Science and Apologetics? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Science and Apologetics?


... we recognize that the exegetical question of the length of the days of Genesis 1 may be an issue which cannot be, ... [loosely, process theology], ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Science and Apologetics?

Science and Apologetics?
  • by Ard Louis
  • Dept. of Chemistry
  • Cambridge University

Biological self-assembly
  • Biology is soft--matter come alive
  • Self-assembly of multi-component structures
  • What hope for the modeller?

Protein folding Positive design and Negative
design for folded state pathway
Levinthal Paradox resolution relies on negative
design in pathway. Another Paradox Sequence
space 20150 more atoms than exist in the
C.M. Dobson, Nature 426, 884 (2003)
Reversible self-assembly
  • Reversible self-assembly of one-component
    structures from individual sub-units
  • Virus self-assembly in-vivo (Fraenkel-ContratWill
    iams 1955- TMV)
  • Clathrin

Positive and Negative Design for Virus
Model petagonal bi-pyramids negative and
positive design Iain Johnston reversible
D.J. Wales, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A, 363,
357-377 (2005)
Positive and Negative Design for Virus
gas of monomers
(No Transcript)
Science has proven There is no God
  • Fear?

  • What does the Bible say about the natural world?
  • Using science in apologetics
  • Witnessing to scientists
  • The Origins debate ...

God reveals himself through nature
  • Romans 118
  • 18 The wrath of God is being revealed from
    heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness
    of men who suppress the truth by their
    wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God
    is plain to them, because God has made it plain
    to them. 20 For since the creation of the world
    God's invisible qualitieshis eternal power and
    divine naturehave been clearly seen, being
    understood from what has been made, so that men
    are without excuse.

God reveals himself through nature
  • Psalm 19
  • 1 The heavens declare the glory of God the
    skies proclaim the work of his hands.
  • 2 Day after day they pour forth speech
    night after night they display knowledge.

God reveals himself through nature
  • Psalm 8
  • 3 When I consider your heavens,
  • the work of your fingers,
  • the moon and the stars,
  • which you have set in place,
  • 4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
  • the son of man that you care for him?

God reveals himself through nature
  • Austrian Alps

It was a beautiful afternoon and suddenly the
remarkable beauty of creation around me was so
overwhelming, I felt, I cannot resist this
another moment. -- Francis Collins on his
God reveals himself through nature
Francis CollinsDirector, National Human Genome
Research Institute, USA
  • The work of a scientist in this project,
    particularly a scientist who has
  • the joy of also being a Christian, is a work of
    discovery which can also
  • be a form of worship. As a scientist, one of the
    most exhilarating
  • experiences is to learn something.that no human
    has understood before.
  • To have a chance to see the glory of creation,
    the intricacy of it, the
  • beauty of it, is really an experience not to be
    matched. Scientists who
  • do not have a personal faith in God also
    undoubtedly experience the
  • exhilaration of discovery. But to have that joy
    of discovery, mixed
  • together with the joy of worship, is truly a
    powerful moment for a
  • Christian who is also a scientist

God created and sustains the world
  • In the beginning, God created the heavens and
    the earth Gen 11
  • Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness
    was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit
    of God was hovering over the waters. Gen 12
  • For by him Christ all things were created
    and in him all things hold together Col
  • The Son is the radiance of Gods glory
    sustaining all things by his powerful word Heb

God sustains the universe
  • Psalm 104 (praising Gods creation)
  • He makes springs pour water into ravines it
    flows between the mountains the wild donkeys
    quench their thirst v10,11
  • Natural processes are described both as divine
    and non-divine actions
  • 2 perspectives on the same natural world

Science studies the Customs of the Creator
  • If God were to stop sustaining all things the
    world would stop existing
  • Donald MacKay, The Clockwork Image, IVP
  • An act of God is so marvelous that only the
    daily doing takes off the admiration
  • John Donne (Eighty Sermons, 22 published in
  • Miracles are not God intervening in the laws
    of nature they are God working in less
    customary ways

Interpreting the Bible
  • What kind of language?
  • What kind of literature?
  • What kind of audience?
  • What kind of context?
  • All truth is Gods truth, so, properly
    interpreted, science and the Bible cannot

Bible is not a science textbook
  • Moses wrote in a popular style things which,
    without instruction, all ordinary persons, endued
    with common sense, are able to understand but
    astronomers investigate with great labour
    whatever the sagacity of the human mind can
    comprehend ... this study is not to be
    reprobated, nor this science condemned ... (men)
    ought not to neglect this kind of exercise ...
    since the Spirit of God here (i.e. Genesis) opens
    a common school for all, it is not surprising
    that he should chiefly choose those subjects
    which would be intelligible to all ... Moses
    therefore, rather adapts his discourse to common
    usage. -- Commentary on Gen 116

