Pancreatic Cancer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pancreatic Cancer


Pancreatic Cancer Niaz Adu, Elizabeth Davis, Deedy Johnson, Belinda Johnson and Susan Lacey Pancreatic Cancer Pancreatic cancer occurs when cells in your pancreas ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer
  • Niaz Adu, Elizabeth Davis, Deedy Johnson, Belinda
    Johnson and Susan Lacey

Pancreatic Cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer occurs when cells in your
    pancreas develop genetic mutations. These
    mutations cause the cells to grow uncontrollably
    and to continue living after normal cells would
    die. These accumulating cells can form a tumor.
  • Pancreatic cancer often has a poor prognosis,
    even when diagnosed early. Pancreatic cancer
    typically spreads rapidly and is seldom detected
    in its early stages, which is a major reason why
    it's a leading cause of cancer death. Signs and
    symptoms may not appear until pancreatic cancer
    is quite advanced and surgical removal isn't

Types of Pancreatic Cancer
  • Cancer that forms in the pancreas ducts
    (adenocarcinoma). Cells that line the ducts of
    the pancreas help produce digestive juices. The
    majority of pancreatic cancers are
    adenocarcinomas. Sometimes these cancers are
    called exocrine tumors.
  • Cancer that forms in the hormone-producing cells.
    Cancer that forms in the hormone-producing cells
    of the pancreas is called endocrine cancer.
    Endocrine cancers of the pancreas are very rare.
  • The types of cells involved in a pancreatic
    cancer help determine the best treatment.

Risk Factors
  • Smoking-Cigarette smoking nearly doubles one's
    risk, and the risk persists for at least a decade
    after quitting.
  • Family history About 10 percent of patients with
    pancreatic cancer report a family history of the
  • Diet A diet high in meat and fats is possibly
    associated with a higher risk of pancreatic
  • Advancing age Most patients diagnosed with
    pancreatic cancer are between the ages of 60 and
  • Race African-Americans are more likely to
    develop pancreatic cancer than other races
  • Diabetes
  • Environmental factors (ex. Asbestos)
  • Gingivitis

Clinical Manifestations
  • Signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer often
    don't occur until the disease is advanced. When
    signs and symptoms do appear, they may include
  • Upper abdominal pain that may radiate to your
  • Yellowing of your skin and the whites of your
    eyes (jaundice)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Depression
  • Bowel Obstruction
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • weakness

How is it diagnosed?
  • Ultrasound- sound waves can be used to form
    images of the abdomen that identify the presence
    of a tumor. Ultrasound is performed by placing a
    probe on the surface of the abdomen while looking
    at the image on the screen. This procedure is
    noninvasive and painless.
  • CT scans- generate two-dimensional images of the
    body that can show whether cancer has invaded
    other tissues or organs
  • MRI- technology that uses magnetic fields and
    radio waves to create detailed images of the
    pancreas. Designed to be highly sensitive, this
    technology can identify small abnormalities.
  • ERCP- a thin flexible tube (endoscope) is passed
    down the throat, through the stomach and into the
    upper small intestine and dye is injected into
    the pancreas
  • PTC -In this procedure a thin needle is inserted
    into the liver to deliver dye to the bile ducts.
  • Biopsy- a small tissue sample collected by
    fine-needle aspiration (FNA) is examined under a
    microscope by a pathologist.
  • Endoscopic Ultrasound- an ultrasound probe is
    passed through an endoscope into the stomach.
    Sound waves are directed toward the pancreas and
    a computer translates them into images

  •  Right now only cancer found in the early stage
    can be cured. Most pancreatic cancer is found in
    the advanced stage because of the lack of
    symptoms. Most treatments are aimed at
    controlling the disease and to help clients live
    longer. Average survival from diagnosis is around
    3 to 6 months 5-year survival is less than
    5.  Because of this there are many clinical
  • Treatment depends on where in the pancreas the
    cancer is and how much it has spread.  It is
    treated with surgery, chemo, or radiation,
    sometimes a combination of these.
  • Surgery provides the most effective treatment,
    only 15-20 of clients have tumors that are

Types of Surgery
  • Whipple procedure- if tumor is in the head,
    surgery removes the head of the pancreas and part
    of the small intestines, bile duct, and stomach.
  • Distal pancreatectomy- surgery removes the body
    and the tail of the pancreas also removes the
  • Total pancreatectomy surgery removes the
    entire pancreas, part of the small intestine, a
    portion of the stomach, common bile duct,
    gallbladder, spleen, and nearby lymph nodes.
  • Post surgery- client will be fed by IV and
    through feeding tubes they can slowly resume
    eating solid foods. Radiation is used often
    before and after surgery. Chemotherapy is mostly
    used after surgery. Some studies show this
    increases survival rates.

Other Treatments
  • Radiation -If used alone has little effective on
    survival but is used mostly to relieve pain. Last
    approximately 5 days a week for several
    weeks. External and internal radiation are used.
  •  Chemotherapy -This can be done out treatment or
    in treatment because of severe side effects.
  •  If cancer is locally advanced, then radiation
    with chemotherapy are used, and life span is
    approximately 6-12 months.
  • Advanced cancer usually treated with chemotherapy
    agents alone

Statistics in the U.S.
  • Approximately 30,000 new cases of pancreatic
    cancer are diagnosed each year in the United
  • Because of the lethality of the disease, the
    number of deaths per year from pancreatic cancer
    is almost identical.
  • The overall incidence of pancreatic cancer is
    approximately 8-10 cases per 100,000 persons per
  • The incidence of pancreatic cancer in males has
    been slowly dropping over the past 2 decades,
    while the incidence in females has increased

Statistical Chart
Statistics Internationally
  • Worldwide, pancreatic cancer ranks thirteenth in
    incidence but eighth as a cause of cancer death.
  • The highest incidence rate is approximately 13
    cases per 100,000 persons per year in black males
    in the United States
  • Native Hawaiian males and men of Korean, Czech,
    Latvian, and New Zealand Maori ancestry also have
    high incidence rates, ie, 11 cases per 100,000
    persons per year.
  • Most other countries have incidence rates of 8-12
    cases per 100,000 persons per year.

International Mortality
Nursing Diagnosis
  • Acute pain
  • Imbalanced nutrition Less than body requirements
  • Nausea

Nursing Interventions
  • Pain management is the priority intervention.
    Generally, large doses of opioids (for example,
    morphine) are given.
  • Provide postoperative care as appropriate.
  •          Monitor NG and surgical drainage
    (serosanguineous initially). Protect sites of
  •          Place the client in semi-Fowlers
    position to facilitate lung expansion and to
    prevent stress on suture line.
  •          Provide IV replacement of fluid and
    blood losses as appropriate.
  • Assess breath sounds and respirations and
    facilitate deep breathing. Encourage use of
    incentive spirometer and administer oxygen as
  • Monitor glucose levels and administer insulin as
  • Provide nutritional support (for example, enteral

Complications and Interventions
  • Venous thromboembolism-The most common
    complication of pancreatic cancer. Monitor pulses
    and for areas of warmth and tenderness.
    Administer anticoagulants as prescribed.
  • Fistulas-Possible complication of Whipple
    procedure due to breakdown of a site of
  • Peritonitis-Internal leakage of corrosive
    pancreatic fluid. Monitor for s/s of peritonitis
    such as elevated fever, WBC, abdominal pain,
    abdominal tenderness/rebound tenderness,
    alteration in bowel sounds, and shoulder tip
    pain. Provide antibiotics as prescribed
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