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So do opioid medications in the ... Most primary care MDs can treat most patients with ... family notified of decline and asks for comfort care at home with hospice. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Jack McNulty,MD, FACP, FAAHPM
  • President, Palliative Care Institute of Southeast
  • 985-373-1690 fax 985 892-7891

(No Transcript)
  • Overcome the barriers to treating pain well
  • Think of chronic pain as a disease
  • Realize that pain is undertreated in the USA
  • Know safe and effective Rx for pain
  • Learn how to prescribe methadone or levorphanol
    for nerve or complex pain

  • Chronic pain persistent (weeks, months, yrs)
  • present at least 12 hr daily
  • intensity at least 5 on a 0-10 scale
  • Nociceptive Pain somatic or skeleto-muscular
    visceral pain
  • Neuropathic Pain pain from CNS or peripheral
    nerve injury, difficult to relieve
  • Complex Chronic Pain a mix of pain types, common
    in cancer, in postop. conditions, and in trauma

Barriers to Treating Chronic Pain
  • Education
  • Experience
  • Fear of Regulators
  • Fear of Addicting Patients
  • Fear of Opioid use in the Dying

Education, Experience, and Regulators
  • Doctors and nurses in the past were given little
    education and training about pain, and
    consequently are uncomfortable in prescribing
    opioids for treating pain, especially chronic
  • Changing attitudes and accepting advances in pain
    Rx may be difficult for many doctors and nurses.
  • Fear of DEA, regulatory boards is excessive

Fear of Addiction
  • The risk of addiction is over-stated.
  • The vast majority of patients with chronic pain
    are not addicts.
  • The risk of becoming addicted is estimated at
    1-3 in the general pain population when there is
    no history of prior substance-abuse.
  • 80 of addicts have inherited a genetic brain
    disorder, which is a life-long problem.
  • Normal pain patients follow the rules.
  • Addicts bend and break the rules.

  • The problem in addiction and with substance
    abusers is not with the opioid, alcohol,etc .It
    lies within the abusers Brain.
  • The reward center in the brain of addicts is not
    supplied with enough dopamine to enable addicts
    to feel pleasure as normal persons do.

  • The addict seeks an activity or substance which
    boosts dopamine action at the reward center in
    the brain, which makes him feel good ( normal
    or better than normal).
  • After the boost subsides, the addicts craves that
    dopamine high compulsively, even though the
    activity or substance may be damaging to him.

Opioids and Respiratory Depression
  • Patients receiving opioids for chronic pain and
    dyspnea tolerate large opioid doses without
    serious respiratory depression, when titrated
  • In contrast, opioid-naïve patients should be
    closely observed when they receive opioids, as
    their respiratory center has not yet developed
    tolerance to opioids.

Overcome the Fear of Using Opioids in the Dying
  • Serious resp. depression is rare in patients
    being treated for chronic pain. If oversedation
    does occurs, sleepiness occurs first. Observe
    closely, and if stable, hold opioid until awake,
    then resume at a lower dose and/or dosing
    interval, or change the opioid.
  • Evidence-based studies indicate that judicious
    opioid use in the dying does NOT hasten death,
    but allows them to live in comfort until they
  • The benefits of opioids greatly out-weigh risks.

Morphine Approved for Chronic Refractory Dyspnea
  • The American Thoracic Society and the American
    College of Physicians approve the use of morphine
    and other opioids for managing chronic refractory
  • The Longitudinal Pattern of Response When
    Morphine is Used to Treat Chronic Refractory
    Dyspnea Currow D, et al J. Pall. Med 2013
    16(8) 881-886
  • American College of Physicians consensus
    statement on the management of dyspnea in
    patients with advanced lung or heart disease
    Mahler DA et al Chest 2010137674-691
  • American Thoracic Society Committee on Dyspnea
    Update on the mechaniams, assessment, and
    management of dyspnea Parshall MB, et al Am J
    Respir Crit Care Med 2012185435-452

How to Manage Pain in Seriously Ill Patients
Who Might Die
  • Difference between Acute and Chronic Pain
  • Assessing Chronic Pain
  • Treatment of Chronic Complex Pain
  • Specific Opioids
  • Workshop on Equianalgesic Opioid conversion

Acute Pain
  • Pathway for transmission of acute pain in spinal
    cord and CNS is conventional.
  • Duration of acute pain is short.
  • Endorphins and enkephalins are released by CNS to
    block pain perception by activating mu and kappa
    receptors in the dorsal horn of the spinal
    cord.All of the opioids are effective to relieve
    acute pain in this way.

