Title: Antiretroviral agents- an approach to adverse effects
1 Antiretroviral agents- an approach to adverse
- Dr Vineeta Shobha
- MD, DM (Immunology),
- Associate professor, Department of Medicine,
- ST Johns Medical College Hospital, Bangalore
2Antiretroviral agents
Reverse transcriptase inhibitor
Protease inhibitor
Nucleotide analogue
Nucleoside RTI
Non Nucleoside RTI
3Case Scenario-1
- 30yr, M, newly diagnosed HRV,
- CD4 counts-112
- Prescribed- Duovir N 1 bd
- What is wrong with this prescription?
4- Returned with maculopapular rash 5 days later
- Could it have been prevented?
- How to Rx it?
5To minimize risk of rash-
- Lead- in dose of 200mg/day X 14 days, then
increase to bd dosage - Prophylactic antihistamine- of limited use
- Prednisone as prophylactic Rx- increases the risk
in first 6 weeks
6Rx of NVP induced rash
- Urticaria
- Mild to mod rash- pruritus, erythema, diffuse
erythematous macular or maculopapular rash- may
continue with close monitoring of rash - Any progression- to discontinue NVP
7Rx of NVP induced rash
- Severe rash- extensive erythematous maculopapular
rash or moist desquamation,angioedema, serum
sickness- - like reactions, SJS or TEN- immediate
permanent discontinuation of NVP - Any rash with constitutional symptoms, LFT
abnormality- immediate permanent
discontinuation of NVP
8ARV induced rash
- NVP induced drug rash 14 SJS-0.3- 1 more
frequent in blacks, females, asians. - Others- EFV-26 (severe-1), DLV rarely- APV,
9Efavirenz induced rash
- Self limited, resolves spontaneously
- Rx antihistaminics, topical/ oral steroids
- Severe rash- discontinue EFV
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11Case Scenario-2
- 30yr, F, HRV, CD4 counts-256 on Triommune 1 bd
- 5 wks later- flu like symptoms, jaundice, fever
abN AST/ALT - Imp- drug induced hepatotoxicity
- Is it ART induced hepatotoxicity or something
else? - If yes, which ARV drugs is responsible for this?
- How to evaluate, manage and prevent further
similar problems?
13ART induced hepatotoxicity
- Implicated drugs- All NNRTIs, All PIs, All NRTIs
- Onset-wks to months NRTI- upto years
- Asymptomatic, anorexia, weight loss
- Associated skin rash- NVP (50)
- Mitochondrial toxicity- micro/ macrovescicular
steatosis, lactic acidosis- ZDV, ddI, d4T
14Risk factors
- Hepatitis B or C co infection
- Alcoholism
- Concomitant hepatotoxic drugs
- NVP- CD4 gt250/cumm- Females
- gt400 /cumm- Males
15Recommended Monitoring
- NVP- 2,4 weeks, monthly for
- 3 months, 3 monthly thereafter
- Others- every 3-4 months
- Rule out other causes of LFT abnormality
- Asymptomatic pts- discontinue if ALT gt 5-10
times may restart without offending agent - Symptomatic pts- Discontinue all ARV, may restart
without offending agents
17NVP induced hepatotoxicity
- Incidence- 3-11 11 vs 0.9 in Females with CD4
count gt 250 / lt250 - Males 6.3 vs 2.3 for CD4 count gt 400 / lt400
- More frequent in females, pregnancy, HBV/ HCV
coinfection, ALD - Rx- discontiuation and not to rechallenge
18Is it Lactic acidosis?
- Initially- nonspecific GI symptoms
- May rapidly progress to tachypnea, tachycardia,
jaundice, muscular weakness, altered mentation,
resp distress. - May present with- MODS, FHF, acute pancreatitis,
encephalopathy and respiratory failure.
19How to confirm lactic acidosis?
- Serum lactate gt5mmole
- Increased anion gap acidosis, low bicarbonates,
abnormal LFT, PT, low albumin, high lipase,
amylase - Liver Bx- micro/ macrovesicular steatosis
20Risk factors
- d4T ddI
- Longer duration of NRTI use
- Obesity
- females
- pregnancy
21How to manage Lactic acidosis?
- Discontinue all ARV drugs
- Symptomatic Rx
- I/V thiamine, riboflavin, carnitine
- Methylprednisolone, IVIG, Plasmapheresis
22Which alternative ART combination can be used?
