Title: Using Textpad,
1Using Textpad, Eclipse a little Java, too
- Creating simple Java applications and applets
with Textpad or Eclipse
2About the programs
- Eclipse is open source, Textpad is shareware.
Eclipse can be downloaded from http//www.eclipse.
org/. Textpad is available from Helios.com. - Instead, you can use any editor, but save java
files as text files with the .java extension. - Eclipse and Textpad should be available in the
campus labs.
- If you download, be sure to download a java
version (not C) of Eclipse. - When you start up, select a workspace folder.
- Eclipse does come with its own tutorials and
4Create a project
- Select
- New
- Project
- java project
- give it a name
- finish
- Depending on your eclipse version, it may not
look precisely like my screenshots
5New project
6Aside Java projects
- Java projects are comprised of packages, classes
and interfaces. - When building a project, you can name packages or
use the default package. - Packages are like namespaces. They help avoid
naming collisions and indicate a required
directory structure. The package
mystuff.utilities.file_utilities is in the
directory proj_name\mystuff\utilities\file_utiliti
es - Interfaces contain a set of method signatures.
Classes implementing an interface must define
these methods.
7Eclipse screenshot a java class in the default
package, some minimal content, selecting Run/run
as application
8Application to open a frame (window) on the screen
- import javax.swing.//JFrame definition is in
here - public class Application
- public static void main(String args)
- System.out.println("hello")
- doStuff()//a method call
- public static void doStuff()//method definition
- JFrame myframenew JFrame()
- myframe.setBounds(10,10,300,400)
- myframe.setVisible(true)//a frame with nothing
on it -
9Revised function doStuff which opens a window
with various widgets on it
- public static void doStuff()
- JFrame myframenew JFrame()
- myframe.setBounds(10,10,300,400)
- JPanel mypanelnew JPanel()
- JTextField a,b
- JLabel labelnew JLabel("answer will appear
here") - JButton buttonnew JButton("press me")
- anew JTextField(20)
- bnew JTextField(20)
- mypanel.add(a)
- mypanel.add(b)
- mypanel.add(button)
- mypanel.add(label)
- myframe.add(mypanel,BorderLayout.CENTER)
- myframe.setVisible(true)
10Adding functionality
- The button has to listen for a click on it and
then we should probably get the input values and
do something. - There are many ways to add this functionality to
our application. One way, is to let the outer
class implement the ActionListener interface, so
that it will be responsible for indicating what
should happen when a button click occurs. This
responsibility could fall to any class which
implements the ActionListener interface. - See next slide for this second possibility.
11A minimal solution
- class MyListener implements ActionListener
- _at_Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
- //put code here later
- Add the ActionListener to the button. Then, when
the button is pressed (in actionPerformed
method), get input values, do something with them
and display the result. - Ive moved the declarations up to the
Applications global area. See code in slide
notes later.
13Running our application
14Eclipse projectapplications constructor entire
app in slide notes
- public Application()
- super()
- System.out.println("start constructor")//trace
line could be handled by logging - JFrame myframenew JFrame()
- myframe.setBounds(10,10,300,400)
- mypanelnew JPanel()
- MyListener mylistenernew MyListener()
- labelnew JLabel("answer will appear here")
- JButton buttonnew JButton("press me")
- anew JTextField(20)
- bnew JTextField(20)
- mypanel.add(a)
- mypanel.add(b)
- mypanel.add(button)
- mypanel.add(label)
- button.addActionListener(mylistener)
- myframe.add(mypanel,BorderLayout.CENTER)
- myframe.setVisible(true)
- System.out.println("end constructor") //trace
line could be handled by logging
15Textpadsame code
- You will need to slightly configure your own
version of Textpad, adding javac command to tools
if you wish to compile from within Textpad - Run the .class file from the command line.
- Looks the same.
16Aside Command line on blackscreen DOS
- You can run projects from within Eclipse. If you
add tools and set preferences in Textpad, you can
run projects in Textpad, too. - To run in DOS
- Path settings must contain paths to executables.
Classpaths must contain paths to classes to be
executed. These can be set depending on your
O.S. - in control panel/environment variables. - To set a classpath you might type something like
- set CLASSPATH .C\jarfiles\ejb.jarC\jarfiles\j
\j2ee.jarC\myproject\src - Assuming classpaths are properly set you compile
a class named myclass.java with the command - C\myproject\srcgtjavac myclass.java
- Assuming classpaths are properly set you run a
class named myclass.class with the command - C\myproject\srcgtjava myclass
17About applets
- An applet is an internet program. You would
access it, by entering a url to an html file
that points to the class. - In java, an applet is defined as a special sort
of a panel. - To run an applet, you must post both the class
file (result of javac command) and the special
html file, on your w drive. - To access the applet, you enter something like
- http//students.oneonta.edu/LastFM99/subdir/myappl
18More about applications and applets
- Applications usually need a window, a JFrame in
swing terminology. An applet uses the browser
window, so it does not require a special window
to be opened. - One way to create code which can run either way,
is to put all the functionality into a JPanel.
In the init method, add an instance of this
JPanel to the applet. Supply a main method too,
in case it is run as an application. Here,
construct a JFrame and add the panel to the
19Simple HTML for an applet
- lthtmlgt
- ltapplet code"MyApplet.class" width200
height300gt - lt/appletgt
- lt/htmlgt
20A minimal applet with some widgets on it
- import java.awt.
- import java.awt.event.
- import javax.swing.//JFrame in here
- public class AppletEX extends JApplet
- public void init()//applets init method browser
will run this - Container cgetContentPane()
- JTextField a,b
- JLabel label
- c.setLayout(new FlowLayout())
- labelnew JLabel("answer will appear here")
- JButton buttonnew JButton("press me")
- anew JTextField(20)
- bnew JTextField(20)
- c.add(a)
- c.add(b)
- c.add(button)
- c.add(label)
21Running an applet locally
- Blackscreen commands
- c\Documents and Settings\higgindm\My
Documentsgtset classpath. - c\Documents and Settings\higgindm\My
Documentsgtappletviewer AppletEX.html - AppletEX.HTML file contents
- lthtmlgt
- ltapplet code"AppletEX.class" width200
height300gt - lt/appletgt
- lt/htmlgt
22A program which can run as either an applet or
- import java.awt.
- import java.awt.event.
- import javax.swing.//JFrame in here
- public class MyApplet extends JApplet
- public static void main(String args)//applicati
ons main method.. Os will run this - JFrame myframenew JFrame()
- MyPanel pnew MyPanel()
- myframe.add(p,BorderLayout.CENTER)
- myframe.setVisible(true)
- myframe.setBounds(100,100,500,500)
- public void init()//applets init method
browser will run this - MyPanel pnew MyPanel()
- add(p)
- static class MyPanel extends JPanel //put all
the functionality in here - JTextField a,b
23Running it
- You need to first compile this and be able to
access the .class file generated. I used textpad
for this example. - To view the applet not on the network, but on
your desktop, java comes with a program named
appletviewer.exe. You need to write the html
file to access the applet, even if you are using
appletviewer, (unless you are using a lab
machine, in which case you can execute the applet
locally from textpad). - In comand window, set classpath (example below)
then type - appletviewer whatever.html
- To run application, type
- C\somepathgt set classpath.
- C\somepathgt java classname.class