Title: Establishing Core Stability in Rehabilitation
1Establishing Core Stability in Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation Techniques for Sports Medicine and
Athletic Training - William E. Prentice
2What is the Core?
- Core defined as the lumbo-pelvic-hip (LPH)
complex - Where our center of gravity is located
- Where all movement begins
- 29 muscles have attachments in this complex
- Maintaining length tension and force-couple
relationships will increase neuromuscular
efficiency and provide optimal acceleration,
deceleration and dynamic stabilization during
functional movement - Also provide proximal stability for efficient
upper and lower extremity movements
3What is the Core?
- Allows entire kinetic chain to work
synergistically to produce force, reduce force
and dynamically stabilize against abnormal force - Each structural component will distribute weight,
absorb force and transfer ground reaction forces - Many terms
- Dynamic lumbar stabilization
- Neutral spine control
- Butt and gut
4Core Stabilization
- A dynamic core stabilization training program
should be key component of all comprehensive
functional rehab. programs - Improve dynamic postural control
- Ensure appropriate muscular balance
- Affect arthrokinematics (physiology of joint
movement how one joint moves on another) around
lumbo-pelvic-hip (LPH) complex - Allow dynamic functional strength
- Improve neuromuscular efficiency throughout
entire kinetic chain
5Core Stabilization Training Concepts
- Development of muscles required for spinal
stabilization is often neglected - Bodies stabilization system has to be functioning
optimally to effectively use muscle strength,
power, endurance, and neuromuscular control
developed in S C programs - A weak core is a fundamental problem of many
inefficient movements that lead to injury - If extremities are strong, but core is weak
optimal movement cannot be obtained because not
enough trunk stabilization created to produce
efficient movements.
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7Core Stabilization Training Concepts
- Core musculature important for protective
mechanism that relieves spine of harmful or
unexpected forces - Greater neuromuscular control and stabilization
strength through core program will offer a more
biomechanical efficient position for kinetic
chain - If neuromuscular system is not efficient it will
be unable to respond to demands placed on it
during functional movement - Lead to compensation and substitution patterns as
well as poor posture during functional activities - Increase mechanical stress on contractile and
non-contractile tissue thus leading to injury
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9Review of Functional Anatomy
- Lumbar spine, abdominal and hip musculature
- Lumbar spine musculature includes the
transversospinalis (TVS) group (including
multifidi), erector spinae, lats, quadratus
lumborum - TVS group Small and poor mechanical contribution
to motion - Mainly type 1 fibers therefore designed for
stabilization - More muscle spindles, therefore primarily
responsible for providing CNS with proprioceptive
info. - Compressive and tensile forces during fxal mvmt..
- If trained adequately will allow dynamic postural
stab. and optimal neuro-musc. efficiency - Multifidus muscle most important in this muscle
10Review of Functional Anatomy
- Erector Spinae Muscle
- Provides dynamic intersegmental stab. and
eccentric deceleration of trunk flexion and
rotation - Quadratus Lumborum
- Frontal plane stabilizer that works
synergistically with glut med and TFL - Latissimus Dorsi
- Bridge between upper extremity and LPH complex
11Review of Functional Anatomy
- Abdominal muscles Rectus abdominus, external and
internal obliques most importantly transverse
abdominus (TA) - Offer sagittal, frontal and transversus plane
stabilization by controlling forces in LPH
complex - TA increases intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) thus
providing dynamic stab. against rotational and
translational stress in lumbar spine - Contracts before all limb movement and all other
abdominals. - Active during all trunk movements suggesting
important role in dynamic stab.
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13Review of Functional Anatomy
- Key Hip Musculature
- Psoas
- Gluteus Medius
- Gluteus maximus
- Hamstrings
14Review of Functional Anatomy
- Psoas
- Common to develop tightness
- Increase shear force and compressive forces at
L4-L5 junction - Lead to reciprocal inhibition of glut maximus,
multifidus, deep erector spinae, internal
oblique, and TA - Leads to extensor mechanism dysfunction during
fxal mvmt patterns.
