Title: Seizures
1Seizures Epilepsy
- Prof.Mohammad Salah Abduljabbar
- Definitions
- Pathophysiology
- Aetiology
- Classification
- Diagnostic approach
- Treatment
- Quiz
- A chronic neurologic disorder manifesting by
repeated epileptic seizures (attacks or fits)
which result from paroxysmal uncontrolled
discharges of neurons within the central nervous
system (grey matter disease). - The clinical manifestations range from a major
motor convulsion to a brief period of lack of
awareness. The stereotyped and uncontrollable
nature of the attacks is characteristic of
- Seizure (Convulsion)
- Clinical manifestation of synchronised electrical
discharges of neurons - Epilepsy
- Present when 2 or more unprovoked seizures occur
at an interval greater than 24 hours apart
- Provoked seizures
- Seizures induced by somatic disorders originating
outside the brain - E.g. fever, infection, syncope, head trauma,
hypoxia, toxins, cardiac arrhythmias
- Status epilepticus (SE)
- Continuous convulsion lasting longer than 30
minutes OR occurrence of serial convulsions
between which there is no return of consciousness - Idiopathic SE
- Seizure develops in the absence of an underlying
CNS lesion/insult - Symptomatic SE
- Seizure occurs as a result of an underlying
neurological disorder or a metabolic abnormality
7Aetiology of seizures
- Epileptic
- Idiopathic (70-80)
- Cerebral tumor
- Neurodegenerative disorders
- Neurocutaneous syndromes
- Secondary to
- Cerebral damage e.g. congenital infections, HIE,
intraventricular hemorrhage - Cerebral dysgenesis/malformation e.g.
8Aetiology of seizures
- Non-epileptic
- Febrile convulsions
- Metabolic
- Hypoglycemia
- HypoCa, HypoMg, HyperNa, HypoNa
- Head trauma
- Meningitis
- Encephalitis
- Poisons/toxins
9Aetiology of Status Epilepticus
- Prolonged febrile seizure
- Most common cause
- Idiopathic status epilepticus
- Non-compliance to anti-convulsants
- Sudden withdrawal of anticonvulsants
- Sleep deprivation
- Intercurrent infection
- Symptomatic status epilepticus
- Anoxic encephalopathy
- Encephalitis, meningitis
- Congenital malformations of the brain
- Electrolyte disturbances, drug/lead intoxication,
extreme hyperpyrexia, brain tumor
- The 19th century neurologist Hughlings Jackson
suggested a sudden excessive disorderly
discharge of cerebral neurons as the causation
of epileptic seizures. - Recent studies in animal models of focal epilepsy
suggest a central role for the excitatory
neurotransmiter glutamate (increased) and
inhibitory gamma amino butyric acid (GABA)
- Still unknown
- Some proposals
- Excitatory glutamatergic synapses
- Excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter
(glutamate, aspartate) - Abnormal tissues tumor, AVM, dead area
- Genetic factors
- Role of substantia nigra and GABA
- Excitatory glutamatageric synapses
- And, excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter
(glutamate, aspartate) - These are for the neuronal excitation
- In rodent models of acquired epilepsy and in
human temporal lobe epilepsy, there is evidence
for enhanced functional efficacy of ionotropic
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and metabotropic
(Group I) receptors - Chapman AG. Glutatmate and Epilepsy. J Nutr. 2000
Apr 130(4S Suppl) 1043S-5S
- Abnormal tissues tumor, AVM, dead area
- These regions of the brain may promote
development of novel hyperexcitable synapses that
can cause seizures
- Genetic factors
- At least 20
- Some examples
- Benign neonatal convulsions.
- Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.
- Progressive myoclonic epilepsy.
- Role of substantia nigra
- Studies with 2-deoxyglucose indicate that a
marked increase in metabolic activity in SN is a
common feature of several types of generalized
seizures it is possible that some of this
increased activity is associated with GABAergic
nerve terminals that become activated in an
attempt to suppress seizure spread. - Because GABA has been shown to inhibit nigral
efferents, it is likely that GABA terminals
inhibit nigral projections that are permissive or
facilitative to seizure propagation - From Gale K. Role of the substantia nigra in
GABA-mediated anticonvulsant actions. Adv
- Premature brain
- It is more susceptible to specific seizures than
is the brain in older children and adults - Kindling
- Repeated subconvulsive stimulation (e.g. to the
amygdala) will lead to generalized convulsion - This may explain the development of epilepsy
after injury to the brain - One temporal lobe seizure -gt contralateral lobe
17Classification of seizures
18Epilepsy - Classification
- The modern classification of the epilepsies is
based upon the nature of the seizures rather than
the presence or absence of an underlying cause. - Seizures which begin focally from a single
location within one hemisphere are thus
distinguished from those of a generalised nature
which probably commence in a deeper structures
(brainstem? thalami) and project to both
hemispheres simultaneously.
