Title: A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park Vocabulary
1A Single Shardby Linda Sue ParkVocabulary
2Chapter 1
Chulpo, Korea
Chulpo, Korea 1150 to 1200
3 Perusal page 4noun to examine
or look over
4Glean page 4verb - to gather left over grain
5No availpage 5to be of no use
He tried to get the shark back into the water but
to no avail.
6Emerging - page 7verb - to come into
7Droningpage 10adjective a deep, dull,
repetitive sound
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8Chapter 2
9Emboldened - page 14verb to be filled
with boldness and courage
10Communalpage 19adjective collective
ownership by a member of a group
These girls are eating at communal tables.
11Precariouslypage 20adverb unstable,
dangerously ready to fall
12Chapter 3
13Fatiguepage 33noun weariness,
exhaustion from work
14Brandishingpage 37-to shake or wave in an
aggressive manner
15Curt adjective - page 30 - speaking in a
rude, brief manner
16Chapter 4
17Unobtrusive - adjective- page 41
- Not noticeable
18Tedious page 41 adjective- tiresome
from being too long, slow, or boring
19Residue - noun page 43 - what remains
after parts have been removed
20Commission - page 46 - noun- a fee paid
for work done
21Chapter 5
22Vigilance - noun - page 50- the state of
being watchful
23 Translucent - adjective - page
51- permitting the passage of light
24Tunic noun - page 57- a simple, coat-like
25Chapter 6
26Stealth noun - page 64- the act of stealing
27Entourage noun - page 66- ones attendants or
28Commiserated verb - page 72- to express sorrow
or compassion for
29Chapter 7
30Treacherously adverb - page 80- marked by
hidden dangers
31Shard- noun- page 85 - a small piece, a
fragment of pottery
32Chapter 8
33Tumultuous page 89 - adjective overwhelming
confusion or violence
34Serenity noun page 89- a state of being calm
and at peace
35Perils noun page 92 - dangers
36Chapter 9
37Foraging verb page 101- to browse and graze
for food
38Sincerity noun page 104- being honest and
39Chapter 10
40Mock verb page 111- something done as
Who is mocking whom?
41Sovereign noun page 116- the acknowledged
42Impeccable - adjective- page 119- perfect
43Chapter 11
44Menacing- adjective- page 122- to show
intention of harm
45Chapter 12
46Dignified- adjective- page 133- showing
worth, honor, and seriousness
47Incredulous- adjective- page 136- incredible,
hard to believe
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48Skepticism- noun- page 138- an attitude of
49Clarity - noun- page 138- the state of being
50Chapter 13
51 Subside - verb- page 144- to settle down, to
become quiet
52Bestowed- verb- page147- to give as a gift, an