Title: Characterization Notes RIGHT SIDE
1Characterization Notes RIGHT
- Characterization is telling what characters are
like. - Direct- tells us directly what a character is
like or what a persons motives are. - Indirect- shows us a character but allows us to
interpret for ourselves the kind of person we are
meeting. - Character traits are what make a character an
individual. These traits indicate how a person
feels and acts.
2Categorizing Direct and Indirect Characterization
Paired Activity
- With your partner, decide if A and B in paragraph
pair 1 is an example of direct characterization
or indirect characterization? - Do the same with paragraph pair 2.
3CHUNK and CLUNK (10 min)
Categorizing Direct and Indirect
- Directions
- Divide class in half
- Each team will have a set of characterization
examples - Chunk the examples in one of the two piles
(direct characterization) or (indirect
4Think-Pair-Share- LEFT SIDE
- Write a sentence describing a girl named Patty to
define each type of characterization. - Direct
- Indirect
5Methods of Characterization S T E A L
- Authors reveal the traits of their characters
through action, dialogue, and direct statements. -
- Speech (a characters own words)
- Thoughts (What a character thinks)
- Effects on Others (how other characters in the
story feel and interact with a character) - Actions (what a character does)
- Looks (how a character looks)
6Identify the Methods of Characterization Class
- She is wearing tennis shoes and a shapeless grey
sweater over a summery calico dress. - Get out of my way! screamed Debbie I was here
first! - Enter two relatives. Very angry. Potent with
eyes that scold, tongues that scald. - Every few yards, we abandon the struggle, sit
down, and pant. - Maybe Im just not very bright, Clovis thought.
I didnt pass that basket-weaving class . . .
7Types of Characters
- Round- has many traits like a real person
- Flat- has very few traits
- Static- stays the same
- Dynamic- develops and changes
- Subordinate/Secondary- minor characters who dont
play a main part to the storys plot
8Exit Slip-
- List the five methods of characterization.
- Stick it on the Wall
9Remember This?
- Define each character type
- dynamic
- static
- flat
- round
10Character Motivations
- Motivation is what drives a characters actions.
- It explains behavior and reveals personality.
- Writers rarely make direct statements about a
characters motivation. Instead, they plant clues
and rely on readers to make inferences from those
11Making Inferences
- An inference is an educated guess- a guess based
on good evidence. - To make an inference
- gtLook for details in the text
- gtRelate the details to what you
- know about life
- gtMake a careful guess
12Making Inferences
- An inference is a logical statement based on
facts. - It is not a wild guess.
13Making Inferences
- Suppose your sister said, Guess what were
having for breakfast? Suppose, also, that you - Could not see anything
- Could not smell anything cooking
- Could not hear anything cooking
- Had not been told what was for breakfast
14Making Inferences
- Any answer you gave would be a wild guess because
you had no knowledge of the facts. If, on the
other hand, you had - Smelled bacon
- Seen the orange juice
- Heard the toaster pop up
15Making Inferences
- Then you would have many facts on which to base
your answer. Thus, it would not be a wild guess
if you said, We are having _______, _______, and
_______ for breakfast. Quite the opposite! Your
answer would be based soundly on known facts.
16Using Facts to Make Inferences
- Use the five Ws to make inferences.
- Who
- When
- Where
- What
- Why
17Making Inferences by Using the 5Ws Clues (15
- Complete the Exercise E Making Inferences Sheet
- Lets Discuss it
18What Does Your Speech say about you?
- We use language to express our identity. Every
time you speak, you give listeners information
about who you are and where you come from. - Dialect (also called colloquialism) is a way of
speaking that is characteristic of a particular
region or group of people.
19What Does Your Speech say about you?
- Dialect can determine
- your social class
- your education
- Standard English
- Is easier to understand
- Is the spoken language in schools/universities
- Accepted by institutions
- Recognized by the government
20Colloquial Expressions and DialectClass
ActivityMatch the colloquial English with
standard English.
- aint .... a havent /hasnt got/am
not/arent - coz / cos .... b going to
- dunno .... c I dont know
- em .... d let me
- Gimme .... e you, your
- gonna .... f want to
- gotta .... g have got to
- lemme .... h them
- lotta .... i what are/do you
- wanna .... j lot of
- whatcha .... k because
- ya .... l give me
21Brain Break-Litter Box
- Rules/Directions
- Partners ball up a piece of paper and place it on
the desk. - Partners pick up the paper and place the paper
ball in the trash bin. - Using elbow and elbow only!!
22Characterization Literary Terms Pg. 1019 (10
min) Study for Test !!