John Calvin 1509-1564
Bible is not a science textbook
  • The whole point of scripture is to bring us to a
    knowledge of Christ --- and having come to know
    him (and all that this implies), we should come
    to a halt and not expect to learn more.
    Scripture provides us with spectacles through
    which we may view the world as Gods creation and
    self-expression it does not, and was never
    intended, to provide us with an infallible
    repository of astronomical and medical
    information. The natural sciences are thus
    effectively emancipated from theological

John Calvin 1509-1564
  • What does the Bible say about the natural world?
  • Using science in apologetics
  • Witnessing to scientists
  • The Origins debate ...

Science/Religion and the conflict metaphor?
Science and religion cannot be reconciled ...
Religion has failed, and its failures should be
exposed. Science, with its currently successful
pursuit of universal competence should be
acknowledged the king --Prof Peter Atkins,
Oxford U, in 1995
Science/Religion and the conflict metaphor?
I dont know any historian of science, of any
religious persuasion or none, who would hold to
the theory that conflict is the name of the game
between science and religion, it simply isnt
true. --Prof Colin Russell, Open
University, UK
Science/Religion and the conflict metaphor?
  • Pervasive myth (Emperor has no clothes)
  • Scientists are about as religious as the general
  • Galileo example far more complex
  • Really about Aristotle/Greek cosmology
  • Galilieo Connection, Prof Charles Hummel, IVP

Christian origins of science
  • Science has deeply Christian roots.
  • Uniformity
  • Rationality
  • Intelligibility
  • See e.g. books by Stanley Jaki R. Hooykaas e.g.
  • Royal Society, the words first scientific
    society. Founded in London July 15, 1662, many
    were Puritans

Founders of Royal Society
  • This most beautiful system of the sun, planets
    and comets could only proceed from the counsel
    and dominion of an intelligent being.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

Founders of Royal Society
  • Wrote The Wisdom of God Manifested in Works of
    Creation, governor of the Corporation for the
    Spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in New
  • Sir Robert Boyle(1627-1691)

Mechanism v.s. Meaning
  • Conflating mechanism and meaning is origin of
    most confusion

why is the water boiling?
Nothing Buttery
humans are collections of chemicals
  • The cosmos is all there is or ever was or ever
    will be Carl Sagan
  • The most important questions in life are not
    susceptible to solution by the scientific method
    Prof. Bill Newsome, Stanford U.

God of the gaps
  • Science cant understand it gt it must be God.
  • often a reaction to mechanism meaning or nothing
  • When we come to the scientifically unknown, our
    correct policy is not to rejoice because we have
    found God it is to become better scientists
    Prof. Charles Coulson, Oxford U

God of the gaps
  • It is a disgraceful and dangerous thing for an
    infidel to hear a Christian, while presumably
    giving the meaning of Holy Scripture, taking
    nonsense. We should take all means to prevent
    such an embarrassing situation, in which people
    show up vast ignorance in a Christian and laugh
    it to scorn .... If they find a Christian
    mistaken in a field which they themselves know
    well, and hear him maintain his foolish opinions
    about the Scriptures, how then are they going to
    believe those Scriptures in matters concerning
    the resurrection of the dead
  • St. Augustine

Newton and the planets
  • This most beautiful system of the sun, planets
    and comets could only proceed from the counsel
    and dominion of an intelligent being.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

Newton and the planets
18th century Orrery from a London coffee house,
used to show the perfection of the orbits, which
reflect Gods perfection
Leibnitz objects
  • For, as Leibniz objected, if God had to remedy
    the defects of his creation, this was surely to
    demean his craftmanship
  • John Hedley Brooke, Science and Religion, CUP
    1991, p147

Laplace and Napoleon
  • Mécanique Céleste (1799-1825)
  • Napoleon Why have you not mentioned the creator?
  • "Je n'avais pas besoin de cette hypothèse-là.

