Radiation Injury: Critical Care - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Radiation Injury: Critical Care


Cord Blood for Hematopoietic ... Clinical applications of stem cell transfusion from cord blood and rationale for cord blood banking Bone Marrow Transplantation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Radiation Injury: Critical Care

Radiation Injury Critical Care
Acute radiation syndrome (ARS) is an acute
illness caused by irradiation of the whole body
(or a significant portion of it). In general, the
higher the dose the greater the severity of early
effects and the greater the possibility of late
effects. Depending on dose, the following
syndromes can manifest
  • Skin syndrome, characterized by loss of epidermis
    and possibly dermis, called radiation burns
    can occur with other syndromes.
  • Hematopoietic syndrome, characterized by
    deficiencies of white blood count, lymphocytes
    and platelets, immunodeficiency, increased
    infectious complications, bleeding, anemia, and
    impaired wound healing total body exposure gt 2
    Gy (200 rads).
  • Gastrointestinal syndrome - characterized by loss
    of cells lining intestinal crypts and loss of
    mucosal barrier, with alterations in intestinal
    motility, fluid and electrolyte loss with
    vomiting and diarrhea, loss of normal intestinal
    bacteria, sepsis, and damage to the intestinal
    microcirculation gt10 Gy
  • Cerebrovascular/CNS syndrome - primarily
    associated with effects on the vasculature and
    resultant fluid shifts. Signs include vomiting
    and diarrhea within minutes of exposure,
    confusion, disorientation, cerebral edema,
    hypotension, and hyperpyrexia. Fatal in short
    time gt30 Gy

Acute Radiation Syndrome
Exposure Less Than 2 Gy (200 rad)
  • Nausea and vomiting due to radiation are seldom
    experienced unless exposure is at least 0.75 Gy.
    Patients without symptoms in 24 hours will most
    certainly have had less than 0.75 Gy of
    whole-body exposure. Hospitalization is generally
    unnecessary if exposure is less than 2 Gy
    (200 rads).
  • Management of ARS (dose less than 2 Gy)
  • Observation and frequent CBC with differential.
  • Outpatient management may be appropriate.
  • Provide instructions regarding home care.

Acute Radiation Syndrome Exposure
Greater than 2 Gy (200 rads)
  • Prevention and treatment of infections.
  • Stimulation of hematopoiesis (use of growth
    factors, i.e., GCSF, GMCSF, interleukin 11).
  • Stem cell transfusions cord blood, peripheral
    blood, or bone marrow. Platelet transfusions if
    bleeding occurs or if platelet count too low.
  • Psychological support.
  • Observe carefully for erythema, hair loss, skin
    injury, mucositis, parotitis, weight loss, and/or
  • Consultation with experts in radiation accident
    management is encouraged.

Hematopoietic Syndrome
  • Prodromal phase nausea, vomiting and anorexia
    within a few hours at the higher dose levels,
    lasts 24 to 48 hours
  • Latent Phase lasts a few days to 2-3 weeks
    depending on dose. Exhibits lymphocyte
    depression, and gradual decline of neutrophil and
    platelet counts
  • Bone Marrow Depression Phase Infection and
    hemorrhage can occur when white cell and platelet
    become critically low
  • Depending on exposure, Hematopoietic support can
    become critical within several days to three

Chernobyl A Harsh Lesson
  • At Chernobyl, some victims received bone marrow
    that was HLA matched or partially matched.
    However, donor marrows were difficult to obtain
    in adequate numbers.
  • After exposure to between 2 to 16 Gy, 28 of 34
    service personnel died of acute bone-marrow
    failure, GVHD, or gastro-intestinal infection.
  • Human umbilical cord blood, now considered an
    excellent source of hematopoietic stem cells, was
    not used at Chernobyl.

Bone Marrow Transplantation practical
limitations and clinical hurdles
  • Finding matched donors for numerous casualties on
    short notice
  • Rejection of donor marrow by residual immune
  • Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) transplanted
    cells attack the host
  • Increased risk of infection through

Cord Blood for Hematopoietic Syndrome Benefits
  • Greater genetic diversity and availability
  • Reduced need for HLA-matching
  • Less prone to GVHD, or host rejection
  • Reduced need for immunosuppression
  • Extensive clincial experience (for hematopoietic
    restoration following radiation and/or chemo for
  • Easy to collect, analyze, store, and use

