Security for Ubiquitous and Adhoc Networks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Security for Ubiquitous and Adhoc Networks


Security for Ubiquitous and Adhoc Networks Mobile Adhoc Networks Collection of nodes that do not rely on a predefined infrastructure Adhoc networks can be formed ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Security for Ubiquitous and Adhoc Networks

Security for Ubiquitous and Adhoc Networks
Mobile Adhoc Networks
  • Collection of nodes that do not rely on a
    predefined infrastructure
  • Adhoc networks
  • can be formed
  • merged together
  • partitioned to separate networks
  • Not necessarily but often mobile
  • There may exist static and wired nodes

  • Computer science classroom
  • adhoc network between student PDAs and
    workstation of the instructor
  • Large IT campus
  • Employees of a company moving within a large
    campus with PDAs, laptops, and cellphones
  • Moving soldiers with wearable computers
  • Eavesdropping, denial-of-service and
    impersonation attacks can be launched
  • Shopping mall, restaurant, coffee shops
  • Customers spend part of the day in a networked
    mall of specialty shops, coffee shops, and

A trust relationship among 3 different adhoc
Networking Infrastructure
  • Networking topologies
  • Flat infrastructure (zero-tier)
  • All nodes have equivalent routing roles
  • No hierarchy
  • Hierarchical infrastructure (N-tier)
  • Cluster nodes have different routing roles
  • Control the traffic between cluster and other

Routing Protocols
  • Proactive table-driven and distance vector
  • Nodes periodically refresh the existing routing
    info, every node can operate with consistent and
    up-to-date tables
  • Reactive (on-demand) updates the routing
    information only when necessary
  • Most routing protocols are reactive
  • Hybrid uses both reactive and proactive
  • For example, proactive protocol between networks,
    reactive protocol inside of networks

Networking Constraints
  • Mobility
  • Due to mobility, topology of network can change
  • Nodes can be temporarily off-line or unreachable
  • Resource constraints
  • Energy constraints
  • Memory and CPU constraints
  • Bandwidth constraints
  • Prior trust relationship
  • Availability of Internet connection
  • Central trust authority, base station
  • Pre-distributed symmetric keys
  • Pre-defined certificates and certificate
    revocation lists

Trust Management
  • Trust model
  • Node-to-node trust
  • Node-to-central authority trust
  • Cryptosystems
  • Public-key cryptosystem
  • More convenience
  • Digital signature possibility
  • Secret-key cryptosystem
  • Less functionality
  • Key distribution problem

Trust Models
Web of Trust Model
Hierarchical Model
Key Management
  • Key creation
  • Central key creation
  • Distributed key creation
  • Key storage
  • Centralized
  • Replicated storage for fault tolerance
  • Distributed, on each node
  • Partial key storage (shared secrets)
  • Full key storage
  • Key distribution
  • Symmetric and private keys Confidentiality,
    authenticity and integrity should not be violated
  • Public keys Integrity and authenticity should be

  • Network services should operate properly
  • Network services should tolerate failures even
    when DoS attack threats
  • Several availability attacks
  • Network layer the attacker can modify the
    routing protocol (divert the traffic to invalid
  • Network layer adversary can shut down the
  • Session layer adversary can remove encryption in
    the session-level secure channel
  • Application layer availability of essential
    services may be threatened

Physical Security
  • Nodes are assumed to have low physical security
  • Nodes can easily be stolen or compromised by an
  • Fewer than 1/3 of the principals at the time of
    network formation are corrupted or malicious
  • Single or distributed point of failure

Identification and Authentication
  • Only authorized nodes (subjects) can have access
    to data (objects)
  • Only authorized nodes may form, destroy, join or
    leave groups
  • Identification can be satisfied by
  • User ID-Password based authentication systems
  • Presented adequate credentials
  • Delegate certificates

Network Operations
  • Link layer protections
  • Protects confidentiality
  • Protects authenticity
  • Network layer protections
  • IPSec in case of IP-based routing
  • Confidentiality of routing info
  • Authenticity and integrity of routing info
  • Against impersonation attacks
  • Against destruction and manipulation of messages
  • Against false traffic due to hardware or network

Network Operations
  • Non-repudiation of routing info
  • Routing traffic must leave traces
  • Management of network
  • Must be protected from disclosure
  • Must be protected against tampering
  • Must be protected against modified configuration
    tables by adversary (for reactive routing

