Title: Fort Bliss / EPWU Joint Desalination Facilities
1Fort Bliss / EPWUJoint Desalination Facilities
2Project Summary
- Project to provide new 27.5 MGD blended supply to
El Paso - Cooperative effort between Fort Bliss and EPWU
- Presentation today is an update on project
3Facilities included in Project
- 12-15 MGD Desalination Plant
- Rehabilitate 15 Existing Wells 18 MGD
- 12 MGD of new well supply (est. 16 Wells)
- Brine Disposal Facilities
- Pipelines
- Water resources Learning Center
4Facilities included in Project
5Work Accomplished
- Brine Disposal Study
- Evaluation of existing well facilities
- Test and Monitoring Well program
- Deepwell Disposal site investigations
- Pilot Studies
- Preliminary Design of Desalination Facilities
6Brine Disposal Option Study
Brackish Water Supply From Existing EPWU Wells
And Proposed Ft Bliss Wells
RO plant
Permeate to Transmission/ distribution
Deep Well Injection
Brine Reject
Brine Concentrator
7Brine Disposal Option Study
Brackish Water Supply From Existing EPWU Wells
And Proposed Ft Bliss Wells
RO plant
Permeate to Transmission/ distribution
Deep Well Injection
Brine Reject
Brine Concentrator
8Existing EPWU Wells - Assessment and Needs
9Test and Monitoring Well Program
10Test and Monitoring Well Program
11Deep Well Injection Report
12Deep Well Injection Report
13Deep Well Injection Report
14RO Pilot Plant Operations
15Brine Concentrator Pilot Plant Operations
16RO Plant Report
17RO Plant Report
18Value Engineering Session
- Conducted December, 2002
- Outside Technical Review
- Commenced Design of Well Improvements May, 2003
- Commence Design of Desalination Plant July,
2003 - Ongoing Deepwell Testwell Program
- NEPA Studies
20Cost Estimates
Total Capital Cost, x1000 Ammortized Capital Cost, x1000 1 Ammortized Capital Cost, /kgal blended total Annual OM Costs, x1000 Total Ammortized Capital and OM Cost, /kgal blended total
Total Cost - 27.5 MGD RO 67,059 5,381 0.55 10,183 1.58
16 New Brackish Wells, Inc. Collector Lines 25,920 2,080 0.21 2,101 0.42
Existing Well Facilities (Rehab) 3 5,767 463 0.05 3,239 0.38
27.5 MGD RO Facitlity 23,468 1,883 0.19 2,804 0.48
7.5 MGD Pump Station 1,380 111 0.01 1,284 0.14
Finished Water Transmission Line 828 66 0.01 5 0.01
Brine Disposal by Deep Well Inj., Includiing Pipeline 9,696 778 0.08 750 0.16
1 Based on 20 year life, 5.0 interest, A/P Factor 0.08024