- Partial
- Electrical discharges in a relatively small
group of dysfunctional neurones in one cerebral
hemisphere - Aura may reflect site of origin
- / - LOC
- Diffuse abnormal electrical discharges from both
hemispheres - Symmetrically involved
- No warning
- Always LOC
20Partial Seizures
Secondary generalized
1. w/ motor signs 2. w/ somato-sensory
symptoms 3. w/ autonomic symptoms 4. w/ psychic
1. simple partial --gt loss of consciousness 2.
w/ loss of consciousness at onset
1. simple partial --gt generalized 2. complex
partial --gt generalized 3. simple partial --gt
complex partial --gt generalized
21Focal (partial) seizures
- Simple partial seizures
- Motor, sensory, vegetative or psychic
symptomato- logy - Typically consciousness is preserved
22Simple partial seizureswith motor signs
- Focal motor w/o march
- Focal motor w/ march
- Versive
- Postural
- Phonatory
23Simple partial seizures with motor signs
- Sudden onset from sleep
- Version of trunk
- Postural
- Left arm bent
- Forcefully stretched fingers
- Looks at watch
- Note seizure
24Simple partial seizures with sensory symptoms
- Somato-sensory
- Visual
- Auditory
- Olfactory
- Gustatory
- Vertiginous
25Simple partial seizures with sensory symptoms
- Vertiginous symptoms
- Sudden sensation of falling forward as in empty
space - No LOC
- Duration 5 mins
26Simple partial seizures with autonomic symptoms
- Vomiting
- Pallor
- Flushing
- Sweating
- Pupil dilatation
- Piloerection
- Incontinence
27Simple partial seizures with autonomic symptoms
- Stiffness in L cheek
- Difficulty in articulating
- R side of mouth is dry
- Salivating on the L side
- Progresses to tongue and back of throat
28Simple partial seizures with psychic symptoms
- Dysphasia
- Dysmnesic
- Cognitive
- Affective
- Illusions
- Structured hallucinations
29Simple partial seizure with pyschic symptoms
- Dysmnesic symptoms
- déjà-vu
- Affective symptoms
- fear and panic
- Cognitive
- Structured hallucination
- living through a scene of her former life again
30Complex Partial Seizures
- Simple partial onset followed by impaired
consciousness - with or without automatism
- With impairment of consciousness at onset
- with impairment of consciousness only
- with automatisms
31Simple Partial Seizures followed by Complex
Partial Seizures
- Seizure starts from awake state
- Impairment of consciousness
- Automatisms
- lip-smacking
- right leg
32Complex Partial Seizures with impairment of
consciousness at onset
- Suddenly sit up
- Roll about with vehement movement
33Partial Seizures evolving to Secondarily
Generalised Seizures
- Simple Partial Seizures to Generalised Seizures
- Complex Partial Seizures to Generalised Seizures
- Simple Partial Seizures to Complex Partial
Seizures to Generalised Seizures
34Simple Partial Seizures to Generalised Seizures
- Turns to his R with upper body and bends his L
arm - Stretches body
- Tonic-clonic seizure
- Relaxation phase
- Postictal sleep
35Simple Partial Seizures to Complex Partial
Seizures to Generalised Seizures
- Initially unable to communicate but understands
- Automatism
- Smacking
- Hand-rubbing
- Abolished communication
- Generalised tonic-clonic seizure
36Generalized seizures
- Absence
- Myoclonic
- Clonic
- Tonic
- Tonic-clonic
- Atonic
37Generalized seizures(convulsive or
- Absences
- Myoclonic seizures
- Clonic seizures
- Tonic seizures
- Atonic seizures
38Absence seizures
- Sudden onset
- Interruption of ongoing activities
- Blank stare
- Brief upward rotation of eyes
- Duration a few seconds to 1/2 minute
- Evaporates as rapidly as it started
39Absence seizures
- Stops hyperventilating
- Mild eyelid clonus
- Slight loss of neck muscle tone
- Oral automatisms
40Myoclonic seizures
- Sudden, brief, shock-like
- Predominantly around the hours of going to or
awakening from sleep - May be exacerbated by volitional movement (action
41Myoclonic seizures
- Symmetrical myoclonic jerks
42Clonic seizures
- Repetitive biphasic jerky movements
- Repetitive vocalisation synchronous with clonic
movements of the chest (mechanical) - Venous injection of diazepam
- Passes urine
43Tonic seizures
- Rigid violent muscle contraction
- Limbs are fixed in strained position
- patient stands in one place
- bends forward with abducted arms
- deep red face
- noises - pressing air through a closed mouth
44Tonic seizures
- Elevates both hands
- Extreme forward bending posture
- Keeps walking without faling