Changing from Acute Painto Chronic Pain
  • Acute pain causes release of the neurotransmitter
    glutamate in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.
  • Glutamate binds to AMPA receptors in cells of the
    dorsal horn, which triggers pain signals to the
  • When AMPA receptors are saturated by excess
    glutamate, normally inactive N-methyl-D-aspartate
    (NMDA) receptors in the spinal cord become
    activated by the excess glutamate.
  • This begins the change from acute to chronic pain

Acute and Chronic PainBrookoff,D1) Chronic
Pain A New Disease? Hosp Pract 35(6)
Minneapolis,MN 45-59
Consequences of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor
  • Windup
  • Neural Remodeling
  • Activation of Neurokinin-1 Receptors
  • Afferent becomes Efferent
  • Neurogenic Inflammation

  • Less glutamate is required to transmit pain
  • More anti-nociceptive input required to stop it
  • Endorphins cannot keep up with demand
  • Pain relievers lose their effectiveness
  • Result More intense pain, harder to relieve

Neural Remodeling
  • Activation of NMDA receptors cause neural cells
    to sprout new connective endings
  • adds new dimensions to old sensations
  • emotional component of pain can increase
  • new connections channel signals to the reticular
    activating system of the brain
  • RESULT Diffuse, hard to localize pain

Activation of NK-1 Receptors
  • NMDA receptor activation causes nociceptors to
    release the peptide neurotransmitter Substance P
  • Substance P binds to Neurokinin-1 receptors
  • This amplifies the pain signal
  • Stimulates nerve growth and regeneration

Substance P
  • Induces production of the c-fos oncogene
  • the biochemical footprint for chronic pain
  • marker for central hyper-sensitization
  • C-fos
  • levels go higher up the spinal cord with
    persistence of pain
  • reaches the thalamuspain is untreatable
  • Pain is no longer confined to the original site
    in some patients
  • Detected in fibromyalgia in lab studies

Afferent becomes Efferent
  • NMDA receptor activation causes some afferent
    neurons to carry signals backwards to
    nociceptors, which can establish a dorsal root
    pathological reflex
  • Substance P is released at the periphery causing
    inflammation and promotes the cyclic nature of
    chronic pain

Neurogenic Inflammation
  • A tissue reaction caused by Substance P and nerve
    growth factor, affecting synovia and other
    connective tissue.
  • Doesnt depend on granulocytes or lymphocytes
  • Substance P causes de-granulation of mast cells,
    releases bradykinin, nitric acid.

Neuropathic Pain
  • Damage to sensory nerves
  • can cause neuropathic pain syndromes
  • insensitive to anti-nociceptive suppression by
    conventional opioids.
  • After tissue injury
  • A Fibers- large myelinated nerves that carry
    touch sprout new terminal branches
  • These synapse with pain-sensing cells in the
    OUTER dorsal horn which lack opioid receptors,
    thus endogenous and exogenous opioids are
  • examples of pain poorly responsive to opioids are
    phantom limb and diabetic neuropathy

Assessing Chronic Pain
  • Detailed description of pain ( from patient,
    caregiver, staff ) is it somatic, visceral,
    neuropathic, or mixed? Location? Intensity?
  • What makes it better or worse
  • Effect on emotional, social status
  • How much impairment of function?
  • Review diagnostic and lab data
  • Reassess often to adjust treatment

Pain near the End-of-Life
  • Chronic pain more complex and difficult to
    treat than acute pain
  • Somatic and Visceral pain (Nociceptive ) usually
    opioids and adjuvants are effective
  • Neuropathic pain NMDA-receptor blocking opioids
    ( levorphanol, methadone) or ketamine work best.
    Adjuvants are helpful, often over-rated.

