XI Krajowa Szkola Nadprzewodnictwa Zjawiska kolektywne i ich wsp - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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XI Krajowa Szkola Nadprzewodnictwa Zjawiska kolektywne i ich wsp


... (01 Mar 2001) Superconductivity in the non-magnetic state of iron under ... Plutonium-based superconductivity ... Family of wet superconductors: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: XI Krajowa Szkola Nadprzewodnictwa Zjawiska kolektywne i ich wsp

XI Krajowa Szkola NadprzewodnictwaZjawiska
kolektywne i ich wspólzawodnictwoKazimierz
Dolny, 25-29 wrzesnia 2005 r.organizowana w
ramachKrajowej Sieci NaukowejSilnie skorelowane
fermiony od nadprzewodnictwa do kolosalnego
magnetooporu Koordynator sieci prof. dr hab.
Henryk SzymczakFinansowanie KBN Ministerstwo
Nauki i Informatyzacji

(No Transcript)
XI Krajowa Szkola Nadprzewodnictwa Zjawiska
kolektywne i ich wspólzawodnictwo

Kazimierz Dolny, 25-29 wrzesnia 2005 r.
Nadprzewodnictwo jak sie ma w XXI wieku ?
Karol Izydor WysokinskiUniwersytet Marii Curie
Sklodowskiej (karol_at_tytan.umcs.lublin.pl)
  • Nowe materialy z nadprzewodzacym stanem
  • Nowe idee teoretyczne

Brand new electron doped cuprates
Solid State Comm. 133, 427 (2005) New class of
T-structure cuprate superconductors A. Tsukada,
Y. Krockenberger, M. Noda, H. Yamamoto, D.
Manske, L. Alff, M. Naito
Non-oxide but perovskite
Nature 411, 54 (2001) Superconductivity in the
non-oxide Perovskite MgCNi3 T. He, Q. Huang, A.P.
Ramirez, Y. Wang, K.A. Regan, N. Rogado, M.A.
Hayward, M. K. Haas, J.S. Slusky, K. Inumaru,
H.W. Zandbergen, N.P. Ong, and R.J. Cava Here we
report the observation of super-conductivity at 8
K in the perovskite structure intermetallic
compound MgCNi3, linking what appear at first
sight to be mutually exclusive classes
of superconducting materials. (Tc 7-8 K)
Recall MgB2 Nagamatsu, J., Nakagawa, N.,
Murakana, Y.Z. and Akimitsu, J., Nature 410
63-64 (2001)
Family of wet superconductors NaxCoO2 yH2O
Nature (London) 422, 53 (2003) K. Takada, H.
Sakurai, E. Takayama-Muromachi, F. Izumi, R. A.
Dilanian and T.Sasaki, (Tclt5 K)
10 J. C. Ho, N. E. Phillips and T. F. Smith,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 1966, 17, 694. 11 B. T.
Matthias et al., Science, 1966, 151, 985. 12 B.
B. Goodman et al., in Proc. VII Int. Conf. on Low
Temp. Phys., eds., G. M. Graham and A. C. Hollis
Hallet, Univ. Toronto Press, Toronto, 1961, p.
350. 13 B. S. Chandraesekar and J. K. Hulm, Jr.,
J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 1958, 7, 259. 14 H. H.
Hill and B. T. Matthias, Phys. Rev., 1968, 168,
464. 15 G. R. Stewart, Z. Fisk, J. O. Willis and
J. L. Smith, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1984, 52, 679. 16
H. R. Ott, F. Hulliger, H. Rudiger and Z. Fisk,
Phys. Rev. B, 1985, 31, 1329. 17 H. R. Ott, H.
Rudiger, Z. Fisk and J. L. Smith, Phys. Rev.
Lett., 1983, 50, 1595. 18 M. B. Maple, M. S.
Torikachvili, C. Rossel, J. W. Chen, Physica,
1985, 135B, 430. 19 Y. Onuki et al., J. Phys.
Soc. Jpn., 1989, 58, 795 P. Boulet et al., J.
Alloys Compnds., 1997, 262-263, 229. 20 B. T.
Matthias, C. W. Chu, E. Corenzwit and D.
Wohlleben, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1969, 64,
459. 21 W. Schlabitz et al., Z. Phys. B, 1986,
62, 177. 22 S. S. Saxena et al., Nature, 2000,
406, 587. 23 T. Akazawa et al., J. Phys. Condens.
Mat., 2004, 16, L29. 24 C. Geibel et al., Z.
Phys. B, 1991, 84, 1. 25 C. Geibel et al., Z.
Phys. B, 1991, 83, 305. 26 D. Aoki et al., Nature
2001, 413, 613. 27 J. L. Sarrao et al., Nature,
2002, 420, 297. 28 F. Wastin et al., J. Phys.
Condens. Mat., 2003,15, S2279. 29 J. L. Smith and
R. G. Haire, Science, 1978, 200, 535.
Non-Centro symmetric superconductors CePt3Si
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, (2004) E. Bauer, G.
Hilscher, H. Michor Ch. Paul, E.W. Scheidt, A.
Gribanov, Yu. Seropegin, H. Noe M. Sigrist, and
P. Rogl CePt3Si exhibits antiferro- magnetic
order at TN 2,2 K and enters into a heavy
fermion superconducting state at Tc 0.75 K.
CePt3Si is the first heavy fermion
superconductor without a center of
symmetry. State dk xky -ykx (irreducible
representation A2u of D4h) is a possible pairing
Also UIr (under pressure) Tc0.1K T. Akazawa et
al.. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn (2004)
Heavy Fermion Superconductors
Supercond. Tc K Hc2 T ? A ? A sc Order par. Note
CePt3Si (a) 0.75 3-5 100 AFM sp Non-centro-symm. (no inversion symm.)
CeNiGe3 (b) 0.1 AFM pressure
UIr (c) 0.1 0.028 1100 FM No-inversion, pressure
CeCoIn5 (d) CeRhIn5 (d) 2.3 0.4 5 d (lines)
Ce6Yb (e) 6.5
C6Ca (e) 11.5
Fe (f) 2 pressure 20 GPa
Li (g) 20 pressure

