Title: Giving Instructions
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3Communicating With Americans
4Economic Times February 5, 2006
5A study at the Stanford University School of
Business tracked a group of MBAs 10 years after
they graduated. The result? Grade point averages
had no bearing on their success -- but their
ability to converse with others did.
6The Communication Process
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8ResourceGreat Customer Service on the Phone
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10Turn Taking
11Confirming Understanding
12Empathy the identification with or vicarious
experiencing of the feelings, thoughts or
attitudes of another. American Heritage Dictionary
13Write 3 sentences that express empathy.
14- Words which express Empathy
- I am sorry to hear that (about that)
- I can imagine that would be hard
- Let me know if I can help
- I bet it would
- Let me know how it goes
- That must be a bit difficult
- I see what you mean
- I understand that must be frustrating
15Mutual Purpose Working toward a common outcome
we care about their goals, interest and
values. Do others believe I care about their
goals in this conversation? To they trust my
motives? Crucial Conversations
16Mutual Respect When people perceive that others
dont respect them, the conversation immediately
becomes unsafe and dialogue comes to a screeching
halt. The instant people perceive disrespect in a
conversation, the interaction is no longer about
the original purpose it is about defending
dignity. Crucial Conversations
17How do you gain the respect of an American?
18- Respect
- Be punctual, meet deadlines, take initiative,
show appreciation - Good knowledge of work, clear and concise,
- Show commitment, giving respect is receiving
respect - Greeting them appropriately, respecting their
time - Be direct, motivation, good work, be
responsible, be polite
19Communication Factors Face-to-Face
Communication 55 nonverbal communication 38
voice quality 7 words used
Body Language
20Telephone Communication 82 vocal quality 18
words used Â
Rate, tone, inflection pitch, volume and
clarity of voice
Words 18
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22Effective Communication on the phone Effective
phone communication seems to be to the point, but
polite. It also includes asking for
clarification and acknowledging understanding
more than if you were having a face-to-face
conversation. You have to be more sensitive to
the way your message may be interpreted or
misinterpreted by your customer.
23Source Message Receptor Model of Communication
24How much do you know about American
Culture? Culture Puzzle Quiz
25Some Cultures are considered High Context and
Others Low Context
High Context Directions The place where you need
to go is across the river, just past the old oak
tree, in the house where the miller used to live.
- Low Context Directions
- Take Route 7 north
- Just past the river turn left on Eighth
Street (there will be a large oak tree on your
right. - 1234 Eighth Street is the third house on the
left (there is a sign with a wheat stalk in the
Source Global Call Centers
26The listener rarely makes the same assumptions as
the speaker. This means that when someone is told
something, he or she will interpret the message
based on personal experiences. Communicating has
to be an interactive process so that the speaker
and the listener can understand each other.
27How Does Culture Affect Communication?
28Words Have Meaning Sometimes A Different Meaning
29- Scheme
- Hotel
- Peon
- Specs
- Ragging
- Rubber
- Flat
- Ground Floor
- Homely
- Shifting
- Make a move
- Standard \ Class
- The boy
- Bill
- Mobile
- Torch
- To fire someone
- I have a doubt
30Four Purposes of Communication Adapted from Dr.
Lyman Steil
Small Talk
31How Does Culture Affect Communication?
- Understanding of politeness in speaking
- What is considered interrupting
- Jokes often contain assumed knowledge
- When to use formal/informal speech
- How long should a conversation last
- Who can ask questions of whom
- Acceptable topics of conversation
- How, when, to whom can one express feelings
- Dropping of hints, subtleties
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