Key Management Security
  • Environment-specific and efficient key management
  • Nodes must have made a mutual agreement on a
    shared secret or exchanged public keys
  • In more dynamic environments
  • Exchange of encryption keys may be addressed
  • In less dynamic environments
  • Keys are mutually agreed proactively or
    configured manually

Key Management Security
  • Private keys have to be stored in the nodes
  • Encrypted with the system key
  • With proper hardware protection (smart cards)
  • By distributing the key in parts to several nodes
  • Centralized approaches are vulnerable as single
    point of failures

Adhoc Keying Mechanisms
  • ID-based cryptography
  • Master public key/secret key is generated by
    private-key generation service (PKG)
  • Master keys known to everyone
  • Arbitrary identities are public keys
  • Identity A1
  • Public key MasterPublicKey A1
  • Private keys should be delivered to nodes by PKG

Adhoc Keying Mechanisms
  • ID-based encryption schemes
  • Setup input a security parameter, return master
    public/secret keys
  • Extract input master secret key and identity,
    return the personal secret key corresponding to
  • Encrypt input master public key, the identity of
    the recipient and message, return ciphertext
  • Decrypt input master public key, ciphertext and
    a personal secret key, return plaintext

Adhoc Keying Mechanisms
  • Threshold cryptography
  • Allows operations to be split among multiple
  • In t-out-of-n threshold scheme, any set of t
    users can compute function while any set of t-1
    users cannot
  • If adversary compromises even t-1 users, he
    cannot perform crypto operation
  • Honest user who needs to perform crypto operation
    should contact t of users
  • Secure against Byzantine adversaries exist for t
    lt n/2, secure against passive adversaries can
    support t lt n

Resurrecting Duckling Security Model
  • Two state principle (duckling)
  • Imprintable
  • Imprinted
  • Imprinting principle
  • Transition from imprintable to imprinted
  • Mother node sends imprinting key

Resurrecting Duckling Security Policy
  • New node identifies and authenticates itself to
    the nearest active node (mother) in the group
  • A shared secret key is established between mother
    and the new node bootstrapping is generally
    accomplished by physical contact
  • This key provides privacy of computations between
    the node and the mother
  • A node may die, returning to its imprintable mode
  • A new imprinting by another mother is possible
    reverse metempsychosis

Resurrecting Duckling Principles
  • Death principle
  • Transition from imprinted to imprintable (death)
  • Death by order of the mother
  • Death by old age after predefined time interval
  • Death on completion of a specific transaction/job
  • Assassination principle
  • Assassination by attacker may be uneconomical
  • Some suitable level of tamper resistance should
    be provided
  • Broken is different from death
  • A node can be broken by an adversary, but it
    cannot be made imprintable (it can be smashed,
    but it will not die)

Resurrecting Duckling Principles
  • If the shared secret key is lost and beyond
    recovery, we may want/need to regain control of
    the node
  • The manufacturer may order the device to commit
    suicide (escrowed seppuku)
  • Shogun role by the manufacturer however, this
    will cause centralization
  • If the mother keeps a copy of the imprinting key,
    localization can be achieved
  • Multilevel souls
  • The same node can serve to many mothers
    establishing different keys
  • Each soul in the node will have imprinted and
    imprintable states, souls would be functioning in

Research at Oregon State University
  • Information Security Laboratory at Oregon State
    University is working towards developing a
    distributed Kerberos system for mobile adhoc
    network of devices
  • Devices with different computing power, memory
    (code RAM) space, and power consumption
  • Initial group formation (authentication) is
    accomplished by physical contact, touching
  • Symmetric cryptography based hierarchical trust
  • Key list Trust list data structures
  • Nodes may join and may gracefully leave the group
  • Ungraceful (abrupt) leaving requires new touching

Group Formation
Node-to-node Key Agreement
Ancestor Sets ASba AShb,
a ASda ASid, a
Graceful Leave
Node j wants to leave the group
Node f generates new branch key and sends to b, b
forwards new branch key to root node a, node a
changes the group key and begins the group
re-keying with refreshed branch keys
Abrupt Leave
Node d leaves the group abruptly
Node a generates new branch key for this branch,
but since node i lost its mother, i should touch
contact to any node in the group in order to
re-join and re-authenticate
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