Treating Pain with Opioids
  • Use the World Health Organization
  • 3-step analgesic ladder
  • Step 1 Mild analgesics APAP, NSAIDs
  • Step 2 Moderate analgesics Codeine,
    Tramadol Hydrocodone/APAP, Oxycodone/APAP
  • Step 3 Strong Opioids

WHO 3-stepLadder
3 severe
Morphine Hydromorphone Methadone Levorphanol Fenta
nyl Oxycodone Adjuvants
2 moderate
A/Codeine A/Hydrocodone A/Oxycodone A/Dihydrocodei
ne Tramadol Adjuvants
1 mild
ASA Acetaminophen NSAIDs Adjuvants
  • Usual 1st. choice for moderate, severe pain.
    Begin low, 15mg q 3-4 hr. Titrate, reassess
  • No ceiling amount as long as tolerated.
  • Resp. depression rare in chronic pain patients.
  • High doses metabolites cause nausea,
  • dysphoria, muscle jerks, seizures.

Dilaudid- hydromorphone
  • Beginning dose 2-4 mg q 3-4 hr. Very effective,
    similar to MS.
  • Less nausea. No ceiling. Often used orally for
    breakthrough pain and i.v.
  • No sustained-release form.
  • 2 mg 8 mg MS
  • Toxicity similar to morphine

  • Starting oral dose 5-10 mg q 3-4 hr. Very
  • Less nausea, less troublesome metabolites. With
    ASA and APAP (Percodan, Percocet), ceiling is
  • Expensive sustained-release form (Oxycontin), no
    ceiling. Watch for illegal diversion. Oxycontin
    10,20,40,80 mg.
  • Liquid concentrate 20mg/ml is useful
    sublingually or buccally in the dying, similar to
    MS oral concentrate (Roxanol).

Duragesic (Fentanyl)
  • Duragesic patch use care in opioid- naïve
    patient, only after pain controlled by
    short-acting opioid. One patch used for 72 hr.
  • Fever increases absorption. Avoid placing patch
    on areas without subcut. fat.
  • 10-12 hr delay in onset and offset due to skin
    fat reservoir absorption.
  • Early tolerance may limit use in severe pain

  • Methadone, a synthetic opioid developed in 1940
    has been used worldwide for pain relief. The
    development of sustained-action morphine,
    oxycodone, and fentanyl in the 80s, relegated
    methadone to use mainly in substance-abuse until
    recently. Used for neuropathic and complex pain,
    it is now easy and safe to convert from morphine
    and other opioids to methadone.

  • The forgotten opioid, an excellent drug,
    Levorphanol, like Methadone, was no longer
    marketed after 1990. It is available now in 2mg
    tablet ( Rorer). Evidence-based study in 2003
    effective in relief of neuropathic pain.
  • Personal experience and published case studies
    confirm its value (JPM, 2007, 2009)

  • NMDA-receptor blocker and mu-opioid agonist.
    Long half-life dose 6,8,or 12 hr
  • 2 mg tablet equal to 8-15 mg morphine p.o
  • Excellent alternative to methadone no stigma no
    effect on QTc no effect on cytochrome P450
  • Easiest drug to convert to and from methadone.

Short-acting Opioids to Begin Rx or for
Breakthrough Pain q 3-4hr
  • Hydrocodone/ APAP oral tabs and liquid 5-10 mg
    po q 4 hr around-the-clock
  • Oxycodone/APAP or Oxycodone oral liq.or tabs 5-10
    mg q 4hr ATC
  • Hydromorphone oral tabs,liquidiv suppos. 2-4
    mg q 3-4 hr ATC
  • Morphine oral tabs,15mg, and oral conc. solution
    20mg/ml iv or s.q. rectal suppos. Oral conc.
    most useful at EOL, buccally or subling. 5-10 mg
    q 2-4 hr prn.

