Title: Diabete mellito - parte 2 -
1Diabete mellito- parte 2 -
2trasportatori del glucosio
- GLUT1 RBC/epatociti 492 aa 1p35-31.3
- GLUT2 b-cell/fegato 524 aa 3q26
- GLUT3 cervello 496 aa 12p13
- GLUT4 insulin-resp. 509 aa 17p13
- GLUT5 intestino 501 aa 1p31
- GLUT6 pseudogene
- GLUT7 reticolo endoplasmico epatociti
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7Assorbimento intestinale
8 9Test di assorbimento intestinale
- Test lactulosio-mannitolo
- - somministrazione orale (g 5, g 2)
- - misura della escrezione urinaria
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11Figure 1 (A) Schematic representation of human
PG. Tissue-specific post-translational processing
of PG in the pancreas (B) and small intestine
(C). The numbers indicate positions of amino acid
residues and cleavage sites. Relative presence of
glucagon and GLP-1 derived from the
post-translational processing of preproglucagon
molecule in the pancreas (D) and small intestine
(E). In the pancreas, PG is cleaved to produce
GRPP, glucagon, IP-1 and MPGF. All of these
products are present in approximately equimolar
amounts and are secreted synchronously. In
addition to these predominant products, small
amounts of a peptide corresponding to the GLP-1
domain are also formed. This molecule, which is
probably biologically inactive, corresponds to
PG(72107), but small amounts of PG(72108) are
also formed. GLP-1 regulates glucose homeostasis
143 www.eje.org
12Figure 2 Schematic representation of GLP-1 action
on target tissues. The role of GLP-1 on muscle
and adipose tissues is represented with a
question mark next to the proposed enhancement of
insulin sensitivity based on the yet
controversial findings reported.
peptide 1 (GLP-1) have led to propose this
peptide hormone as an ideal candidate for the
treatment of diabetes(1). GLP-1 lowers
postprandial hyperglycemia via three independent
mechanisms increases insulin secretion, inhibits
glucagon release, and inhibits gastrointestinal
motility. Perhaps even more important is the
observation that the insulin secretory action of
GLP-1 is regulated by the plasma concentration of
glucose, virtually preventing the possibility of
developing reactive hypoglycemia while inducing
the release of insulin (2). Finally, it is of
significant clinical relevance the observation
that GLP-1 retains its glucose lowering activity
in patients with diabetes, even many years after
clinical onset of the disease, when islet -cells
are no longer responsive to other pharmacological
insulin-secreting agents (3).
secretion. Indeed, GLP-1 also affects the
expression of insulin and other -cell-specific
genes whose products are involved in the
regulation of glucose utilization (4, 5). The
mechanism by which GLP-1 modulates the
-cell-specific gene expression has only in part
been elucidated, and it is known to require the
activation of the homeodomain transcription
factor IDX-1 (6).
14FIG. 1. Islets cell morphology. Human islets
were cultured for 1, 3, and 5 d in M199 medium,
with 6 mM glucose, 10 FCS, and 0.1 mM
diprotin-A and in the presence, or absence, of
GLP-1 (10 nM, added every 12 h). Human islets on
d 1, control (A) and GLP-1-treated islets (B) d
3, control (C) and GLP-1 treated (D) and d 5,
control (E) and GLP-1 treated (F). Pictures are
representative of islets morphology as observed
by culturing human islets from three independent
Endocrinology 2003144(12)51495158
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16Trasduzione segnale insulinico
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18Trasduzione del segnale insulinico
pp-120 IRS-1 IRS-2 IRS-3 IRS-4
Prot SH2 PI-3 chinasi
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21Kulkarni, Science 2004
22J. Risley, 1999 - http//opbs.okstate.edu/
231370aa 2a, 2 b NPEY motif gt 60 mutazioni note
J. Risley, 1999 - http//opbs.okstate.edu/
24J. Risley, 1999 - http//opbs.okstate.edu/
25Mutations in this gene were first reported in
1988 Kadowaki (1988) Science 240, 787Yoshimasa
(1988) Science 240, 784Moller (1988) N Engl J
Med 319, 1526
26(No Transcript)
27Basi biochimiche delle complicanze diabetiche
28Brownlee M. Biochemistry and molecular cell
biology of diabetic complications. Nature.