- Passes urine
45Tonic-clonic seizures(grand mal)
- Tonic Phase
- Sudden sharp tonic contraction of respiratory
muscle stridor / moan - Falls
- Respiratory inhibition cyanosis
- Tongue biting
- Urinary incontinence
- Clonic Phase
- Small gusts of grunting respiration
- Frothing of saliva
- Deep respiration
- Muscle relaxation
- Remains unconscious
- Goes into deep sleep
- Awakens feeling sore, headaches
46Tonic-clonic seizures
- Tonic stretching of arms and legs
- Twitches in his face and body
- Purses his lips and growls
- Clonic phase
47Atonic seizures
- Sudden reduction in muscle tone
- Atonic head drop
48Epilepsy syndrome
- Epilepsy syndromes may be classified according
to - Whether the associated seizures are partial or
generalized - Whether the etiology is idiopathic or
symptomatic/ cryptogenic - Several important pediatric syndromes can further
be grouped according to age of onset and
prognosis - EEG is helpful in making the diagnosis
- Children with particular syndromes show signs of
slow development and learning difficulties from
an early age
49Table 1. Modified ILAE Classification of Epilepsy
Category Localization-related Generalized
Idiopathic Benign epilepsy of childhood with centrotemporal spikes(benign rolandic epilepsy)Benign occipital epilepsy Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancyChildhood absence epilepsyJuvenile absence epilepsyJuvenile myoclonic epilepsy
Symptomatic (of underlying structural disease) Temporal lobeFrontal lobeParietal lobeOccipital lobe Early myoclonic encephalopathyCortical dysgenesisMetabolic abnormalitiesWest syndromeLennox-Gastaut syndrome
Cryptogenic Any occurrence of partial seizures without obvious pathology Epilepsy with myoclonic absencesWest syndrome (with unidentified pathology)Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (with unidentified pathology)
50Table 1. Modified ILAE Classification of Epilepsy
Syndromes (cond)
Special syndromes Febrile convulsionsSeizures occurring only with toxic or metabolic provoking factorsNeonatal seizures of any etiologyAcquired epileptic aphasia (Landau-Kleffner syndrome)
51- Three most common epilepsy syndromes
- Benign childhood epilepsy
- Childhood absence epilepsy
- Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
- Three devastating catastrophic epileptic
- syndromes
- West syndrome
- Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
- Landau Kleffner Syndrome
52- Benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal
spike - (Benign Rolandic Epilepsy)
- Typical seizure affects mouth, face, /- arm.
Speech arrest if dominant hemisphere,
consciousness often preserved, may generalize
especially when nocturnal, infrequent and easily
controlled - Onset is around 3-13 years old, good respond to
medication, always remits by mid-adolescence
53- Childhood absence epilepsy
- School age ( 4-10 years ) with a peak age of
onset at 6-7 years - Brief seizures, lasting between 4 and 20 seconds
- 3Hz Spike and wave complexes is the typical EEG
abnormality - Sudden onset and interruption of ongoing
activity, often with a blank stare. - Precipitated by a number of factors i.e. fear,
embarrassment, anger and surprise.
Hyperventilation will also bring on attacks. - Juvenile myoclonic seizure
- Around time of puberty
- Myoclonic ( sudden spasm of muscles ) jerks ?
generalized tonic clonic seizure without loss of
consciousness - Precipitated by sleep deprivation
54- Wests syndrome (infantile spasms)
- Triad
- infantile spasms
- arrest of psychomotor development
- hypsarrhythmia
- Spasms may be flexor, extensor, lightning, nods,
usually mixed. Peak onset 4-7 months, always
before 1 year. -
- Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
- Characterized by seizure, mental retardation and
psychomotor slowing - Three main type
- tonic
- atonic
- atypical absence
- Landau- Kleffner syndrome ( acquired aphasia )
55Diagnosis in epilepsy
- Aims
- Differentiate between events mimicking epileptic
seizures - E.g. syncope, vertigo, migraine, psychogenic
non-epileptic seizures (PNES) - Confirm the diagnosis of seizure (or possibly
associated syndrome) and the underlying etiology
56Epilepsy Differential Diagnosis
- The following should be considered in the diff.
dg. of epilepsy - Syncope attacks (when pt. is standing results
from global reduction of cerebral blood flow
prodromal pallor, nausea, sweating jerks!) - Cardiac arrythmias (e.g. Adams-Stokes attacks).
