Title: Developing A Learning Community
1Developing A Learning Community
- William G. Huitt
- Valdosta State University
Last revised March 2006
- Relatively permanent change in behavior (or
behavior potential) as a result of experience or
A unified group of people having common interests
interacting together
3Learning Theories
Observable behavior
Operant Conditioning
- Target Behavior
- Consequences
- Shaping
4Learning Theories
Mental processes
Memory and Reasoning
Stage Theory
- Attention
- Organization
- Repetition
- Elaboration
5Learning Theories
Mental processes
Interaction with environment
Cognitive Constructivism
- Maturation
- Schemata
- Disequilibrium
- Abstract symbolic thought
6Learning Theories
Mental processes
Interaction with environment
Social Constructivism
- Zone of proximal development
- Scaffolding
- Mediated learning through social interaction
7Learning Theories
Mental processes
Interaction with environment
Both cognitive and social
- Complex tasks
- Discovery learning
- Problem solving and decision making
8Learning Theories
Affect, emotions, self
Personal autonomy, integrity
Open education
- Feelings vs. facts
- Personal interest
- Learning processes
- Student evaluation
9Learning Theories
Affect, emotions, self
Personal autonomy, integrity
Facilitative teaching
- Respond to feelings
- Discussions
- Use student ideas
- Smile
10Learning Theories
Social interaction cognitive processes
Reciprocal determinism
Personal social interactions
- Self-efficacy
- Self-regulation
- Aspirations
- Goals
11Course Applications
Course objectives
Study questions
Power Point presentations
12Course Applications
Course organization
Repetition elaboration
Blooms taxonomy
13Course Applications
Multiple sources of information
WebCT discussion board
Audio conferencing
14Course Applications
Personal selection of topics, exam questions, etc.
IM - Yahoo Messenger
Personal feedback on exams
- Telephone
- Yahoo Messenger
15Course Applications
WebCT discussion board
- Two original
- One response
Audio conferencing
Self-regulation required
Multiple learning theories used
Community developed
- Responding to other students
- Audio conferencing
- Group projects
MCU with Mac-compatible program like Netmeeting
New technology
Specific times for online classes