- Chapter 3 Organismal Ecology
2Environmental Factors
- Factors which vary in space and time, and to
which organisms are differentially responsive
3Conditions (abiotic factors)
- Physicochemical features of the environment that
may be altered by the activities of living
organisms, but not consumed - Temperature
- Relative humidity
- pH
- Salinity
- Current velocity
- Soil structure
- Pollutant concentration
- Quantities of something that can reduced by the
activities of a living organism during its growth
and development - Made less available or unavailable to other
organisms - Solar radiation
- Inorganic materials - CO2, water, oxygen, mineral
nutrients (macro-, micronutrients) - Food
- Space
5Effects of conditions
- For each species, there is some
level/concentration/intensity of a factor at
which it does best - its optimum for that factor - Optimum conditions result in individuals with the
highest fitness - Higher or lower levels of a factor result in
reduced fitness or non-survival
6Example of a condition
- Temperature - one of the most important factors
because of its influence on metabolism
- Homeotherms - maintain constant body temp. as
environmental temp. varies - Poikilotherms - body temp. varies with
environmental temp. - Endotherms - regulate body temp. by internal heat
production - Ectotherms - depend on external heat sources
- Regulate body temperature by internal heat
production (birds, mammals) - Regulators - 35-40C
- Constancy of performance over wide range of
temperatures - Large expenditure of energy to maintain internal
heat (large food requirements) (cost) - At higher temps., they alter insulation, shunt
blood flow to surface, pant, seek out cool
- Depend on external heat sources
- Conformers
- Can moderate or modify heat exchange with
environment by - Developing various body coverings (reflective)
- Simple or complex behaviors
- Complex physiological process (bee shivering)
10Body temp. still varies with environment because
- Regulatory powers limited (esp. plants)
- Dependent on external source of heat (not always
available) - Costs associated with temp. regulation (energy,
predator exposure) - benefits must outway costs
- Changes in body temperature result in changes in
rates at which physiological processes occur - Temperature coefficient Q10
12Q10 rule
- For every 10C increase in temperature, a
reaction rate (e.g., metabolism, development)
increases two times - Q10 2
- May be higher or lower in some organisms for some
13Other effects of temperature on ectotherms
- Can become acclimatized to different temperature
regimes - Some physiological processes adjust over time to
different temperatures - Temperature may serve as stimulus to begin some
process - Initiate development in some plants
- Diapause
14Other effects of temperature on ectotherms
- High temperatures can
- Inactivate/denature enzymes
- Greatly increase energy expenditures
- Dehydrate (most important for terrestrials)
15Other effects of temperature on ectotherms
- Low temperatures can
- Reduce energy expenditures (also cease
maintenance, repair activities) - Induce hardening in plants (acclimatization to
low temps.) - Produce chilling injury - disruption of membrane
structure that interferes with water uptake or
retention - Produce freezing injury/death - ice crystal
formation within cells
16Temperature can affect distributions
- Organisms generally found where temperatures are
optimum for survival, growth, reproduction
17Temperature can affect distributions - continued
- Lethal high or low temperatures can limit
distributions, but only need to occur
infrequently to do so
18Saguaro cactus distribution
- Distribution limited to regions where freezing
temps. last lt36 hours
19Temperature can affect distributions - continued
- Distributions most often limited by sub-optimal
temperatures that reduce growth, reproduction, or
increase mortality
20Crayfish distribution
- Growth limited below 15C
- Toward edge of distribution, organisms occupy
microhabitat patches where temperatures are
nearest optimal
21Temperature can affect distributions - continued
- Sub-optimal temperatures may affect distributions
by altering competitive interactions between
species, or by interacting with other factors
(i.e., O2) that more strongly affect organisms
22Trout distributions
- Warmer temperatures produce lower dissolved O2
23Temperature can affect distributions - continued
- Effects of suboptimal temperatures can be
moderated by evolution, behavior, physiology
24Allens rule
Endotherms in cold climates have
shorter extremities than those in warm climates
25Bergmanns rule
Mammals with wide distribution are larger in
colder climates - less surface area per unit
26Other conditions
- Relative humidity
- Rate of water loss from evaporation and
respiration by terrestrials is dependent on
relative humidity - Higher humidity lower rate of loss
- Organisms differ in abilities to reduce or
counteract losses - Require different relative humidities
- Often difficult to separate from temperature and
wind speed
- Altered pH can
- Upset osmoregulation and other processes
- Alter availability of nutrients, minerals, toxic
metals - Aluminum at pH lt 4.0
- Alter quality/range of available food resources
- Different organisms have different
- Organisms possess different requirements/tolerance
s of salinity - osmoregulation - Stenohaline - narrow limits
- Euryhaline - broad limits
29Current velocity
- Different requirements of body shape/attachment
under different flow regimes - Low-profile, streamlining, encrusting forms in
higher velocities
30Current velocity - continued
- Low-profile - boundary layer
- e.g., mayfly nymphs
31Current velocity - continued
32Soil structure
- Coarse versus fine
- Smooth versus rough
- Differing tolerances to various pollutants
Species A
Species B
Percent survival
34Ecological Niche
- Description of the various environmental limits
within which a given species can - Survive
- Grow
- Reproduce
- Maintain a viable population
- n-dimensional hypervolume
35Two Kinds of Niches
- Fundamental niche
- Potential limits of the species
- Realized niche
- Actual limits of the species as imposed on it by
competitors and predators
- Consumed or made less available to others
- Solar radiation
- CO2
- Water
- Macronutrients (N, P, S, K, Ca, Mg)
- Trace elements (e.g., Mn, Zn, Cu)
- O2
- Food
- Space
37Solar Radiation
- Source of energy used by plants for
photosynthesis - Not equally distributed worldwide
- Equator - most
- Poles - least
- Results from tilt of earth on axis relative to
sun and thickness of atmosphere penetrated by
38Solar Radiation cont.