Prolonged arrest of cardiac rate will
progressively lead to loss of consciousness
jerks! - Migraine (the slow evolution of focal hemisensory
or hemimotor symptomas in complicated migraine
contrasts with more rapid spread of such
manifestation in SPS. Basilar migraine may lead
to loss of consciousness! - Hypoglycemia seizures or intermittent
behavioral disturbances may occur. - Narcolepsy inappropriate sudden sleep episodes
- Panic attacks
- PSEUDOSEIZURES psychosomatic and personality
57Diagnosis in epilepsy
- Approach
- History (from patient and witness)
- Physical examination
- Investigations
- Event
- Localization
- Temporal relationship
- Factors
- Nature
- Associated features
- Past medical history
- Developmental history
- Drug and immunization history
- Family history
- Social history
59Physical Examination
- General
- esp. syndromal or non-syndromal dysmorphic
features, neurocutaneous features - Neurological
- Other system as indicated
- E.g. Febrile convulsion, infantile spasm
60Epilepsy Investigation
- The concern of the clinician is that epilepsy may
be symptomatic of a treatable cerebral lesion. - Routine investigation Haematology, biochemistry
(electrolytes, urea and calcium), chest X-ray,
electroencephalogram (EEG). - Neuroimaging (CT/MRI) should be performed in all
persons aged 25 or more presenting with first
seizure and in those pts. with focal epilepsy
irrespective of age. - Specialised neurophysiological investigations
Sleep deprived EEG, video-EEG monitoring. - Advanced investigations (in pts. with intractable
focal epilepsy where surgery is considered)
Neuropsychology, Semiinvasive or invasive EEG
recordings, MR Spectroscopy, Positron emission
tomography (PET) and ictal Single photon emission
computed tomography (SPECT)
- I. Exclusion of differentials
- Bedside urinalysis
- Haematological CBP
- Biochemical UEs, Calcium, glucose, ABGs
- Radiological CXR, CT head
- Toxicological screen
- Microbiological LP
- (Always used with justification)
- II. Confirmation of epilepsy
- Dynamic investigations result changes with
attacks - E.g. EEG
- Static investigations result same between and
during attacks - E.g. Brain scan
63Electroencephalography (EEG)
- EEG indicated whenever epilepsy suspected
- Uses of EEG in epilepsy
- Diagnostic support diagnosis, classify seizure,
localize focus, quantify - Prognostic adjust anti-epileptic treatment
64International 10-20 System of Electrode Placement
in EEG
65Electroencephalography (EEG)
- EEG interpretation in epilepsy
- Hemispheric or lobar asymmetries
- Periodic (regular, recurring)
- Background activity
- Slow or fast
- Focal or generalized
- Paroxysmal activity
- Epileptiform features spikes, sharp waves
- Interictal or ictal
- Spontaneous or triggered
66Electroencephalography (EEG)
- Certain epilepsy syndromes have characteristic or
suggestive features - E.g.
Infantile spasms Hypsarrhythmia
Childhood absence epilepsy Generalized 3-Hz spike-wave
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy Generalized/ multifocal 4-5 Hz spike-wave and polyphasic-wave
Benign occipital epilepsy Unilateral/ bilateral occipital sharp/ sharp-slow activity that attenuates on eye opening
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome Generalized/ bianterior spike-wave activity at lt2.5 Hz
67Electroencephalography (EEG)
- E.g. Brief absence seizure in an 18-year-old
patient with primary generalized epilepsy
68Electroencephalography (EEG)
- Note
- Normal in 10-20 of epileptic patients
- Background slowed by
- AED, diffuse cerebral process, postictal state
- Artifact from
- Eye rolling, tremor, other movement, electrodes
- Interpreted in the light of proximity to seizure
- Structural neuroimaging
- Functional neuroimaging
70Structural Neuroimaging
- Who should have a structural neuroimaging?
- Status epilepticus or acute, severe epilepsy
- Develop seizures when gt 20 years old
- Focal epilepsy (unless typical of benign focal
epilepsy syndrome) - Refractory epilepsy
- Evidence of neurocutaneous syndrome
71Structural Neuroimaging
- Modalities available
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Computerized Tomography (CT)
- What sort of structural scan?
