Title: Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge for DRR
1Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge for DRR
Jessica Mercer DRR Advisor CAFOD www.cafod.org.uk
jmercer_at_cafod.org.uk Jessica-mercer_at_hotmail.com
2Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge
- Is Indigenous knowledge?
- Is scientific knowledge?
- Do the two have in common?
3Indigenous Communities and DRR
- 2004 Tsunami
- Cyclone Zoe 2002 - Solomon Islands
- Char people Jamuna River, Bangladesh
4New Risks, New Challenges
- Climate change, increased urbanisation,
population etc - Indigenous knowledge being lost yet indigenous
communities have adapted for centuries. - Romanticising IK
- Need to integrate relevant and applicable IK and
5Current Findings
- WHY..
- VFL and GAR Findings
- Community based DRR
- Integration of bottom up and top-down
- Proactive rather than reactive
- Cost effective
7(No Transcript)
8Integrating Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge
- HOW..
- Participatory Action Research
- Motivation / Willingness
- Guided Discovery
- Not enough just to record
9Process Framework
STEP ONE Community Engagement
Ongoing revision and evaluation
STEP TWO Identification of Vulnerability Factors
STEP THREE Identification of Indigenous and
Scientific Strategies
STEP FOUR Identification of an Integrated
Strategy addressing disaster risk
- This is one such method more research needed.
- Process of implementation.
- Capacity building/Culture of respect
- Making and breaking dependency patterns.
- Mainstreaming IK into DRR policy.
- Ongoing process
- Recognition of value of IK.
- For more information see Mercer et al., 2008,
11Way Forward in meeting the HFA
- A more holistic approach to DRR is required
which recognises the importance of both
indigenous and scientific knowledge in reducing
risk. - Underlying risk factors can be addressed through
integrating relevant and applicable indigenous
and scientific knowledge. - Community level actions need to be linked with
local, national and global level initiatives. - We cannot afford to ignore this valuable