Chaos and the planets
  • Our understanding of the Solar System has been
    revolutionized over the past decade by the
    finding that the orbits of the planets are
    inherently chaotic. In extreme cases, chaotic
    motions can change the relative positions of the
    planets around stars, and even eject a planet
    from a system.
  • The role of chaotic resonances in the Solar
    System, N. Murray and M. Holman, Nature 410,
    773-779 (12 April 2001)

Arguments from science
  • Unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics
  • Fine-tuning in cosmology

Unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics
Quantum Mechanics Relativity Antimatter

Fine Tuning and the Anthropic Principle
  • The universe is the way it is, because we are
    here Prof. Stephen Hawking, Cambridge U
  • If the fine structure constant were changed by
    1, the sun would immediately explode Prof. Max
    Tegmark, U. Penn
  • Just Six Numbers by Sir Martin Rees

We are made of Stardust He C via a
  • Sir Fred Hoyle, Cambridge U
  • A common sense interpretation of the facts
    suggests that a superintellect has monkeyed with
    physics .. and biology
  • His atheism was deeply shaken

Fine Tuning and the Anthropic Principle
  • Fine tuning is not a proof of God, but seems more
    consistent with theism than atheism
  • Note the difference with God of the gaps
  • We seem to have three choices'... We can dismiss
    it as happenstance, we can acclaim it as the
    workings of providence, or (my preference) we can
    conjecture that our universe is a specially
    favoured domain in a still vaster multiverse. If
    this multiverse contained every possible set of
    laws and conditions, then the existence of our
    own world with its particular characteristics
    would be inevitable.
  • Sir Martin Rees --
  • John Leslie firing squad argument

Using science in apologetics
  • Key issues are philosophy/worldview
  • conflict metaphor
  • meaning v.s. mechanism
  • nothing buttery
  • scientism
  • Arguments based on science
  • watch out for God of the Gaps or the argument
    from personal incredulity
  • Fine tuning, the unreasonable effectiveness of
    mathematics and other arguments in the spirit of
    Ps 19 The heavens declare the glory of God...

  • What does the Bible say about the natural world?
  • Using science in apologetics
  • Witnessing to scientists
  • The Origins debate ...

Engaging with Scientists
  • I.m.h.e. more open than arts/humanities students
  • Often looking for a higher cause to which to
    dedicate their lives idealists
  • Receptive to truth
  • Still rarely become Christians through
    intellectual argument alone

Science as a calling ?
  • Good Scientific praxis resonates well with
    Christian principles
  • Called not driven makes better scientists
  • in Christian community
  • Science and its derivatives will,through
    globalisation, have an increasingly large
    influence on thinking in the 2/3 world. Impact
    on missions.
  • Christians are needed

  • The Bible
  • God created the world
  • Nature attests to Gods qualities (Rom 1, Psalms)
  • God sustains the universe
  • Biblical language of Divine action (God sent the
  • Bible is not a science textbook
  • world has a beginning
  • stars, sun, and moon are not Gods etc...

  • Science and apologetics
  • main issues are worldview/philosophy
  • best to use arguments based on non-controversial
  • Scientists
  • to first order no different from anyone else
  • Could you be called to science?

  • Controversial -- where we come from determines
    identity, meaning, destiny
  • 1) Young earth creation science (YECS)
  • 2) Progressive creationism
  • 3) Intelligent Design
  • 4) Theistic evolution

old earth
Advice from Augustine
  • In matters that are so obscure and far beyond our
    vision, we find in the Holy Scripture passages
    which can be interpreted in very different ways
    without prejudice to the faith we have received.
    In such cases, we should not rush in headlong and
    so firmly take our stand on one side that, if
    further progress in the search for truth justly
    undermines our position, we too fall with it. We
    should not battle for our own interpretation but
    for the teaching of Holy Scripture. We should
    not wish to conform the meaning of Holy Scripture
    to our interpretation, but our interpretation to
    the meaning of Holy Scripture.

Advice from C.S. Lewis
  • When the author of Genesis says that God made man
    in His own image, he may have pictured a vaguely
    corporeal God making man as a child makes a
    figure out of plasticine. A modern Christian
    philosopher may think of the process lasting from
    the first creation of matter to the final
    appearance on this planet for an organism fit to
    receive spiritual as well as biological life.
    Both mean essentially the same thing. Both are
    denying the same thing -- the doctrine that
    matter by some blind power inherent in itself has
    produced spirituality.
  • (C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock Eerdmans (1970), p
  • Does this mean that Christians on different
    levels of general education conceal radically
    different beliefs under an identical form of
    worlds? Certainly not. For what they agree on
    is the substance, and what they differ about is
    the shadow. When one imagines his God seated in
    a local heaven above a flat earth, where another
    sees God and creation in terms of Professor
    Albert North Whiteheads philosophloosely,
    process theology, this difference touches
    precisely what does not matter.

