An Introduction To SMART Recovery - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An Introduction To SMART Recovery


An Introduction To SMART Recovery What is SMART Recovery ? SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. SMART is basically a set of tools and skills. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: An Introduction To SMART Recovery

An Introduction ToSMART Recovery
What is SMART Recovery?
  • SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery
  • SMART is basically a set of tools and skills.
  • The free meetings (online and face-to-face) and
    discussions are opportunities to learn, practice
    and refine these skills.

Four-Point Program
  1. Motivation to Abstain - Enhancing and maintaining
    motivation to abstain from addictive behavior
  2. Coping with Urges - Learning how to cope with
    urges and cravings
  3. Problem Solving - Using rational ways to manage
    thoughts, feelings and behaviors
  4. Lifestyle Balance Balancing short-term and
    long-term pleasures and satisfactions in life

Final Authority
  • SMART views reason and scientific knowledge as
    the final authority.
  • SMART evolves as scientific knowledge evolves.
  • A religious or spiritual belief is not required.
  • However, many SMART participants hold religious
    or spiritual beliefs, although we do not focus on
    these in SMART.
  • At SMART the emphasis is self-empowerment.

Four Common Misconceptions About Urges
  • Urges are excruciating or unbearable.
  • They compel you to use.
  • They will not go away until you drink or use.
  • They will drive you crazy.
  • None of these are true!

The Truth About Urges
  • There is no evidence to support the four common
  • You can resist them and they will get weaker over
  • When you realize you can stand a little
    discomfort, you will be back in control and part
    of your problem will be solved immediately.

Accepting Urges
  • Accept your urges as a normal part of changing
    instead of treating them as catastrophes.
  • You make yourself feel crazy by thinking, I
    cant stand this its awful to feel this way
    this is too much for me Im losing control of my
    emotions and I must be in control.

Retraining Your Thoughts
  • YOU have control.
  • You CAN stand the urges and they DO pass.
  • We CAN enhance our comfort and expedite the
  • Use SMART tools like DISARM, Divert and Stop
  • Find supportive friends in SMART meetings.

Increasing Motivation
  • Use SMART tools like CBA (Cost/Benefit Analysis),
    ABC and Brainstorming
  • Listen to the voices in your head. SMART builds
    up the rational voice and disputes the enemy
    voice that encourages us to use.
  • Commit to short-term sobriety so you can think
    clearly while working on recovery.
  • Commit to attend X number of meetings say two
    months - to get to know SMART.

Focus on the Positive
  • Build on concrete things like developing a VACI
    (Vital Absorbing Creative Interest).
  • SMART prefers to quickly focus on progress and
    positive goals.
  • When recovery feels good we are much more
    likely to continue.
  • Yes! You can feel good during recovery!

Managing Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviors
  • We expose the irrational excuses we give
    ourselves for using, and thus see our lives in a
    new way.
  • We increase our frustration tolerance.
  • We can learn to manage our emotions.
  • What do you wish your life would look like? Move
    toward those goals.

SMART Problem-Solving Tools
  • ABCs to Dispute Irrational Beliefs
  • CBA (Cost/Benefit Analysis)
  • Enhanced Frustration Tolerance
  • Exchange Vocabulary
  • Journaling
  • Relaxation
  • Brainstorming
  • Planning
  • among other proven methods

Balancing Long-Term and Short-Term Satisfactions
  • Stopping an addictive behavior is as easy as just
  • More difficult is learning to live comfortably
    without the addictive behavior.
  • SMART is not about managing away emotions.
  • SMART is about learning to balance and appreciate
    the actual significance of emotions.

Happiness is a Planned Activity
  • Many people find they experience a wider range of
    emotions and feel more alive emotionally, yet
    they find this need not create problems or be
  • In this way you can build a happy, healthy
    lifestyle based on your personally chosen
    values and goals.

Thoughts gt Beliefs gtFeelings gt Actions
  • People and situations cannot make you feel a
    certain way.
  • Your reaction to them is what makes you feel that
  • This is the critical principle of SMART, and the
    cornerstone of the ABC process, which we use to
    test the rationality of our thoughts and beliefs.
  • YOU control YOU!

If You Lapse or Relapse
  • Come discuss what happened.
  • Lapses are not a point to start over, but a point
    to get back on the horse and keep riding.
  • We dont start over at day zero weve learned
    too much to say were starting from scratch.
  • For us, change looks more like an upward spiral
    than a straight line.

Crosstalk is Encouraged
  • Discussion amongst participants is encouraged,
    and proven effective.
  • Or simply sit back and listen.
  • You make the choices this is not a pressure
  • SMART tools are illustrated and practiced BEST on
    real-life situations.

What Can I Do Next?
  • Watch the ABC Tutorial slide show.
  • Watch the CBA Tutorial slide show.
  • Post a message on our message board and introduce
  • Attend an online meeting.
  • Read about SMART Recovery Tools.
  • Order books from our Online Bookstore.

Thank You!
  • Thank you for your interest inSMART Recovery
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