- Direct characterization
- Indirect characterization
- Protagonist
- Antagonist
- Subordinate character
- Motivations
- Dialect
- Inference
- Round character
- Flat character
- Dynamic character
- Static character
- Dialogue
- First-person narration (point of view)
- Sequence
23Illustrating Character Traits Group Word
Knowledge Project(You will be given a rubric)
(35 min)
- Directions Students will receive a list of five
words and will create illustrated character trait
sheets for each of the words. - Students will take one of four roles
- Researcher looks up the definitions of character
traits. - Remember, its important to choose the right
definition. - Recorder writes on the project paper. You are
responsible for the word, the definition, and the
description of the action. - Director thinks of actions that show the
character traits. - Also, help the researcher put the
definitions in your own words. - Illustrator draws pictures that show the
character traits. - Other group members may help color your
24Example of Character Trait Illustration
The character trait ? The definition ? A drawing showing how the character trait could be implied or indirectly linked to a character? A ________ character might ? Description of how the character trait could be shown. Gregarious One who is friendly, sociable, or likes company. A gregarious character might shake hands with new people they meet.
25Exit Slip-
- List three of the five words your group learned
with a synonym to match to show the meaning of
those words. - Stick your post-it-note
- on the wall.
26Character Traits WorksheetIndividual Activity
(15 min)
- When your group finishes the project complete the
in-class section of the character traits
worksheet. - In class Define the character trait. Include a
synonym for the word. - Homework Write what a character showing that
trait might do.
27Brain Break Stand complete these rebus
Four in Language Foreign Language
Knee on Lights Neon Lights
Middle of the Night
Back Seat Driver
28Review Character Traits
- Which character trait from your character traits
worksheet would match each synonym? - Jealous Full of
Desire - Thoughtful Mean
Hateful - Nice Respectful Good at your
job - Answerable Firm
- Gullible
- Acting strangely-Up to something
29Exit Slip-
- Choose three character traits you have learned
today, and on your index card write a complete
sentence with each.
30Around the Room Literary Terms
(20 min)
- With your partner you will move around the room
to complete each workstation. - If you do this correctly, you will end where
you started.
Complete chart for each workstation.
Folder Color (definition) Definition Write each definition and then find your answer. Copy only what is highlighted. Folder Color (answer)
Blue Green This is the beginning of the story where characters, setting, and conflicts are introduced. (exposition) Green
When you finish, begin the literary terms
crossword puzzle. Complete both tasks to earn
one quiz grade!!
31Integrity What does it mean?
- Having sound moral principles.
- Having the courage to do what is right,
even if it is difficult. - Being honest, fair, and trustworthy.
32Class Activity Create a list of people who show
or should show integrity and a list of people who
often do not show integrity.
Integrity No Integrity
33Class Discussion
- Is it more natural to have integrity, or more
natural not to have integrity? - What might cause people to have integrity or to
lose their integrity?
34Class Discussion
- Can people improve the integrity of others
through their own actions? Why or why not? If
yes, how? If no, why not?
35Interactive Notebook Quickwrite Think and write
about the integrity you show through your
actions, including actions at school. (7 min)
- How do those actions affect others? What can you
do to improve your own integrity and integrity of
those around you? Include the following in your
writing - Write about a time when your integrity was
challenged or compromised and what you did or
what you could have done differently. - How has your integrity (or lack of integrity)
affected the integrity of other people?
36T Thank You, MamA Langston HughesG short
- He was born in Joplin, Missouri on February 1st ,
1902 - City of Joplin, Missouri
- Motto "Proud of Our Past...Shaping Our Future'
- His great-great-grandfather was the first Black
American to be elected to public office. - He really wanted to live with his parents, but he
could not. - The Negro Speaks of Rivers was one of his most
famous poems appearing in Brownie's Book. - He received a scholarship to Lincoln University,
in Pennsylvania, where he received his B.A.
degree in 1929. - Langston Hughes died of cancer on May 22, 1967.
- What would you do if someone came up from behind
you and tried to steal your purse/wallet? How
would you react? Would you react positively or
negatively? - What would motivate a person to steal?
39End of paragraph 1Class Discussion
- Make connections What would you do if you were
the boy? If you were the woman? - Make judgments Was it okay for the woman to kick
and shake the boy until his teeth rattled?
Justify her actions.
40Class Activity
Sequence the first part of the story according to
the events.
when a boy ran up behind her and
then she reached down, picked up the boy by his shirt front and shook him
the boys weight and the weight of the purse combined caused him to lose his balance
she was a large woman with a large purse walking
tried to snatch her bag but
until his teeth rattled
41Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5Class Discussion
- Make a judgment Is the boy a hardened criminal?