- Only a portion of light spectrum is useable by
plants (380-710 nm) - Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)
- 44 of total solar radiation
39Solar Radiation cont.
- Rate of photosynthesis depends on light intensity
- Zero in darkness
- Compensation point - level where photosynthesis
equals respiration - Saturation - maximal (achieved only if products
of photosynthesis are withdrawn rapidly for
growth or storage)
40Solar Radiation cont.
- Low intensities used more efficiently by shade
species - Shade species reach maximum photosynthesis
rates at much lower light intensities than do sun
41Solar Radiation cont.
- Light intensity determines optimal leaf area
index (LAI) for a plant population - LAI is surface area of leaves borne above area of
ground - High light intensities -gt high LAI
- Low light intensities -gt low LAI
- Most plants have LAI optimal for average light
intensity they receive
42Solar Radiation cont.
- Angle of leaves have strong effect on rate of
photosynthesis - Perpendicular to sun, absorb most light
- Angled to sun, reflect some light
- Angle changes throughout day, seasons
43Solar Radiation cont.
- Efficiency of utilization
- Maximum lab values lt 5
- Maximum field values lt 3
- Tropics 1-3
- Temperate 0.6-1.2
- Temperate crops 0.6
- Terrestrial organisms continually lose water to
environment - Animals replenish it by
- Drinking water
- Obtaining it from their food (metabolism)
- Availability can limit distribution and abundance
- Plants obtain moisture from ground
- Constant supply in many locations, limited in
- Plants mechanisms for reducing water loss
- Rhythmic opening/closing of stomata
- Leaf surface to reduce water loss
- Thicker cuticle, waxy or hairy (lower temp)
- Modified stomata (reduce water gradient)
- Different conditions---gtdifferent leaf forms
- Dissociate CO2 uptake from photosynthesis
- Increase CO2 gradient into plant
- Limits placed on plant roots abilities to obtain
water from soil - Field capacity - maximum amount soil can contain
(held by soil pores against gravity) - Permanent wilting point - minimum amount needed
by plants (cant be extracted by roots suction
force, plant wilts and cant recover) - Suction force causes resource depletion zone in
vicinity of root
- Root growth to water
- Elongate first, then branch (develop laterals)
- Reduces competition between root hairs for same
water - Branch more in soils that contain more water, or
where water moves less freely - Clay versus sand
- Early pattern of growth determines success
- Heavy rains, waterlogged soil, drought
49Macronutrients, trace elements
- Animals get them from food
- Plants get them from soil
- Require the same, but in different quantities or
proportions - Limits distributions of certain plants to certain
soil types - Each nutrient enters soil independently of
others, has different properties of absorption,
50Macronutrients, trace elements
- Nitrates, calcium, sodium move freely through
soil with water - Often delivered to roots faster than can be taken
up by plant - Resource depletion zones may be wide because of
ease of movement through soil
51Macronutrients, trace elements
- Phosphate and potassium bound on soil colloids by
surfaces with calcium, aluminum, ferric ions - Rate at which they move to plant depends
primarily on how rapidly they are released from
colloids (tightly adsorbed) - Resource depletion zones usually narrow
- Heterotrophs, consumers
- Predators - kill and eat part or whole
- Parasites - eat on living
- Decomposers - eat on dead
- Polyphagous - generalists - have preferences but
are adaptable - Monophagous - specialists - not very adaptable
53Food Quality
- Plants - high CN ratio (401-201) because of
high-C cellulose, other structural materials - Heterotrophs - low CN ratios (101-81), no
structural carbohydrate but lots of protein
- Most organisms lack cellulase to break down
cellulose - Herbivores physically rupture cell walls to gain
access to contents, or use microbes - Detritivores may get much nutrition from
bacteria, fungi colonizing dead materials
- Herbivores may be selective on certain plant
parts - Parts often have less cellulose and more
- Nitrogen - growing tips
- Carbohydrate (starch, sugar) - tubers
- Fats (oils) - seeds
56Defense Against Being Eaten
- Behavioral
- Flight
- Bluff (threat displays)
- Startle response (moths)
- Playing dead
57Defense Against Being Eaten
- Morphological
- Crypsis (camouflage)
- Aposematism (warning coloration)
- Mimicry (Batesian, Mullerian)
58Defense Against Being Eaten
- Plant chemical defense
- Cyanide, acids, glycosides, tannins, alkaloids
- Secondary chemicals that play no role in normal
plant physiology - Released by chewing, make plant taste bad, make
organism sick
59Defense Against Being Eaten
- Physical
- Spines
- Thorns
- Hard seed capsules
60Defense Against Being Eaten
- All defenses reduce likelihood of being consumed
- One or more predators capable of overcoming the
defense - Defense costs energy that could have been used in
other activities
- Add more dimensions to the ecological niche