Advice from Schaefer
  • We must take ample time, and sometimes this will
    mean a long time, to consider whether the
    apparent clash between science and revelation
    means that the theory set forth by science is
    wrong or whether we must reconsider what we
    thought the Bible says.
  • Francis Schaefer

Advice from Westminster Theological Seminary
  • The Westminster Confession's doctrine of the
    clarity of Scripture (17) goes hand in hand with
    its inspiration, infallibility, and authority.
    Yet it implies that not all parts of the
    Scriptures are equally clear or full. Here we
    must follow Calvin's great motto that where God
    makes an end of teaching, we should make an end
    of trying to be wise.(11) With Augustine and E.
    J. Young, the revered teacher of our senior
    faculty members, we recognize that the exegetical
    question of the length of the days of Genesis 1
    may be an issue which cannot be, and therefore is
    not intended by God to be, answered in dogmatic
    terms. To insist that it must comes dangerously
    close to demanding from God revelation which he
    has not been pleased to bestow upon us, and
    responding to a threat to the biblical world view
    with weapons that are not crafted from the words
    which have proceeded out of the mouth of God..
  • http//

Advice from Billy Graham
  • "I don't think that there's any conflict at all
    between science today and the Scriptures. I think
    that we have misinterpreted the Scriptures many
    times and we've tried to make the Scriptures say
    things they weren't meant to say, I think that we
    have made a mistake by thinking the Bible is a
    scientific book. The Bible is not a book of
    science. The Bible is a book of Redemption, and
    of course I accept the Creation story. I believe
    that God did create the universe. I believe that
    God created man, and whether it came by an
    evolutionary process and at a certain point He
    took this person or being and made him a living
    soul or not, does not change the fact that God
    did create man. ... whichever way God did it
    makes no difference as to what man is and man's
    relationship to God.
  • - Billy Graham quoted by David Frost
  • Source Book - Billy Graham Personal Thoughts of
    a Public Man (1997, p. 72-74)

  • easiest to rationalise with Genesis
  • Motivated by desire to uphold scripture
  • Either the Bible is true, or evolution is true
    (HM Morris Science and the Bible)
  • This can lead to heated rhetoric
  • But can't we be Christian evolutionists, they
    say. Yes, no doubt it is possible to be a
    Christian and an evolutionist. Likewise, one can
    be a Christian thief, or a Christian adulterer,
    or a Christian liar! Christians can be
    inconsistent and illogical about many things, but
    that doesn't make them right.
  • -- HM Morris, 1980, King of Creation, pp.83-84
  • Conflict metaphor

Defining Evolution
  • Evolution as Natural History
  • the earth is old (4.5 Billion years)
  • more complex life forms followed from simpler
    life forms
  • Evolution as a mechanism for the emergence of
    biological complexity
  • generated by mutations and natural selection
  • (note God created this mechanism)
  • Evolution as a big picture worldview
  • George Gaylord Simpson
  • "Man is the result of a purposeless and
    materialistic process that did not have him in
    mind. He was not planned. He is a state of
    matter, a form of life, a sort of animal, and a
    species of the Order Primates, akin nearly or
    remotely to all of life and indeed to all that is
  • or Richard Dawkins
  • "Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually
    fulfilled atheist."

Is the earth old?
  • Science is a tapestry -- you can pick at a few
    strings, but that doesnt break the whole cloth
  • Radiometric dating (many overlapping isotopes)
  • ice cores
  • up to 8000 years -- volcanoes like Vesuvius
  • up to 740,000 years
  • Milankovitch cycles
  • Tree rings
  • All these methods (when used properly) agree.
    There is no scientific controversy
  • http//

Church fathers
  • "Now what man of intelligence will believe that
    the first and the second and the third day
    existed without the sun and moon and stars?
  • Origen 185 - 254