Long-acting Opioid Preparations
  • Morphine sustained- release (q 8-12 hr)
    (MsContin)24hr(Avinza)12-24 hr (Kadian)
  • Oxycodone sustained- release (q 8-12 hr)
    (Oxycontin and generic) Oxymorphone (
  • Fentanyl transdermal patch (q 72 hr )
    (Duragesic and generic)
  • Methadone ( q 6-12 hr )
  • Levorphanol ( q 6-8 hr )

Adjuvants for Neuropathic Pain
  • Gabapentin, Lyrica, Valproic Acid, Lamotrigine,
  • Amytryptiline Imipramine
    Nortryptiline Desipramine
  • OTHERS Duloxetine ( Cymbalta )
  • Lidocaine

Adjuvants for Nociceptive Pain
  • Tricyclic Antidepressants (desipramine or
    nortryptiline preferred)
  • Corticosteroids ( dexamethasone preferred)
  • Metoclopramide (for visceral pain)

  • Palliative Care Institute of Southeast Louisiana
  • 752 N. Columbia St., Covington, LA 70433
  • John P. Jack McNulty, MD, FACP,FAAHPM
  • 985-373-1690
  • George Muller, R.Ph, Consultant,
    Compounding Pharmacist

Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain- General
  • Use WHO pain ladder to select analgesic
  • Around-the-clock, q. 3-4 hr. ( not 4-6 hr)
  • Assess frequently, adjust dose to relieve pain
  • When pain controlled,add up total opioid taken q.
    24hr. Select long-acting opioid q. 12 hr.
  • Use short-acting opioid for breakthrough pain
  • Use one short- and one long-acting
  • Reassess to titrate dose q 1-2 days until stable.

How to Convert From One Opioid to a Different
  • Add up all the opioids currently prescribed in
    the previous 24 hrs.
  • Use the equi-analgesic tables to convert all
    opioids to their oral morphine equivalent in the
    previous 24 hrs.
  • Choose a new opioid, and use the tables to
    calculate the 24hr dose of that opioid
  • Use a long-acting, and a short-acting version
    (if available), dosed appropriately for that

Equianalgesic Doses if Morphine 10 mg p.o.
  • Hydromorphone 2 mg- 2.5 mg ( I use 2.5 mg)
  • Oxycodone 5-10 mg ( I use 10 mg)
  • Hydrocodone 15 mg
  • Codeine 60 mg
  • Ultram(tramadol) 50 mg
  • Demerol(merperidine) 50 mg
  • Fentanyl(duragesic) see slide 44
  • Levorphanol see slide 45
  • Methadone see slide 46

Fentanyl converting to and from Morphine
  • 12 mcg/hr Transderm patch 25 mg
  • oral Morphine per 24
  • 25 mcg/hr Transderm.patch 50 mg
  • oral Morphine per 24
  • 50 mcg/hr Transderm.patch 100 mg
  • oral Morphine per 24 hr.
  • 75 mcg/hr Transderm.patch 150 mg
  • oral Morphine per 24 hr.
  • 100 mcg/hr Transderm.patch 200 mg
  • oral Morphine per 24 hr.

to oral LEVORPHANOLMorphine (MS)/24 h to
Levorphanol (LEV)/24 h
  • MS lt 100 mg 121 (12 mg MS1 mg LEV)
  • MS 101-300 mg 151 (15 mg MS1 mg LEV )
  • MS 301-600 mg 201 (20 mg MS 1 mg LEV )
  • MS 601-800 mg 251 (25 mg MS 1 mg LEV )
  • MS 801-1000 mg No data
  • MS gt 1000 mg No data

MD Anderson Ratios to Convert Oral Morphine to
Oral Methadone
  • Morphine Equivalent Daily Dose (oral)
  • lt30mg ratio MS to Methadone 21
  • 30-99
  • 100-299
  • 300-499
  • 500-999
  • gt1000

