Title: Fall Protection for Towers
1Fall Protection for Towers
Fall Protection for Towers
1. Review of CPL 2-1.36
- This material was produced under Grant No.
46F3-HT13 from the Occupational Safety Health
Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It
does not necessarily reflect the views or
policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor
does mention of trade names, commercial products
or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S.
3(No Transcript)
4(No Transcript)
5Competent Person
- Is capable of identifying existing and
predictable hazards in surroundings or in working
conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or
dangerous to employees - Has authorization to take prompt corrective
6Qualified Person
- Has recognized degree, certificate or
professional standing, or has extensive
knowledge, training and experience - Has successfully demonstrated ability to solve or
resolve problems related to subject matter, the
work or project
7Crew Chief
- Is authorized, designated and deemed competent
and qualified by the employer
8Authorized Person
- Is approved or assigned by the employer to
perform a specific duty type(s) or to be at a
specific location(s) at the job site
- Anti- two-blocking device
- Used on all hoists except when an employer can
demonstrate that ambient radiation frequency (RF)
precludes such use
- In such case, a site-specific safety and health
program will be established and maintained onsite
to ensure that - Two-blocking cannot occur
- Effective communications between the hoist
operator and personnel being hoisted is maintained
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- Anti-two-blocking tower mount transmitter
13Riding the Line
- No more than two employees may be hoisted on load
line at one time (effective 3/26/02) - Pre-lift meeting reviews procedures and
appropriate requirements in this guideline (CPL
14Riding the Line
- Equipment
- Anti-two-block device used on all hoists
- Rigging, hoist line and slings shall have factor
of 10/1 - Hoist line used to raise or lower employees
equipped with swivel - Spin-resistant wire rope prohibited
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16Riding the Line
- Equipment
- When hoisting personnel, the hoist capacity load
rating de-rated by a factor of 2 (reduced by
half) - All employees provided with and required to use
proper PPE, which inspected before each use
17Riding the Line
- Equipment
- Guide line used except where employer can
demonstrate specific circumstances or conditions
to preclude use
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19Anti-two-block warning system
20Riding the Line
- Equipment
- Gin poles thoroughly inspected by competent
person before each use to determine theyre free
of defects, including but not limited to - Damaged and/or missing members
- Corrosive damage
- Missing fasteners
- Broken welds at joints
- General deterioration
21(No Transcript)
22 Rooster head
23Riding the Line
- Equipment
- Gin pole attached to tower as designed by RPE,
and minimum of two attachment locations at bottom
and near top - Personnel load and material capacities of lifting
system in use posted onsite near hoist operators
24Riding the Line
- All trial lifts, inspections and proof tests
documented and documentation left onsite - Except where demonstrated that its use is
precluded, a personnel platform must be used to
hoist more than one employee to work station
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26Riding the Line
- When a Bostswains seat-type or full body harness
used to hoist employees, the following applies - No more than two employees at a time
- Harness attached to hook by lanyard
- Only locking type snaphooks used
- Harness equipped with two side rings and at least
one front and one back D ring
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28Riding the Line
- Hoist line hook equipped with safety latch which
can be locked in a closed position - Use of free-spooling (friction lowering)
prohibited - When hoist line used to raise or lower
employee(s), no other load shall be attached to
any hoist line
29Riding the Line
- No other load shall be raised or lowered at same
time on same hoist
30Riding the Line
- As-built drawings approved by RPE provides
lifting capacity of gin pole and available at job
site - Gin pole raising line not to be used to raise or
lower employees - Employees must maintain 100 tie off when moving
between hoist line and tower
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32Riding the Line
- Maximum rate of travel shall not exceed 200 feet
per minute when guide line used to control
personnel hoists - When guide line cannot be used, rate of hoisted
employees travel shall not exceed 100 feet per
33Riding the Line
- In all personnel hoist situations, maximum rate
shall not exceed 50 feet per minute when
personnel being lifted approach within 50 feet of
top block
34Speed control and speed indication are required,
especially for personnel rated hoists.
