Food chemical safety - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Food chemical safety


ADI exceeds the level is rare, but cases of lindane in milk ... than aflatoxin B1 ... Aflatoxins B and G Aflatoxin M1 Ochratoxin A Deoxynivalenol ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Food chemical safety

Food chemical safety
Chemical contaminants in foods
  • Characteristics
  • They are not added intentionally added to food.
  • Contamination can happen at one or more stages in
    food production.
  • Illness is likely to result if consumers ingest
    enough of them.
  • The above differentiate from other chemicals in
    food such as vitamins and additives.

Examples of chemical contaminants
  • Pesticides
  • Herbicides
  • Fungicides
  • Veterinary drugs

  • eat your fruits and vegetables is one of the
    recommendations for a healthy diet.
  • Use of pesticides and chemicals to protect fruits
    and vegetables against insects and pests, and
  • Correct and responsible use of pesticides can
    enhanced yield and safety of these produce.

Use of pesticide
  • Must follow the limits sets by the Ministry for
    use on food commodity, and the safe amount of
    pesticide residue that may be present at the
    point of sale.
  • The safe residue level conform with the
    international standards set by Codex Alimentarius

Potential hazard?
  • Pesticide residue.
  • Contamination of surface and ground water.
  • Persistent pesticide not degradable are removed
    from the registration list.

Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI)
  • ADI is a measure of toxicity.
  • Calculated from a known toxicological effect of a
    chemical (e.g. pesticide), example increased
    serum glutamate pyruvate aminotransferase (SGPT)
    in dicator of liver damage.
  • The dose of the pesticide below the point at
    which the defined toxicological effect occurs in
    animal studies is determeined (NO Observable
    Adverse Effect Level NOAEL).
  • This is the maximum dose that can be consumed
    without any adverse effect resulting.
  • ADI exceeds the level is rare, but cases of
    lindane in milk (UK in1996) and chlormequat in
    pears in 1999.

Maximum Residue Level (MRL)
  • MRL is not a toxicological parameters but a
    trading standard set by national and
    international authorities (e.g. Codex
    Alimentarius) to ensure that residues are
    controlled in world food trade.
  • MRL is the pesticide residue level in particular
    food following its production according to Good
    Agricultural Practices (GAP) i.e. apply pesticide
    at the right time and according to label
    directions, appropriate withdrawal period (time
    necessary between application of pesticide and
    harvest) the crop is harvested and residue
  • If the level of pesticide exceed the MRL, the
    crop has not been grown according to GAP and the
    product not permitted to be sold, imported or

  • Exceeded the MRL has no health implication, but
    the farmer has breached the national or
    international regulations and is liable for
  • Exceeding the MRL is more common.

  • Pesticides must be in harmony with non target
    pests and environment.
  • Those broad-spectrum pesticides and have long
    residual effect were either removed from the
    market or restricted usage.
  • The regulatory body is Pesticide Board of
    Malaysia under the preview of the Ministry.

Pesticides withdrawn or partially banned by the
Pesticide Board of Malaysia
  • Aldrin withdrawn by the parent company
  • Diledrin ------do-----
  • Benomyl -------do-----
  • Chlordane total ban
  • DDT total ban
  • Heptochlor total ban
  • Penthachlorophenate partial ban not allowed for
  • Endosulphan partial ban not allowed for cocoa
    and pepper
  • Lindane (gamma-BHC) partial ban allowed for
    palm oil and coconut only
  • (total 17 pesticides)

Pesticides not allowed for use on vegetables
  • Some organophosphate pesticides, e.g.
    methamidophos and monocrotophos, were registered
    for use in vegetables but after review by the
    Pesticide Board, they have been banned based on
    their residue or toxicology problems.
  • All pesticides use in Malaysia must be
  • Comply the Pesticide Act 1974 and Food Act 1985,
    for the registration, production, management and
    application of pesticides.