1 Hydrocodone converted to Morphine
  • 15 mg hydrocodone 10 mg oral morphine
  • Patient taking 15 mg hydrocodone q 4 hr atc
    equals 90 mg/24hr.
  • 90 mg hydrocodone 60mg morphine/24hr, or 10 mg
    morphine orally q 4hr ATC, and titrate up if

2a Convert Vicodin and Percocet to Fentanyl Patch
  • 60 yr male with chronic back pain not helped by
    Vicodin 10mg every 4 hr. and by Percocet 10mg 6
    times daily
  • Convert first to morphine equivalent/24hr
  • From chart60mg hydrocodone 40mg MS
    Oxycocone 60mg 60mg MS
  • MS equivalent 100 mg/ 24hr.
  • Convert to Fentanyl next slide

2b) Convert Morphine (oral) to Fentanyl patch
  • Patient is receiving 100 mg oral morphine
    equivalent poor relief from pain
  • Use the conversion chart for morphine to
  • 100 mg oral morphine 50 mcg/h patch applied
    every 72 hr. Onset and offset of effect of
    fentanyl is about 10-12 hours.

3a Convert Oral morphine to i.v.Dilaudid
  • Oral morphine dose is 360 mg in 24 hr.
  • Convert first to oral dilaudid 1 mg dilaudid 4
    mg oral morphine divide 360 by 4 90 mg oral
  • 1 mg i.v. dilaudid 5 mg oral dilaudid
  • Divide 90 mg oral dilaudid by 5 16 mg i.v.
    dilaudid in 24 hr.
  • Quick way Divide Morphine by 20 16 mg

3b Convert iv Dilaudid back to Morphine oral
  • Dilaudid iv dose in 24 hr 16 mg
  • Convert from iv dilaudid to oral dilaudid 1
    mg iv 5 mg oral dilaudid 16x5 90 mg
  • Convert oral dilaudid to oral morphine 1mg oral
    dilaudid 4 mg oral morphine
  • 90 mg oral dilaudid 90 x 4 360 mg oral
    morphine/24 hr.

4aChronic Neuropathic Pain
  • Attorney, age 46 ulnar neuropathy due to
    ischemia during long coronary bypass. Pain
    lancinating and burning, score 5-7, left forearm
    and hand, with interosseus atrophy.
  • No relief with gabapentin, hydrocodone,
    oxycodone. Unable to work effectively.
  • Convert to Levorphanol from 48 mg MS
    equivalent/24 hr

4b Convert to Levorphanol
  • From conversion chart, the ratio of morphine to
    levorphanol 121 in this case.
  • 48 mg MS divided by 12 4 mg Lev./ 24 hr
  • Patient declined dose 1mg tid allowed bid.
  • After day 1, lancinating pain stopped, but
    burning persisted. 2 mg q 12 hr relieved his pain

Prescribing Very-Low Dose Methadone
  • New evidence very-low methadone 2.5 mg morning
    and night blocks the NMDA receptor effectively,
    suggesting that the more controversial higher
    doses of methadone can be avoided by using other
    strong mu agonist opioids ( morphine, etc) as
    needed to control chronic pain. Haloperidol was
    effective adjuvant in small dose.
  • J Pall Med2013,16 ( June)

Levorphanol or Methadone?
  • Levorphanol advantages No stigma, no ECG
    prolongation of QTc, predictable half-life, very
    few drug interactions. No bad press and drug
    industry misinformation.
  • NMDA-receptor blocker like methadone mu and
    kappa agonist like morphine, oxycodone,
    hydromorphone. Forgotten!