PuCoGa5 (i) 18.5 2500 d-wave, singlet
  1. E. Bauer et al. PRL 92 027003 (2004)
  2. M. Nakashima et al. J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 16
  3. Akazawa et al. J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 73 3129
  4. C. Petrovic et al. (2001)
  • (f) K. Shimizu et al. Nature 412, 316-318 (2001)
  • (g) K. Shimizu et al. Nature 419, 597-599 (2002)
  • (h)
  • M. Ellesby SCES05, Abstr. Fr-NSC-4 p. 189
  • J. L. Sarrao et al. Nature 420, 297-299 (2002)

  • Elements and simple compounds

Superconductivity at 39 K in magnesium diboride
Jun Nagamatsu, Norimasa Nakagawa, Takahiro
Muranaka, Yuji Zenitani, Jun Akimitsu Nature
410, 63-64 (01 Mar 2001) Superconductivity in
the non-magnetic state of iron under pressure
Katsuya Shimizu et al.. Nature 412, 316-318 (19
Jul 2001) Superconductivity in compressed
lithium at 20 K Katsuya Shimizu et al.. Nature
419, 597-599 (10 Oct 2002) (Superconductivity
in oxygen K. Shimizu, Nature 393, 767-769 (25 Jun
PuCoGa5 (Tc18.5 K ) and Heavy Fermion
Nature 420, 297 - 299 (21 November
2002) Plutonium-based superconductivity with a
transition temperature above 18 K J. L. SARRAO,
Europhys. Lett. 53 (2001) 354 A New
Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CeIrIn5 Relative of
the Cuprates? C. Petrovic et al. The layered
crystal structure of CeIrIn5 suggests a
possible analogy to the cuprates in which
spin/charge pair correlations develop well above
Tc. (Tc0.4K)
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 13 (2001)
L337 Heavy-fermion superconductivity in CeCoIn5
at 2.3K C. Petrovic et al..
Ag5Pb2O6 type I dirty superconductor
S. Yonezawa, and Y. Maeno cond-mat/0509018, 1 Sep
2005 These observations reveal that Ag5Pb2O6 is
probably the first oxide that shows type-I
super-conductivity. Evaluation of the
superconducting parameters not only gives
conf-irming evidence of type-I
super-conductivity,but also indicates that it is
a dirty-limit superconductor.
Pyrochlore Superconductors Cd2Re2O7
PHYS. REV. LET. 87, 187001 (2001) Superconductivi
ty at 1 K in Cd2Re2O7 M. Hanawa, Y. Muraoka, T.
Tayama, T. Sakakibara, J. Yamaura, and Z. Hiroi
New Pyrochlore Oxide Superconductor
RbOs2O6 Resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and
specific heat measurements on polycrystalline
samples evidence a bulk superconductivity with Tc
6.3 K. S. Yonezawa, Y. Muraoka, Y. Matsushita,
Z. Hiroi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 73 (2004) 819
New beta-Pyrochlore Oxide Super-conductor
CsOs2O6 S. Yonezawa, Y. Muraoka, Z.
Hiroi cond-mat/0404220
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 73 (2004) 1651-1654
Unprecedented Superconductivity in the
beta-Pyrochlore Osmate KOs2O6 S. Yonezawa, Y.
Muraoka, Z. Hiroi
Carbon, carbon, carbon,
  • Intercalated graphite0.5K few K
  • Boron-doped diamond 5K
  • Hot superconductivity in multi-walled carbon
  • Magnetic evidence for hot
    superconductivity in multi-walled carbon
  • Guo-meng Zhao and Pieder Beeli
    cond-mat/0509018 v1 (1 Sep 2005)
  • Our extensive magnetic data consistently
    show two superconducting transitions, one at
    temperatures between 550 K and 720 K, and another
    at about
  • 1200 K.
  • True or not?

In the world of ideas
  • Gossamer superconductivity (Laughlin, )
  • Nano-phase separation (Dagotto, Markiewicz,
    Wróbel, )
  • Order Parameter Fluctuations (Emery, Micnas,
    Robaszkiewicz, Kopec, Domanski, )
  • Nanograins (Altshuler, Kresin, Spalek, )
  • Quantum Critical Point (Sachdev, Rosch, Kopec, )
  • Magnetic Fluctuation
  • Hunds rule coupling (Spalek, )
  • Numerical approach (Scalettar, Maska,
    Mierzejewski, Litak )
  • Breached pair superconductivity (Wilczek, )
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