Do you think he has done this before? Give
evidence. - Make connections What would you do in a
situation like this when you are being questioned
by an adult? - Should an adult ask the question the woman did
and expect an honest answer?
42Class Discussion
- How old is Roger? Which method of
characterization is the author using to show
this? - Make a judgment Is the boy being honest with his
apology? If so, why do you think he is being
43Class Discussion
- What did Mrs. Jones mean when she said, You
ought to be my son. I would teach you right from
wrong. - Do you think all children who do wrong has not
been taught right from wrong? Or are they just
deciding to do wrong? - Infer What is it that Mrs. Jones is telling the
boy in the key speech about coming in contact
with her? - Predict What will she do to make the boy
remember her?
44Class Discussion
- What can you infer about Mrs. Bates marital life,
family life, and financial status from where she
45Class Discussion
- What evidence on page 89 does Mrs. Jones give us
to show that Roger is hungry?
46End of paragraph 30-36Class Discussion
- What were Rogers motivations for trying to steal
Mrs. Joness purse? - What does she mean by neither tell God, if he
didnt already know.
47End of paragraph 37Class Discussion
- Infer What has changed so that Mrs. Jones does
not protect her purse or try to keep Roger in her
apartment? - Make a judgment Why does Roger want to be
48End of storyClass Discussion
- Express in your own words what Mrs. Jones means
by shoes got by devilish ways will burn your
feet. - Make judgments Would it have been a better story
if she had stayed in his life?
49Evaluate This! (Left Side)
- Which is the dynamic character
- and which is the static character in this
- story. Give details to explain your answer.
- Mrs. Jones
- Roger
50A letter from Roger Homework LEFT SIDE
- What do you think Roger will be like ten years
after his encounter with Mrs. Jones? - Compose a letter from Roger using the first
person narrative structure. Include Rogers
present address in the letter. Be sure to state
the purpose of his communication after all these
51Writing a Letter
52What are the parts of a letter?
- What is the very first thing you put on a letter?
Clue It goes in the upper right corner. - Date
- What do you call the line that starts
- Dear ____,?
- Greeting
53What are the parts of a letter?
- What do you call the main part of your letter?
- Body
- What do you call the line that starts
Sincerely? - Closing
- What do you call the line that contains your
name? - Signature
54Where does the date go?
July 4, 2002
55Where does the greeting go?
July 4, 2002
Dear Mom,
56Where does the body go?
July 4, 2002
Dear Mom,
Thank you for taking me shopping yesterday. I
had a great time finding new school clothes. I
cant wait for school to start so everyone can
see my new clothes.
57Where does the closing go?
July 4, 2002
Dear Mom,
Thank you for taking me shopping yesterday. I
had a great time finding new school clothes. I
cant wait for school to start so everyone can
see my new clothes.
58Where does the signature go?
July 4, 2002
Dear Mom,
Thank you for taking me shopping yesterday. I
had a great time finding new school clothes. I
cant wait for school to start so everyone can
see my new clothes.
59This is what your letter will look like.
July 4, 2002
Dear Mom,
Thank you for taking me shopping yesterday. I
had a great time finding new school clothes. I
cant wait for school to start so everyone can
see my new clothes.
Love, Fred
603-2-1 Exit Ticket
Fill out your ticket on the index card provided.
3 Things I learned today about writing a letter
2 Things I found interesting about the story we read
1 Question I still have about characterization
61Interactive Notebook Activity Complete the chart
list the traits in the correct columns in the
chart below, and find details in the story to
support your answers. (15 min) LEFT SIDE
Character Traits Character Traits
Self-assured tough lonely generous young Kindhearted troubled timid strong scared Self-assured tough lonely generous young Kindhearted troubled timid strong scared
Mrs. Jones Roger
Story Details Story Details
62Honors Reflective Writing Task Choose and copy
one prompt then respond. (It must be one page in
- Does poverty cause people to lose their
integrity? Support your answer with - examples and evidence.
- Are some people born with more integrity than
others? Support your answer - with examples and evidence.
- Some say that there is honor among thieves.
Can people who do not obey - the laws of the land and who do criminal
acts still have integrity by being - loyal to fellow law-breakers? Is this
integrity? Why or why not? Support your - answer with examples and evidence.
- School work often challenges our integrity. When
is it dishonest or unfair to - help a friend with school work? Is it
ever the right thing to do? - If you have not always had integrity, it may
have caused someone to distrust - you. Perhaps this is a friend, a teacher
or a parent. Did you re-establish trust - with this individual? How long did it
take to re-establish trust? Use specific - examples or evidence.
63Study for Test!!
- Study all literary terms and notes.