The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA)


The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) A framework for measuring interactions between the environment and the economy Rob Edwards – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA)

The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting
(SEEA) A framework for measuring interactions
between the environment and the economy
  • Rob Edwards
  • Inter-regional Adviser
  • United Nations Statistics Division

  • SEEA and the green economy
  • The SEEA conceptual framework
  • 3. SEEA structure
  • General principles
  • Assets in SNA and SEEA
  • SEEA Volume 1
  • SEEA Volume 2
  • SEEA Volume 3
  • Way forward and process

SEEA and the Green Economy
  • The economy impacts on the environment and the
    environment impacts on the economy
  • To understand these linkages we need to integrate
    environmental and economic information
  • SEEA provides a comprehensive conceptual and
    accounting framework that can be used to create a
    database suitable for analysing and evaluating
    the interactions between the economy and the
  • As such, SEEA may provide part of the solution in
    informing on the green economy

The SEEA Conceptual Framework (1)
Territory of reference
Instruments -Financial/Monetary -Taxes/subsidies
-Financing -Resource rent -Permits
  • Actors
  • Enterprises
  • Households
  • Government
  • Non-profit institutions

Activities -Production -Consumption -Accumulation
Analytical and Policy Frameworks -Productivity
analysis -Natural resource management -Climate
change -Green Growth/Green Economy
Outside territory of reference
Outside territory of reference
Land/ Resource use/ Ecosystems

Natural Resources (stocks) -Land -Water -Ecosystem
s -Soil -Etc.
Natural Resource flows -Materials -Energy -Water -
Ecosystem services -Etc.
Extensions and Applications(Volume 3)
SEEA Structure
  • General Principles
  • Concepts
  • Classifications
  • Accounting rules
  • Valuation principles (where applicable)

SEEA Volume 1 SEEA Volume 2
General Principles
  • SEEA is an organising framework for an integrated
    system of stocks and flows accounts from which
    policy relevant statistics and indicators can be
    derived that measure interactions between the
    economy and the environment and the quality of
    environmental assets
  • The stocks and flows can be measured in both
    physical and monetary terms
  • SEEA sets out the underlying concepts,
    definitions, classifications and accounting rules
    that underpin the stocks and flows accounts
  • As such, SEEA can provide guidance in the setting
    up of a program of basic environment statistics
    in terms of scope, coverage and underlying

General Principles SEEA as an organizing
General Principles SEEA accounts and aggregates
  • Asset accounts record stocks and changes in
    stocks (flows) of natural resources such as land,
    forest, water and minerals
  • Physical flow accounts provide a systematic
    physical description of production and
    consumption processes, including their natural
    resource inputs, product throughputs and outputs
    i.e. wastes. Link the physical information to
    the economic accounts
  • Monetary accounts separately identify
    environmentally- related transactions presented
    in the existing SNA flow accounts in order to
    make them more explicit for analysis
  • Environmentally-adjusted aggregates combine
    modules of SEEA to form a full-sequence of
    accounts from which aggregates such as
    depletion-adjusted net domestic product and net
    saving can be derived.

Assets in SNA and SEEA
SEEA Volume 1 The Central Framework
  • Measures in physical terms the flows of goods and
    services of energy, water and materials that
    cross between the economy and the environment and
    circulate within the economy
  • Accounts for natural resources and their using up
    by the economy
  • It uses standard national accounting concepts and
    classifications and expands on them to better
    measure the relationship between the economy and
    the environment
  • The one extension to the SNA is that Volume 1
    provides guidance on how to calculate measures of
    depletion of those natural assets that are within
    the asset boundary of the SNA (e.g. subsoil
  • As such, national accounts aggregates such as net
    domestic product and net national saving can be
    adjusted for the using up of those natural
    assets in the production process
  • SEEA Volume 1 is predicated on established
    statistical standards embodied in the SNA. It
    complements the SNA by elaborating those concepts
    and classifications that better measure the
    relationship between the economy and the
  • The elaborations have been the subject of
    extensive international discussion and a broad
    consensus is emerging that SEEA Volume 1 should
    itself become an international statistical

SEEA Volume 1
  • Statistics that can be generated from SEEA Volume
    1 include
  • National wealth and its composition over time
    (incl. natural capital)
  • Depletion adjusted aggregates (e.g. NDP and
  • Resource productivity indicators
  • Decoupling indicators
  • Economic instruments for protecting the
    environment and managing natural resources
  • Financing
  • Input-output analyses

SEEA Volume 2 Experimental Accounts (1)
  • Volume 2 looks at the ecosystems in their
    capacity to provide services to current and
    future generations
  • All assets discussed in the central framework as
    individual assets are seen as jointly producing
  • The concept of ecosystem services is well known
    in the scientific community, but there is little
    practical experience in measuring the concept
    among official statisticians
  • Hence Volume 2 will aim to do no more than
    present the current state of thinking on these
    matters. As such, Volume 2 cannot be regarded as
    a statistical standard
  • That said, statisticians may choose to use the
    Volume 2 framework to generate policy-relevant
    datasets, with the qualifications attaching

SEEA Volume 2
  • Statistics that can be generated from SEEA Volume
    2 include
  • Provisioning services at the ecosystem level
  • Health of the ecosystem in its capacity to
    provide services to current and future generation
    measured in terms of
  • Carbon cycle
  • Indicator of water stress (at the river basin
  • Biodiversity
  • Vegetation (based on land cover data)

SEEA Volume 3 Extensions and Modifications
  • This Volume will describe the uses for, and
    applications of, SEEA-generated datasets
  • The Volume may be no more than a website
  • As SEEA is applied in practice, it is expected
    that additional materials will be generated

Material flows and international trade
Taken from Environmental accounts of the
Netherlands 2009, Statistics Netherlands
Solid waste
Taken from Environmental accounts of the
Netherlands 2009, Statistics Netherlands
Decoupling analysis
Taken from Environmental accounts of the
Netherlands 2009, Statistics Netherlands
Greenhouse gas intensity
Taken from Environmental accounts of the
Netherlands 2009, Statistics Netherlands
GHG emissions trade balance
Taken from Environmental accounts of the
Netherlands 2009, Statistics Netherlands
Depletion of natural capital
Taken from Environmental accounts of the
Netherlands 2009, Statistics Netherlands
Environmental taxes
Taken from Environmental accounts of the
Netherlands 2009, Statistics Netherlands
EGSS and Green Jobs
Taken from Environmental accounts of the
Netherlands 2009, Statistics Netherlands
Resource efficiency - Mauritius
Source UNCEEA Environmental Accounting Brochure,
prepared by Rocky Harris
Water use accounts - Panama
Figura 1. Pay de distribución de usos consuntivos
Figura 2. Pay de distribución de usos,
incluyendo hidroeléctricas y esclusas
Source INEC Panama, taken from mission report by
Ricardo Martinez-Lagunes
Environmental expenditures - Colombia
Source DANE
Way forward
  • The adoption of SEEA Volume 1 as an international
    standard will be a critical milestone in
    mainstreaming environmental-economic accounting
  • SEEA should be promoted as the measurement and
    monitoring framework from which many statistics
    can be generated that are relevant to the green
    economy policy agenda
  • -- with the important qualification that those
    derived using approaches articulated in Volume 2
    cannot be said to have compiled in accordance
    with international standards

  • SEEA Volume 1 will be submitted to the UN
    Statistical Commission for adoption in February
    2012, together with an implementation plan
  • --- extensive international consultation on
    draft chapters and the Volume in its entirety
  • Volumes 2 and 3 will be submitted to UNSC in
    February 2013
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