DDT organochlorine(1,1-(2,2,2-trichloroethylid
  • Dr. Paul Muller, a Swiss chemist won an Nobel
    Prize in Medicine in 1948 for DDT, replacing
    extremely dangerous chemicals for pest control
    (arsenic, lead and mercury).
  • Effective against mosquitoes causing malaria,
    kill lice, improve health in Sri Lanka.
  • 1964 use of DDT was discontinued in Sri Lanka,
    and coincide with publication of Carsons Silent
  • Attack on DDT
  • cause thin egg shells. (ii) DDT is so stable and
    could never be eliminated from the environment.
    Safe for human? Cancer? (lipid solubles)
  • Repeated administration of DDT to animals results
    in tremor, incoordination, muscular twitching and
  • DDT is excreted in urine.

Organophosphate (OPs)
  • Oldest synthetic pesticides.
  • Common names organic phosphates, phosphate
    insecticides, phosphorus esters or phosphoric
    acid esters.
  • Genarally speaking they are most toxic to
    vertebrate animals.
  • Mode of action is similar to nerve gas (potent
  • Attack nerve, death as a result of respiratory
  • e.g. malathion, parathion.
  • easily metabolized by esterase,low mammalian
  • Residues in food products do not normally result
    in exposure sufficient to lead to health problems
    in humans.
  • Pyrethroids green pesticide from chrysanthemum

Other insecticides
  • Carbamates similar to Ops, water solubles,
    contaminated water.
  • mode of action similar to Ops cholinesterase
  • Cyclodiene e.g. aldrin and dieldrin, stable in
    soil and relative stable to uv of sunlight. Use
    to control soil insects. Mode of action is

  • Weed killers.
  • Trace residues present in final food products.
  • Chlorophenoxy acid esters 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T
  • No apparent adverse effects on human and animals.
  • The 2,4,5-T used in Agent Orange contains
    excessive amounts of tetrachrodioxin, suspected
    toxic impurity.
  • Bipyridyliums paraquat and diquat.
  • On contact plant tissues are quickly damaged.
  • Cases of accidental or suicidal fatalities from
    paraquat poisoning.

  • Chemicals used to kill or stop the development of
  • To treat plants, roots,seeds

Industrial and environmental contaminants
  • Most do not pose threats to human, but some
    certain incidences have indicated that they can
    be a potential hazard.

  • Halogenated hydrocarbons polychlorinated
    Biphenyls (PCBs) or trade name Aroclor first
    synthesise in1881.
  • Uses insulating fluids in electrical industries,
    food packaging made from recycled paper, paints,
    lubricants, insulating tapes, fireproofing
    materials, and ink.
  • Considerable resistant to acids, bases, high
    temperature, electrical current and is
  • Safety no significant health threats to human.

  • TCDD (tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) are among most
    potent toxicants known, chemically very stable
    and binds strongly to to solids or particulate
    matter in soil, is lipophilic but sparingly
    soluble in water or organic liquids.
  • LD50 for TCDD in guinea pig is under 1 mg/kg
    hamster is more than 10g/kg.
  • Toxicity affect the kidney and skin, promoter of
    carcinogenesis and is a carcinogen. Liver
    tumors, tumors of the mouth, nose and lung have
    been found.
  • Three times more potent than aflatoxin B1.
  • In rhesus monkeys, TCDD is fetotoxic, resulting
    in higher levels of abortion and death in
    pregnant females.
  • Human exposure no fatalities, toxic effects
    include fatigue, affect peripheral nervous system
    and liver toxicity.

Heavy metals
  • Mercury exists in many forms.
  • metallic mercury, inorganic mercury compounds or
    salts, organic mercury compounds.
  • Nervous system is very sensitive to all forms of
    mercury. Exposure to high levels of metallic,
    inorganic or organic mercury can permanently
    damage the brain, kidneys and developing fetus.
  • Mercury chloride and methyl mercury are possible
    human carcinogens.
  • Children are more sensitive to
  • Children are more sensitive to mercury than are
    adults, can be passed through breast milk.