24Case Scenario-3
- 30yr, M, HRV, CD4 counts-62 on Duovir N 1 bd
Bactrim prophylaxis - Presented with tiredness and one episode of
syncope - Ix- Hb 5.6gm, TC 2300/cumm,
- PC 1.4l
25- Why he developed hematologic abnormalties?
- How to investigate and manage him?
26ZDV induced bone marrow suppression
- Onset- Weeks to months
- Macrocytic anemia- Late ds (7), early ds (1)
- Granulocytopenia (1.8- 8)
- Folate, vit B12 levels N decreased reticulocyte
count - Bone marrow- absence of RBC precursors
- Due to competitive inhibition of cellular
thymidylate kinase
27Risk factors
- Advanced HIV
- Pre- existing anemia or neutropenia
- Concomitant use of other bone marrow
suppressants- cotrimoxazole, ribavirin,
ganciclovir etc
- Replace ZDV with another NRTI if gt 25 fall in Hb
or severe neutropenia - Recovery in 7-14 days
- Erythropoeitin
- Folinic acid, B12- of no benefit
- GM- CSF for life threatening neutropenia
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30Case Scenario-4
- 25 yr,M, CD4- 106 on following Rx-
- Duovir 1 bd
- Indivan 400 2tid
- bactrim 1od
- Rt flank pain, hematuria urgency
- Ix- creat 2.3mg/dl, urine- pyuria, hematuria
31- What is your diagnosis?
- Could this have been prevented?
- How to manage current problem?
32Indinavir induced nephrolithiasis
- Onset- any time after Rx
- Incidence- 12.4
- Higher risk if-
- past H/O nephrolithiasis
- inadequate fluid intake
- long duration of Rx
33Prevention Treatment
- Drink 1.5- 2 litres of water
- To increase fluid intake if notices darkening of
urine - Urinalysis and creat every 3-6 months
- Rx- Pain control
- Alternative ARV drug
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35Case Scenario-5
- 25 yr,M, CD4- 106 on following Rx for past 1.5
months- - ddI 200mg bd
- STV 40mg bd
- NVP 200mg bd, Bactrim OD
- C/O post prandial abdominal pain, nausea and
vomitting - Ix- AbN Amylase lipase
36- What is your diagnosis?
- Could this have been prevented?
- How to manage current problem?
37ARV induced pancreatitis
- Onset- Weeks- months
- Incidence- ddI alone- 1.7
- ddI STV
- ddI HU/ RBV
- Higher risk- alcoholism
- Past pancreatitis
- Hypertriglyceridemia
- Combination drugs
38Prevention Treatment
- Avoid ddI in patients with past H/O pancreatitis
- Discontinue offending drug
- Rx pancreatitis as indicated depending on its
40Case Scenario-6
- 45yr,M, Chronic smoker, Diabetic and
hypertensive, CD4 count (current)-266 - Virocomb 1bd
- Lopinavir ritonavir 3bd for 2yrs
- C/O exertional angina- 1month
41- Is ART responsible for this event?
- What preventive and therapeutic measures can be
42Cardiotoxicity and PIs
- Incidence- 3-6/1000 pt years
- Risk factors- Age, sex, smoking, DM, HTN,
dyslipidemia, past/ family H/O CAD - Early diagnosis and medical/ interventional
management as indicated - Life style modification
- Switch to cardiac safe drugs- Atazanavir, NNRTI,
NRTI except STV
43Hyperlipidemia ARV
- All PIs except ATV, STV, EFV
- Onset- weeks to months
- High LDL, TG, TC, Low HDL
- Incidence- 45-75
- Risk- LPV/r RTV gtNFV APV gtIDV SQV gt ATV
- Monitor lipids 3-6 monthly
- ACTG recommendations for Rx
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45Case Scenario-7
- 33yr, F, teacher, pulmonary TB on INH Rif,
Bactrim - CD4 76, started one week back on
- Virolis 30 1bd
- Efferven 600mg HS
- C/O Feeling out of sorts, bad dreams, dizziness,
inability to concentrate - O/E NAD
46- Why does she have these symptoms?
- What is the appropriate Rx for these?
