Title: Lebanon
1R e p u b l i c o f L e b a n o n
CDM Investors Forum UNEP-RISO, CD4CDM Project
Apex-Conseil, Jerba-Tunisia, 22-24 Sept 2004
Lebanons GHG Profile
Matilda El-Khoury, UNDP Project Manager
U n i t e d N a t i o n s D e v e l o p m e n
t P r o g r a m m e
- Lebanon Ratified the Climate Change Convention in
Dec. 1994, but has not yet ratified the Kyoto
Protocol - The CC Focal Point in Lebanon is the Ministry of
Environment - With respect to CC activities, Lebanon has
effected one national communication to the UNFCCC
(Base Yr 1994) and has made one inventory update
(Base Yr 1999) Lebanon has also launched two GEF
funded energy efficiency projects
Area 10,452 Km2
3Country Background
4Country Background
5CO2 Index for 1994 and 1999
Year 1994 Year 1999
Population millions 3.73 4.13
GDP millions 9136 7980
Fuel Imports million tons 4,19 4,96
Net CO2 Emissions million tons 13,803 16,253
CO2/Capita 3.7 3.9
- The CO2 emissions increased by 17.8 bet. 1994
and 1999 - The CO2/Capita increased by 5.4 bet. 1994 and
6Emissions Breakdown for 1994 and 1999
Year 1994 (Gg) Year 1994 (Gg) Year 1994 (Gg) Year 1999 (Gg) Year 1999 (Gg) Year 1999 (Gg)
Total Energy 11,678.7 1.379 0.1157 14,783.5 1.54 0.141
Industrial Process 1,924.06 0 0 1,916.05 0 0
Agriculture 0 7.979 3.015 0 7.412 2.983
LUCF 200.414 0.253 0.00168 - 445.96 0.295 0.00203
Waste 0 42.804 0 0 34.8 0
Total Net 13,803.2 52.415 3.132 16,253.5 44.05 3.126
- The Energy sector is the largest contributor of
CO2 (85) - The Waste sector is the largest contributor of
CH4 (83) - The Agricultural sector is the largest
contributor of N2O (96)
7CO2 Breakdown for 1994 and 1999
- 1999 CO2 breakdown
- 59 energy sector
- 27 Transport sector
- 11 Ind. Processes
- -3 LUCF
- 1994 CO2 breakdown
- 56 energy sector
- 29 Transport sector
- 14 Ind. Processes
- 1 LUCF
8I - Power Sector Description
- Jurisdiction Ministry of Energy and Water
Resources - Electric Generation
- Public Sector (EDL) 77 Private Generation 15
Imports from Syria 8 (850 KWh in 1999) - EDL Installed Power 2348 MW Available
Operational Power 1600 to 1800 MW - EDL operates 8 thermal plants and 5 hydroelectric
plants. The power generation from hydroelectric
dropped from 786 KWh in 1998 to 331 KWh in 1999
9I - Power Sector Description
- Despite improvements in the distribution network,
power shortage is still wide spread - The yearly growth in electric energy demand in
Lebanon over the next 10 years is estimated to be
about 3-5. - Recently the Lebanese Parliament passed a law to
privatize the generation and distribution sectors
of the power utility. Accordingly these sectors
will be sold to private companies, with the
transmission sector kept under the EDL control
and management.
10I - Power Sector Emissions
- In 1999, the electric energy consumption reached
9032 GWh with corresponding primary energy and
electric energy densities of 0.32 koe/ and 0.65
kWh/, respectively. The per capita electric
energy consumption is 2.42 MWh/year. - The electric power sector is one of the main
sources of GHG emissions. In1994, this sector has
contributed around 30 of all CO2 emissions and
33 in 1999.
Emissions Index Year 1994 Yr 1999
Population millions 3.725 4.13
GDP millions 9136 7980
CO2 emissions million tons 4.14 5.36
CO2/capita 1.11 1.29
11I - Power Sector Mitigation Potential
- The Mitigation scenarios assessed include
- Improving supply mix through renewable energy
(lt10) - Fuel substitution by natural gas
CO2 1994-2004 2005-2040 2005-2040
CO2 Demand growth Rate Demand growth Rate
CO2 4 6
Baseline 39,644 741,450 1,200,870
Mitigation Scenario 1 5 Solar (2005-2010) 10 Solar (2010-2040) Mitigation Scenario 1 5 Solar (2005-2010) 10 Solar (2010-2040) 711,498 1150002
Mitigation Scenario 2 Natural Gas (as of 2005) Mitigation Scenario 2 Natural Gas (as of 2005) 624,738 949,878
The assessment revealed that Fuel substitution by
natural gas can provide emissions reduction by
117 million tons of CO2 and 251 million tons of
CO2 for demand growth of 4 and 6, respectively
and the improvement of supply mix through
renewable solar energy (lt10) can provide around
30 million tons of CO2 emissions reduction.