Calvin on using science
  • As far as I am aware, there is no evidence that
    Galileo had any direct knowledge of Calvin's
    writings. Nevertheless his understanding of the
    nature of the language used by the Bible when
    referring to the natural world is the same as
    Calvin's as the following quotations from the
    Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina show.
  • B1. These propositions set down by the Holy
    Ghost were set down in that manner by the sacred
    scribes in order to accommodate them to the
    capacities of the common people, who are rude and
    unlearned. (p. 181)
  • B2. It is necessary for the Bible, in order to
    be accommodated to the understanding of every
    man, to speak many things which appear to differ
    from the absolute truth so far as the bare
    meaning of the words is concerned. (p. 182)
  • B3. For that reason it appears that nothing
    physical which sense-experience sets before our
    eyes, or which necessary demonstrations prove to
    us, ought to be called in question (much less
    condemned) upon the testimony of biblical
    passages which may have some different meaning
    beneath their words. (p. 182f)
  • B4. ...having arrived at any certainties in
    physics, we ought to utilize these as the most
    appropriate aids in the true exposition of the
    Bible and in the investigation of those meanings
    which are necessarily contained therein, for
    these must be concordant with demonstrated
    truths. (p. 183)
  • The first two quotations express the same
    'accommodation' understanding of biblical
    language as Calvin adopted. The third recognises
    that, as a result of this, the literal sense of
    the biblical text may sometimes be at variance
    with the scientific understanding of the natural
    phenomenon described. In the final quotation
    Galileo makes the point made by Prof. McKay that
    one reason why biblical interpreters should take
    scientific knowledge into account is that it will
    help them to recognise when the biblical writers
    are using the language of appearance or cultural
    idioms, and so help them avoid the kind of
    misinterpretation made by those who condemned
  • lehttp//

  • 1 Isis. 2000 Jun91(2)283-304.
  • B. B. Warfield (1851-1921). A biblical
    inerrantist as evolutionist.
  • Livingstone DN, Noll MA.
  • School of Geosciences, Queen's University of
    Belfast, Northern Ireland.
  • The theological doctrine of biblical
    inerrancy is the intellectual basis for modern
    creation science. Yet Benjamin Breckinridge
    Warfield of Princeton Theological Seminary, the
    theologian who more than any other defined modern
    biblical inerrancy, was throughout his life open
    to the possibility of evolution and at some
    points an advocate of the theory. Throughout a
    long career Warfield published a number of major
    papers on these subjects, including studies of
    Darwin's religious life, on the theological
    importance of the age of humanity (none) and the
    unity of the human species (much), and on
    Calvin's understanding of creation as
    proto-evolutionary. He also was an engaged
    reviewer of many of his era's important books by
    scientists, theologians, and historians who wrote
    on scientific research in relation to traditional
    Christianity. Exploration of Warfield's writing
    on science generally and evolution in particular
    retrieves for historical consideration an
    important defender of mediating positions in the
    supposed war between science and religion.

James Orr
  • One of the original Fundamentalists
  • There is not a word in the Bible to indicate that
    in its view death entered the animal world as a
    consequence of the Sin of man.
  • When you say there is the six days and the
    question whether those days are meant to be
    measured by the twenty-four hours of the suns
    revolution around the earth -- I speak of these
    things popularly. It is difficult to see how
    they should be so measured when the sun that is
    to measure them is not introduced until the
    fourth day. Do not think that this larger
    reading of the days is a new speculation. You
    find Augustine in early times declaring that it
    is hard or altogether impossible to say what
    fashion these days are, and Thomas Aquinas, in
    the middle ages, leaving the matter an open

C.S. Lewis
  • When the author of Genesis says that God made man
    in His own image, he may have pictured a vaguely
    corporeal God making man as a child makes a
    figure out of plasticine. A modern Christian
    philosopher may think of the process lasting from
    the first creation of matter to the final
    appearance on this planet for an organism fit to
    receive spiritual as well as biological life.
    Both mean essentially the same thing. Both are
    denying the same thing -- the doctrine that
    matter by some blind power inherent in itself has
    produced spirituality.
  • (C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock Eerdmans (1970), p
  • Does this mean that Christians on different
    levels of general education conceal radically
    different beliefs under an identical form of
    worlds? Certainly not. For waht they agree on
    is the substance, and what they differ about is
    the shadow. When one imagines his God seated in
    a local heaven above a flat earth, where another
    sees God and creation in terms of Professor
    Albert North Whiteheads philosophloosely,
    process theology, this difference touches
    precisely what does not matter.

