Title: Center Innovation Fund (CIF) FY13
1Center Innovation Fund (CIF) FY13 Concept
TitlePoint of Contact Name, email address, and
telephone number
Potential customers and ApplicationsSpecific
organizations, agencies, or corporations.Summary
of how they will benefit from the new
technology.Identify at least two. Quantitative
metricsCurrent state of the art vs. proposal.
Table or figure preferred.
Problem description and current limitations.
CONCEPT DESCRIPTION text diagrams Descripti
on of the concept. HOW IT WORKS Describe
in terms a non-expert would understand. Describe
how the innovation is/would-be used. ASSUMPTIO
assumptions CONCEPT IMAGE (Thumbnail)
Problem Current solution Proposed
solution Starting TRL Relate the importance of
solving this problem to future capabilities.
Significance Innovation or new idea that enables
proposed solution. Your roleNecessary for this
work? Your unique capability?
Key new insights
Deliverables Start-end TRL TeamName/Org
ContributionPartner Name/Institution
Contribution Follow-on work Brief glimpse of
path forward if successful and competing for
follow-on funding
A sentence why it is important/useful (the
elevator speech)
2Center Innovation Fund (CIF) FY13 Concept
TitlePoint of Contact Name, email address, and
telephone number
Technical Approach
Concept Image
Major Milestone Tasks Responsible Start Date End Date
Strategic Alignment
Notes Hours2080FTE (or WYE)
Civil Servant Labor (FTE)
CCT Initiative, primary
Role Name Code Hours FTE Dollars
CCT Initiative, secondary
CCT Initiative, tertiary
STP Roadmap, primary
Contract Labor (WYE)
STP Roadmap, secondary
STP Roadmap, tertiary
Role Name Contract Hours WYE Dollars
If request for Augmentation to FY12 CIF funding,
provide rationale for additional funding
Procurement ()
Item Vendor Dollars