35Communications During Lifting Operations
- Employees being hoisted shall remain in
continuous sight of and/or in direct
communications with operator or signal person - When radios used, shall be non-trunking, closed
2-way selective frequency systems
36Communications During Lifting Operations
- When hand signals used, employees must use
industry standard hand signals
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38Pre-Lift Meeting
- Held prior to trial lift at each location
- Meeting shall
- Be attended by hoist operator, employees to be
lifted and crew chief - Review procedures to be followed and all
appropriate requirements - Be repeated for any employee newly assigned
- All trial lifts, inspections and proof tests
documented, with documentation remaining onsite
during length of project - Pre-lift meeting documented, with documentation
remaining onsite during length of project
40Fall Protection
- Fall protection during climbing is necessary
part of fall safety. However, climbers sometimes
faced with climbing in areas with inadequate
anchorage points (typically during antenna
climbing). In these cases, first man up carries
and attaches safety rope for use during time of
work performance. Fall protection rope removed
when all work completed.
41Fall Prevention
- Though free climbing not authorized, antenna
manufacturers do not presently have way to
provide fall protection that meets minimum
anchorage requirements.
42First man up attaches safety line. Once
attached, all others can attach to it. Depending
upon the number of personnel on the antenna, more
than one rope may be required.
43The use of portable type anchorage points can
make difficult attachment locations safe. Cross
arms shown here are one such means.
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45Climber is attached with fall protection lanyard
and positioning device.
46Climber is using a cross arm anchorage point to
allow him to work in an area that does not have
an adequate anchorage point.
47Climber is transferring from one anchorage point
to another.
48Proposed Rule
- The following NOT in place and NOT currently a
rule - Qualified climber is term used in tower
industry and by National Association of Tower
Erectors (NATE) - Though term used, still not an accepted principle
49Excerpt From Proposed Change
- Federal Register
- Vol. 55, No. 69
- April 10, 1990
- 1910 Walking and Working Surfaces and Personal
Protective Equipment (Fall Protection Systems)
50Proposed Rule (under ladders)
- Indeed, OSHA believes that the amount of time
employees would spend installing, inspecting and
maintaining fall protection on fixed ladders
could substantially exceed the amount of time
that qualified climbers would be spending to
climb the ladders.
51Proposed Rule
- Therefore, as an alternative, OSHA believes it
appropriate to allow qualified climbers as
defined by OSHA to climb these ladders without
fall protection under certain conditions.
52Proposed Rule
- First, the employer would have to certify that
the employee is a qualified climber, as
provided in 1910.32(b)(5) of this proposal. - Second, once the qualified climber reaches a
work station, the employer would be required to
provide appropriate fall protection.
53Proposed Rule
- Qualified climbers as provided in
1910.23(a)(2), ladders and step bolts on
triangulation, telecommunication electrical power
towers and poles and similar structures,
including stacks and chimneys, need not have
ladder safety devices, cages or wells if only
qualified climbers are permitted to use these
ladders or step bolts. Such qualified climbers
shall meet the following requirements.
54Proposed Rule
- (i) Qualified climbers shall be physically
capable (demonstrated through observations of
actual climbing activities or by a physical
examination) of performing the duties which may
be assigned them.
55Proposed Rule
- (ii) Qualified climbers shall have successfully
completed a training or apprenticeship program
that covered hands-on training for the safe
climbing of ladders or step bolts and shall be
retrained as necessary to ensure the necessary
skills are maintained.
56Proposed Rule
- (iii) The employer shall ensure through
performance observations, and formal classroom or
on the job training, that the qualified climber
has the skill to safely perform the climbing.
57Proposed Rule
- (iv) Qualified climbers shall have climbing
duties as one of their routine work activities
and - (v) Qualified climbers, when reaching their
work position, shall be protected by a fall
protection system meeting the requirements of
58Proposed Rule
- 1910.268 Telecommunications
- (g) Personal climbing equipment (1) General
body belts and pole straps shall be provided and
the employer shall ensure their use when work is
performed at positions more than four feet (1.2m)
above the ground, on poles and on towers, except
as provided in paragraphs (n)(7) and (n)(8) of
this section.
59Proposed Rule
- Personal fall protection systems shall meet the
applicable requirements set forth in Subpart I of
this part. The employer shall ensure that all
climbing equipment is inspected prior to each
days use to determine that it is in safe working
60Proposed Rule
- Production samples of personal fall protection
systems shall be certified by the manufacturer or
a qualified person as having been tested in
accordance with and as meeting the requirements
of Subpart I of this part as applicable.
- Currently no program for qualified climbers
- However, if company set up for a qualified
climber program, the proposed rules would be a
minimum starting point for establishing safe
climbers program
- Absolute best method for maintaining climber
safety is 100 fall protection
- Accidents from falls do not have to be from
towers - Can happen from any height, so think about what
you are doing