12II - Transport Sector Description
- Land Transport
- Fleet size 1.3 million registered vehicles,
75 of which are cars - Fleet age 70 of the vehicles are gt 15 yrs
old - Car ownership rate 3 persons/car
- Railway Transport Non-operable
- Public Transport 38,000 vehicles (taxis, buses
and mini-vans) - Reliance on Public Transport Low
- Road Network 22,000 Km (of which 15 are
international roads) - Road Network Jurisdiction
- 30 classified ? MPWT 70 non classified ? MOM
13II - Transport Sector Description
- Air Transport
- Total No. of Flights 27,878
- Total No. of Passengers 2,222,344 Target 6
million passengers - Freight 52,439 Tons
- Sea Transport
- Four Sea Ports Beirut, Tripoli, Sydon, Sour
- Beirut Sea Port docking of gt 2,800 ships
14II - Transport Sector Emissions
- The Largest Emissions Contributor in the
Transport sector is gasoline
15II - Transport Sector Emissions
- The overall import of transport related fuels
increased by 12.7 between 1994 and 1999 - The CO2 emissions increased by 15.7 between 1994
and 1999 - Leaded gasoline fuel was the main fuel used for
land transport until 2001, when the Government
introduced cost incentives, and starting July
2002, leaded fuel became officially banned.
Emissions Index Year 1994 Yr 1999
Population millions 3.725 4.13
GDP millions 9136 7980
Transport fuel import tons 1,429,619 1,611,157
CO2 emissions million tons 3,996 4,584
Non-CO2 emissions million tons 0,483 0,530
CO2/capita 1.07 1.11
CO2/GDP g/ of GDP 437 574
16II - Transport Sector Mitigation potential
- The mitigation scenarios assessed include
- Introduction of hybrid electric vehicles (lt10)
- Introduction of mass transport system
17III - Industrial Sector Description
- Number of Industrial facilities 22,000
- Types of Fuel used fuel oil and LPG for boilers
and furnaces diesel oil for local power
generation. - The 1999 statistics show a 2 growth over 1994
- The main industries in the country include
Building materials industry, food and beverage
industry, clothing and textile industry, and
furniture and manufactured products. - The total industrial output for 1998 was USD
3,953 billion, and the value added was about USD
1.707 billion. - The Industrial sector generates about 188,850
tons of industrial solid waste annually
18III - Industrial Sector Emissions
- In 1994, the energy consumption figures reached
about 970 ktoe, releasing 1924 Gg of CO2. The
energy for heat and power, including around 149
ktoe used for local electricity generation,
represents 15.9 of total fuel used in industry - In 1999, the sector released 1916 Gg of CO2, in
addition to other GHG such as CO (0.003 Gg), and
SO2 (1.12 Gg) - In 1994, the Industrial sector was responsible
for 14 of all CO2 emissions in Lebanon, and 11
in 1999
Emissions Index Year 1994 Yr 1999
Population millions 3.725 4.13
GDP millions 9136 7980
CO2 emissions million tons 1,924 1,916
CO2/capita kg/capita 515.5 463.9
19 III - Industrial Sector Emissions
CO2 1916 Gg CO 0.003 Gg N2O 0.013 Gg
NMVOC 106.717 Gg SO2 1.12 Gg HFCs 0.252 Gg
CO2 Emissions from Industrial Sources (1999)
20III - Industrial Sector Mitigation Potential
III - Industrial Sector Mitigation
21IV Other sectors
- Building sector
- In 1999, the building sector consumed around 4111
GWH, constituting 38 of the total electricity
consumed in the country and around 740 toe,
constituting 13.8 of the total amount of fuel
consumed in 1999. The sector has witnessed a
growth rate of around 8.5 in electricity
consumption and 5.4 in fuel consumption
- Waste management
- Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) makes up about 90 of
the total solid waste generated in Lebanon. - Lebanon generated about 1,44 million tons of MSW
in 2001 (about 3,940 tons per day), or about 0.92
kg per person per day, and emits around 78 of
all methane emitted. - Organic waste is by far the single largest
component of MSW, representing over 63 of the
total MSW quantity in GBA and slightly over 50
at the national level.
22Thank you for your attention For more
information, please contact Ministry of
Environment www.moe.gov.lb UNDP Environment
Unit www.undp.org.lb UNDP EEB Project
References Lebanons First National
Communication to the UNFCCC Lebanons Climate
Change Enabling Activity, phase II Lebanons
Master-plan Study.