5a Unrelieved back, chest, abdominal pain in
cancer patient
  • Current opioids prescribed in past 24 hours
  • Fentanyl patch 50 mcg/hr q 72 hr
  • Dilaudid 1mg iv x 4 doses 4 mg iv.
  • CONVERT to 24hr oral morphine equivalent
  • Fentanyl 50mcg/hr 100mg oral MS/24h
  • Dilaudid 4 mg x4 x5 80 mg oral MS/24h
  • CONVERT to Oxycodone from 180mg MS

5b Converting Morphine- equivalent. to Oxycodone
  • From chart,1mg oxycodone1mg morphine
  • Patient 180 mg Morphine equiv./ 24hr
  • Patient converts to 180mg Oxycodone/24 hr
  • Dose Oxycodone ER 90 mg p.o. q 12 hr use Oxy
    IR 5 mg q 4 hr prn breakthrough.

5c Convert same patient to Methadone
  • Patient was receiving
  • Fentanyl patch 50mcg/72 hr
  • Dilaudid 1 mg iv x 4 doses 4 mg iv
  • Convert to oral morphine equivalent/ 24 hr
  • Fentanyl 50mcg 100 mg oral MS/ 24 hr
  • Dilaudid 4 mg iv x 4 x 5 80 mg MS/ 24hr
  • Convert Methadone from 180 mg MS/24hr

5d Convert Morphine oral equivalent to Methadone
  • From the conversion table to and from morphine to
    methadone, the ratio of MS to methadone in this
    case is 81.
  • 180 mg oral MS/ 24 hr divided by 8 22.5 mg oral
    methadone in 24 hr.
  • Dose Methadone 7.5 mg orally q 8 hr use oral
    dilaudid 2mg q 3-4 hr prn breakthrough pain or
    use 2.5 mg methadone q 4 hr prn.

6a Severe Neuropathic Pain Converted to Methadone
  • Female, age73, has severe neuropathic pain due to
    cancer of tongue. She receives, via PEG, 170 mg
    morphine oral concentrate every 3 hr. Oral
    morphine equivalent/24 was 170 mg x 8 doses
    1,360 mg. Surprisingly, she was physically
    active, gardening and driving. Convert Methadone

6b Conversion Methadone
  • From the chart to convert morphine to methadone,
    obtain the ratio of MS to methadone when the oral
    morphine equivalent is 1000 (or more) mg/24hr
  • Divide the Morphine equivalent dose by 20 1320
    divided by 20 68 mg oral methadone in 24 hr.
    Use Methadone 20 mg q 8hr by PEG 5 mg
    Methadone q 4 hr breakthrough

Symptom Control Kit
  • Morphine solution 20mg/ml (subling) (15ml)
  • Lorazepam Oral Conc. 2mg/ml buccally (15 ml)
  • Phenergan tabs 25 mg (4)
  • Phenergan suppository 25 mg (2)
  • Chlorpromazine suppository 25mg (2)
  • Haloperidol tabs 2mg (6) nausea, agitation
  • Atropine eye drops 1 subling or in eye (5 ml)
  • Tylenol suppository 500 mg (2)

  • The standard of care for the treatment of pain is
    changing every year.
  • Pain, particularly chronic pain, is undertreated
    by most physicians.
  • Non-interventional pain treatment is safe,
    effective, and cost-efficient.
  • Most primary care MDs can treat most patients
    with chronic pain, whether malignant or
    non-malignant. Mentor is helpful with complex
  • Palliative Care team can help relieve complex
    chronic pain in seriously ill suffering patients.

Case 1
  • 86 yr WF, readmitted from nursing facility
    dementia, debility, dehydration, UTI, sacral and
    heel decubiti, 3rd hospitalization in 3 mo.
    Grimaces and cries out when turned and bathed.
    Lortab elixir 5 mg q 6hr not helpful.
  • Rx parenteral fluids, antibiotics, iv morphine,
    haloperidol, wound care, Foley
  • Sepsis worsens, more agitation, family notified
    of decline and asks for comfort care at home with

Palliative Care at Home with or without
Hospicefor Case 1
  • Hospice or palliative care team assessment
    develop plan of care with MD
  • Pain Morphine oral conc. 20mg/ml 0.25 ml (5 mg)
    buccally q 2-4 hr prn pain titrate up 0.25 ml
    stepwise as needed
  • Haloperidol oral conc. 2mg/ml. 1-2 mg q 4-8 hr
    buccally, for agitation or nausea.
  • Lorazapam oral conc. 2mg/ml 0.5-2.0 mg may or
    may not be helpful for anxiety.