Mercury level in water
  • FDA maximum permissible level of 1ppm methyl
    mercury in seafoods.
  • EPA mercury in drinking water 2 ppm.

  • Previously, this heavy metal was found in a
    variety of consumer products (lead-based paints,
    antiknock petrol, lead-glazed glasses, lead water
    pipes, lead glazes, lead solders).
  • Lead poisoning is normally due to occupational
  • Children are most affected, lead absorption in
    children is about 40, adult 10, highest in the
  • Anemia, neurological disorders in developing
    children brains, can pass from placenta to fetus.
  • Elimination or minimize exposures.

  • Cadmium in food is as inorganic cadmiun salts.
    Organic cadmium is unstable.
  • In Japan, chronic cadmium intoxication over 12-yr
    period occurred in some population that consumed
    rice contaminated with cadmium because of
    pollution. Painful disease called itai itai
    meaning ouch ouch bone disease, with symptoms
    of skeletal deformation and multiple fractures.
  • Cadmium stays in the liver and kidneys.
  • Breathing air with very high levels of cadmium
    can severely damage the lungs and cause death.

  • Found as inorganic and organic compounds. In
    foods, drinking water, wine and other sources.
  • Used widely in manufacture of glass to remove
    green colour cause by impurities.
  • Previously arsenic is used to treat syphilis
    until penicillin and other sulfa drugs were
  • Arsenic is abundant in seafoods, but in an
    organic form, not toxic, rapidly absorbed and
    excreted in the urine and bile.
  • Classical syndromes of chronic arsenic exposure
    include hyperkeratosis, corns and warts on the
    feet and hands.
  • May be indirect carcinogen.
  • 10 to 50 ppb may be necessary to maintain
    homeostasis of the body, used successfully to
    treat acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL).
  • Standard in drinking water is 10ppb.

Contaminants of Industrial and Environmental
CHEMICAL Polychlorinated biphenyls Dioxin Mercury Lead Cadmium Radionuclides SOURCE Electrical appliances Impurity Chlor-alkali Vehicle emission, smelting, paint, glazes, solder Sludge, smelting Accidental release ASSOCIATED FOOD Fish, animal fat Fish, milk, beef fat Fish Vegetables, canned food, canned dish, acidic food Grains, vegetables, meat, molluscs Fish, mushrooms
Contaminants of Biological Origin(Inherent Plant
Food Toxicants)
CHEMICAL Oxalates Glycoalkaloids Cynide Phytohaemagglutinin Various carcinogens ASSOCIATED FOOD Tea White potato (solanine) Cassava, Lima beans Red kidney beans and other beans Herbs, spices
Contaminants of Biological OriginMycotoxins
CHEMICAL Aflatoxin Trichothecenes Ochratoxin A Ergot alkaloids Patulin Zearalenone SOURCE Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus Mainly Fusarium spp A. ochraceous Claviceps purpurea Penicillium claviforms Fusarium spp ASSOCIATED FOOD Corn, peanuts, copra, milk Cereals and other foods Wheat, corn, barley Barley, wheat Apples and other fruits Cereals, oils, starch
Minimum Water Activity for Growth of Toxigenic
Mould Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus ochraceus Penicillium griseofulvum Minimum Aw 0.81 0.78 0.83
Target Organs of Some Mycotoxins
Mycotoxin Aflatoxin Ochratoxin Trichothecenes Ergot alkaloids Zearalenone Target Liver Kidney Mucosa Peripheral vascular system Uro-genital tract
Regulatory Limits for Mycotoxins in Foods
Mycotoxin Aflatoxins B and G Aflatoxin M1 Ochratoxin A Deoxynivalenol Patulin Zearalenone Limit (ppb) 0 - 50 10 1000 0 0.5 1 300 1000 4000 20 50 30 - 1000 Commodities All foods Animal feeds Milk, dairy Rice, corn, barley, beans, pork kidney Wheat Apple juice All foods
Regulatory Limits for Aflatoxins in Some Asian
Country China Hong Kong India Japan Malaysia Philippines Singapore Sri Lanka Thailand Limit (ppb) 50 20 15 30 10 10 20 Absence 30 20 Commodity Peanuts Peanuts Other foods All All All All All Peanuts All
Other Toxicants of Biological Origin
Chemical Ciguatera Shellfish toxins Paralytic, neurotoxic, diarrheic and amnesic Pyrrolizidine alkaloids Histamine Source Dinoflagellates Dinoflagellates Various toxic plants Spoilage bacteria Associated Food Tropical fish Shellfish Cereals, honey Fish, cheese
Contaminants Produced During Processing
  • Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
  • Heterocyclic amines, nitropyrenes
  • Nitrosamines
  • Oxidized fats
  • Ethyl carbamate (urethane)

