Title: Role of Agrochemicals in increasing Food production.
1Role of Agrochemicals in increasing Food
Dr. Samir P Dave Director - Aimco Pesticides
Limited Chairman Technical committee - PMFAI
2Why Agrochemicals ?
- Indias Current population is 1.2 billion, will
reach 1.4 billion by 2025. - Per capita income likely to move from Rs 54,000
to Rs. 1,80,000. - Even today Millions of People are under mal
nutrition limits. - Current production of food grains is 220 mil.
tons the demand will go to 300 mil. tons by 2025,
requiring increase of 5.4 mil. tons per year - Indians spends upto 50 of their income on Food
as compare to 30 in China 3 in USA.
3Why Agrochemicals ?
- Decreasing Arable Land from 166 Mio Ha to 158 Mio
Ha in last 50 years. - Increase in Land use for non agricultural uses 10
in 2005. - Crop plants must compete with 30,000 species of
weeds, 3,000 species of nematodes and 10,000
species of plant-eating insects. - More Crop yield needed by growing population for
Food, Fiber now FUEL.
4Why Agrochemicals ?
The per capita consumption of food grain,
presently quite low in India, may increase as
the income and number of middle class are likely
to increase.
5Why Agrochemicals ? Our yields are less in
comparison to World
Crop Yields (q/ha) in different countries (2000)
1 U.S.A. 70.37 86.03 28.20
2 INDIA 30.08 17.69 27.77
3 CHINA 62.34 46.70 37.29
4 PAKISTAN 30.27 15.11 24.91
 Yield Gap in India PY - FY Yield Gap in India PY - FY Wheat Rice
   45 110
    FAOSTAT 2008
6 Why Agrochemicals ?
Crop losses US 19 Billion (Source 37th
report of Dept. of Chemicals and Petrochemicals,
Govt. of India, The standing committee on
petroleum and chemicals)
7Why Agrochemicals ?
India uses only less than 2 worlds
pesticides, whereas produces 16 of the
worlds food grain
8Agrochemicals and RISK.
- Risk is an intrinsic part of life and must be
weighed against the benefits likely to result
from any particular action. - Toxicity is the function of dose, environment
duration of exposure. - Water, considered as Life, is also toxic and has
LD50 of 90 g/kg (Rats).
9Way forward to Double Food Production.
- Conservation of Soil, Water Natural resources
by use of modern technologies. - Use of modern Information Technologies.
- Availability of proper Irrigation water
conservation technologies. - Use of highly target pests specific highly
effective Agrochemicals, having property of safer
dissipation in the environment more quickly
used in much lower rates.
10Way forward to Double Food Production.
- Development and promotion of new, innovative and
eco-friendly Agrochemical formulations WDG, SC,
EW, CS etc.. - Educate, Train the farmers with the knowledge and
technology needed to modern farming technologies.
- Political and economic stability, Good
infrastructure for Storage Transport (Rural
Supply Chain). - Easy access to Agricultural Credit Insurance.
11Way forward to Double Food Production.
- Greater investments in Research development on
India specific new Agrochemical molecules. - Weighted Deduction of 150 on Agrochemicals
Promotion / Extension Expenses. - Pesticide specific Industrial Development Zones.
- Treatment at par with the Pharmaceutical
Industry. - Strong Legal system to protect IP.
12Thank You
Presentation By
Dr. Samir Dave
Pestisides Manufacturers Formulators
Association of India (PMFAI)
Aimco Pesticides Ltd
- D-516 Crystal Plaza,
- Andheri Link Road,
- Andheri (W), Mumbai 400053.
- India
- Email pmfai_at_hathway.com
- Tel 91-22-26734845 /46
- Fax 91-22-26734847
- Website www.pmfai.org
Akhand Jyoti 8Th Road, Santacruz East, Mumbai
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