Title: Welcome to MARUTI COTEX LTD.
- Indias Only 100,000 Spindles 100 Cotton Yarn
Spinning Unit under one roof.
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- Maruti Cotex Ltd. Address-Plot No T 17 Kagal -
Hatkanangle 5 Star MIDC,
Kolhapur. State - Maharashtra.
Country- INDIA. Pin No 416216. - web site - www.maruticotex.com
6Project LeoInformation Note
- I. Executive Summary
- Project Leo (Company or Unit) provides an
excellent opportunity to acquire a - large size spinning Company in Kolhapur,
Maharashtra, India. The Company i.e. - Maruti Cotex Limited is part of Mohite Group and
operates one of the largest yarn - manufacturing unit in Western India.
- The Spinning Unit has around 1,00,000 spindles
with all the required infrastructure in - place. The Unit is relatively new and was
established in the year 2009.
7II. Plant and Machinery
- The Company has around one lacs spindles and all
the required infrastructure in place - for running the Unit efficiently. The machines
are well equipped to product high - quality yarns primarily in the 50s count range.
- Pls refer to Annexure A for a detailed list of
plant machinery at the Unit.
8III. Infrastructure in Place
- 1. Labor The unit currently has 500 temporary
employees and 30 permanent - employees to fulfill the statuary requirements.
However, to operate at full - capacity the unit would require around 800
employees. - There are no labor unions and as well as no
shortage of labor as the unit is located in the
textile hub with various textile units surrounded
in the vicinity. Close proximity to Karnataka
also ensures that there is no shortage of labor
92. Power
- The Unit has dedicated specific lines provided by
the Government. There - is uninterrupted power from the state electricity
board from the Express Feeder. - Power cost during peak hours (6 a.m. to 10 p.m.)
is Rs 6.40 per unit ie 10-11 Cents/ Unit (after - deduction of subsidy) and during off peak hours
(10 p.m. to 6 a.m.) is Rs 5.70 per - unit (after deduction of subsidy).
103. Water
- Water is availed through MIDC in addition to bore
well at the unit site, plenty water is available
to the bore wells . - The water cost is Rs 13 per 1000 liters.
- 5star MIDC has a facility for Centralized
Effluent Plant no additional expenditure to incur
on adding separate ETP. That reduces investment
on COP.
114. Land
- The present Unit is located on 21 acres of land.
Land is on 99 year lease - from MIDC.
- Additionally there is around 59 acres of land
adjacent to the unit which can be - part package with the transaction in case of
interest. Construction at the - additional land of 59 acres is in a semi finished
state with basic civil work completed for
additional one more 100,000 Spindles unit in the
same primises. Currently, construction has been
put on hold due to lack of funds
12. Raw Material Procurement Market
- The Company currently manufactures yarn with an
- average count of 50 and raw material i.e. cotton
is procured from Maharashtra, - Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh. Cotton growing
regions of Karnataka are at 300 - km from the unit.
- Market for the Product in domestic is very close
as unit is well located close to Market place
good connectivity of NH sea Port for
16IV. Government Incentives and Benefits
- The present Unit has received Mega Project Status
for the Maharshtra Government - and hence is entities to Government incentives
and benefits. Brief details about the - benefits are as follows
- 1. Electricity Duty Exception The Unit enjoys
excise duty exception for a period - of 7 years from the date of commencement of
commercial production.
- 2. 100 exemption from payment of stamp duty
- 3. VAT and Sales Tax refunds The unit is
entitled for VAT and Sales Tax - reimbursement from the Government. The VAT refund
is available on filing of - the annual IPS.
- The unit has long term debt at an average
interest rate of - 12.5 and is entitled to 5 interest
reimbursement from TUF scheme, resulting - in an effective payable interest rate of 7.5
- The Company has accumulated losses of Rs 110 Cr
which - would may be used as set off from the future
profits. Around 45 of the above - carried forward losses are due to depreciation
and amortization (no time limit for - set-off).
18Longest Ring Frame 1440 Spls/ Frame Rieter Make
19Ring Frames With Auto Doffer
20V. Key Facilities Production Profile
- The Unit at full capacity can produce 8,000 tons
of yarn perannum. - However due to financial constrains the Unit has
been operating at sub optimal levels till date.
21100,000 Spls Under One Roof
22Exteriors Unit Snap Shot
23Factory Building
- The key details of factory building and other
facilities are as - follows
- Particulars Ares (Sq Feet) Comments
- Main Factory Building 5,52,881 Excluding Ducts
Plinth - Ducts(Area Approx
- 1,40,000Sqft)
- Canteen /Restroom 4,000
- Guest House 5,616
- Total 5,62,497
24VI. Key Financials
- 1. Profit Loss Account
- The Unit is fully equipped to produce around
8,000 tons of yarn per annum given - that it runs at full capacity. Hence an efficient
utilization can result in a robust - topline of around Rs200 Rs 220 crores.
Historically the Unit has - demonstrated a EBITDA margins of around 16 which
can be topped up - further due to the available VAT and Power Duty
25The key financial details for the last two years
are as follows
- Going forward Management of the Company believes
that there can be significant - improvements in the top line and margins
primarily due to efficient utilization of - capacities and the resultant Govt. benefits.
26Particulars FY 2011Rs Crores
- Sales Accounts 95.71
- Other Income 8.23
- Increase/(Decrease) in Stock 17.18
- Total Income 121.12
- Raw Material Consumed
75.85 - Direct Expenses
20.27 - Indirect Expenses
5.43 - Cost of Finance
25.91 - Depreciation
27Particulars FY 2011Rs Crores
- Total Expenditure
147.05 - EBITDA
1 9.57 - EBITDA Margins
16.2 - Net Profit /Loss
28- Going forward Management of the Company believes
that there can be significant improvements in the
top line and margins primarily due to efficient
utilization of capacities and the resultant Govt.
29Particulars FY 2012Rs Crores
- Sales Accounts 20.64
- Other Income 6.08
- Increase/(Decrease) in Stock (17.07)
- Total Income 9.65
- Raw Material Consumed
19.92 - Direct Expenses
6.67 - Indirect Expenses
2.93 - Cost of Finance
17.55 - Depreciation
30Particulars FY 2012Rs Crores
- Total Expenditure
68.05 - EBITDA
( 19.86) - EBITDA Margins
NMF - Net Profit /Loss
31Annexure A List of Plant Machinerys Make
32Annexure A List of Plant Machinerys Make
- Plant Equipt With Luwa Humidification System
Advance Uster Lab