Title: Perioperative Nursing Peg Trueman RN MSN Ed.D. CNE
1Perioperative NursingPeg Trueman RN MSN Ed.D. CNE
2Meet the Patient
- The experience of surgery is a routine event for
everyone involved EXCEPT for the patient!
3Nursing Management after Surgery
4Postoperative PhasePlan of Care
System Assessments and related nursing diagnoses
5System Assessments
- Respiratory
- Cardiovascular
- Fluid Status
- Nutrition
- Elimination
- Activity
- Wound Healing
- Pulmonary assessment data
- C/I CHI, eye sx
- O2 therapy
- I.S.
The real reason dinosaurs became extinct.
Okay, Williams, well vote how many here say
the heart has four chambers?
- Cardiac assessment data
- Leg exercises
- Avoiding venous statsis
- ICD/hose
8Fluid Status
- Hydration status data
- Drainage amts
- vital signs
- daily weights!
- IV therapy
- Blood therapy
- NPO status
- Progression of diet
- check bowel sounds
- Feedings
The Nurse says a trip-o-loomin cow-filler is
feeding Grandma. It has three loops--one for
breakfast, one for lunch, and one for dinner!
- Urinary output
- retention?!!
- Dehydration
- Catheter is the last resort!
- Bowel activity
- bowel sounds
- flatus
- Ambulation!!!!
- Usually within 24 hrs
- Psychological impact
- Needs encouragement!
12Physiology of Wound Healing
- Inflammatory Stage
- insult
- Proliferative Stage
- reinforcemen/framework
- Maturation Stage
- settling in
13Wound HealingFirst Intention
- Scar formation is minimal
- Properly closed
- Heal with little tissue reaction
14Wound HealingSecond Intention
- Wound is left open to granulate
- Resultant in scar formation
- Healing by granulation
15Wound HealingThird Intention
- Two opposing granulation surfaces are brought
together - Scar is deeper and wider
- Delayed closure
16Factors Affecting Wound Healing
- Age
- Hemorrhage
- Hypovolemia
- Local Factors
- Nutritional Deficits
- Oxygen deficit
- Drainage
- Medications
- Systemic Disorders
- Wound Stressors
17Wound Care
Just a friendly suggestionnext time you do a
dressing change, dont say, OH MY GOD, WILL YOU
18Post-op Pain Control
- What is pain?
- Factors affecting pain
- Administration
- Preventative Approach
- PRN vs ATC
- Routes of Administration
- Intramuscular
- Intravenous
- PCA pump/Epidural lines
19Post-op Pain Control
- Common Pain Medication
- Demerol
- Morphine
- Dilaudid
- Stadol
- Side Effects of Pain medication
20Managing Potential Complications
- Shock/Hemorrhage
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Respiratory Complications
- Urinary Retention
- Intestinal Obstruction
- Wound Complications
21Surgery Specific Care
- Postoperative Uniquities and worries
22Remember Mr. P?
23Perioperative Nursing
"Dr. Trueman, can I be excused? My brain is