Title: An overview of the On-Farm Food Safety Recognition Program
1Version 3.004July06
Federal - Provincial -TerritorialCanadian
Approach to Food Safety in the Food Continuum
On Farm Food Safety Recognition Section Canadian
Food Inspection Agency C. Warren Smandych,
National Coordinator
2The Food Safety Issue
- Rising consumer expectations
- 2,000,000 annual cases of foodborne illness in
Canada - Cost 1 billion
- New threats to food safety
- New barriers to international trade
3Whats being done?
- National food safety systems throughout the
agri-food continuum - From field to fork or gate to plate
- Governments and industry working together to meet
shared goals
4The Canadian Approach
- AAFC develops Food Safety Enhancement Program for
Registered Establishments - Trains CFIA staff across the country in
implementation and audit - Creates National team to develop Mandatory FSEP
- Continues to implement and recognize FSEP in
Registered Establishments
5The Canadian Approach
- Fisheries and Oceans develops Quality Management
Program (QMP) - Mandatory in all processing plants shipping to
the USA - All Registered Establishments must operate under
6The Canadian Approach
- OFFS programs in development since 1990s
- COFFS Program (1997) - producer-led,
industry/government partnership - Funding (APF) through Food Safety and Quality
Division (AAFC) - Currently 19 commodity-specific OFFS programs in
various stages of development
7Government Recognition
- June 2001 - CFIA identified to lead recognition
process - Provincial and territorial participation
- OFFS programs voluntarily developed by Canadas
national producer organizations (NPOs)
8Whats involved?
- Multi-party examination and assessment of four
component systems - Review teams include federal, provincial and
territorial specialists - Three-stage process
- Receipt of Letter of Recognition
- Post-recognition ongoing monitoring
9What is being examined?
1 Technically sound and adheres to HACCP
2 Complies with federal, provincial,
territorial regulatory requirements
- 3 Management and delivery is effectively
documented, maintained and improved
10Three-Stage Process
Stage 1 Technical Review (Part 1 2)(CFIA-led
with P/T participation)
Stage 2 Implementation Third-Party
Audit (Led by national producer organization)
Stage 3 Implementation Assessment (CFIA-led
with P/T participation)
11Hazard Analysis
Identification and description of dangerous agent
12HACCP Documentation
13HACCP Documentation
14OFFS Program Management System
1. General Management Component - overall,
ongoing system maintenance
2. Technical Component - On-Farm Food Safety
Program documentation
3. Conformance Component - to assess producer
4. Auditor-Training Component - delivery of
auditor training courses
15Recognition Process Flow Chart
NPOS develops generic HACCP model producer
NPO requests technical review HACCP model
producer manual
PART ONE Review of HACCP-based documentation ?
Letter of Completion issued
Stage OneTechnicalReview
NPO develops management system associated
PART TWO Review (gap analysis) of management
system and associated documentation ? Letter(s)
of Non-Objection issued
16Recognition Process Flow Chart (cont.)
Implementation of the management system
Stage TwoImplementation Third-Party Audit
Third-party audit of the NPOs system
Stage ThreeImplementation Assessment
Implementation assessment by government
Governmental recognition ? Letter of Recognition
Post-recognition Ongoing Assessments
17Progress Report
- 19 - NPOs to submit OFFS programs for recognition
- 14 - formal requests for recognition
- 12 - OFFS programs presently in (or preparing
for) technical review part one - 10 - OFFS programs have completed technical
review part one
18Progress Report
Stage One Part One complete for
- Chicken Farmers of Canada (July 02)
- Dairy Farmers of Canada (Dec. 03)
- Canadian Egg Marketing Agency (Feb. 04)
- Canadian Pork Council (July 04)
19Progress Report
Stage One Part One complete for
- Canadian Cattlemens Association (Nov 04)
- Canadian Broiler Hatching Egg Marketing Agency
(Nov 04) - Animal Nutrition Association of Canada (04)
- Canadian Sheep Federation (July 05)
20Stage One Part One complete for
Progress Report
- Canadian Grains Council (April 06)
- Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency (May 06)
21Progress Report
Stage One ongoing for
- Canadian Horticulture Council (potato)
- Canadian Bison Association
22Progress Report for Management System
- Dairy Farmers of Canada participated in the first
Management System Pilot - 7 week process
- Face to Face completed January 06
- Letter of Non-Objection issued to DFC
- Chicken Farmers of Canada participated in 2nd
Management System pilot - Letter of Non-Objection issued to CFC July 06
23Progress Report for Management System
- CFIA conducted Management review of the
Technical Review process for Part 2 in June 06 - Proposed Amendments and will be forwarded to
FPTAFIC sub-committee for review - Finalizing training material for NPOs and P/T
personnel - Continue to accept submissions for Technical
Review Parts 12
- CFIA presently developing requirements for 3rd
party audit for On Farm programs - CFIA involved in conducting a Needs Assessment
for the development for a Post Farm food safety
program - Information gathering only