- MRI better than CT
- CT usually adequate if to exclude large tumor
- MRI not involve ionizing radiation
- I.e. not affect fetus in pregnant women (but
nevertheless avoided if possible)
72Functional Neuroimaging
- Principles in diagnosis of epilepsy
- When a region of brain generates seizure, its
regional blood flow, metabolic rate and glucose
utilization increase - After seizure, there is a decline to below the
level of other brain regions throughout the
interictal period
73Functional Neuroimaging
- Modalities available
- Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
- Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography
(SPECT) - Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
- Mostly used in
- Planning epilepsy surgery
- Identifying epileptogenic region
- Localizing brain function
74Venn Diagram
75Seizure Therapy
Specific Treatments
General Treatment
Reassurance and Education
76Education Support
- Information leaflets and information about
support group - Avoidance of hazardous physical activities
- Management of prolonged fits
- Recovery position
- Rectal diazepam
- Side effects of anticonvulsants
77Epilepsy - Treatment
- The majority of pts respond to drug therapy
(anticonvulsants). In intractable cases surgery
may be necessary. The treatment target is
seizure-freedom and improvement in quality of
life! - The commonest drugs used in clinical practice
are Carbamazepine, Sodium valproate, Lamotrigine
(first line drugs) Levetiracetam, Topiramate,
Pregabaline (second line drugs) Zonisamide,
Eslicarbazepine, Retigabine (new AEDs) - Basic rules for drug treatment Drug treatment
should be simple, preferably using one
anticonvulsant (monotherapy). Start low,
increase slow. Add-on therapy is
necessary in some patients
78Epilepsy Treatment (cont.)
- If pt is seizure-free for three years, withdrawal
of pharmacotherapy should be considered.
Withdrawal should be carried out only if pt is
satisfied that a further attack would not ruin
employment etc. (e.g. driving licence). It should
be performed very carefully and slowly! 20 of
pts will suffer a further sz within 2 yrs. - The risk of teratogenicity is well known (5),
especially with valproates, but withdrawing drug
therapy in pregnancy is more risky than
continuation. Epileptic females must be aware of
this problem and thorough family planning should
be recommended. Over 90 of pregnant women with
epilepsy will deliver a normal child.
- Suppress repetitive action potentials in
epileptic foci in the brain - Sodium channel blockade
- GABA-related targets
- Calcium channel blockade
- Others neuronal membrane hyperpolarisation
Drugs used in seizure disorders
Tonic-clonic and partial
Absence seizures
Myoclonic seizures
Status Epilepticus
Infantile Spasms
Valproic acid
Short term control
Prolonged therapy
Valproic acid
Valproic acid
81Adverse Effects
- Teratogenicity
- Neural tube defects
- Fetal hydantoin syndrome
- Overdosage toxicity
- Life-threatening toxicity
- Hepatotoxicity
- Stevens-Johnson syndrome
- Abrupt withdrawal
82Medical Intractability
- No known universal definition
- Risk factors
- High seizure frequency
- Early seizure onset
- Organic brain damage
- Established after adequate drug trials
- Operability
- Curative
- Catastrophic unilateral or secondary generalised
epilepsies of infants and young children - Sturge-Weber syndrome
- Large unilateral developmental abnormalities
- Palliative
- Vagal nerve stimulation
84Epilepsy Surgical Treatment
- A proportion of the pts with intractable epilepsy
will benefit from surgery. - Epilepsy surgery procedures Curative (removal of
epileptic focus) and palliative (seizure-related
risk decrease and improvement of the QOL) - Curative (resective) procedures Anteromesial
temporal resection, selective amygdalohippocampect
omy, extensive lesionectomy, cortical resection,
hemispherectomy. - Palliative procedures Corpus callosotomy and
Vagal nerve stimulation (VNS). -
85Surgical Outcome
- Medical Intractability
- A well-localised epileptogenic zone
- Low risk of new post-operative deficits
86Status Epilepticus
- A condition when consciousness does not return
between seizures for more than 30 min. This state
may be life-threatening with the development of
pyrexia, deepening coma and circullatory
collapse. Death occurs in 5-10. - Status epilepticus may occur with frontal lobe
lesions (incl. strokes), following head injury,
on reducing drug therapy, with alcohol
withdrawal, drug intoxication, metabolic
disturbances or pregnancy. - Treatment AEDs intravenously ASAP, event.
general anesthesia with propofol or thipentone
should be commenced immediately.
- Stedmans Medical Dictionary.
- MDConsult Nelsons textbook.
- Illustrated Textbook of Pediatrics.
- Video atlas of epileptic seizures Classical
examples, International League against epilepsy. - Guberman AH, Bruni J, 1999, Essentials of
Clinical Epilepsy, 2nd edn. Butterworth
Heinemann. - Manford M, 2003, Practical Guide to Epilepsy,
Butterworth Heinemann.