Unique Points
Single units of cord blood engraft more more
slowly than bone marrow from an HLA-matched
bone marrow donor, however
  • Cord bloods speed of engraftment and event-free
    success is directly related to the number of
    transplanted nucleated cells.
  • Pooling unmatched units of cord blood increases
    densities of nucleated blood cells, primitive
    (Berashis) stem cells, CD34, CD117, and GPA
    cells, and increases mitotic activity
  • Without raising risks of rejection, pooling
    unmatched cord blood substancially reduces
    reactivity of CB responder cells to fresh
    allogenic CB stimulator cells, likewise reducing
    CB responder cell reactivity to host stimulator
    cells (GVHD)
  • In addition to offering replacement of
    hematopoietic systems destroyed by radiation,
    cord blood-derived hematopoietic cells co-exist
    with surviving marrow cells, encouraging
    endogenous hematopoietic recovery, while
    providing transitional support

Human evidence suggestive of the previous points
Four patients with advanced solid tumors were
treated by means of high-dose chemotherapy and
HLA-mismatched and unrelated multi-cord blood
transfusion. Of these patients, three achieved
complete remission and one achieved a partial
remission. Little or no graft vs. host disease
(GVHD) was observed. These results suggest the
possibility that HLA-mismatched and unrelated
multi-cord blood transfusion may engraft with
little or no GVHD and hasten recovery from marrow
Shen B.-J. et.al., Blood Cells Volume 20,
Issue 2-3 , 1994, Pages 285-292
Cord Blood Treated Radiation Casualty Japanese
Tokaimura Facility
Although the transplanted cord blood cells
engrafted, the patients bone marrow functions
eventually returned two months later. During this
period, there existed a mixed chimerism between
donor cells and recipient cells.
From Radiation-Accident Preparedness The
Clinical Care of Victims, Fourth International
REAC/TS Conference on the Medical Basis for
Radiation Accident Preparedness, March 2001,
Orlando FL
Cord Blood vs. Bone Marrow
  • 68 adult human study using single units of
    mismatched cord blood compared to HLA-matched
    bone marrow use

Cord Blood Bone Marrow
Engraftement success Acute severe GVHD Chronic
90 92
20 35-55
38 55-75
M. J. Laughlin, M.D., et.al., Hematopoietic
Engraftment and Survival in Adult Recipients of
Umbilical Cord Blood from Unrelated Donors. New
England Journal of Medicine Volume 3441815-1822
June 14, 2001 Number 24
In Conclusion
In the event of large-scale exposure, some
persons are likely to be exposed to a dose of
total-body radiation (approximately 6 to 15 Gy)
that would result in death from bone marrow
failure without other life-threatening
complications. The only effective treatment for
bone marrow failure caused by lethal doses of
radiation is hematopoietic-cell transplantation.

Units of cryopreserved umbilical-cord blood
can be identified in registries and made
available for transplantation within days. When
umbilical-cord blood is used, less stringent HLA
matching is required. A bank of approximately
200,000 units could provide 90 percent of the
population with cord blood matched at four or
five of six HLA loci the type of matches most
commonly used in cord-blood transplantation.
Stephen J. Forman, M.D. Lawrence D. Petz, M.D.
Major Radiation Exposure, Letters
New England Journal of Medicine, Volume
347944-947 September 19, 2002 Number 12
Shortening the turnaround time for
searching donor registries, providing an
umbilical-cordblood bank of appropriate size,
and developing a consortium of transplantation
programs should be part of the plan for
national preparedness for radiological disaster.
Referenced Literature Ricks RC, Berger ME,
OHara FM Jr., Radiation-Accident Preparedness
The Clinical Care of Victims, Fourth
International REAC/TS Conference on the Medical
Basis for Radiation Accident Preparedness, March
2001, Orlando FL Rubinstein, et.al., Outcomes
among 562 Recipients of Placental-Blood
Transplants from unrelated donors. New England
Journal of Medicine, Vol. 339, Nov. 26th, 1998,
no.22 1565-77 Laughlin, et.al., Hematopoietic
Engraftment and survival in adult recipients of
umbilical cord blood from unrelated donors. New
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June 14, 2001 Number 24 Ende, et.al., Potential
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in four cases with advanced solid tumors Initial
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Pages 285-292
Ende et.al., The feasibility of using blood
bank-stored (4C) cord blood, unmatched for HLA
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(1999) 111 6 773-781. Gluckman, Hematopoietic
Stem-Cell Transplants using umbilical-cord blood,
The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 344,
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Murine survival of lethal irradiation with the
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effect of human cord blood on SJL/J mice after
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applications of stem cell transfusion from cord
blood and rationale for cord blood banking Bone
Marrow Transplantation Volume 9, Supplement 1 ,
1992, Pages 114-117 Guidance for Radiation
Accident Management Radiation Emergency
Assistance Center/Training Site REAC/TS
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