414(6865)813-20, 2001 Dec 13 Diabetes-specific
microvascular disease is a leading cause of
blindness, renal failure and nerve damage, and
diabetes-accelerated atherosclerosis leads to
increased risk of myocardial infarction, stroke
and limb amputation. Four main molecular
mechanisms have been implicated in
glucose-mediated vascular damage. All seem to
reflect a single hyperglycaemia-induced process
of overproduction of superoxide by the
mitochondrial electron-transport chain. This
integrating paradigm provides a new conceptual
framework for future research and drug discovery.
29(No Transcript)
30Collagene Cristallino Albumina Emoglobina LDL
A. Lapolla et al. / Clinical Biochemistry 38
(2005) 103115
31A. Lapolla et al. / Clinical Biochemistry 38
(2005) 103115
32A. Lapolla et al. / Clinical Biochemistry 38
(2005) 103115
33Possibile utilizzo degli AGE
- Misura del controllo glico-metabolico a lungo
termine - early glycation
- Glicoalbumina
- HbA1c
- intermediate glycation
- Metil-gliossale
- Misura del grado di modificazioni tissutali in
relazione al rischio delle complicanze - AGE
- Pentosidina libera
- Misura effetto terapie
34Alcuni prodotti di glicazione intermedi e tardivi
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36Administering the soluble form of the glycation
product receptor seems to stop the accelerated
atherosclerosis. Nature 4 1025, 1998.
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39Ruboxistaurin is an orally active, b specific PKC
inhibitor which seems to be well tolerated and
normalises retinal blood flow in diabetic
patients with retinopathy.
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43 interrupting the overproduction of superoxide
by the mitochondrial electron-transport chain
would normalize polyol pathway flux, AGE
formation, PKC activation, hexosamine pathway
flux and NF- B activation. But it might be
difficult to accomplish this using conventional
antioxidants, as these scavenge reactive oxygen
species in a stoichiometric manner. Thus,
although long-term administration of a
multi-antioxidant diet inhibited the development
of early diabetic retinopathy in rats96, and
vitamin C improved endothelium-dependent
vasodilation in diabetic patients97, low-dose
vitamin E failed to alter the risk of
cardiovascular and renal disease in patients with
44Marcatori genetici del diabete di tipo 2
45Cambiamenti morofologici nel pancreas in diverse
Rhodes CJ, Science 2005307
46Modello dinamico per i cambiamenti della massa
beta cellulare
t1/2 delle beta-cell 60 d
47Fattori che scatenano lapoptosi delle
beta-cellule nel DM t2
- Iperglicemia cronica
- Iperlipidemia cronica
- Stress ossidativo
- Diverse citochine
- Sviluppo di stress del reticolo endoplasmico
- Alterazioni di IRS-2
48Meccanismi potenziali che scatenano la
degradazione di IRS-2 e lapoptosi delle
- IRS-2 ha importanza rilevante nel pathway
insulinico nei tessuti insulino-responsivi. - Una sua diminuzione causa insulino-resistenza.
- Cè correlazione tra i meccanismi molecolari che
controllano la sensibilità insulinica e quelli
che promuovono la sopravvivenza ß cellulare.
- Tutti i geni di proteine coinvolte nella
trasduzione del segnale insulinico sono
potenzialmente coinvolti - Mutazioni del recettore
- Varianti IRS-1
- Mutazioni PI-3 chinasi (?)