15Review of Functional Anatomy
- Glut medius
- During closed chain movements decelerates femoral
adduction and internal rotation - Weak glut medius increase frontal and transversus
plane stress at patella-femoral joint and
tibiofemoral joint - Dominance of TFL and quadratus lumborum
?tightness in IT band lumbar spine?affect
normal biomechanics of LPH complex and PTF joint - MUST be addressed after lower extremity injury
16Review of Functional Anatomy
- Gluteus maximus
- Open chain hip ext. and ER
- In closed chain eccentrically decelerates hip
flexion and IR - Major dynamic stabilizer of SI joint
- Decreased activity can lead to pelvic
instability, decreased neuromuscular control?
muscular imbalances, poor mvmt patterns?injury
17Review of Functional Anatomy
- Transverse Abdominus
- Deepest abdominal muscle
- Primary role in trunk stabilization
- Bilateral contraction of TA assists in
intra-abdominal pressure thus enhances spinal
stiffness - Reduces laxity in SI joint
- Attachment with thorocolumbar fascia adds tension
w/ contraction and assist in trunk stability
18Review of Functional Anatomy
- Multifidi
- Most medial of posterior trunk muscles (closest
to lumbar spine) - Primary stabilizers when trunk is moving from
flexion to extension - High percentage type 1 Muscle fibers?postural
control - When TA contracts the multifidi are activated
19Review of Functional Anatomy
- LPH complex is like a cylinder
- Inferior wall pelvic floor muscles
- Superior walldiaphragm
- Posterior wallmultifidi
- Anterior and lateral wallsTA
- Must all be activated together and taut for trunk
stabilization to occur with static and dynamic
20Postural Considerations
- Optimal posture will allow for maximal
neuro-muscular efficiency - Normal length tension relationship
- Force-couple relationship
- Arthrokinematics
- Will be maintained during functional mvmt
- Comprehensive core stabilization program will
prevent patterns of dysfunction that will effect
postural alignment
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24Muscular Imbalances
- Optimal functioning coreprevention of the
development of muscular imbalances - Pathologies develop through chain reaction of key
links of kinetic chain - Compensations and adaptations develop
- If core is weak normal arthrokinematics are
altered - Muscle tightness has significant impact on
kinetic chain - c
25Neuromuscular Considerations
- Strong, stable core can improve neuromuscular
efficiency throughout entire chain by improving
dynamic postural control - Optimal core function will positively affect
peripheral joints
26Core Stabilization Training
- Many individuals train core inadequately,
incorrectly or too advanced - Can be detrimental
- Abdominal training without proper pelvic
stabilization can increase intradiscal pressure
and compressive forces on lumbar spine - Core strength endurance must be trained
appropriately - Allow individual to maintain prolonged dynamic
postural control - Also important to hold cervical spine in
neutral to improve posture, muscle balance and
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30Core Stabilization Training
- Time under tension
- Improves intramuscular coordination which
improves static and dynamic stabilization - Patient education is key
- Must understand and be able to visualize muscle
activation - Muscular activation of deep core stabilizers (TA
and multifidi) w/ normal breathing is foundation
of all core exercises
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32Assessment of Core
- Activity based test
- SL lowering test using biofeedback Stabilizer
- Manual Test
- Multifidi TA
- Surface electrodes
- Ultrasound
- Reliable tool in determining activation patterns
of abdominal muscles
33Drawing In Maneuver
- All core exercises must start with a drawing in
maneuver, or abdominal brace (Table 5-1 pg. 109) - Different concepts on how to achieve
- Maximal or submaximal contraction
- Key is to allow normal breathing, proper muscular
activation cannot be achieved if patient is
holding breath - Exercises can start supine or standing in static
position, but should not be abandoned as core
exercises become more difficult
34Specific Core Stabilization Exercises
- Progression of Core Exercises once abdominal
bracing is perfected and able to be maintained
through exercise - Static
- Supine and Prone Exercises
- Quadruped Exercises
- Comprehensive Core Stabilization Program
- Stabilization
- Strength
- Power
35Guidelines for Core Stabilization Program
- Systematic, Progressive and Functional
- Manipulate program regularly
- Plane of motion, ROM, resistance or loading
parameters, body position, amount of control,
speed, duration and frequency - Progressive functional continuum to allow for
optimal adaptations