47Effavirenz induced CNS toxicity
- Begins in first few days, occur in 50
- Subside or diminish by 2-4 weeks
- Drowsiness, somnolence, insomnia,abnormal dreams,
dizziness, impaired concentration and attention
span,depression, hallucinations, exacerbation of
psychiatric disorders, psychosis, suicidal
48EFV induced CNS toxicity
- Risk factors- Pre-existing or unstable psy
illness - - Concomitant use of drugs
with CNS side effects - Prevention- night time dosing
- warn patient
- Symptomatic Rx, subside by 2-4 weeks
- Discontinue if severe symptoms persist
50Case Scenario-8
- Same pt returned 2months later with pain in calf
region, numbness and paresthesias of toes and
feet - O/E severe hyperesthesia, diminished ankle jerks
51- Is it related to her drugs or something else?
- Could this have been prevented?
- How to manage current problem?
52Peripheral Neuropathy
- Offending drugs- ddI- 12-34
- - stavudine- 52
- - Zalcitabine- 22-35
- Higher risk if-
- Pre existing peripheral neuropathy, Advanced HRV
- Concomitant use of other neurotoxic drugs
- Prolonged exposure
53Prevention Treatment
- Avoid in high risk patients
- Avoid combination with other neurotoxic drugs
- Discontinue at first sign of peripheral
neuropathy as it may be irreversible - Tricyclic antidepressants, gabapentin
- Local capsaicin cream
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55Gastrointestinal Intolerance
- All PIs, ZDV, ddI
- Begins with first few doses
- Nausea, vomitting, abdominal pain
- Diarrhea- NFV, LPV/r, ddI
- Rx- Take with food ( not ddI, IDV)
- Symptomatic Rx- antiemetics, antimotility
agents,pancreatic enzymes, bulk forming agents
56To recapitulate.
57How to Rx side effects?
- Nausea- Take with food, symptomatic Rx, self
limiting - Headache- ZDV, EFV self limiting, symptomatic
Rx, rule out meningitis - Anxiety, nightmares, depression- night dosing,
reassure, self limiting, amitryptiline - Discoloured nails- Reassurance
58How to Rx side effects?
- Acute hepatitis- NVP, EFV, ZDV,ddI, STV Monitor
LFT, stop ART, supportive mgt, discontinue NVP
permanently - Acute pancreatitis- ddI, STV
- Stop ART, supportive Rx, change to ZDV/ ABC
59How to Rx side effects?
- Peripheral neuropathy- ddI, STV stop and switch
to non neurotoxic NRTI- ZDV/ ABC - symptoms resolve in 2-3 weeks
- may be irreversible
- Bone marrow suppression- ZDV, switch to another
NRTI, discontinue other marrow suppressants
60How to Rx side effects?
- Lactic acidosis- all NRTIs STV, ddI
- Wks-months discontinue drug, supportive Rx,
plasmapheresis, high dose steroids, IVIG,
carnitine - Recovery over few months
- Not to rechallenge with same drug
61How to Rx side effects?
- NVPgtgt EFV, ABC, ZDV, ddI
- days to weeks, discontinue ART, aggressive
symptomatic Rx, not to rechallenge
62To summarize.
63Adverse effects of NRTIs
Zidovudine Lamivudine Stavudine Didanosine
300mg bd 150mg bd 30,40 mg bd 200mg bd
GI intolerance Safe drug peripheral neuropathy peripheral neuropathy
Headache, malaise, anorexia pancreatitis pancreatitis
Bone marrow suppression Lipodystrophy, Dyslipidemia Nausea, diarrhea
Lactic acidosis with hepatic steatosis Lactic acidosis with hepatic steatosis Lactic acidosis with hepatic steatosis Lactic acidosis with hepatic steatosis
Proximal Myopathy
64Adverse effects of NNRTIs
Nevirapine Efevirenz
200mg OD-- BD 600mg HS
Rash, SJS, TEN Rash
Hepatitis, fatal hepatic necrosis CNS symptoms
High transaminases
65Adverse effects of PIs
Indinavir Nelfinavir Lopinavir/ ritonavir
800mg tid 1.5 gm bd 400100mg bd
nephrolithiasis Diarrhea Diarrhea
GI intolerance GI intolerance
Dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia Dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia Dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia
Fat maldistribution Fat maldistribution Fat maldistribution
Increased bleeding Increased bleeding
Indirect hyperbilirubinemia Asthenia
66Overlapping toxicities
Bone marrow suppression Peripheral neuropathy Pancreatitis Hepato toxicity Rash
Co trimoxazole STV ddI EFV EFV
Ampho Linezolid Co trimox NRTIs Cotrimox
Linezolid INH ritonavir INH, Rif sulpha
pyrimethamine Zalcitabine HU/RBV fluconazole ABC
67Thank you