The Westminster Confession's doctrine of the
clarity of Scripture (17) goes hand in hand with
its inspiration, infallibility, and authority.
Yet it implies that not all parts of the
Scriptures are equally clear or full. Here we
must follow Calvin's great motto that where God
makes an end of teaching, we should make an end
of trying to be wise.(11) With Augustine and E.
J. Young, the revered teacher of our senior
faculty members, we recognize that the exegetical
question of the length of the days of Genesis 1
may be an issue which cannot be, and therefore is
not intended by God to be, answered in dogmatic
terms. To insist that it must comes dangerously
close to demanding from God revelation which he
has not been pleased to bestow upon us, and
responding to a threat to the biblical world view
with weapons that are not crafted from the words
which have proceeded out of the mouth of God.
Westminster Theological Seminary
Theistic evolution
  • Did God create by stochastic mechanism?
  • Dominant view amongst Christian academic
    scientists and theologians

Tapestry arguments in biology common descent of
human chimp?
  • Divergence of the chimpanzee and human lineages
    occurred about 6 million years ago the times of
    lineage divergence are not to scale
  • News Views The chimpanzee and us, Wen-Hsiung
    Li and Matthew A. Saunders, Nature 437, 50-51
    (1September 2005) .

tapestry arguments in biology chromosomal
Humans have 46 (2 X 23) chromosomes Apes have 48
(2 X 24) chromosomes
  • The origin of man a chromosomal pictorial
    legacy. J.J Yunis and O. Prakash, Science 215,
    1525 (1982)

tapestry arguments in biology chromosomal
Humans have 46 (2 X 23) chromosomes Apes have 48
(2 X 24) chromosomes
  • Chromosome 2 Humans, Chimpanzees, Gorillas,

tapestry arguments in biology fusion of
chromosome 2
  • Chromosome 2 Humans, Chimpanzees, Gorillas,

tapestry arguments in biology evidence from
the human genome
Chromosome 2 is unique to the human lineage of
evolution, having emerged as a result of
head-to-head fusion of two acrocentric
chromosomes that remained separate in other
primates. The precise fusion site has been
located in 2q13-2q14.1 (ref. 2
hg16114455823-114455838), where our analysis
confirmed the presence of multiple subtelomeric
duplications to chromosomes 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12,
19, 21 and 22 (Fig. 3 Supplementary Fig. 3a,
region A). During the formation of human
chromosome 2, one of the two centromeres became
inactivated (2q21, which corresponds to the
centromere from chimp chromosome 13) and the
centromeric structure quickly deterioriated 42.
Generation and annotation of the DNA sequences of
human chromosomes 2 and 4, L.W. Hillier et al.,
Nature 434, 724 (2005).
tapestry arguments in biology more threads of
  • Genetic threads
  • SINEs (Alu )
  • LINEs
  • Retroviral insertions
  • pseudo genes
  • chromosomal inversions
  • Phenotypal similarities
  • Fossils
  • The tapestry for do humans and chimpanzees share
    a common ancestor? seems to me almost unbreakably
  • See Graeme Finlay booklets Gods Books
    GeneticsGenesis (on sale)

for physicists, mathematicians and engineers --
these arguments may still seem foreign and vague
where is the proof?, how do you know? ---
communities talk past each other
tapestry arguments in biology
  • But others biologists, I soon came to realize,
    regarded logical arguments as suspect. To them,
    experimental evidence, fallible as it might be,
    provided a far surer avenue to truth than did
    mathematical reasoning. .... Their implicit
    assumption seemed to be How could one know ones
    assumptions were correct? Where, in a purely
    deductive argument, was there room for the
    surprises that nature might offer, for mechanisms
    that might depart altogether from those imagined
    in our initial assumptions? Indeed for some
    biologists, the gap between empirical and logical
    necessity loomed so large as to make the latter
    seem effectively irrelevant.
  • Evelyn Fox Keller, in Making Sense of Life
    Explaining Biological Development with Models,
    Metaphors, and Machines, HUP, (2002)

You cant ask those kinds of questions!!!! (Biolog
ist to AAL at Protein-Protein Interaction
Conf, June 2004) Where are the equations -- a
physicist might ask
Tapestry arguments
  • Basic scientific principles are shared across
  • But what is considered necessary or
    sufficient for a (self-organised) tapestry
    varies from field to field (often unwritten)
  • cultural iceberg, above and below waterline
  • evidence grant or paper review
  • demarkation problem
  • mathematics-gtphysics-gtchemistry-gtbiology-gtmedicine
  • Differences --in spite of apparent epistemic
    laxity ... it still works!

Recommended Books, see also
  • Science and Christianity Conflict or Coherence?,
    Henry F. Schaefer, III (Apollos, 2003)
  • Quarks, Chaos and Christianity, John Polkinghorne
    (Triangle, 1994)
  • Science Its Limits, Del Ratzsch (IVP 2000)
  • Rebuilding the Matrix, Denis Alexander (Lion 2001)

Recommended Books, see also
  • The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, Mark Noll
    (IVP, 1994)
  • Battle for the Beginnings, Del Ratzsch (IVP, 1996)
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