also
    to cheques issued.

Reconciliation of Balances,Provisions
  • All the balances appearing in the Balance Sheet
    needs to be reconciled. These are
  • Cash bank balance
  • Sundry debtors
  • All receivables
  • Loans Advances
  • Inventories
  • WIP
  • Fixed Assets
  • Sundry Creditors including EMD and SD
  • All payables (Salary, bills, wages, bonus)

Cash bank balance
  • These are reconciled by drawing bank
    reconciliation statement

Sundry debtors
  • The balance under this head should be reconciled
    with respect to the details of sundry debtors as
    per the sub ledger.

  • Subsidiary records for receivables should be
    available with each SSA and the amt. booked in
    trial balance should agree with the details
    available in the subsidiary records.This include
    receivables from DOT.

Loans Advances
  • Loans Advances include amount advanced or
    value of materials supplied as loan to
    contractors, suppliers, employees, recoverable in
    cash or in kind or for value to be received at a
    later date. Such as
  • a) Loans Advances to Staff (Interest bearing
    Non-interest bearing)
  • b) Loans given to Contractors which also include
    loans to Co-op Societies Dept. canteens,
  • c) Advances to Staff in connection with works
    expenditure etc. ,
  • d) Purchase Advances,
  • e) Capital advance

Loans Advances(Contd.)
  • All such loans and advances should agree with the
    details available in the subsidiary registers.
  • Details of outstanding loans advances to
    employees will be available in RR. A broad sheet
    must be prepared for each type of loans and
    advances. Balance appearing in the Trial balance
    against any type of loans and advance must agree
    with the balance as shown in the broad sheet.

  • The materials received by C.S.D will be accounted
    under inventory. The numerical Account is
    maintained in Bin Card and Value account for the
    same is maintained in priced Store Ledger.
    Periodical reconciliation between figures of Bin
    Cards and PSL is to be done. The balance under
    inventory as shown in the trial balance should
    agree with the balance as shown in PSL.

  • Amt. appearing in trial balance under this head
    should be supported by detailed schedule.

Sundry Creditors
  • Amt. appearing under sundry creditor must be
    reconciled with the unpaid bills as shown by the
    purchase journal. EMD and SD should be reconciled
    with the detailed registers maintained.

All payables
  • This include
  • Salary payable
  • Bills payable
  • Payable to DOT
  • Payable to others

Reconciliation of Revenue bookings
  • The bookings in the trial balance under various
    revenue heads should be reviewed and reconciled
    with the figures of sub ledger in respect of
    following items
  • Service wise amt. billed for and amt. collected.
  • All types of deposits,
  • Value of various cards sold.
  • Service Tax
  • Surcharge

Overall reconciliation of bookings
  • After incorporating all journal voucher for
    booking in trial balance the trial balance will
    be prepared after ensuring that all types of
    entries in respect of bank books and cash books
    for debits and credits during the month are also
    incorporated in the trial balance. One copy of
    printout of TB will be obtained for reviewing
    progressive balances and for any
    misclassification. Same should be rectified by
    passing JEs

Overall reconciliation of bookings(Contd.)
  • While reconciling the figures it may be noted
    that some accounts head carry only debit balances
    and some only credit balance. It may be ensured
    that trial balance should exhibit progressive
    debit or credit balances against these heads

Provisions Liability
  • What is Provision ?
  • Provision means an amount retained by way of
    providing for known liability the amount of which
    cannot be determined with substantial accuracy.

Provisions Liability(Contd.)
  • Liabilities comprise all short term obligations
    admitted in the normal course of business for
    purchase of stores spares etc. , contractors
    bills received towards provision of Telecom
    services, payments to be made to the employees
    and others for the services already received but
    not paid for, as at the date of accounts.

Creation of Liabilities
  • Full liability would be created by debiting the
    relevant expenditure heads and crediting Current
    Liabilities under schedule , in respect of
    following items-
  • Claims payable to DOT, VSNL, CMTS
  • Claims payable towards Rents on Buildings
  • Claims payable on Retirement Benefits
  • Claims payable to other operators on account of
  • Claims payable to Service Taxes, Sale Taxes
  • Lease charges
  • Refunds due to Telephone subscribers.

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