Improperly Used Agrochemicals
  • Pesticides Organochlorine insecticides
  • Organophosphorus insecticide
  • Carbamate insecticides
  • Other pesticides
  • Animal Drugs Antimicrobials
  • Growth promotants
  • Anthelminthics
  • Therapeutics
  • Fumingants Fungicides Plant growth regulators
  • Fertilizers Herbicides Rodenticides
  • Nematocides Molluscicides Biotechnology

Direct Food Additives(Improperly Used Additives)
  • Anti-caking agents
  • Antimicrobial agents
  • Antioxidants
  • Colours
  • Curing and pickling agents
  • Emulsifiers
  • Enzymes
  • Firming agents
  • Flavour enhancers
  • Flavourong agents
  • Humectants
  • Leavening agents
  • Release agents
  • Non-nutritive sweeteners
  • Nutrient supplements
  • Nutritive sweeteners
  • Oxidizing and reducing agents
  • pH control agents
  • Propellants and gases
  • Sequestrants
  • Solvents and vehicles
  • Stabilizers and thickners
  • Surface-active agents
  • texturizers

Indirect Food Additives(improperly used)
  • Processing Aids
  • Ion-exchange resins, filter aids
  • Enzyme preparation
  • Microorganisms
  • Solvents, lubricants, release agents
  • Specific function additives
  • Food Contact materials
  • Utensils
  • Working surfaces
  • Equipment
  • Packing materials
  • Metals, plastics, paper, wood, etc.
  • Cleaning Agents
  • Detergents
  • Sanitizers

  • Borax
  • Boric acid
  • Formaldehyde
  • Unapproved colouring agents.

Monitoring Points for Chemical Hazards
  • Point source
  • Environmental compartments
  • Primary production
  • Import/export
  • Production and processing
  • Consumer level
  • Biomonitoring

Criteria for Establishing Priorities
  • Severity of potential effects on health
  • Levels in individual foods and the diet
  • Size and susceptibility of the exposed population
  • Significance in domestic and international trade
  • Nature and cost of management options

Chemical Hazards in the Home
  • Contaminated food and water
  • Metal cookware contaminated with heavy metals
  • Ceramic serving dishes with toxic glazes
  • Leaded crystal used with acid foods
  • Miscellaneous home-use chemicals

Chemical Hazards in Food
Areas of Concern
Potential Physical Hazards
  • Glass
  • Slime or scum
  • Metal
  • Bone
  • Plastic
  • Stones and rocks
  • Capsules or crystals
  • Pits or shell
  • Wood
  • Paper

Distribution of Complaints of Foreign Objects in
  • Soft drinks 19
  • Infant foods 16
  • Bakery 14
  • Chocolate and cocoa products 7
  • Fruits 7
  • Cereals 5
  • Vegetables 4
  • Fish 3
  • Others 25

Possible Control Measures
  • Visual inspection
  • Filters or sieves
  • Magnets
  • Separation by density
  • Personnel precautions

  • Assignment search for literature for reports on
    interaction of selenium and heavy metals.

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