Title: MAT 033: Engineering Materials and Processes
1MAT 033 Engineering Materials and Processes
Course Objective... Introduce fundamental
concepts in Materials Science
- You will learn about
- material structure
- how structure dictates properties
- how processing can change structure
This course will help you to use materials
properly realize new design opportunities with
Lecturer Chris Kiely
Time Mon 11.10 12.00 Weds 11.10-12.00
Location 101 Packard Laboratory
Present new material
Announce reading and homework
2 Quizzes
Times and Places
J.M. Rickman
203 Whitaker
Th 12.10 pm
Th 1.10 pm
203 Whitaker
M. Watanabe
R.P. Vinci
203 Whitaker
Fr 9.10 am
J.M. Rickman
Fr 10.10 am
203 Whitaker
A. Kovalskyy
Fr 11.10 am
203 Whitaker
Discuss homework, quizzes and exams
Hand back graded quizzes, exams
Discuss concepts from lecture
Recitations start this week.
4Course Material
Required text
Fundamentals of Materials Science and
Engineering An Integrated Approach
W.D. Callister, Jr. and D.G. Rethwisch, 3nd
edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (2008).
Option 1 Hardbound version 200 (new) - 144
(used) Option 2 Simple ring binder version
94 Option 3 On-line version 50 Option 4
Amazon Kindle version 97
5Reading Schedule
See the detailed course syllabus which is posted
Go to http//coursesite.lehigh.edu/ and login
using your Lehigh username and password Course
materials will be posted under-
Weekly homework problems 20
Recitation sessions/pop quizzes 10
Quiz 1 20
Scheduled for 10/04 Material covered Lectures
Quiz 2 25
Scheduled for 11/08 Material covered Lectures
Final Exam 25
To be scheduled
Material covered everything w/extra emphasis on
last 10 lectures
7The Weekly Homework Cycle
- Lectures are on Mondays and Wednesdays.
- Recitations are on Thursdays/Fridays.
- Homework assigned weekly and will be posted on
the coursesite every Tuesday. - Homework must be handed in at the beginning of
the lecture on the following Monday. - Homework will returned during the Thur/Fri
recitation session.
8The Periodic Table
9Materials Classification Metals
Pure metals or combinations of metallic elements
(alloys) metallic bonding
- Dense
- Good electrical conductors
- Good heat conductors
- Shiny appearance lustrous
- Strong
- Deformable- malleable
- Sometimes magnetic
Structural feature
Dimension (m)
lt 10
atomic bonding
crystals (ordered atoms)
second phase particles
crystal texturing
gt 10
10Materials Classification Ceramics
Compounds between metallic and non-metallic
elements - Ionic or covalently bonded
- Hard
- Brittle
- Electrical insulators
- Poor thermal conduction
- Heat and corrosion resistant
- Can be transparent or opaque
11Materials Classification Polymers
Organic compounds based on C, H and other
non-metallic elements covalent and secondary
- Huge variety of properties
- Low densities
- Non-conductors
- Low melting points
- Can be very flexible
12- Composites
- which consist of more than one material type
13Semiconductors Ceramic materials that have
electrical properties that are intermediate
between that of conductors and insulators
Micromechanical machines made from silicon
Transistor Technology
14Biomaterials - metal, ceramic or polymer
materials designed for implanting in the human
15Effect of Processing e.g. Mechanical Properties
Properties depend on structure
ex hardness vs structure of steel
Hardness (BHN)
Processing can change structure
ex structure vs cooling rate of steel
16Effect of Composition Processing e.g.
Electrical Properties
Electrical Resistivity of Copper
Adding impurity atoms to Cu increases
resistivity. Deforming Cu increases
17Effect of Structuree.g. Optical Properties
Transmittance - Aluminum oxide may be
transparent, translucent, or opaque
depending on the material structure.
18Materials Selection
Pick Application
Determine required Properties
mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic,
optical, corrosion resistance.
Identify candidate Material(s)
Material structure, composition.
Identify required Processing
Processing changes structure and overall
shape ex casting, sintering, vapor deposition,
doping, forming, joining, annealing.