Title: Introduction to Health
1Introduction to Health
2Five 5 Aspects of Health
- Emotional Health
- Mental Health
- Physical Health
- Social Health
- Spiritual Health
3Emotional Health
- expressing feelings in an appropriate way
- Expression of emotions
- Anger control
- Coping strategies
- Emotional maturation
- Finding support
4Mental Health
- the ability to recognize reality and cope with
the demands of daily life - EXAMPLES
- Self-esteem self-concept
- Stress management home, school, family, peers
- Perception of reality
- Openness to new ideas
5Physical Health
- your physical characteristics and the way your
body functions - EXAMPLES
- Strength, flexibility endurance
- Cardiovascular fitness
- Weight nutrition
- Immune response
- Accident prevention
6Social Health
- interactions with people to build satisfying
relationships - Examples
- Communication
- Dating
- Participation
- Relationships
- Support friendships
7Spiritual Health
- Maintaining harmonious relationships with other
living things having spiritual direction
purpose - EXAMPLES
- Harmony in living relationship to the
environment - Understanding ones purpose exploring personal
strengths - Religion
8Health vs. Wellness
- Wellness optimal health in each of the five
aspects of health
- Health
- state of well-being that comes from a good
balance of the five aspects of health
9How do you maintain your health?
10Risk Factors and Your Health
11Controllable Risk Factors
- Ones that you can do something about
- 1. Physical Activity
- (watching TV vs. playing a sport everyday)
- 2. Smoking
- 3. Weight
- 4. Diet (fast food every day vs. nutritious
- meals)
12Uncontrollable Risk Factors that can not be
13- Your health behaviors affect not only your health
today but also your future health. - Therefore, you should be aware of the leading
causes of death for various age groups.
14Top Causes of Death
- Ages 15-24
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Homicide
- Suicide
- Other accidents
- Ages 55-64
- Heart Disease
- Cancer
- Strokes
- Respiratory Disease
15- By learning about the various risk behaviors, you
can take control in improving your health today
and in the future.
16Six Health Risk Behaviors
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Alcohol/Drug Use
- Sexual activity
- Behaviors that cause injuries
- Tobacco use
- Poor eating habits
17Sedentary lifestyle
- Not taking part in physical activity on a regular
basis. - Raise the risk of certain diseases (heart disease
and diabetes)
18Alcohol/Drug Use
- Both major factors in car accidents, fights,
depression, suicide and mental disorders. - Also factors in the spread of STDs (loss of good
19Sexual Activity
- Sexual activity outside of a committed
relationship puts people at risk for health
problems. - HIV
- STDs
- Unplanned pregnancy
20Behaviors that cause injuries
- Carrying a weapon may lead to homicide
- Not wearing a seatbelt
- Texting/Talking on phone while driving
21Tobacco Use
- Single leading preventable cause of death in US.
- It is a controllable risk factor.
- Choice to smoke usually made during high school
years, sometimes before. - Increases your risk for the three leading causes
of death.
22Health problems relating to poor eating habits
Short term conditions
Long term conditions
- Fatigue
- Bad moods
- depression
- Obesity
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Tooth decay
- Cancer
- Low birth weight for newborn babies
23Factors that influence eating behaviors
- Religion
- Cultural background
- Location of house
- Physiological makeup
- Occupation
- Household structure
- Income level
- Level of education
- Nutritional knowledge
- Health beliefs
24What risk behaviors do you think are the most
common at South Cobb?
- Turn to a partner and discuss.
25Building Life Skills
- Life skill a tool for building a healthy life
- These skills can help you improve the six
components of health.
26Ten Life Skills
- Setting goals
- Assessing your health
- Communicating effectively
- Practicing wellness
- Making GREAT decisions
- Coping
- Using refusal skills
- Being a wise consumer
- Using community resources
- Evaluating media messages
- Short term Goals that can be achieved quickly.
- Long term Goals that may take months or years to
28Assessing your health
- How healthy are you?
- How do you know if you are doing the right thing
for your health?
29Communicating Effectively
- Have you ever had trouble dealing with someone?
- Have you ever struggled for the right word to say
that explains how you feel? - Improving how you communicate will help with your
relationships with family, friends, etc.
30Practicing wellness
- You need to practice healthy behaviors daily so
you can have a good life-long health. - Examples getting enough sleep, choosing
nutritious foods, avoiding risky behaviors.
31GREAT Decision Making
- GIVE thought to the problem
- REVIEW your choices
- EVALUATE the consequences of each choice
- ASSESS and choose the best choice
- THINK it over afterward
- Dealing with troubles or problems in an effective
33Using refusal skills
- This life skill will provide you with different
ways you can say no to something you dont want
to do.
34Refusal Skills
- Blame someone else
- Give a reason
- Ignore the request or the pressure
- Leave the situation
- Say, no thanks.
- Say No mean it
- Keep saying No
- Make a joke out of it
- Make an excuse
- Suggest something else to do
- Change the subject
- Team up with someone
35Being a wise consumer
- You are all consumers!
- This life skill helps you make good decisions
when buying health products and services. - Organic foods
- Vitamins
- Weight gaining/loss products
36Using community resources
- Using health clinics, libraries, government
agencies that can help you improve any of the six
components of health.
37Evaluating Media Messages
- The media has significant influence on what you
learn about the world. - Knowing how to analyze media messages will help
you make better decisions about your health.
38Types of Influences
- Direct
- Persuasion
- Explanation
- Put-Downs
- Threat
- Bribery
- Teasing
- Indirect
- TV
- Radio
- Advertising
- Role Models
- Popular people
- Famous people
39Media Influences Activity
40Teen Health Status
- 9 of teens have attempted suicide
- 15 of teens regularly eat USRDA of fruit
vegetables - 20 of HS students have carried a weapon
- 24 of teens have considered suicide
- 25 of teens use marijuana
- 34 of teens smoke cigarettes
41- 38 of HS students have been in a fight within
last year - 51 of teens use alcohol
- Over 53 of HS students have had intercourse
- 800,000 teens between 15-19 become pregnant
each year - 4 million teens contract an STD each year