Alternative Rx for Case 1
  • Dont use Fentanyl patch until stable pain
    control with short-acting opioid- remember
    25mcg/hr is equal to 50mg oral morphine/24hr
  • Oxycodone oral conc. 20mg/ml SL or buccally
  • Hydromorphone 2mg tabs(crushed) or oral solution,
    1-2mg q 3-4 hr.
  • Levorphanol 2mg tab (crushed) ½ tab q 8hr subling
    or oral conc. 2 mg/ml
  • Methadone 2.5mg (crushed) or oral conc.q 12hr

Case 2Lung cancer with spread to Pleura and Ribs
  • 61yr WM, Dx 1 mo., seen in Onc. Clinic Pain at
    7, aching, sharp with activity and with cough.
    Lortab10 q 4-6 hr prn not helping over past 2
  • Percocet 5 one or two q 4hr ATC helps after 3
    days taking 8 tabs/ 24 hr.(40 mg in 24 hr)
  • Convert to Oxycontin 20 mg q 12 hr,and 1 Percocet
    q 4 hr prn breakthrough pain.

Case 2 Worsens
  • Despite aggressive Rx, he developes mets to liver
    and spine pain becomes severe, with somatic,
    visceral, and neuropathic elements
  • Oxycontin increased stepwise, 80 mg q 8hr
  • No relief, so Dilaudid by PCA pump, and finally
    an intrathecal pump is helpful until he becomes
    septic and pump is removed.

Case 2 near- terminal
  • Dilaudid PCA not controlling pain 2 mg/hr plus
    20mg demand, for total 68mg/24hr.
  • Morphine equivalent68 x201,360 mg po
  • Convert to Methadone conversion ratio is 20 to
    1, so Methadone dose is 68 mg in 24hr
  • Could dose po 20mg at 6am and 2pm and at 10pm, or
    half that dose q 8hr subcut. Reassess often to
    adjust dose up or down,

Case 3End-stage COPD
  • 78yr WF, smoker, anxious and fearful, housebound,
    oxygen-dependent, on nebs, prednisone, in and out
    of hospital with pneumonia, gets frequent bouts
    of dyspnea.
  • She and family are afraid of narcotics
    (addiction, hastening death).
  • Lorazepam helps some with anxiety and
    hyperventilation, but sx worsen.

Case 3 Comfort
  • Educating family and patient by nurse and doctor
    that benefit of Morphine is great and risk is
    very small takes time and diligence
  • They finally agree with a test dose of 5mg,
    either oral conc. or MSIR tab, when in distress
    and with nurse present
  • In 30 min, patient gets calm, more relaxed, with
    much better relief of dyspnea, and thereafter she
    allowed morphine prn for dyspnea or pain.

Case 4 Breast Cancer with Spread to Bone and
  • 54 yr BF admitted to Hospice from hospital with
    constant mod.severe pain in upper back, rib cage
    and upper abdomen.
  • She was on a Morphine PCA pump, and was
    converted to MsContin 90mg q 12hr, with 30mg MSIR
    q 4hr prn breakthrough pain.
  • Over next mo., pain increased despite 600mg
    MsContin in 24 hr. Muscle spastic contractions
    develop, signalling morphine toxicity Must
    rotate to another opioid ( Dilaudid).

Case 4 Side-effects
  • Dilaudid tried orally, then by PCA pump, but
    metabolites of Dilaudid cause similar
    side-effects, leading to seizures. Must calculate
    rotation to another opioid ( Levorphanol) and
    stop Dilaudid. Dilaudid dose is equal to 480 mg
    oral morphine in 24 hr. Consultant rotates her
    to oral Levorphanol. Ratio of MSLev is 201 in
    this case, so Lev. dose is 24 mg/ day, or 6mg q
    6 hr. Pain reduced, with no adverse effects
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