- Ridotta attivazione della via IR/IRS/PI3K
- Mutazioni di altri fattori (PPARg2
peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor) - Riduzione della attivazione della eNOS
51Some developing countries face the paradox of
families in which the children are underweight
and the adults are overweight. This combination
has been attributed by some people to
intrauterine growth retardation and resulting low
birth weight, which apparently confer a
predisposition to obesity later in life through
the acquisition of a thrifty phenotype that,
when accompanied by rapid childhood weight gain,
is conducive to the development of insulin
resistance and the metabolic syndrome.
n engl j med 3563 www.nejm.org january 18, 2007
52ORahilly, Science 2005
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55References recenti
Raeder et al. Mutations in the CEL VNTR causes a
syndrome of diabetes and pancreatic exocrine
disfunction. Nature Genetics 20063854-62
Grant et al. Variant of transcription 7-like 2
(TCF7L2) gene confers risk of type 2 diabetes.
Nature Genetics 2006.
56Nanotecnologie e diabete
- Genome wide association studies (GWSA)
- Affymetrix / Illumina
- 300.000 500.00 SNPs
- Confermati studi precedenti
- (linkage/candidate gene)
- Identificati nuovi geni candidati
57Frayling T. Nature Review Genetics September 2007
58Varianti associate al diabete di tipo 2
- KCNJ11
- componente canale K/cellule beta/target farmaci
classe sulphonylurea - PPARG
- differenziazione adipociti/target farmaci classe
thiazolodinedione - TCF2
- Fattore di trascrizione epatico
- WFS1
- 4 16p.3 AR diabete mellito atrofia ottica
Frayling T. Nature Review Genetics September 2007
59Varianti associate al diabete di tipo 2
- TCF7L2
- TF espresso pancreas fetale/influenza secrezione
di insulina/HHEX è un suo target/WNT pathways - HHEX-IDE
- TF ruolo sviluppo pancreas/alterata secrezione
insulina - SCL30A8
- trasportatore di zinco/espresso cellule beta
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61Sciencexpress, April 2007
62Diabete di tipo 1
Portatori di alleli HLA DR3-DR4 rischio 6-7
Parente di I grado (senza conoscere genotipo)
rischio 3-6 Parente di I grado (con assetto
genetico noto) rischio 6-16
63Heath S. Robledo R. Beggs W. Feola G. Parodo C.
Rinaldi A. Contu L. Dana D. Stambolian D.
Siniscalco M. A novel approach to search for
identity by descent in small samples of patients
and controls from the same mendelian breeding
unit a pilot study on myopia. Human Heredity.
52(4)183-90, 2001. Autosomal dominant high
myopia, a genetic disorder already mapped to
region 18p11.31, is common in Carloforte
(Sardinia, Italy), an isolated village of 8,000
inhabitants descending from a founder group of
300 in the early 1700s. Fifteen myopic propositi
and 36 normal controls were selected for not
having ancestors in common at least up to the
grandparental generation, although still
descendants of the original founders. All
subjects were genotyped for 14 markers located on
autosome 18 at a resolution of about 10 cM.
Allelic distributions were found to be similar at
all tested loci in propositi and controls, except
for the candidate marker D18S63 known to
segregate in close linkage association with high
myopia. In particular, the frequency of allele 85
among the propositi was almost double that of the
controls (Fisher's exact test, p 0.037). The
association is more striking when the frequency
of the genotype 85/85 in the two groups is
compared (Fisher's exact test, p 0.005). This
conclusion was further evaluated through a
bootstrap analysis by computing the overall
probability of the observed data under the null
hypothesis (i.e. no difference between the two
groups in frequency distributions for the
chromosome 18 markers). Again, marker D18S63 was
found to have a sample probability lower than
0.004, which is significant at the 0.05 level
after correcting for simultaneous testing of
multiple loci. The study demonstrates the
efficiency of our novel strategy to detect
identity by descent (IBD) in small numbers of
patients and controls when they are both part of
well-defined Mendelian breeding units (MBUs). The
iterative application of our strategy in separate
MBUs is expected to become the method of choice
to evaluate the ever-growing number of reported
associations between candidate genes and
multifactorial traits and diseases.