Title: Power Line Communication using an Audio Input
1Power Line Communication using an Audio Input
- ECE 445 Group 8
- TA Tony Mangognia
- Team Sam Tsu, Marshall Katz, Rajat Singhal
Proposed Design
Project Build and Tests
Challenges Solutions
- Wireless sound transmission using AC power
lines. - Audio in through a standard device such as an
Ipod. - Transmit the signal at the sending end through
the AC power line. - Receive the signal at the receiving end and
filter out the noise - Audio out through a standard speaker system.
4A Detailed Look
- Interference from AC lines which operate at 60 Hz
- 120 V. - FM modulation necessary to transmit at higher
- Demodulation circuit required to demodulate the
modulated signal and convert to standard audio
Filter circuits required to block 60Hz noise and
any frequencies not part of the transmitted audio.
- Commercialization idea behind the project based
on the fact that the signal is not being
broadcasted through the air. - Security Issues
- Intercom Systems
- PA systems
- Other advantages
- Relatively inexpensive setup
- Neat System
- Increased efficiency
6Design Overview
7Modulation Circuit
8Modulation Circuit Continued
- The VCO used for modulation purposes was the
LM565 - The frequency production of the VCO was
controlled using -
- where Rt Timing Resistance on pin 8
- Ct Timing Capacitance on 9
- Vcc Power Supply Voltage
- Vc The control voltage on Pin 7
9Demodulation Circuit
10Demodulation Circuit Continued..
- LM565 used to implement the VCO
- The input signal coupled in to the circuit
through pin 2 - A more complicated network of components at
output for noise reduction purposes. - Potentiometer used to match current frequency to
the carrier frequency.
- Noise above 10Khz was minimal
- Standard HPF implemented.
Chosen values were R 15k? and C 1nF
12Component Selection
- LM 565
- Readily available
- Carrier frequency adjustment through timing
capacitor and resistor - High Voltage Capacitors
- 250 Volts DC / 180 Volts AC
- Potentiometers
- Easy tuning manipulation
- Fuses
- .125 mA / 120 Volts AC
13Design and Testing Methodology
- Down-up approach
- Protoboard to PCB
- Individual components to integrated system
- Progressive stages of building and testing
14Design and Testing Methodology
- 1) Build Modulator/Demodulator
- 2) Test Modulator/Demodulator Functionality
- 3) Build Filters
- 4) Test Filter Functionality
- 5) Combine Modulator/Demodulator with Filter
- 6) Test Transmitter/Receiver Functionality
- 7) Combine Transmitter/Receiver with 60 Hz
Simulated Noise - 8) Test with Simulated Noise
- 9) Combine Transmitter/Receiver with 60 Hz Power
Line - 10) Test with Power Line (Variac)
15Board Layout - Transmitter
1) Audio Input
4) Filter Stage
(DC Power Input)
15 Volts .023 Amps .345 Watts
5) To Power Line
3) FM Modulation
2) Carrier Tuning
16Board Layout - Receiver
3) Receiver Tuning
(DC Power Input)
4) Demodulation
15 Volts .012 Amps .18 Watts
5) Audio Out
1) From Power Line
2) Filter Stage
17Modulator Testing
Audio Signal
100 kHz FM Modulated Signal
18Timing Capacitor (pin 9) 100 kHz
Modulator output
19Demodulator Testing
DC Power
(No signal)
20Timing Capacitor (pin 9)
21Filter Testing
Input Signal 60 Hz 100kHz
Output Signal
2260 Hz Response Gain .01 V/V
100 kHz Response Gain .98 V/V
23Integration Testing
Power Strip
24Qualitative Evaluation -Clarity of signal (after
tuning) Quantitative Evaluation - SNR (at 10
kHz) - 29.06 dB
25Communication with simulated 60Hz
Simulator 60 Hz, 20 volts
Power Strip
26Qualitative Evaluation -Clarity of signal (after
addition tuning) Quantitative Evaluation - SNR
(at 10 kHz) - 17.19 dB
27Communication over Power Line
Power Line 60 Hz, 120 volts
Power Strip
28Challenges - Filter Performance
- Relative background noise persistent through the
initial filter design. - DC offset distortion of the output signal
- DC offset connected to ground through inductors
causing over current conditions. - Proposed three stage RC filter design
29Filter Performance
30Challenges - Power Line Connections
- Coupling the circuits together through the power
line presented several sources of difficulties
and errors.
- Use a 11 transformer to isolate circuits from
power line and each other - A 101 transformer rated at 120V with ferrite
core used to step down the voltage requirement in
the circuit
- Filter performance distorted at ratings of 120V
- Ground issues
31Challenges - Power Line Connections
11 Transformer Frequency Response at 60Hz, 100kHz
32Challenges - Power Line Connections
- 101 transformer needed to be a high wire
resistance and a ferrite core - Commercial production was limited
- Transformer has resistance of 0.1?
- and reactivity of 0.3µH
- Winding of a home made transformer However,
number of turns required was excessive
33Challenges - Power Line Connections
- Unavailability of high rated transformer promoted
the use of a variable transformer Variac - Physically transmit audio signal at the rated
voltage of the home made transformer - Relative grounding issues resulted in short
circuit and damage to the PCB.
34Final Working Design
- New design connection - filter preceding
transformer - Filter before transformer to reduce voltage
across transformer - Dual capacitors to allow either input to be
active wire
Stereo Implementation
Two separate transmitters and receivers operating
at 100KHz and 200KHz to enable stereo sound
Audio Output Amplifier
Amplification of output signal to have volume
control, especially for commercial systems.