Title: The Sciatic Nerve
1The Sciatic Nerve
2The sciatic nerve passes from the lower spine to
the feet.
3It is the longest and widest single nerve in the
human body.
4Sometimes this nerve is irritated, which produces
a feeling of pain, tingling, or numbness. This
condition is called sciatica.
5Severe sciatica can make walking difficult if not
6Sciatica occurs when a nerve that connects to the
sciatic nerve is compressed or irritated.
7Sciatica is generally caused by disc disease.
8The spine consists of a string of discs.
9These discs are filled with fluid which can leak
due to age or injury. This is called a
herniated disc.
10Other conditions which can cause sciatica are
narrowing of the spinal canal and degenerative
disc disease.
11These spinal conditions frequently occur with
12The good news is that sciatica usually gets
better on its own. The healing process usually
only takes a few days or weeks.
13Pain management techniques and regular exercise
will go a long way toward remedying the situation.
14If medication and exercise do not resolve the
pain, surgery is an option. About 80 of
patients find relief through surgery.
15SOURCES Wikipedia.org Webmd.com Spine-health.co